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Kingston Gazette, December 30, 1815, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, Prcrvnuu 3^ 1815.] ' [VOLUME V._?7o. 36.] kixcsrrowi Uvprr Canada—Printed and SWishbb BY .STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars per Annxtm. T#rw 0/ //a- Kingston Gazette "M/~^T( I jf^1 t? *'i^ -X "** ♦ *"** ^ T>Frict—FwrS Ihtt.iRs per A'-innm, (cxclufive ffpoPagc) 7/fi in advance, j/. at die end of tt* mouths, and $8 a: "he end of iV.r 9/'athrrtjfin* m lb: Qaztltt. Six lines and under, ayfi fir ft hi fen ion, ami 1/? every fubrcqnent. 1'cn lines and under, 3/4 firft Inferilon, and i/"-> every f'ihiV*[Uent. Ten lines and upwvds 4*/. pet line firft 'iifrifion, a:id zJ, per line every fcc-Ceding infer tion, Advcrtifementsunnccompaniei! with wrir- fen directions are Infcrted i?»U forbid, and ■:hargcd accordingly. T\Tbc Let, T^OR onr year or mnre, the one hall of loi *■ N*» 14, and part of No 1 ct joining the Catitoijiie, in the firll conceiTwo of Kindlon '.villi a imall convenient frame hoofe and lla- InV thereof?, and barn mom- Inquire of UlC tobferitftr on the prermfes. Thomas Graham. Ririgilor, 13$ Mov. ifctj, 241E Stolen, L'teuti'itit Cn-i'ruot^s 0/;...-, 7 ., Tori9 20i/f day of Nw.\ \^i%. \ TTI3 Excellency the Lie-Urwam Oovern- . or has been pleafed, under authority of Hw Majpity's Principal Secrptary of HtBte, to appointCOO\aiifl|Oners toalk-mbleat York the zi\ iiav of January m*xt, to receive claims from His MajehVy'a Subject for loiTLs occa* ftcned by t&« enerpy His Muj.-NiyVTrroops cr the Indians -n defenfs of iht Phwutce, all which'claims, p.;*- 'perly authenticated BtOft be tranfmuted fjp the L;et%t. Govcnjor** Or* Her, beferc die id day <;f CtJi'.iraiy next, ac- compar.ivd hvji ecriifiLMiCrtVtuc the claimant baa rtccr'vi;.»o tomj&nfailon whatever, Jo: .-tits pan of g-bc lof*. stated in his chrns, \VM. HALTOK, Se&efqKp ... or bale. O, isnfo.able te'm% 2.r Sett Heavy DUTCH fl/lRXESS. A. MEir..VLE. Kfnftfton, 41V. Hire rRi >• '<<' sfc3 11 ROM out of the fubi'ciil>fri carnage, i! jading in Itis liable, a VenrfiaM Blind. painted trefj*, »ramed iiv mahogany, Willi •1 m^al [prsng loc!'.. Whoever will ?'«• ii - Swration d-hen it may US found «?*H '•"' ■ laiuliuir.c'v r-j\vii\u<i! by . jGFN hSROTISOH FOR ;':ALi ,. Wooden Clocks, wiv.iuttcl ra kc£D good time—« bjdre * tins otiicc For Sale, n-iii: \Vcsthairon<.t moKEerdtoaeen in -i ihc feconJ coHceffiw i*f the rowml-p W i For Siife, I ■ A aiaollty of Oik &k&!£.ftl Scav&arttl r.ji'-.Mi-'r-V.L, r.vth. . J ..nt.un- 1,1,- di«^no ul't!,- w« "%•: '"" ,hr Dot ..wQuiwy, f«r f. -'"•?;)• frf* or 'y:..;i .. ■».■'.• (t»pW - v-.l nlcMc t,1 :«;l..r t1,'. '...... '" «t' H ' •: _Ki;;A,.-. r « '■; BEER PO'fi A. S 73 B;trc!% *r. iro V50 Barrels Jvk 1 V 'her' : UPPER CANADA. ' GiOr.r,E the Third, by the. Grace of God, of the U:iiie4 Klogdopiof Great Britain - Bind Ireland, King, defender of the F;uth. To *')ur beloved i'.nd .faithful Legiilalive CounfcIIor.9 ci.our Province.of Upper Canada, and to our.KnigSts, Citizens Jul iVarrcffes of our faid Province, tii oar Prdi'incid. Parliament, at oqr tfiv-., uf \ ork, on the '.wenty-ffghth day <-f PJov- e.»nher,to be commenc. J, held, cdled autj elected, ~nd to every of yon, GREETING. ' ( WriEilEAG by oar Rodattatisii bearing daij: the t^cifrh t}qydf October ta!t, WE tjiodgttt fit, by arid with t!;c ;x- v,c- of <.iir executivecouneUj t-- rrotogu our Provmctal f*ar:ian»';nt, Xp the Twe.ity iijri'.th^lay of this prelent month of at IV/v'r. '"luchu'iTie at <»nrfo*vii of York^yon w-.-tf !•• hj inriconftrainrd to appear.; Cu: WE, taking rttEO our Royal confide-afibn, tfie ezfe and ccti^^niauce of <nu lu/i&g fiibjefts, .have tboUffht lit by and w'.th the .kdvice of our -a cutivc council., to reiievc yciiy and uzc*!. ot you, of jour attendance at the time ?1- fo- fa»d, hereby convoking, and by theGf pi .ence ^njoinibg you and each of yoru, chat on the fifth day ftf Jaijuary. next yoo n.K.t . U3 . in our Provincial Parliament, *.• liiji ttfenaxYork, uiere to .take mlo onfid'e!atIcn,thc Hate and velfa'.r; of our fa;o> PiMviuLv of IJppcr Canada, and therein to *'.» a. n.;5y iecn neeffiry. Herein fail not., Ii;t'!:V!on\ -here I. we have eaafed tluli: oi:r I.etteib to he HRd** vaient, and the great ^-d ofo'MS" i*aid i-t-^ince h" hcreuhM ,: lu>:ed. . Witn N our !*. ■ and well beloved Francis Gore* .. .'••?, LJcnteaaQt Gov-crricr of our :n -ine* at Toix., this T*en<y-fcc ■ iXxf '• fKowtnber.itt Eh« yejf of o*»r 1.. d u»j ihcMifjmcl ■•: i.t hundred aad ft^n-rfiul }\ii btfili Jean>fiQ«t rcagik ! V F-G- LOR SALE, Z&0 Potash Kettles. r>x^!RE or rjsas svssczrjmn /.v yr« "j;t*hUSr"J\V9 ©2 ATTJIL PRINT- N. HAGKRMAN. NEW GOODST rrii D&llars RarpjcL p LO**1 K..v i|4i «;i< ;hrf ^ift-.t ll ■■• i=S*h d ' wwahir . SflO£ MAKING Wm. Wmii-. ■ 1 • LF&eJ Ctiftomtrs ai.u il« PuWL mi g«nnal, ■\-. he will i«-c»«itw«w bwbunncW oj»pofite ., Cool, a Snilil.'s, on W«Awfd»: o«t.i a-hera 4.ofc «£» wul 0*o« him " . >• ite« ccmmroKUmsy^ivl.." "«-;• - -.V «U- aliiy«iddispatch, :iewii..a. kt ^«H aantly o.» har.d L^aili'- ol al l !- w fi 'k B- Ki-or fev" . ^JuJ wt in P ai the above inrnnefe *m iwJ>'« h-J" nco« 1 locBti and the!- mpl im fp;«j ■'• ■■' {Uturday li^tttand afivuc? ii wqfiir •• rou- or • * flilf uisj^Mx- • . rt lining till ullage ol ^..lUndVi'l-..-w -0 a d^-'nicr^y , cc„. nicd by *!" fob? iN-r- P -'.fcino.- of ih ptciHiKl-.Ui.3e/Wet: w "*• lus-day if--:'; 7/. iSl6 --./"/■., That vV.'.l/tr T*rr No. 8j dju^ da d tying in 'V' wofify of *"-:J: 'L-'c/.A:r:^ nJdftiooal. contaiuiog ?--^^c»es, iri re 1 - U '3. togetrief wiili n large ind 'oai- m-.ii »u« 4^1Hng Hcmf , Bar«8,and alatj{c in jr.rxr: vitt chercoi), f.>r-v,' ily owned Uj I "xlatel-ii -.'rt.-.u i»i.encerf Eiq. dtc-afid : potTelfiOT alfo to b; giv-Jn o.i the fiiV.day ot in 'be cofs *.J Goldmnuntcd Pwtoi&fliell SNUFi7 j /X, narUed inthecefttrt W S. P. L. in & l/i.ii)(oud. Whv-.r »viHrt;Mui, ihc f.ufti t . ':n fubfcKibr •' .:i revive 'i'c. i) »lu..3 -■ -.v-ird. Kbgftdli, ?:ov. 7", t-Slj. Johns & FiNKifci Ifevx ;"ir :.rcir.vr:> a generai .\r..:oRT:.:K>;T op i)ry Goods AND Groceries : Ar..^ig which are the icillcv-ing article :— . £iu?Etti?ptE and cornmon Hro^d Cloths; White and black Cotton Carnbc'ck*;. Superfine drcfT'd and und-enT'd CalJcoea; ..Black silk, Madrafa and Cotton Bandan^ r!a IIandke:ch.cff ; ( "i variety ofShawli and Veilj .9 ; Lnrpe damirfk sdk S'lawls; French Crfrribrickj*for Handkerchiefs ; ?";iie Linen Canih; ck and Rvhe.P.iterng \ .Oiaek, white & changeablecoW Luitring; Twdl'd Sarceuett!,; Attack Made 5. Geiuleinen's fine buck.- doc-:1;in and bea* v.:r gloyea ; #. > Ladies1 black, wln'te and fancy coloui'u . i. do. . J/kites' fincy aiTorted Kid do., Ill i*..':. hhie- giren &*ncarlcl I'omlmzetta; ..Wliite iLliloun silk Vc'vets and Cottor. $hTr:ingrs - Vi.e lri'.S I#h.*.i, ruHIa, Tu..» *u*h aiiU Se.tch Sheeu^gt! Black and white Jeans, Dfrn/wc* and black Sri A ' 1^ Jl HiKTYThr^ BarHsof execllo IFH/SKEY, - Ioi1 laic *e>vlo'. . En^nli ':.of iTHdM^S H/RDV. W«;,C39 ?J. >^If'- fftf; ALSO; Two Town Lot?, .)yfr. ftr Sale J\T Nor,.as BffTM 1 - : a Cc';.. "tore* ico Piec«»i tansy Calicoes, v&iouft p Jacknnct r.r-? Boose RJuflin?, Lenocs ; Guighamfij Ribbous a;.d LaCci ; Fine pUtcd furr and wool Hits ; Oil d 'tins Covt rs. H '.<:u } Dimg Hyfanr V TEAS - Attd Kvion-^t-fM. j Plug, pigfoil and Indies' twrfl Tobacco; High prorf old Ja.'sia?«a Spirits ; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Grntva; ,:irub; Port Wine.V. The . \nc goods, together with n variety oT auich'S nut mentioned, will be f»>ld at the moil rcduted price"? for cafo. We tend-r 0111 thawkful ackpowlcdgro^nta to oim- cui- tcimers for pall favors, and foiieii a continif- •i ice of their future patronage. V;-^ ttm. 6/'* August* 1S15. *l ■ ■o R i R m s! ' > tags ' Cadi and the Jugltest pi '-x $M i ft CLEAV COTTON Al-li) UfCT RAG S, AT TltlS UVFKK. 1/ ou/^ni'Y Ot Of Qua Kirvjton, Apt** • vch aie lying '>n the road to Lower Can- ;.da, and others on the road leading to the B t * of Canute. Charles Stuart. Kiu^u>n,:sdDec. iSi^_____■ ■ 20 Jujt pwhfhed, amiftrjm mmis ' • * Office, Price 1/3. the I.IFK and DYING SPEECH tCIil*. ed Pieces Superfine ChJnrzJ do. co Pieced Wellington Fancy < d^. B^ the Tr-jnk'or Piece. gCafl'sNaua, ^od, i-;d, 1+3, ted, -d. ;fl •? Cafes bottled Mutiard. 1 -C^le liuiigo. The whole will be fold cheap for cafVon- in the niiconccflicn Jy- 'KingstJiu t M OQober l^'ie r. 1 tj, For Sale, A valuable tofi of ,hrd lying fa the Strayed /*hout two roon'lTi aco feom the I aftu r *?Mr. MjcLear., Kingfton, a large 1 w n Horfc, between fifteen ami ftxteen tonm V-larrVi.-the r.ff fore hoU a w*itefpot ■»* hiiupper |ip and the off fiftlock v h;'e— Vff perioii nr perfims «>tai will give infur- ftation to Wi. btocrc. fctn^flon, where be ^Y be found. Mi be baudf,uneiy 11 warded fw his trouble ; .viJ any per*on kc pn g mm In cuftofly, wJ -! o^frcatcJ aerordiing to Uw. Kift5Rots,Dr* 1-, 1815. ^'- anJ/purthaft one >jih B^s. id 13LANI; BAIL i:ONDb, an SHF.kifPs SALES, For gale at thU O «'.ce. B1 a n k S u m rh on se s For tfep District CourtSj for 5-*»1p at this Oit::j Notice* i LL i)cvf,.ns hu-.-ing ebiras sgnnft '.he fubfiwroeri ^rereqneOni to pre fe.,t viui. niitlicntwated on or before the lafi Jay •>»' I«>0«n "'■•'• a';tr wl,icli n0 aC" , nuns trill be allowed Ml f«Aw i"debt- cu 10 I.1111 2P< dcui-eJ 10 n:a*. mimedi..te piy- A went. MICHAEL DEDR1CK; Ki<$ "•' r -;' ' ?l a8ifi ADVERTISEMENT. rij^HE Iw^fcviber offert for fale to thp Jl P;-bSc, on liberal tertga of payment the following lota of walie Lands. ).oti Mo. 22 in the 8th Con. "N.» y in tlr\f>th Con. S.Vveil { aj Bih Con. Wp 8 Eall (5 th Con. of the town- fl>Ip of I'iitfburgh. At ^o Lots No. 7 No. 26" in the fxh cctftccflion Nos 2Q, -■■">. jp| ja 5c 33, iu 6vh co« No. * 3 Eail - 8thcon.oiTittfi"ur^h. Several Lr;ts of Land of one and two acres in f»lcnt, on the front or lot Number 24M the townfhippf Ktcgftortj lying and leituateon theftorcof the Lnke. A.n\l Jikcwife fcverr.l lots of land of one, tw\o and three yrres on the rear of the faid lot Hoi .-a, lying and fcituatc on the road fionv the town ol KlWgfton to the country.—The lots arc well adapted f;v.:.i d.eir fuuation fur building on them, and for the eftablUhmcnt cGardrDS in ihe vicinity of the town, Arpliearion to he mp.de to the iubferilier GEO. OKI LL STUART. A'irrjlon, 6V//. 6, 18*5. ___________^4_ For Sale. /V- VALUABLE Farm, with budding * *- ftUo lnrgc improvements thereon, ta vorably fitnatcd within *K miles of Ki|i« ton. Perfons defirous of purchaf:ng to » <iuire.pf the Prniter. .

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