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Kingston Gazette, January 6, 1816, p. 1

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r' .«■--> .- . *. #* v- :! [SATUft-tiAY, JAuItarv f, I81S.1 r^OtUM. Kingston, Upper Canada RINTED AND PUBLISHED) BY STEPHl / ^ ht F T<?rm 9/ <#* Kingston Gazett*. • • • # SSni of l\x month,, and 7/6 at the end oY Ae year- Prlti of mhtrtfrg hd* &*?* Si* line* and under, a/Sfirtt K6MN. a««* if* every fubfequent. . . " 3Ten line, and under, 5/4 Grft nfol*!. Net ice . For Safe, or to L^asei THAT valuable Farm in the tovvn. (hip 0/ Athlpkm Tozwy Adjoining the vi.lj|a,r.. of Holland Villc, owned aijd formerly o^JJ. pied bv the fobferiber. PoflelTion of ,i,, lo F0UR fe* p£ A™ ^ 4 *-y-, our beloved and faithful wJw CounfelWa of our Pr„ ; T*??11 ot our. Province of Urm. r_ „ MI. r^ tuHCH»q 01 the y,n,da, and.toour ftnU?« Cfrg premiss to be pm on th- first day of AfyrU Eur^efTea 6f our fcrr? P' r l«l6._^&0,That valuable Farm No.' R* Provincial P»rte*Jl? *""*** fituated and lying in the townohip of Ei .ericksburgh ndditiona!, containing; 200 ae. ve Upper ens and (I per raw every iucceedmg insertion. . . t . Advcrffementsunnccnmpsme;: **;j ^ ten direamns are ift&tfl* till forbid, and jhaTRed accord'rgly^ red- 'creu, Ten nncs W1U p1-" ^ .ericksburgh additional, containing 200 a^ and 1/6 every .ublequen1 . „_§• * rira more or left, together withalarce and a ' Ten line, and ,:pw,rdS, 4^»«*™« mofli(>l„ ^1,^ Hm.fr, Barked .§£ jnfertiOT, and »£ per la» tvery fi.ecc.ding j^^^ ^.^ ^^ owneil^ To be L ry> •uh % tall convenient frame houfe rud tU- Ue thereon, and barn room. Inquire ot toe Ufcriber on the pvemifes. - Thomas Craaam. S w \ tOicn5 F"13WL rtt cf the. ^ferihrrscm ^ , Handing in his ftlfcfe, a Venetian B^t J&trt tretfij Nm*i in maho^ony, ^^ * formation ihett it may be futKid w-ui , • wndComely rewarded fof «^»# , ; jOKH l-ERCUSON. <5tf "">OR S.A'^, .. K TEW ELEGANT w OOD£N / i< Clocks, ^arnnted to keep gocd titf.e. , Wire at this office. For Sale^ 5 T'HE We?! half of lr.t numb'.T r>.eiccr. 'h the feeond rm^rljinn o? tin* *owiifhip of Kingftorl. Anoly to the Primer. WiVl. WlIITK. j feSP.ECTFltLLT mforma Kh ol.l f\. Cnrto^ners and the Pwb'fc in genera^ that He will te-^on.mrne his buunefs oppofrte uf Coofc fe Smiths, oh WedneUlay next ; ^Jrhere tliofe who Mr ill Favour Hin with iheit commands may depend o«H ner'i.nefs, pimfto- ility aiid dispStcKi H'l^illalfr k^ep con- ftffitly on hirid tiestto of r.ll Ir'nds f.*1 N. B. Sixrr fevrn rro^o »*'ntKmen al tne aWc btjfinefs wll find the b::!t encoura^ • Olenfi aria their wagi» paid in fpecie ever/ Saturt'av •ti^tit, and ofcencr if'requfre-1. l>i: 2^tf -- Rags / i?4f.f / D.:li ar.d the HigHcst vxxz pal J fo: CLEAN" COT ION AND LINEN R A C AT THIS OFFICII. A QuAKTITY OT WRI77NG PAF Of Qiialitv No: c, Fo.? Syfzs at this Orncz. 47tf /f? pub/ifhedy and for fale at this Office, Price 1/3. *ta LIFE and DYING SPEECH of VQSKPH BEVIR; tlM ^an u-3s s^ccuted at -Kingston on Monday, th' Vh d.T <,f September, iSie, for the border of Mavy Bevir, his daughter. *5**M 3V /-m,/;^ while in Prifon. **j .j. r f^ p, 0jitj aripng frtxm this Pamphkf, J^\H*<*&ng ihe expends, Gr$ ititcr.L;! f<r * At^Gr .rfA;> unfortunate Children, mtfti- improvement the.eon, formerly owned £v tl>r late Ha'/.leton Spencer, Ei'q. decea:rC(j . poffrfBon alio to be given on the first dav c-: Aprils iSi6. or*, Ivfnrr on lh:^ trnr. and Two Town L street leading to the Printing Olftce, nearlv nppofite thereto, beinglota No. \.i, and 154, and likewife feveral Tovki i^oW in ihe rear of the town of Kjngaton, foiS»eof which are lying on the road to Lower <Q^% ada.1 and others on the road leading tOj the Bav ofQ^uinte. Charles Stiiarfe Itnhgstoa, 2 3d Dec. 181 c s., >.9 For Sale^ On teafpnahle terms, ± 5 Sett Heavy 0OTLW HARNESS A. ME rCALF*- fern'rlt'oo, 4'-i Der. iSi?- For Sale, ,.r 0 1 r - \ miinUXV Ot U« iuitablc , °r Stave^d^ariTtmb-r^thina «af. ^ llle dUt.nceofthe «»W« leading H*%fa ; r ^« iiiiiae f<> burchifc will Plc8?U»i ;.alUtthKOffieeoratMr.Jofe,ph till H'^'i-.-. - n fcjngft^ Bccj^lB.1^ t tT. rCiTigitoti, "]:! uef. tBt? l]S. T.a meeting «>f the r.;iJicer$ and I'tVwJ iTli rtes-of the Midland DSIIria \ii,,r SoGt«ty, held at the Church on Sj>j dLM]l the 2ld inl. a* which fneetinb were pr«.Li_ the rrettdent, oecrftary, 1 reaiurer, anu 1 fdllovrlnjj Truces, ?;•/,. y. m < »■ f?.i .^ Thomas Marktand, lisq* Laurence Uercbmcr^ Esq'. William MitcbiU; Esq. : Th~ following Report of the munie* ,'" the 'Ir^aftirer'a hand-*, %va<; iaid before r ' Prelldet't slid Tttiftees by .hits. REPORT Of Mooiea tfecived on account of tae ^i'c'I fcritvuoirs to the Midland Diltiict Schc0' , Society. From Joel Store, Do. fQ/i (hare,^?. :i° The Rev. Thaddeua OfjTood'9 1 Notft of hand for 5 Ihares., 3 Curren-y,^t5:d ife#« The above £tltf> wa3 left with ,lT1" by Joel Ston-, Eftj. prevjofii t^the 31 (t 5'1" lv, and the note of hand was handed to ^ne by the ^Secretary Snce that date. Vlin.rstor, f 8th Dei. f Ht r; i (Signed) ht C. THOMSON. freusurer M.D. Si Socier* The fo'/iowing Rr.folutiona were felfd p33" ktxoheJ, ift, Thit aS ihe Tkafurer ^ declined hitherto colleaingthe Sublcr.pt.^ in tonfequence of a refpbnlibility appear K to him with tefpea to vefting the money intere'l agreeably to the 2d Reiolntior. ^ the 3 1 It July, to remove this objcftion, » now directed by the Pretident and TruV to commence the colleftion without de.r^ atid make thereon a monthly report to»c.^ 2d. That twenty-five coptr* of the di^ fcription paper be printed for the fifctl*tfl of the fubferibers. -et td. That the OnTcer. arid Tmftj« « 0f at the Church on Friday, the TQth'W ■ January, iSl^nt the hour of 2 o cloc.c. William Merrill, 3° For Sale * A v' thJs Office. /TTRY valnab^eand pleafantl^ -it edTowB Lot. F<r tertr**FF ?gi' — ^.-ovmce, to our alrParliament, at,.our town o'r ^ ; on the twenty-ei^h day of No" ce.tea, and to every ofvriu. EOR SALE, )0 Potash Keltic < • iNG OFtlCE. '«>■ PAINT- * I .. . WkereAh b branny date the ry cfyou, . GREKTING. by. o'.:r Proclamanon NEV jo Have C& JTTS1 Ft wit f v ASSORTMENT OP jfND mance of our loving fubjccli have fchotight ht by and with the advice of our ach * e a- y co-woKip^, ^H'd by t thefe ra . -. ~; ^..k.. r.-mi me anviee or executive caunc^l, in rdkv^ you, and e Oi you, of your attendance at the time forefoid, herfb:; co'woki>frf n^ by tf , :. Groceries hg^hich » _ — * £>ur Letters to b^ made patent; and the great Seal eff out laid Pr«>vlnc^ to .be hereunto affixed. . Witnefs our trufty and well beloved Francia Gore, Efquire, Lieutenant Governor ot" out" (aid province at York, thh Twenty-fcc ondd:iy <.f November.in the year of our Lord one thotifand ci«/;ht hundred and fifteen,ai*d iUty rifih ycarof our icfgn, F. G. W*. Ja*V15, S'Crtfnry. 2 7 r a^-i i^/i Dollars hfrf*/nr/t U-6W Ua t.OST, ; /"NFor 'Vint the 2oi!i of Reptimlier a \ |" Gold mounted Tortoife (hell SNUFF liUX, marked in the centre W S P. L. in a Diamond. Whoever will return the fame to the lubfcrcibr lhall receive Ten Dollaia VC7^ JVIXDARLET. m*cl' Made ,. Gentlemen's tine Sucfe, doe-/!h'n anj be2- ♦er glovefl j ., Ladies' blafcfc, whire snd fancy ccIecM Gilk do, J Ladies* fancy aborted K:.' f*& Black, blue, grren & acarkt 13om^ze*t« r , Whire Mlooli silk Velvets and Cotton ohmiiigs; ^ ^ Fine Irffil Linen, &ui3a, Imitation and ocntch Shteh'ngs ,• . Black and white Jeans, Dinn'cies and black lactone! are} liflolc Mullms Lenors, Ginghams, Ribbons and Lac« ; Fine plated furr and wool Hats t Oil'd Hat Covers.1 4 7 <•/! Hyfon, . . . totmg ftyfon, 5^ fMF And Hvfon-fkiti ^ Pkff, oxtail and ladies' twift Tobacco* Hitrh oront'old Jamaica Spirits ; </ $ felfeTt Three P.arrc'* of excellent WHISKEY, . Tr,r f'1- ver^lor. Enquire of For fete very str.TOMAS j Kingston,®®' *h lRl-.;_ tiff* fij ^ / ^/7 /r Af tow *«**?*& d eit ^ loo PieceH Fancy Calico^, various pat- __»T1 # terns. • , „ r,. ,o Pieces nt.pcrunc Chtf L««ftl Wfllin-ton._I< do. t ■ 00* Ihint** * * 5°13y the Trunk or Hece. j Cafe bottled M^rd- Yh- whole «!** ■"- 6 Ca lv. For S moft reduced prices for cafh. We tender our thankful acknowledpments to cur ctis- tomcrs for palt favors, and (olidt a continu¬ ance of their future patronage, Kingston., 6th August, i$if. ' qi? ADVERTISEMENT. fubfet iber offers for fale to the JL Public, on liberal tern^ of nayrrtsn;, the following lota of wafte Land*:. Lots No. ±i in the 8to Con. No 9 \n the 6tti 'Jon. •S. Weft i 238th Con. .No 8 £aft i-5tfi Con. of the td*iv ffi;p of Pittlburgh. , , also LoteNi). 7 !n the rihconcellic Mo. «S in the 6th cbnceRon geyefal Lots of Land of one and tv?<i rm m e^ent, on the front cf lot Number fHon £ JeS PES*Fit,,burgh4 n'cres 1 I • thr-townfhipof N'nSu . qk And ,|intbeto f the Lake Oimafc on tn» . rtrianj cfonc - vT two and „ the rear of cres on tne _ ♦> . Winn and icitua^ t _ x.rilintrY.— l . 2-4» '7 ^ rown tots are ,iltO«ober iH'5;____------_~ (, anti ii-""— . country—';. . Uft A*4^ lbicB.W«hmWt AW"' GEO- OK for ^au' «r ;,h fciiiW?8 A i j. i v

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