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Kingston Gazette, January 6, 1816, p. 2

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»&s committed here POETRY. -!•••* . • - • * • • • £r0f» ftfc? National fnttttigencer* " Andircv ahhkth F&'h Ifofa Charity,* t\tfi three, *' but thegreatcf} of thefc is Chart* t*r ——- TO TO DAY. Farewell,To Day ! For yon and I Have not exchanged a fiugle figh, Or one grimace of forrow. Well then, away and let it come, 1 care aot if I meet my doom, At dawn of day to-morrow. Yet behold ! Before we part, To.day, I charge th--e> if thou can ft, to lay. Since we have known each other* J[ one unhappy, I have made, Or e'er '*one refuPd the aid Which i would give a brother ? Thou cr'n'ft not ? Then it ever,- dav, Thus void of guilt, fhall pafs away, I'll give the go to furrow ; Live happy here— and when I die, Will fp^ed away, to yonder fay Ascarelels of to-morrow. Old Alb'm has carried the Lauref away* Written afttf '.he battle of Waterloo* By J. Dun lot, Efq. The morning {hone bright on the dreams of the Sambre, , Smooth flowing the current and limpid the wave, But nigbf with a torrent, as dark as Decem¬ ber, All deluged Its banks with the blood of the brave. Reft, reft to the fpirits of warriors departed, The.(port of ambition, the victimssof fame, And peace to the friends they have left bro¬ ken hearted, Deploring the fate '.hat ennobles their name, Tor though the fond heart may exult in their glory, The tear of affection rr.uPc Bow for their fail, And the brave who furvive to recount their fad llory, v hall envy the honours that cover their pal!. Then " raifethc lament" for the dread def- olation, The blood dreaming havoc of Waterloo's Xsiit jinny my m&islge m this high exulta- tion, Old Albln has carried the Laurel a way. .-^ -».«-• - , jJUr FROM THE UNITED STJTES. m * • ♦ 4 * • + O m m^ Occurrences at Detroit, Conclude d* No. VII. jtffae Hundred Dollars Ri "Par J. -Whereas by an incjneft taken by the cor¬ oner of the weftctn diltrict, it appears to the magi Urates in fpecial . fcflion aflembled, that Din Indian of the Ki< kapoo nation was, on theevn. of the 4th toft, wilfully miirderedjOn the navigable waters of the Detroit river, by perfona unknown. J\ reward of five hundred dollars will be given to any perfon or peffons that will fes- cure the perpetrator ot perpetrators of the faid murder, rn fome one of his mnjeib/'* jails in this province "Done in fpccinl fefiion* at Sandwich, the 18th day of 0&. in the c^th year of his ma- f '*ft Wf*C rMnrn jeft'f'fl reign. (Signed) R. Richardson, Chaiiman ' A true copy. (Signed) James Allen, C. P. W. D. No VIII. ' By Lewis Caff, governor in and over the territory of Michigan. i A PROCLAMATION. Whf-reas, a reward of five hundred dol¬ lars has been offered by the Magiftrates of the Wdlern diftncl of Upper Canada, for the apprchenfion of the perfon alleged to have murdered an Indian on the 4th irift. on the navinahle waters of the Detroit river, and fur iecuring him In any jail in that prov¬ ince ; and whereas, the Indian in queltion was killed while in a canoe, .within a few rods of Grofs ifle, by a maiTupon that Ifland, and as it l8 Hated, while in the a£ of prefer ting; his gun at one of »he party, which wa» with h,m ; and whereas, the Ifland of Grofs Aiie »3 in thw territory, and the right of the tJmted States to its juiifdiclion has never been contefted, and the Indian at the time he wa3 killed was a confided* diftance on tkfcweff fide of the middle of the water com- mumcat.ori between lakes Erie and Huron, Which form, the boundary between the Uni¬ ted States and the poffefifions 0f his Britan¬ nic majefty. •*'* * fj,*... .1__ r « ;*.tfci> territory may nct be traiiBortctl to a Vt attd that the IikIkids refiding viihln the tTu : ted States, rosy not be taught to Lo*>k to tl^, agents of another ^overnmen^ for that pr%^ tec^ton anr. redrefs which onr laws (o ful]-v affoid, and a foreign influence thereby, acquj; red and excrcifed over them i-. incom;oatib]?c with the fovereigntty of the Unite". States, a«t it is with the amicable relations exillin^ between them and Great Lritr.in, and th,e hope that rhole relation** will continue, j have iO'ued this my proclamation, hereby re-, quirjn^ all pirfons citizens of this tertitory- ' or rending therein, to repel by force, all att. tempts which may be made to apprehend c~, ry perfon on the well fide of the middl - o.r the water communication aforcfeid, v.hethcjj- upon tlie hind or upon the water, bv vhtute of the advertifcrrent bef >re n'enii.-.ned, or o». riny proeefs which may fffiie h*om any au«- tuorfty, other than that a'fthe United State»g or of this territory. And'to apprehend antd fecure all perions offending in the premife>,, that they way be dealt with according tea law. In teftimonv whereof, I have hereunto fe»t my hand, and caufed the ^reat leal oif the territory to be af&xed, at Detroitt, tin's uventy-fi-wrtth day <»f October, im the ycjtr of our Lord one thoufand eighvs Lund red and liiucn. LEWISCASS. No. I A, jbftrxit OS. z% iSre. XUiR ivXcelienc"* Gov. Cji's. Sir—^Freeahlv to rcaueft, ! tranfmit tai you for yonr informntitu., a {Utcment of thee fails relative to the hilling of an Indian onn the fnore oi Grofs I;!e. I was on my way in a battcauxj accom«i- panted by ^ine men, to Grofs I-le. Wheil arrived within a mile of myho.ife, on GrofA Iile. I heard the report of a r.:!.-, which pro-- ceeded from the(hore I immedutely or-^-. dered the men to put to fhore ^'\%.\\ the boat.. The fhore where the balteautf landed wa> ' high <u\ a bluff—I amended it nhaccom^- pauied by any of the nie.t : when arrived act the fummit of the bank, 1 r,ii^:<;vered an It; dian tent pitched and a bark cabin. I en¬ tered the cabin, wh^re i found one Indian, r.; fquaw, and two or three young ciit'dren. IL obferved the f»juaw was working at fometh'ii^ ; which Hie endeavored to conceal ; upon a i nearer examination of the matter. I found! that the objt& of herlah »ur waj a numbei!r of cattle's feet.—I alked the Indian wheree he procured fo many of tlivm ; he informr*d 1 me he had got \\icm at the «p?gi$amt point- - i\ir to my houfe. 1 told him J h.id not kjU - led any cattle thi': fumnicr, and cnnfccjoeutly * hemnll have luken that liberty himl -If. 1 ' ih' ii lift, him, and returned to the baUcaux, where I defi'red two or three cf th? men > > come with me a .id fee what thefe fellows had been comtnittinj?. Th.e men foilowid me Up ihe Kill and entered the cabin, where, i\i addition to tfecows or cattle's feet, they found ttvo or three tails,- which appeared to be taken fromanimaid that had been but late¬ ly killed. I then informed tlte fudian that if I caticht <t bis tribe upon the Ifland after * to-morrow, that I would come v\kh the men { had vitb me then, and nnuTacre every one of them. I was 'hen proceeding to the bat- teauxj with the intention o[ j^oing o!7, when 1 perceived four or live Indians iiTuir^ from the woods, v-ith their rifles upon then fhoul* der«, They came no to tlte p\-)cc were I was flanditijr, srnd p-Atwd by me to the canoe, which lay about twenty yards front th.e bat- teaux. When they had arrived -at thrir ca> noeand were entering it, I fftill Handing on the top of tlte hill with the three men"] called to them and bade them be ofr and never more to make chefr appearance on the iflartd. Whilft I was fpeaking to them, the Indian whom I found W the cabin came forward and addrefTcd them in the Indian language ; up¬ on which they fst up the moft hideous yell I ever liilened to in my life. The canoe in which they wcr^ dunnjr t:.e time I w"a«s freaking to them, had !>een fhov- pd or p;.dlcd from the fnore about ten or f.ve!«e feeti when one of the Indiana irized ins ride, (which he. had placed in the bottom of the canoe) and ^veiled at me, with wh-»t intention, 1 could not oivine a: the time. The men in the boat, cried out> " Mr Mo-. comb^ he'isgoing to /hoot you ;'* upon which one of the three men who was near me, im¬ mediately fired upon him and killed him. He fell in the bottom of the canoe and was taken over to the Englifh fide. It was with the greateft difficulty I could pi event the men in the boat from firing upon tlierfi -after the fiift one had fired I then ordered the men to return with me to the beat, and we pro¬ ceeded on our way to my houfe. This, fir, is a true Statement of fadls ; and, permit me to add, that I have often been annoyed by thefe infolent fellows, who have heretofore been inltrumental m killing my cattle on the ifland. I have the honor to be, fir, yonr moft obe¬ dient fervr.nt. DAVitf b. Macomb. Stt-orn to Before me at Detroit, fas Jay a.u year as above written. 1a w e a A p Ei o t t , Justice of Pcati* LATE 0MISSION'S. WiT*' him or sure E d from Torbay. She has brought Paris papers to the cift. of Oft. and London papers to the 24th incluiive. The difturbanccs in Ireland, It is faid, continued ; and four addi- tiotial regiments of Engliih militia had been lent over to th.e aihilance of the Irifli government. Sveral diviuons of the Allied troops had left France on their return to their fefpeclivecountries, and other;', were on their way to take poileiiion of the fortreiies which had been farrendered by the new Treaty of Paris. a m emorial qfyoor late via * •fft you to -ear t ; ^T 'ate v™<*i« I -HI recC;re with thi tt £2e 1"* ^ - height the W&S^S** it is a deljghtfif tafl< for mo* -nc'^s, buc Stable external SS^F"?"1* acknowledge *^^^fL* more peaceful times, the pleLl nf • $* you Ml further mar^s of I f ^ gratitude. m> continued "H. ^ at Par\Sy I0,/, juJ To Field. Hiatal Prince M^^ tM*m* Oct. 4. On Mona-av U Palmer arrived here from Par'i.3 whh J. large packages contaiinncr the whol- ' M From the Naiimai Intellfeenter* JSov. ?*P private 8uonapArte 3°- A report has been in circulation For a day or two, on the authority of an arrival at Savannah, of the property of Napoleon including hn State CarriV^ Prtowflcy the favorite P dim officer of Bona. parte, has faded for St. Helena to join ht old Holier. J Commodore Sir Robert Flail h ap ;nted commander in chief on the Lakes in America, and is expeded to fail in the enurfe of a fortnight from Portfmotith. U. F Braec goes with him as one of his officers " ' c finkinc of thefioon of war Eperirvier by a Bntifh lhip of the line. So little credit we have attached to it„ that we did not think it neceffary even to notice this report. It is 1 ■ , ~ *~ * ■■^"<-—>-»* »«- , .^- ■ t n. t j . towing are the Charges which are to &^ certain y untrue as flared ; and f:rT,d againft Gen; Sir George Prcvofr, probably a hoax from begming to ™A -u:~"- -'* --•-••' end. The irielancholy, probability and almoft certainty, is, rhat the Epervuir was loft at fea in the vio IR GEORGE PREVOSt- General Sir George FmM^Tbt fef- and which, it IS hid, have been ferved on torn prepatory to their being kveflagated by a" General Conrt Martial .• 1.-. n't September gales* th umvER^MLirroFMjsomr: Tnefday laft fmir of the yonng gentlemen J'ho are abo.rt procediucr from tlm town to Ind.d, ai miilionaries, dive ft xag them feVve.4 of e common prejudices of the age, part«ohof the benefits, and were, in the moll folemn manner, initiated into the myflerfci, of free mafonry, in St. iVfcr's Lodjre ; this prudenlial Itep, no doubt, «fi] be of <[Tcntud tervice, in their intercom-fc whb the nationa of the c at th,, eaft ; where, although they m?y artl- :ul uc n vviddy different dialed, yet cannot fame ianjjuaji'c all over tht lubitahlc ulobe. jitter the coiiclniion of the ceremonies, one oi ibe gentlemen in behalf of himfclf and the other three, athi^elTeJ the Lod^e in a very affectionate and pertinent fpcech, in which he cxpieHcd th< high fat ii faction they felt ii> their hiitari-ui. and acknowledged tlic erroneous opinions thev had formerly entertained of the nature of free Mafotiry. Nevjburyport Herald. I'nil Charge—For having; on or aboift the MthofSept. i8r4. by holding out the expe^atlon of a co-operation of the army tinder his command, induced Capt. Downie, late of his MajtffcjrMhip Confiance, to attack the American fqnadron on Lake Champlaio, when it was highly imprudent to make ftich attack, without the co-operation from the Land Forge*, and for the not having afforded that co-ooeration. Second Charge—For not having ftormed the American works on fhpre at nearly the lame time that the naval a&ion began, as.he had jeiven Capt. Downfe reafon to crpecr. Third Charge—For having difrcgarded the fignal for co-operr.tion which had rr» ANOTHER D1SOVLRY. _ T'rc 7>'ef-nt isan nge of difcoveries as w.::l a- of wonders. A Salt Spring has recently been difcovcred on the farm of Mr. Beares- lee, r.t-inc.ed on the well branch of the Wya- li:iM<ir creek, i^ the Hate of renufylvania, about 20 miles from this village/ The discov¬ ery v^'as made by a yortg man by the name of Elliworth. Satisfaclory experiments have been made upon the water oi this fpring, which we nnderftani prove cnneluuvely. that 90 galionft o' the water \v.\\ ithke 56 pounds, or one hr.'he! «>f Udt, iupri-.-r in ftrenpthand whiccnefs to the heft Sahtia or Mun.e/um,i fch. A ^ump has b. -n cOnftruc\ed, which throws a it ream bFwnier four inches in diam- eter, a*d this pump U incapable of dimin- ifhing the quantity of water in the We!!. We isndern.and, that arreiigemeut^ arc making to fet one hundred kettles this rail. The almoil in cxh audible fuppl y of wood, in the immediate vicinity of the fpring, will enable the propri- e!orj to afford their fait at. a very reduced price, and the difcovery bids fair to prove not only a fource of wealth, to ihein, but of the utmoft corifequence ' t».» the funourtding country. the ene^iy o\i mere, either during the laid naval action or after it was ended, whereby his Majcih-'s naval fquadron under the command of Capt. Downie might have been faved. --—^- GEN. PROCTOR. In Confirming the fenter.ee, of the Court artial on Gen. Pro&or, the Prince Regefat thus feverely rejJerimands the prif- oner—." Under all the circumftances of tha cafe, howeeer, and particularly thofe which render i'c impoiTible to have recourfe to the otheTwiCe expedient meafurc of reafTembling the court (ot the rcvifal of their proceedings, tire Prince Regent has been pleafed to ac* quicfee in and confirm fc much of the fee tence, as adjudges the pnfoner to be publicly reprimanded ; and in carrying the fame into* execution, his royal highnefs has directed the general oKicer Cortimanding in Canada, to convey Maj. Gen. Proctor, hi* royal high. nenV high dlfa-pprobatior. of his conduct, together with the expref&an of his royal highnefs* regret, Chat any officer of the IcCg'h of fervice and of the exalted rank which bit has attained, {hould be fo extremely wanting in profeifional knowledge, and (* deficient in thofe active and energetic, qua¬ lities which mult be required of evefry oSLcery but efpecialiy of one in the Yefponfible fitua- tioTi in which the major general wis placed." KIN 6.. • « 77- •jS Tor _ The la^t Montreal mail farnifoes nothing of much importance. London dates to1 the 2 ;th October have been received. "Noth¬ ing very important is to be collected from , them ; the most prominent article is, the »*oM£0l oat of its c-tervnt, bus out Captureofthft ex-king Murat, after having of Us latitude. ■ been defeated in an attempt to occafiort a . On Saturday laft, off block Ifland, Mr. Hampftead, one of. the fi(hmen on board the imack Loch out tithing fbr cod, cauoht a Torpedo{ Jtjh,)the Stft heard of fo far northerly-cn this coaft, probabiv wri-hing ICO pounds. The eleftric cuabtv of the n.h was not difcovered until he was revolt in, Calabria, for the recovery of the ufnrped crown of Naples. He has besa ihtot, purfuant to the fentence of a court martial, a punifhvncnt, which his murdeia and atrocities fo justly demanded cf retr:j-° tivc justice. •« »riui f-e was got ort deck, ween another of the hands, feeling its >kir, had his arm repelled with a fevere Ihock. He repeated the experimct witK tit; fameeffra, and war, followed bv the others, until they had folly proved " lu Angular and aftonilning prr.pertv. The wind being unfavorable for towing the n(h to thfa city they threw their troublefume vifuor over board with boathooks, but no! without reiving a mock fc the Deration Late Sailing, Arrived, on ThurTday last. 4th va»k frr^m Sacket'a Harbor, 'the Schooner ^<o> .-ry, Capt. Chapman. Ca.go flour, chesnatK fee &c— Left Sackcts Harbor on Mtv / car s inubmng. • co*rresponds:nts. ' A Friend to E<!v*mS --'\ -; ^'^ t<? next week.

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