r-iv.il.-- h m rov to ,\ ■;< n,m h't men ^eK-^v-.^tli-iltlvr dill* ilUy winch baa do.-a- dy tHCitrrt'iT tti the ; «comer, and which Jui-j ?„vn kiii witnthe Ihe'idcot upward, of forir nlriiil^; n irw^hAandimj the M N'1-" -'fld r,\cnn:<a: ex • &f ihe tninw-HlifeatluiK" ^ vill (|toi'*ly be Inbmhted to the T. uH<■ s ana io- jn'rivivi. I will then moil cheerfully enter .,kv: tho ilttlhtf of tny tnftce with v\\. it filHTd .Krniuiii-'ii and eh.arac.Vr y .: remain" is to nc /and w'th thr molt ft uxfe w£& th it the Prcfi Ic.jt will reeetve " The thanks of fl.o kVafid depreffing Rom himfelf as bfrci ai he (full recpccafion, he,, wiil dcrfcrVe no more fiildcriU:\> at their animal Meeting," to ,-!,i !• he canno* but look onward frith con it-ems Httie to him and w&eve he fcems little to all th: world. •'* For It,! he takes a Grafts stride " His strength of mind to (hew " So have I Teen a Beetle wade—aloof the Graft ■ * " Then c!;mb a btede— -v.nit <; And fall belcw;** limcei ' or iVI t0 hf entitled to, t'-om the W. eertaiViy difco^fs great t^m-nt » Cvwiiciouincfs cf having . attained '.hat in his calling en, p^isnee and p. hu ,,••<"< «U-ch was within his pewcr.' H. C. THOMSON, Tre:Mnrn M. D 8. S« Mr. PntnrtRi •» Whom God hat!) join-oS l«t r»c <m- " Whom uoa ijJJtn 1010-0* r- :v Lprzi ■;." So Let to publilh the bam fen tupidity and vanity* --//'/: the Ear* ma'JVvvii" lobferiber,' add I*V M Female AueucVi'nr" ; if they are not till fame :o peifor.. the*" w^ henceforth, be in fuMtace, hithuro%'lng you behold thec&ifoJiiai rf Bane! \v**>W* th»: ?;ft of language. 15.- 1 ^al.t^ protiutiio'i* 1 The i.ir^itim.iu-••!J1- drcnotLovch-.mou-, ^Jpirfnq b^thwgfe ^ htd 'o that rare p^rtVmagej true v,nu L< t Tk'itiox a perufa] aud •/.'. to Ilulter hi.n {'•< .;i public dcriii.m jj hinting at ihe fame 'Ime, hi8 fears of its u p^iTine n.nKeededijv.0 13 t; is teats pave proved grouhdk'fs,nev'e^cmitd fuch an e'sccrtitiatmg medley pais un^oticfd —itJch an injiidicitius fiuJ»ing in t*f L:iti". Q^totatftma an(j BilHng^pat*: p lirafc^— inch a tucking on of (krtiles aiul metaphors, * 5 mentioning many Gra:nJi»at.cai blnntkrs fro:; !U the life of the lingular verb* naitij '•' pre times" to the ro>m :* prefvr.i!er?;f at»J ot ort'.opvciihicri t hviiiakea fuch as ri in;e;iyity" " Seroant,J *hc Q^rr* ^-uefifoj* <>^ Aa'roa a goitivn Calf, .Smor'ih Mum thrt iu*«eft a«d if«f* aii^c »i»a>e '•):!> fe;^ b>f ^^jJiietioin. % and 1,1 f ' 1 [Kefi ^-.-'t tti-e ftais'Aii '^ ::^ ft>cak pia-n li.at \pc ri.ix u:i('r> lUnd. VVO Jill J lu;t i.i'd.^rL^rle.'i'i-no'-atV, Kmt i^e.-:!;e- H, 'the n't -r rfvauft r. ^ f ^ljt la^ ~'v e!lic'5-j".«t? ^ ^ v.j!" ?!•'• ti- v r"t Piecut'/i to pc'.'iitti' ™* v ft inr'ru-:. •••.nd!'"/ "f m^lui:;^ : Or faille", Hi the « f^.i^J^;r" fel bi-j i.'-rJi eoiV* ceroid, v. d ;- (fa he th^ef^ie vftninK Ifw ft^.afti*at <-M^1-dJieM.oi.hw-"oC i-her'v It is mhtr #v*ilr in fete ••Id l/uly to ciial- •\c. I am coiifl- dent never aiipe3*cd line* thi year 144.0). Our author commences his elaborate pro- ducTtions wilti ihe_greatcH pomp, and iT he were gofug to pre.<.ut tbe mott important work to the public he c »uld not h&vt an¬ nounced :: vi'.h greater parade, \Vi!l von :'a'u' trie M". Mficfs to trAnfcnfSe a Few of iila ovvn \v.>rds t—-Hid *U/(fuefs fn th'° Rrft pl'.lce is unpardon3b;*e in 'a pnbrtc i 'A, ill in:re'y rc^-.iud him that '• inirnyded voi i« Mrnii: of no cVTence " For v..\ K of dec-rev I-. van' crd.nfe. * * Lut hia iatifchtyw •' 0ark and n.fd- bfffi!!'* and ftran^^ p-in i- ..-atfintof an On- p irit, •1t»'? r^tiBlh of n-y ,!->.^>v; Hei'i ts n-"« w Mvcli. A".i>"".',:» .nif <; •■' 'V'->1 '.an n..»y Livecaufed Life w l^h":" to t;-'r" »i»om ]"[ 1;<>-Si- fcrvint, \et tr^tvy 3**. * id^.ted to :h-tkii.doi '• .;";;- t.nh^uW«! in J toon#a9 <<•' , brt oiox1 '1 tv; h'-'iy inuii »•■•■ -)l'- •'•■ • k" M 1 > ••JkT .rlfltci, iii-Y I .-.'- l:n:n • - e aU' "'• '" 1 l r^.e-'cihv; tile i.;bU A t# b^t^'*, mo*1 ,, ; , on) ^.l*^« "!,;"i '5 '"" ' ^ fa i .-'I v. ,.i. 1 i.r*i n !•.' on' .• \ t.ir- •.";. Vv »■ iU" ,.:•■• - I-'h-.v ■■;•'••) .•".:.";,„; ;,'.•.■....:.■ :«.y...a, utu w,be,, *<i/<ji!t-3nir emoloved, ** S?:;K^c tod recom- x\\^\:<\\\f n.c/i'cffie^.iHJ having odi fo n>anY V.rcimers rrhis Mythological kuOwll4^e, J am furpi-'ied hr :;ad. no*, infteadofa bean. r«'ut Merctiry \Mi With theh'—MYb»r law¬ yer iira-ft b'4 eminent v ho fares to von '4\vbat r»as betn ^ ;-.e-: So thousands," but the coneu- i^t'.ir d'(. u.dil '.v-.n i; e.-he V> ) b:> d(,,iot W. nods ih'-- a very t.itc Simile, hut really 1 timit g iut.l's mv in ibiiiry to dr i.ie it. "• But brcvi'v i,: very cj v>d" (i When \\'<<c ti! are tf -t unde:ft-od." Sotfiat !••• n * ski.^8 eua'ts tantrei.t ar.r? ■' ehvh^ld him in a m >n:crt rcvoivfajj"* in a V:r« k of iei-- n<:es ( mUng i» ;ht i. r'ic interim '"II he oooi old mi 'wife whom he ir»d by the n% rtin n't . <... h (,*her uptjii ■•■hie!-. Uie v.-ik and un'l.dn'e do JmuW iherrj to^eiher i.j '.*-. » 'lo a? m tT»t '1,( .r v v " ■ , ,•! ' jt» i.e i fv^trd - v1/,! ./- c.-n./h >, P**/*lbff * . ,;i t!l* ' **,!,'i £ ; ,.;:i..tl':.^ tj, •■ ^;lcl,;■•••:.;.,.>■;- s.n-<*u»r.^•■"■;■ g)lv H^ »«« ^iJ kl V'*' ['am 7^5 .'/ i"'; . . J. u l*£*'rti :»< -«Tonl ;..•• n fc •' g'M1 i h1..- . -it v • ... .... ': ^icrjiiiifMHi -r ' hnr" f^yi he* fchofc *ha '■ diiuk di vp ill the Ti- tLn Spring riuch i:^ the ai.thor oi !,..> epiiltv p*:v txamp*e^ have a dlre'ciit rhafti n/' ** D" -1 lure soil r.a-ip'cr'.." what a com pi» ith H't he ha* T.'-o. dor;^ i imleh t!w honoi ot "—A^-.h ** A.".M;.r, enpsihe tUmay &c" and vslnt n rl£(hh>;* bsrtvvect; M AlUrad^" ^i<lM Me^dtor a'Afa Crepj ' —^-1 Fiar y hi v.'to- ..>; the innocent M . V.V. iii y..ui qnOtatioo ot " x/.; '".'</yv -•■ . ♦ re petfce.tly r'jht h )v.ever ia en&'avw.ug o liqui-Jkt-e yom long ./rcrwiri.—" He ner.t whan 'csvHc fee-.ie and prefertts ti na in ^ne view the. G irdeu of Ixk'r., Upper C:i!r-'d , Seipe."; roid-wivV.s and fViaefe J^odtors 1 Bcnevo'puceiitA'ir dictated &c,; he is d..- dtttui.iud t;-. tmprefi on dm nfttllls ll:e j »lt» hd$ot%a caufe fe )«hiI-.tnthvopy ai*d o> qnifitr ^•Utsnefe oi hi-* fcnSbhity—*hH a lit- riemore MC«n.«e i':r>c"srn svefo)dh!v, ohnt- . ■ o i-.; i' e; up? *•; » v, .,-..»- horn e':'n -t; 1 >" fat™ &:***■*#*■*« '! ..... % by the-^.1?J- * rr ,, , .. &terrtK**t^5 ?"' ..Ul :Vpbhc^nh iaTp"i!:r' . .- : „. ... -. (1 c:-c-:-'- to B., i •,'• -.• • o." n r»*'-"- ll • ■ ,. pniTr.p (Mi.- ni.-.- r- •' - ' : >(l_., reuj^iouvT-i'--"'-':^: •..,„- do^j a!id iUfei.ftio^- ..... j:.. lna:nnnp,hu:^^-.;:;>t^^ •jvo.vuny bniittc ?tev?> ••".. * ,. f r - f InO ! Ivli "• idv* S j ' TcLneLirer-.'tmeh^- •• '•^'-■■' , °#-; ■.„ '.)< oarha-o ti k s^r*' - ■ < ■' • . n . . ». r WWttiiv the aud.a< v' P ■*J-1 lsH ♦ing hia ls H*iti&i* box"ati'J tmume vvi fi dctetlatfcya ai cidisfutt fr -m iNfe retfikwof t! :" piK-uied.n--ervoidi'eak" iinconfeion^ of tj •• having atl'.e fame time, put a dagger htto common Lmf-i By the e\ptrlTton—Ih : * . ., • bret , Lord Kaiine<? FJencnfs-bT c'vitici'.m, t -1 / ir tome oilier good work and be cautions low he again appears in phhlic without at eaft a th >rough knowledge of thofe efeneial BEFRFOR SALK/ ieaft ath^fooghVi^«rf^^^j^^i j (tq^1 rds Bftrf for Sale by rules which will emble Iii'm to prefervc in hi» 0 RICTT .: S*vtlTH & SON. ALSO; 33 ftarels White Thh & tierrlttss, i 50 Barrels Salt. writanga a certain corfgnHfy which is an at¬ tainment abfolurcly necelliry to 'every man, the adoption of"his language and (lyle to thefubje^ : a-; fimple. facl^ are always bet¬ ter under Hood by .h fimple but comprehen. five relation, thin by a ped"-Vic di^fplay of Latin and uncouth Quotations. 1 ., . JtIcnSitus. o'th NTov. 1815. . Nov'. 27111 1S15. R.S.& SON. 2 6tf Notice. tor, . r: ••' iMrufcbi 1 , Th your la!t T af.er I faw the following piieilidn pnipofed by an AdolphuIlovVnt^na- I. . ,. I k'er. . "Why did AaVon fh^>Tigh frieft (when he m -de the chi'.drcn of Ifiael an .Idol of Gold) make "t LiiTthe fnr-n of a C*\% as rnen- tiWed EfcdiwXXXlt 'Od%. r 'riiechdd-.-n of IfraV!'. as appears f-nrn tb^precfdiiig par. of t^e L^lapter, Had grown 'e- weiry oCwaitlnjrfor M.)fes (who had o-on:: n tj t4odOt hi.iiii bv the command of the Al- ■r! L'«" 1 t J 1 »• r~ '* r 1 • « t r-'^my; had .become dittatwHed with their 'p'clent fitualvon, a-.d wiTned to return .to Brought to tlieStable rf t.. Sub- tenber on Bunday fxfornwg lail, by the »^ol* diersof the 70th Regiment wfei!« pri Gfcud| Saddle' alnmft new, Plate._\ Mo ihVed ar«3 2 Brid'e. The owner i.s nsqO t d to ttkc her away and pay the e^pences u: fi»' v.dlbe fold to defiav t!i'--cl -'". , ROBgRi- Walker. Kingftoh, Dec. 8th» 1^15. i^wi . Kingsto", D-'o. gth, 1S15 THF. Officers and Trilftees of W\z l"tulr > -, .1 'h,,•«- utcolle&ed lint the God, whieli the Eg'vptians wormiiDpf", was fii the fnape of ape a e d'f fmd they therefore maria theirs aft i'1-'- :«uiie muidier. land Didr:!"! School Society are r^n-nted b"phe P.-efideiirs to meet at the Clinrcli (A it* M(mda}'the iSio inlt* at tb>? hbur of 12 o'¬ clock. W2A. MERRILL. ?7w2j . Secretary, I A B'APflSt- * •" • s Vf a ProH<imati»n in fh'c Ouehec Gazett? bf [he 23 1 nit. all Army Bills are called ii to be ^deemed ir Cam —All. interest on iHk Bills, wdlconfennei.tlt ceafe; aoreablf *u )jw, a'tc'r the 3th instant. isor Sale* THE Bndy tf a Covered cnnitrnded to aufwer upo ~y SlcFgh. :rai Sletgn n any doiibli 9 e - • ■ • St /YS.YT; KiHqhTON Asstmzt wont be « tsvksitrite iasJj lifintu. ^pth, we are Jony to (ay vrns received too at;. fjr thii Jays paper, itihalib-. in ourrle^t. ALSO, A d mbh* 5leigb, Iron Shod, made the ea;b part ox lall winter. 2?'v.'i Apply to :»Ir. MIlc-^. ■H Hor ri-ald - ^ ??ot» //:: National lAfcllKfhfer, TvffiJ. 1 o. U&fiprrfs —As a genera! anfwer to r."'».:ir'i ,s on the ftibj c?t, it may be proper to »aie, tliat the Fourteenth Congrefs com- r!' noes f*s l\r& fefilon on the firft Monday in ntt ni;-!:'.h, b'eMi-'" the day fixed Lrv the J "ihiii'tion for the annual tnecung ot the ^"^tional ^iT/mblies. when not otherwife (jhv e*e ! b^ law. Th- prefent Is the Ion gelt rs. ... » uic«i has uken place, for many years. A- quinti:y of Oak fuicable f Staves and fiuare Timber within a reafor I bttedi-tauce of the water leading into the Bay of Quiuty. Ftir particulars any perfon or perfim« wifl frig to purehaTc will fj^afe to call at this Oiueb or at Mr. Jehvh Valiier^ H -mfe. Kinc-uor. Dec. 0, 1815. 27tr L. O A. cii Duch-fs Mstra Loot fa has forimaUy rc'nonnced f>r hei !cif and her fon '.-v. s\ tit-'e of ivlaitlty, and all pretenl:i:U to •i»c Ttirop." ot..F 'ice. . »-.. . A.-,-:v::x ^-•/'..'■~ r.— rh'3 mcrnlnr the Br»t- 1 1 i' V" m ^er rnnri: . «SU ha: brought cit Mr. William*, iliiui*': M .'Teii^OT, '- It ■-, !•:!'» here ihts for.- nd(Oit| o.i '-<s wny ' > the is .u >■■ gpvernmeot. SOMF. w ' - "-■» cam- irit^tl f jltnh of the fubferiber at the Cataroqne Creek, a red Cow with a white face fopori fed So- 10 yearsolrl., The o*nc* ure^tics- ted to apply to prove hu p n.-ity pay chlT- f s and take Liie'fame avya^. Jd; ChJi-..'",:.l". ,!?.i..ktt arrived here trori I.ullnv.->i^tb| v*-i LJ-f if;rxr viffe tl:c iSeptenibei .jO.-Dec. :st;. *7*1 For Sal C/l R D — » ?. r ^ r> I. "^ -1" K.. i-i A -. .r« Abb, btfrjeon, t?K : I W J t!.e '.•-.'; oi , . fjnemi; to l\k pub- jc. ..-. h* ha? tilt n ."1r. Exit's Houle, vvl\i'r»e nl evils in I I"ne v*>'i . he juiried]atc!y Oi» rraTt>nab]e terras^ 25 Sett Heavy £>[/7L7/ HARNESS. A. MLICAIF. Khiijii n. 4A: Dec. i°t5-_ ^Ttr. a • y tt.ei%led to. ; .•,i;-. ^t• :l-i- i i~ f -"-• ;>( >'i J genera] «»f-' " y\ hi**;t o' litftiy* i op • e<J Lv hiinielil the *^};< o.'-r -,; p:ir sir mec •J;i>'J v-r. ^.rnify. hi Ihis cafe nothing more bo-j J■•'■» g Kiir«-;S c^r-; l?, tJuvVflka'i Tin,a. of Pa! <:i-e!:e::h-m elr't- Opodel h>o, Fir.egonc? OiatiamoRj niniijer, Kutire^i NOTICE. h Tori, 2Qtb d.ty nf tfbw, 1 ? i^. j jj I? Eic'eliency iht i-ie.iicna«t Oov:*r»i 1 A or hVbeert pleafe4, under authority of -T t hanLmelhin-e-kiVingti:-^ continently he: :lS molt unfortunately defeated h;> own pur. - A.T..J • - •; i Me' dlW3 rrooerW auiHen'iekted mu^t * -#' Fae K*t may b'e a pfofciHonal fco- ■:; r - . r • • ir 'J ': tti w .-u/v W. Ki but i '»-' <*C 1 • /. ( .'til ■ ■ *■ U^obVceri.m^vthoa,,mjl^.^ MM,! ;.ui V'of >m 1 fubjv:^i^r ir" fi4 til 1 \ «&M to hr.-- l.W l'h;- KitJTuvii u>:, if troubl--' !: --i-i^'O.^/r puaelkrMoT hi in no con%jeWe u U» ^ book fuv'audifY.u^b hate htm tn»t the ..nl.c- oi « h" —\ ii-1- a" Granmi.na'.d it.vefition—allow boo tmt tr., ?StISnlbiVt:»iviic«e*lftr«t:ier)t:n>' frittt w't .- t.' iiiorlce Rrz\ Liscnee of Bergnmo;- rlo of Peppermint, 3 >o of Ivoies, Sarcluv'3 lich C'nimen-r fcfukb i/fopsj D tteli * #o. . Turlington's P-jlf -r Toothto^c, roo. rtttt^ers, Cofirt Plaice;, has ^ecelve'l no competition whate-er, tor .; ,V pm of rlu roi-.«t«cd n. ^^;- ..,,/1 Secretary . ,•,- C-i l-- "• i a:, Water & Pdti* AftO/«# of ^ t - * *F I • • - _•' \v motor .-;c"|,. J., Kinrfton, 38th Nov. i-; 15 * __________^^ — • ■ jftt » C|/fME ;,,'° 'i:-' ^ard of the tnbcnb ' /!,.; the 2'Kth Mo*, a pair of w>r!-m, OXEN. Th owner h reque^d t.i prove rrppe|tj Dealing nndcr the name and firnrf McCuniffe& Co. 'fa rtuwrf, t»« 1W ta<e fc*»>gj* 6W Emm w ^ - fcilf**"8* ot 1;l"cr GOOD 5 1% KAMUELNERRIL OA'^ T J ■ ;Bg*». t"1 Dec- ,?,,S' "A L"Lp*rr«»» W« I"'1"1)- to™ C"U,"' ' l'°" • '. , fcrt in an -^verrii-nOMt. A ,vw olfanv ifnber from Lu: too exttn!:v( to lirtcrt in a; " p-,,,:|;pM, 0«TTUtoStoV, on penalty f -, ^"J; * ' h/ M„ru Ca.u.u... .....„ ^to Jfr 6«w Thitoilo'Si on pcttdt] ^'^^MIClMEL^EEfRIClC far**,]**- ■■: °" '"' 5 too extern!!* v> iniert in an f houl- cly oe, '.p. art -'n ,,U1- . « - «.*•! *" :-C^;-,*v --'-