ft' * '. •#• - •* ^^^"■--"■■S^siSS*!*!^^ [;'/•;['URDAY, D.XTMM.R !(", ;•'■*': ">Vi •;".*" - - * '* --/** •V*:*',* , • i , - • . ,7&££- • ■ — r • h. \jr k [VOLUME V.-----No. 23.] ■ ■ -. Ktn^ton, Upper Canada— Printed and Published bv STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars pi ^y^^asag a&Axfr*sx 'jt-.jehl^.?^^ • • » fcKUi»^vt «>• o >i'agO '.'/•' in advan-x. r/i at *h- ,;•.'. of ny- m :nths, and 7/6 a. the t*rd :?x" the /ear, Si■• ;i?--.s and under, 2/5 iirft infcrtton, 3r:i ,p r. ifr^ and rip. r*r, -;/j. t*r.r. luert'ctt, and \r -■-">' (rJ*»rcqtirat. 'IV.: Iiii-vi rf':?* ";^ "'ci'- 4^ per line Srii UifrrU&), arc -;rt p.v liue every fncc&ding infertrm. A^c\:<r.ra.:i-:?v. accompanied with writ? low ar- bs -..' 1 till forbid* srid r Annum. 35tfttfi&ga **■•>-; -%l:' *»:■ '■*£ ■ r- -»•..**« ■ A^' I , Lin tenant Gometmr^s Off,. <•, 1 Tr.rl, zoth day o/"AW il.rr. J TT.:S Excellency the Lieutenant Goyem- t< ; or na3 been plead J, under authority of lis Maie^y's Principal Secretary cf State, > appointcoiBmitHbriers to a'flcmbleat York the 2d day of Jarvuary next* tr» receive claim S Jen &u ■ t o '.i-.^.; x s^-t-.T-.v »t.'^i»'/.jt.-. 2T'S"W3S«S»aK3 .v- ■• -" r r ~i _ I o be Lrt which.claims properly auiVnticated roqst be iratifmitted to thd Lieut- boveraor*8 Ot~ nee, before the sd day of Ftlnwary "next, ac- corapanif-d by a ceitjT.cste ciian the ciafmant Mi rccei'v j ao eomp'jnuvtloi? wbaicveK ^or i»y part or the k;'.]-, stated fa hfs ebims. Vt^a/f ' > a. f thm i 1 Secfstarf im'EK. CANADA. GYrtkos the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Creat Britain a;.d ireknd. King, defender of the Faith. To. eui beloved and faithful JLegi&atjVe CoithM!ox8 a of pur Province of Upper Cai.r.d:!, andto.miV Kuigbts^, Citizens iasi Tur^tflts of our laid Province, to our Provincial PaHknaent, at our town or* Yorkj on. the tweftty-' fghth day of Kov- ember,tobee6mmencedj held, called and elected, and to feveryofyou, . GREETING." V/HEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date tbe twelfth diy of October laft, WE thought fit4 ry and with the ad- vice of onr erceutiv conncil, to Prorogue bur Provrndal. Pp. iiam-.-ir, to the Twenty e%htbdayofthisprcfer,t month of ct Nov'r. YfinV-itin-ic st nurtowa of York- von were hdd EOR SALE, wo Potash Krttks, Expire of the subscriber in A* UOLPHUSTOtVI*, OR AT *tB£ PRINT¬ ING OFFICE. N. HAGERMAN. Kingston, i§th August, 1815, n«:} NEW s JOH ■ -TINKLE Havjs just reciived a general assohtment of Dry Goods ury c ' AND •, , 1 # ** •d r,:\.': of > io ( vjnurj* ti'.e V/i'.h ' 's"-'! vtir.vj". ;:i f; .•.• : : h*>u.P* and ft'- » » ■ • For Sale. Gn reafcnuble terms, Groceries jl^tl-f -u-1 % >••.•- £>««"u roo." iuqu.jro ut the .* D 1 »-': i 1—l v^ci a v v p. fe.. articles £•$*{, ( r.rnp ►ofo ( V^"eri**Um-yft Of ttlfi r* '* * I - * C A 1' '~t * rf\(r*i*«N»«t« *•*ini'i1 (r. f - • • ■ <.r A- m r" ^, I * 1 r •* ffifjEiftic ...Wi \.dj in , -;e it;S ' ^■•w-er is rt • qii?':i;o :.j v--'.ve 1'!" p"Op*:rty? ; .iy dui^'3 ^ A. MErcALF. KinfrftcV, Atb Dec. loi? JJTtfi For Sale; andcpnldrained to appear. But WE, taking imo our Royal conliiierationj r.he eafe and convemmce of oi:r loving f-i'yjz^> have thought fit by and with the advice of our Anr,nr, .rkVK ^.. -l r n c,ecu:ivc council, to relieve you, and tsih Am™5 ^gj* ,the ^OWUlg oi you, of yotir attendance at the time a- «■"■•**• « forefa-q* }'-.el>y convoking, and by ihefe prefes •> wtjoiniflg you and each of you5 lhat en the uui;. day of January best you fereet 03 'n cur Provincial Parliament, at o: - tr »v*. of York, these to tnke into" coullde^'Jonvtlic Sate and we&Sh* of our faid I'rov fc. of kTppcr C inada, and therein to ■ QO *. *. in V% '. *. ) •. « * fc ■ »*V Oil I *"M * . fc THE Body n a .Covered Sleigh, contlrii£ed to SnCwtr upon any doubly oUPERfiNE and common Broad C'oths 5 White and black Cotton CamhriVks j Superfine dafT'd and undrtff-d Calicoes j B'.-.ck silk, Madrals and Cotton Uar.dan- ha Handkerchief? ; m variety of Shawls ar.d Veftmgs ; Large dama.'x silk Sha-.vls ; Fynch Cambr-ck, for H-.ndkcrchicfi ; l'"r\c Linen Cambiick and Robe P-.iterna- B. • 0 r. , 'v. \. T Q ... - » * * ... rt^ i c-- n . -*•.«. -"9 X lt:i,id;'\;;.' ' ?&TJ Vf*~.nt't.ia: L" !•■>•, f?.i*'•;.-! f.r-1-.', Vmtd Li. r.r:Vv-<;'.-••, ^ff'u 1 ?«t: I fprii f ; »a»T.. V.' L.-jevrV •., ..1 -,ri v- A "double flci'sb, Ifnii Shot, mad:! the *»a*ly pa it of k'i -vi .i\-r. *> ' ' V 3 f :u mav feeia nectf^ry. Heroin fax! not. . 'n teilii ttt >hy where i, we oave cad fed th,-f- our Letters to be mlde patent, Black,whue exchangeable col'd LutLing; and ,1;.- ereat Si d ofouf (aid iJr • rntc Twdi'd S^rcenetts ; ^iack WL .de j Gentlemen's fine buck; doeilun and bes. vcr glovea ajiplylo Wr, M:)r-^. * » s ■ 1 . . 1 ha.icii»r* •':• • .N-l »-, -:> rr.RfeusGN. t-4 ? * Ct- • -- 1 W £jj Clocks, y. .-4 ^ >* • * ^ - '^ A in.;.-ivc ^ ■■ li*\i C^l: .. O / .'/' t \. A [ S I " a For Sale, /* ijiiai/vUjf ^' Oak fukabte f« ur Staves and lo'ti^T»rnber wlthrri a rea(onai'- [>Te di .-tiki- oi -\x water Icad't1??. h;Lo thte b..y of Qnlnty. For particulars any pctlmii :ii i, .(V ii» s*vi(li*r.g to patcbafe will p!cafe Uo call at this OfAce or £t Mr. J«- ic^li VaUier"a Hr.nft. . __K'mi^>^T)cc. 0; i^r,___ V7Mf, KwomWi Dec. :V-, i8;c THE Oiruersand Truftees ci the Mfcii- land DiU'rift Schuol Society are rtc^uei'tt^ tohc hereunto afn.-.-.d. Witnffs oor ■ trufiy and — j] beloved Francis Gore, Eiq:.::r?, LiVutehant GoVernor of our fa'.; p.ov!ncs at York, this Twenty-fee or.dda. ofKovember in the-vcr." of our !■■-■ tone thoufand ei^ht hundred and f.fL"rn,2i:d fifty tifth ytatrof oui rfeign* F. G. Y. Mi JARVio, Secretary, 27 Tea Dollars Reward* LOST, •. ■ 1 Oi KJO.i v 1 by -he Prefident rorrieet at the Church <«m Monday the tctL.ait. at thchour of 12 o i \v,: i',cc.- i cHtJ^Ti'in 1 ;'•;.■: •>,-«dh:^ 0* clock* '<~>.^* or about the 2oth or September a \_) Gold :ncLVutedTorTo:n .hell SNUFE BGa, marked inthi cervtfe W S. P. L. iri a Diamond. Whocvei will retuVfl the fame to the Dtbfere'br flail rrc'.;.e l^n Dollars reWsrd. 2 2~t JOHN BARLEY. K 1 grfto^ Nov. rj j 1B1 c. r /.--/ly to t1i-J r'i.n: ^ Wm.^ERRTLL, S'ecrttart- 1 r 1 - , < ^ v V .- .<» *.•<* Notice. .-: .'■ U * -2 t> a - «... - * 3 ^ - i >- ; *^ '• 1 -— -r- ^"** 4 '•' :.*'-l Wm. White. ■n;;,F[.vr^i-V mfornis *: aH H Caft-.iflyrs :d lHw- rnhhc ;- f; !••-■•»: Btbught to the Stable of the Sub . feribcr on Sunday rncrniug latl, by the Sol diersoi the pth R-^imrrt while ck Gnaid^ J Bav Mart, ' HIRTY Three F4rrcho? ezceZkcE ^> oioilxSi , ___ Tor Vrie very low. Enquire oi ti£ev£8 k^p;di KiKjstoC-, bfi. 2C, J. Si 5, . t I, /I for Knl/J KiUbt Ladies' black, whir: and fancy coloured uiiiz do. tadies' fency aiTorted Kid do. E!ack, blue, ^t-n & sea iet Bdmbazkts; Shirtings ; Fit:e Irifh Linerij P.uffia. Tmitacion and . nh Sheeting* ; . lilac'" and white Jeans, Dimities and black O.-pe ; lackooet and Book Muditis, Lenoes 5 Ginghams, liibbons and Lacea : Fine plated furr and wool Hats; OU'd Hat Covers. AL SO, Hyfcn, 1 Young Hyton, J- TEAS; Plu^f r. j tail and ladies' twift Tcbdcco %> iligh proof eld j imaica Spirits J Ctgniac Brandy Holland Geneva ^ Sltrwb : Port \"r:ne. ' Th- abovr rood"., togUhfr with a variety c:" articles not mtntioned, will b' f Jd ac the r- oil reduced price, for :r.fh. W-: tender osi thankful acknowledgmehrs to our cus» .■ rs for paft fovor?, and folicit a continue tee of^heir rutare pfatfonage. .: . . ,-;, 6th Axgast, i S15. jjtf ^ v .re tiioie wu-j • \ ■ v/t utei-tfny next s .tu>r Id.ii '-.ith ih-U jfftsiws^ids nnydtpc^-: <m rwatnvt-, pur t« ;^y aniui'V-i'-•:.- ife wit'aVlo 'Ve.> ojb :":;Uiy ct 1 hi"d Lethe; ol' all hv~fa i'-- Saddle al'.r.oa new, f'L:cd, Moutttcd atiij a Brid1?. The owner is required to takif h:r a-.%-'.y and pay tbe cadences oi f.ie wilib... fold to defrav the ehar^es. ROBERT WALKER. Kino-fen, Dec, UK ^»K- Z1^2f, + /• sue. M. 3. So;,r feven jto--: ^ w->t,. m -i: :»: i«« Ibye USficfi wtlitind t' " belj: c-yr--- aieut, and \l e"i - :^7- ' p •-- [■■ ■>>■■ -■■ ^'-r? ^t'ia-v!,..iu.c do:',.:.-: if iequ.red. O SAf.FI Barrels Bwc for S«y«to'n, adDvcefiU.'rr, I t i 5 . 150 1 Raps I RICK-o SMITHS: SON; ALSO, i Barcfe White Fish & Herrings, /\T Noa^i'.;* Bet?tt;<e & Cc-& Stofi 10© Pieces Fancy Calicoes^ various' pajt- terns. re Pieces Superfine Chintz, do. V.c Pieces Wefiington Var.cy do. By the Trunk ;.r Piece. S'CaScafKa^ -od, i5i u;d, iod, 7.3. ^d 2 Cafes bovkd ^-iuil.id. J Cafe Itidip I.', TLe whole wtl } 2 fold cheap for Cafh 0.:- JA ADVERTlSEMENt. HT^HE ftibfcribcr o.T. iv, fur fale to th • Jl, 'Public,, on liberal terms of payment* the foUowlois lots' of w&ftc i .^rds, Lors No. 22 in the Sth Co::. No 9 in the 5th Con. S, Weft 1 ^5 orhCcnp. ro ;• E.:t \ jih Cvn. of the t 1- K'msiitn, Z%'& Otlohr i*i V 21//". . •» r Cash and the highest price paia ror CLL aN COTTON A>!D 11KFN T^.,.olr C-nl Nov. 27'h 1815 &.S.5I SON. 2f"rf For 6'aie R A G ^ ^ J/y? puhli/hedy end for fate at ih it AT ThilS Orriv..:... 0/?ia\ F^'^ 1/3. .• on«i.nnix of The LIFE aad DYING SPEECH of 70S J WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. 1 and No. 2, Fez Sma -*t rni.i Office. tingslM, &*#d 2 i, 18 15 47;i Who wa, executed at Kingston on Mondav. th,4th day of September ,S:j, for the murder of Ma,T Bevir, bis danrrnter. A vateble trafl of land tying Uk the <** towuxmp of Chsrlottenburgh, contain- :'nc- i^ar i.und:ed audthilttcn acVe? more or 1;^ ; and known by theramc ofLc^S No. :•:, 14, :<, loand I7,ben,- parr of a ft -P rf li-nd between the id ahd4'th concefiibn-j ot £h*rlottenburfih. For terms apfVly Co TAMES C HTEHLNE. THE SIm"'.'CkiBERS H .IV£ tO 11 - A L.M, AQtmSflTY of Ve-y Exc-tlhrt .. . T^jiNCH hP^NDY.------Which •^'; vi" ..c*l che?,] Fo' afh Thomas }■■■] kkla;:d k c '^A'-f^, I'S/i «'-> W. 1 OVTE weeks paft came i to the po(FHTion 1 the fnbfcriber at the Cataroque /' andpmrhrfs one oj'.ht Bmki\ Sept. 2^: SHERIFF'S SALES, -.■i- .^c! take the fame away. ft U « Vh " "• I»15- •V3 7« tO\?i.- 0 < ' . nrgh. a'^so Lots No. 7 iri the jthconcehlori No. 26 in the 6th conceflion ■4os : .•• ?o, go, 52 ^c 33, ir 6 h con- No. . • i: .^ =-b-.;ccn.r f I ittibnfgfo Several Lr^Cs bl Land of one and tvo- acres m extent, on the fcont oiTot t^umber n/. in the to* nlhfflpof J2ingftona lying and I" i^uae on ihe fhore of :;.e Lake, And iir;cwiie feveral jots oi hnd .fone, two zno. ;hree acres on the rear of ihe fa.d \ol No. ? ', lying; and fcituate on tLc road Fsoin she town of Kingfton to *'-^ ^ ;. — T! lots are \t 11 adapted from thti iiuu 1 fof buiidrng on them, and. ic the cftahlifhmezifi oGardens in the vicinity ofth#to»rti. Applieaition to be made to the fubfcriber. GEO. OIviLL STUART. K xPon% Sept* % 18V5.___________*4^ For Sale, M V \ T.U ABLE Farm, %vi-h fontditfp •*^* also large imp^ovvmeuts thfreoB, fa¬ vorably fitttated wiihui 28 miles of Kinr* - ton. Per Ions drnrous of. purehaing to in- o«, . of the Printer.