£••]. Henderson^ A NT) now opc.;'i.£ ;.t hu '/TORE, a f jl g'ucr.ii •;(! well c!u»fi*i r.:." ruTu'ut of DRY GnOI^S, GROCFKIKS, LIQUORS and HARDWAfUS, *JtL$0, A General Affortment oi Drucs and Medicines Amongft which arc :-- Vhvrs ; Camphor ; Opium ; .Hoes ; 'Flor. Sulpour ; Glauber Salts ; y'ufjivgtorj?* Bg!s. slfs. Mustard} Ufi'jtituloc j Codjrey's Cordial; xmctlt ; Ij/J! fig S ll'kalon's Itch WotA Colt's Pills \ Hoopers #//*, 5fcr* The "whole of which he W«U sell low'for caifi or country prodbce. Any orders &Mi the country, will be pun&uaily attended to, and (haul;* will be returned for weir cuftom. • Kingston, Awust xS, . °«-; . 1 2 A number of Town Lota near the French ** Church. Thetrrasof payrrvnt will tie made eafy. H* EARL- WOTICL. , T\e rabrcftbe: re(>e*?ituHy intorrttj >4> trench and tit: public, that he has entsv rd in¬ to co-partneihip with M-- Ocvjc II.. Tai¬ lor, and that the ufiVfa will • a future be earned on under llw the Firm &f • TnoMSON-r DETLOR. lie ret urn a his unfeigned acknowledgftienfs :.• ihofe ftrlvo bavw fi) Bbsially aCBrut^ him fupport, arid hypw that Xlit tfew Fitft* will merit a continuance of thru favours- As it Jtfl the fubfenber'j u. h, to clofe his, h»nne> huflnefa aj footf as potable, He VRl thank rhnfv who arc indebted to call and anUnge their refpeSive accounts 11. C. THOMSON g-3d Oft, iSic.__________________;o YOR SAU ; V-^N reasonable terms, let No. i%i in ihs 5$ Cncenhttf Ng. 2$, in the btb Concession, i.ot No. zc9 in the nth Concession. The whole being m (he Townihip of L-i!?- down, in the'dimict of Jchn{le-<vn. For particlurs enquire at the fliTicc of AJ LAN MCLEJi\\ £fq- Kings-tow jfygttst i8, <lSj j. IT X.ingrlon, Sept. 2Jj !oi "• I fitf. Rick&nl'Smtt/i cr oon9 TJ-AVE ji:fl bprned at th.ir Nf\v Store oppolitc to the Pt»ft Office, a veiy ADVFRTISKT.IKN V. BROKE into the Meadow of the fubfenhtr on the 29th of Ocbb :r, if-ij,* hay Mare, Tin' o-^ficr i* rot)ue>tcil t»» come iorwaid wtihouldrlir.. **nrl ^•c.'^his pr per* -y» pay for the keeping of '.;:.-. M-^e, -nd take her away. fturfwrg, jfarysafr tSij. ___ zy ■jus? RkcEi^so; sfjiffli V<» ^>r|ii ^r run QjFErtffi SPELLING BOOKS, ^.V/) -•? CHEAT t.HMF.TY '"7 7?00A'.S F0# TAlPLDkEN. t\:q Laft Notice* r"T*Hft Lubfcribei Ipfqprma all that k&*fc a«*y * dcinaiiCsnfr; in!t the cftate t,i the hitr i.Ir'/.letuii Sjhtict YA\\* !;> prefcnt them tl»i# ij ifit^f0ttc«tcd to firm *:n rr before thr joth day of November, 1815, a* \110 lpr>geT- Alfo all thofe indebted to the faid cilafe to majce iin/nedfate fcttlement, or the}* will Ue put :n the hands of an attorney for </LU lotion. 7 ; t. C. SPENCER, Adnun'ittrat'ir.' Sipgfioc, rftli K->^. tPtr; ?4if. ISolicc- r T^ HE fiibicrihei brp Ice--- to rtio*ll his Xv. mo^ fir,icrc ihauksto his fnendff ami Public in gcuer^ for their libera! fuppbrt, acquaints them he hi:$ no borioexiQU With •!- tig p-.Tioh in bv.flnrfs ; thofe ip whom he ia indtbud arft reoucftcd to fend ki *hfift ac- coon':, and tnbfe tffcrjare iudetted :o hiin are cfeSrcd to make Jrnniedfate payment; Ho Perfon isaothorifeJJ Sy me tq fepelve any accounig due to thcprtof.jonc*ro ; ' JOHN YOUNG, N. B. ^"y perfou having good meic'.-Jn- table Beefxo' difpofc of, v^ifl tin'.! tiatkci b* appljiny to the (lore of Meflrs. Richaxd Smuh una Son. V ' For Sale, VERY low for cafh, or moll kind9 of Country produce, three elegant wood- en clock'., warranted to keep good time. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver in Adol- phuilown or of the fubferiber. • C.MERRILL. Kingfton, :5th Nov. 181 e. 241/ J9' WANTED^ QUAKtITY of goad live GEESE XX tfkATHERS, for which a gcftfwutf price wil! be given. Enquire at this ojjire. Kingston, Slu£ust Ji, l8lC. ir Richard Smith & Son H' AVE ftEVEI>rrV BARRELS T A R. ^ Barrels gentri!ai^rcrfient or Comnriliuff idiroft every arncib inpenft'i!- cemand, among wlndi are, Superfine and Fiue Broaa Clothsr Common, ' d<i ^ , Calicoes, Siik Shaw fef Silk k Cottc n and Common do Vcfl patterns. Gloves, SlcJgEand Rldtng Whips—Engliffi Snddies and JSritttev^ Pocket Books, Looking Glades of I)i;)Vrent hzesx. Men's ihoca ; Lady's do. Mens Ttvt:r Caflor, and common Hats, Gloves, Hofe, TnjKs-, Bdbt^), Buttons, &c. . ALSO, . C^pcra-d &4bT«a KctlK-s PotSi Coil, ers, !^ti.) Irons, GridAbE, G^d Ironi and 'Coputt- Saticv Fkn*, , -^ ^eneVa! »{fi>«»'nent o; &/^5 £s? Crockerv 'WARE; ' <7 rvcerics & I. iyuo / s. AVh*vh they are difpofbd »<> fell %|\t!A moR .educed pricesfer Cash o. appv^vcfl credit. Kinffflo.n. Nov. iHf t S i3. f z^tf. "WantedT ~ A young Lad about sixteeh years of a^tr, as a Stfrtattti to live in a fmall fimiijy icfiding in'the couiitry. Application to tie made at this ofileci "J \HE subscribers v.ill do Comn.w.l0"n X Buiinefb, and Rote and r^cwar^ on the mofi feafonabje terms Hiider the mm of SMITH 3c COOK- CYRUS .SMITH. THOMAS COOK. Klngstci) ify'S rfnguil, 1S15. I2tf UST received and for sale at the Printing Office, ftirgl- j Ion, 1 31 Reams Crown Wraping Papir, 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Pod No. 1, treliifri 11 ditto ditto >Jo. 2, 9 dittd 's ditto uncut. A S A L T, and - J 1 Ton-Hard SOAP, To* fale by tie fubferibers, very low for ,;ash. - RICH'D. SMITH &S01ST. King*on, Sep, ro, ;8f J. For Sale at tins Ofllce, . A Discourfi delivered at Brockville, tfi- z.ibethtowm, April 27, tSi^pbeing a day appointed for ;< general thanksgiving in*. Tip¬ per Canada ; for putting an end to the War in which we were engaged againfi the Uni¬ ted Sate« of America. | True Piety, a fource of1 individual happu nef^ and nations] profperj'y. By Wrlham Smart, Minitter cf the.Gofpel. 0 Britain% tntfl tie Is rat Thy foes in vair. attempt tlv ruin, and OpPofi htt rei-rrt, IV.i.rr. ALSO, THE CHURCH CATECHISM, a Walter Rofs §f FraHcis B<f0n . RESPECTFULLY acquaint ifecir friends and the public in general, tbat they have commenced Public Houfe lv^ep- IBgi Stabling for Horfes, and Lodging for Gehilemen, with good accorOmodanonR^ Kingston, 2*d 0ec3 1815. 2f/f. fiat Mam/abiory- SMITH & BtrrfERWORTH, RfesryCTFULLV aequaint th... ?rvr- Js and tne Public in general that the/ have re-Ci)Himenccd buBncfa in the rev/ houfe near Walker'* Hoirh where they h;. c.i hand an cxttenw^c rfflbrtmen! of Ladies & Childjcn*a iv-fl Beav?rBmuwta, Genilemen^ bch BctVer, Caftor, SbtA^ "nd K,ni[-* Bate J iS'e.rs, Youth's ar-l jJoyV Worl Haia I...V.We, La.;i.: 5n^ Ctt*»> L^udou Faihqnablc Rounei^ leathers Wd rrimmii^s of the follov/ing colo'tn '; Blac \V!.'ie, Blue, Brown, Tuvplc and Drab ulwdi they o?crt VVi'ioL-ale and litfail f»* Calli a^ cheap as they can be purehafed zt Montr^'ai. N. i3. Caffi paid For Bekvct, Muik:3t and Rtc'Ti.i Ski >'- v;; NOTICE. THE (ubfcrJbcra reCpe&futJf Joforroti : fnliabitants of Klnglton and its vi¬ cinity, that they have entered met? a Co- P:iit'uil!iip, in the pi:icl;ce of Phyf.c and 6u'j;ciy. All culls in the line $£ their pro- fcfii"n will bcpunoiually attended to. Thcv keep alfo on hand a targe and com¬ plete afioTtincnt of 1 DRUGS y MEDICINES-, Paiilts, Oil, Dye Woods, &<% Sec. . The following is a 11 of a it w of th ar- ticleajuft received. 14 lbs Argent Viv, \ 13 lbs Bolus Amiens, 24 do A'UimonJy Cid,' zo lbs l>lu* Vitriol, 2" do AnnattOj I I jjbs Bay Was, ^ do Arfenfc Alb, 28 lbs nine!; Lead, 4-11)3 BnIm,SoCati!Ko, ij. lbs Cantharadc?, 15 Ibb Cloves, e Cwrt Cort Aurant;, ArA the highest prico paid ; • AND A5 aiso for OATS & PEAS.. At the old Brewery of Tames Robinson, % ROBINSON & GILLESPIE * 'z Cwt. Allum, 12 Gallons Alcohol, 50 lbs Qprn aIccs, to il>s Nitre /cid, ro Itia B^lfm, Capcb, I J Ibn do Cafcanlla, r lb .!•» Pftrui 50 lbs do Peru FIuv, Brirh&oRcl 1 lb c1? 3uiphcr> io lbs iBors^i 3 Cw 50I6I C'. 1 alt -:, ic %%Aq lX■•! rn; t; Ibi Ctio-u.!i, IO lbs do Winter, 40 lbs do Caflia* p !bs do Angufiura, C&yaou c Pepper crna] Vat-niih, jh 5?CreU«i 4 Di / Court Plaft; C do Flclfa Coloord, Z frrofh c. H. Peii'h ^ lbs Cowtig^ 2 tsrofs v.o! CoiLs, Em*. Vart, t^lhsC rooas Martis,l Emery, JO lb-, Crm, Tar, | Ew, VttJcrSfii corbrnic tool h Pow'r Bargamq^; Erhpia; I>iac StSqdab do do Giiroi (\ D'v/.. iioitleK. Cc- r^ .i„- &itfl; pics, i^cn Jioiu, M Z'nci, Scums roji*t>i3, m •O )L>*j (Turn Arrobac, i 2 lbs4.do AsfoctfJ^ i2li>5<:cGrac, 5 lbs do Myrrh} 0 lbs do Qsmbotf&tf 4 \\h do 0oi?I so lbs do Mamirjj jr. lbs Hu Kino, Flo% cbnm, u SbaGum ca#npbor, *'» ib-* do C-".y 1, 8 lbs do Cralhanum, 4 lbs do Co * at 1 6Iba do Sl^lac, t Pack Gold Leaf, 48 lb. Glue,. 4. lbs cum Swiinrny, hik Po^derj Flotant Indi\;6j Jchthvocuht, Lor Sale as .above: a muantitv cf Excellent STRONG BEER. Kingston, December i;, i3:5. z9ff _----------------___________. 1 _________________ ■" 200 Dollahs Reward. -------------------- ICST on ThiHl'day \hii$h infl-ei- _> tl;er 1:1 lbs ftrccts df Kingllon, or aa the road tov.-ards Erncil Town, a Rc-d Muroccb Psckci-Boeki Containing army bills and oth-^rpaptryof valoe only to the owner. V/!u:evcr has found the fame and will brir'p it to the Printer^ to Mr. Shtri AT Stuart, w'll receive the flSps reward, • ; , The fatd Cilia can he of no ufe exceptfti the owner1, their number and tlefcnption be¬ ing- known, and met lure* having been al¬ ready taken to flop payment st tbe arrr.y- 38:1! Offiqe; . Confeoue^lj- any p^fon at- ici.nuti.ttv to pal3 idem fnndiMend* r.i'lHc liable toarreii a:id trial fot§felo(it. fQrsgstottt 2Qt/> Oct. 1 v?ij. M VWiIter U Putrid: McCunife, Dealing under the name and firm of WpeftfoHj inform their friends and (1 \ Europe, at, elegant alKrtmCnt J gj 6 lbs do Aimon:3c, I Ind'a Rnbbeu •*' . Magi Albif; Merc, co.*. Sub* Macfej Madder, Macciib*>y HnuiTj Not-. M eggs, 1% Gad. OiiumOliva: G do/. iU>t. do llicin'i; I lb do Annis, 1 Ib . i!o Jtiniperj 4 lbs do am**g Zyultfj Vclerianj c/tirciitna?. Galan^all, 1 iihl. Ro(in, Rotten Stoue| Rofe Water, do Pinf;, 8uc, Clyc, Sac, Satunu' Semen, annis, Syrringca, Semarouby, Sapo c illile, t*o VVu'dfo-*, Rofe S'j^p, Sealing Wax Tamarinds, Urinals, j Umber, j Wax balh, Verdigris. Kings Yellow, Hair Povdcr, Lamp Blade, Ecith Aiiri, L'-tpis Purni!»cf A* row Root, Lg, Qnaflia, Lo/en^t-s J'pt, L^mon candy, Leivl Pencils, cfown Liincetfs, Lip Sah'c, 14 lbs P:<: Burgundy; Patent Yeflow, P^mafum, Paint co;;es, , 2 ewf Rad Gentian, 2o lbs do Give, I Pulvus Rhei, do Jalapi, do do i>jcc?e; Sciila, Sf»Cnria Seiti, 6al, Niter, Reined; Co Tarter, 1 ; bl Sal, Glnuh, ttjh* Sa\ Sodi, rcft'd Spirits Nitre pule', do doTcraMutb', ■ do de* Vinft, Si arch, Sand Pateer, Serp, Virgin-, Ses'cxa, PATEN'V MEDICINLS* Anderfons,*! I-Ioopcrs, t PILLS, Bitemans Drops; Godfreys Cordials, , BritiQrOrl, &c. 8tc ^c. A vnyietyof otheri\tides, too numOious' to mention in an udvertileinent- ^ Phyiiciana and otheid are r"efpecTtfully in¬ vited to call and judge for ihcmfelves. Part- ily chcttapot up and diuctiohp niven gratis. CARLISLE &MARKHAM. fT$Bgjftm$ August if liVie.- r-tf GOODS, _Jafitto to cvoy ffefoi,. to«etlicr »M , jjreat quantity of G*ocer«i and u¥m* ■.very deltrijition, which they will (fcH 1 for Cafo. The goods l,av;'ns . b«n ^ •',y tfiemfefces, «yc well Worthy the mS- tiD.i oftovn c!nd country Traders, but I to.. cNteniiv? to rufsit in *n adveftifom Farehafcrs arc rf<i«efle.l to j,.dUc fortw' felv«fj by calling «!t Mr. CaiMaf* (W lio-.le._lately occupied by Mo/cs CalftAm, ^3 an imr, I ........card: M' R. MARSHALL, Surgeon, tain the liberty c/f Announcing to the pub¬ ic, that lie Has taken Mr-.I^i's Hou&, where all calls fn his line ivii! be immedbtd* attended to'. ... t tl Mr. M.,lias for falc. (helides a general at fortment of drugs rm^orted by hi.nfelf) thir following patent medicines,' viz. BtitiuS Oii, ;. ^nderfon'spiil*, Godfrey's Co.-3^, I-iuxham's Ti-id. of Baric, Cheltenham Salts, Opodeldoc, Paregoriei Cinnamon, * Ginger, nc meg?, I^aciarando, Liquorice Root. jufllnce of Bergamo*., Do of Pepperihint, Do ofRofcs; Barclay's Itch' Ointment, fcfnit& D.ropa, Dutch Do. |( riuliiistoirsBalfomofli^ Tooth brudres, ' bo. Powders, . Court Platter, Role Pink, Windfor Soap, (... , j.in^fton, r8thNov. iSi> »JJ. n^PIEownt'r.ofa Bay H^. Ag g 1 putintotl;e keeping of ihe fdUMT a f< w day. fn.ee, can have him by prom* t» property and paying ■"^•ftf^? 1 F } yj)ANEim^S*l Kiuc-it^Kpcct'), i3t5- * E