POETRY. Citified that the prifoner dOhi ftnl wanted 'but would ratho nave hsl potato content f j.v, tf« cMc»m8^tt ojfij to pet arfenic to kill Vats—he thi.uk.s it was They then went to his fathers—fata mother Being cWfrn r.v *he fafefrrifo*"! ry PPointtcj^ The Field 01 Tou'lcose—a thetch. " Go tut forth into the iie-ds, nor walk fry the way, for the Sword of the enemy /ear is or. every iide." T,ef Fro^l.: Ji-nriiizb. Kay, old man, go not to the tield, Uniefs tt y heart's, to pity {leaPd ; i,would not view that d«-:rrdiv dance, For all the treafures once in France, redded, thai t& f But now 1 ventured out to ftej If any living there might be ; I paiPd along—all filer.t ; dead ? They relied on their gvaOy bed, O ! but it was a fearful fight. To fee that field in the lonely JilVht , Juil one wild wandering glance I threw, *Vnd cloi'd mv eves to dun the view. ■ A murmuring found {cole on my ear, It ienn'd ifce-Jtgh of forrreone near j Ica'iVd, but no reply was given, A foul ha"d wisg.'d its flicks to heaver* Agsin, ngruu,a I/nv (hange found i •T*:..»'t".eb]ailof mohtas it iwtmthe ffrcOr.d dittance from Tchnllowu, on his wafc home, when the prifoner told mm, he had been to Dr. Reid's after medicine for his wife wlio was fick. JSfa riezer JVoodivdrd- priibuer told him tome days before \w-> wifr: died, that he was going to Dr. Cheedk'p, aj Dr. Day was not at home. NtlU APJLarm—Te Milled that Hie i;^as a*: pi f!iepr'fo*,.er':>houle, a fhort time before hia */[{<. died—while talking with his wife, prif¬ oner laid he thought (he would never be a- tlc to walk out of the houfe, (he had inch a num'-ij-js falter legs. Samuel Pi. Ti/t"—Teitifiefl that in Sept. la'u, (believes on the 2 6th) he had a conver¬ sation with tha prisoner iear doexoe Da/'s. He alkcti the pufboei huv- he liked the mar¬ riage ft&ti. He aniwereU tJ By Gad he did »pt like it/' and *' he wiihed lie was rid cf it," an i,; *»e meant to get rid of it." W)Muir,i -Niirrington---Teiljrjcd that the prifbucr sbo it three or four weeks alter U'u damage* told him that he would ew>* five honored dollarsu be was as clear as he was before—fuppofed prifot.er laid it in hrwrnim Va'AIk-fi—Tulifn-d that ayrr out for burial and (topped, and shortly after notice, that to the f•McffamZ'tuT'-^ the ptifoner Tied as Itated before. meeting in Mav, the Prefident iA* T a L7^y.:/.v/^—Tc]l;Tiedthathewa3 the are rc-fpoufible f >r the ftMafw^rJS f""^ ? and rfot t.-in individual a"! ,"liea! wh,, mayairogat' to him(e!f i* J$2 pi cniiun-vg or praiiing, according a3hey pptlled by prejudice or partiality. A coroner who took the ui^uell on the b'-»dy cf Ann Becher. [Inqviifition in court.! Ihi?. feme* IV. Mitier—Waa preLer.t at the opctlihs1 of the bo3y. The bodv was dilcuioured—djiis appearance—fpbts, of a daiic hue on the body—■ ftatls of a dark bin- t*h eo.'or—face livid—-the bowel* uii'iiually dtttended.—"\Vheu.tbe ilomach was reasoned from the bodt, lie difc.bH:rcd and gathered fl * I W ome while pai nicies c*i of the iHDCi a*.^ r{ tht ilomaci: with a p'.nknife 5 of which two experiments werr made* Sourb of the parth cles were put in a glaf; of water—(V-U of far- tar added and to that Solution was added ful- pliate oi copper. A precipitate.was dil\:.j- vered—a grefeaifi) appearance.—Some of the particles wt re alfo put b-jtw-ten c<:nts, £Sd held in tl-cT.ie, when a rjrh'c FmcI'I was c- f:iouinefs of having attained that which v it b.iu their power fofpirea tlictn with a mai -M'Cls of fenttmcfSt and feeling and th- COlr is man. d*fregard the orimiHted afperfions ^a \ truft tbat '.he temaik. I have mace&1| tend to eo-.v."uee the Tr€a4rer cf the inn'ro. r t - m7* M :ety oil his part or tende> uig a re!ig™tioi} olhc truilee-i ; that the? will upon reflec- ti'.", remove the mif-oiicepuofi he has din o/hee. and its dntie • r au'd t!i jC ihav will li- a joke* Ti:..bt'ieblauor rnghtas ft iwtpithe groir.,1 Bgfl lail July he was boring com fo' the nri- Liftii k tbe plomes all Moody and low, foxier, when the pVuowet taid he wzi plaaued i'hatotice.vav'd bright on the war; ior's trow. v/ith rats. A Mr. John Van Slucyk Jiked br.ra wiiy iie did nut get rat-- bane* Frifunor Then Jouan came,tind we went on, In vai i—there was no living one ; 23ut many an Englifli mothei's care, And many a lacl.yVlove lay there. There was one fpot where fcfnetljir.^ bright, Was glitterii gin the pale moon U*<?ht 'y Oh ! bl'ff'.d vi'm. i i j vvh > might be, Unmov'xj that mournful 'Vrhtto fee : TWsa wflvr'Qr youth,. wii-)fe goidtfl h'r^r, All tight iy iv.. c j r.v. the deweyaT. And the *ioim beam reding on bid faC'% Oavc it a had untaithJy gtacfi * A broken iwotd bcfide him lay, lx faii'd hin on th t defp-!rate day ; HtemhJ3pii'^irLe;JiS:u ^j^winW u&vw &« trc^^i, 2iis deep was the lieavy liecp of dea:h, Kay, go not, go HOC to thf field, Uulc^ihy heart'.? to nat-ire ;l^]'d ; Tot all thetrtafu'-el once in Francr, I would not view that deadly dance lv. . laid it was poiloitj and al'..: 1 how much it would take to kill a pc;lbn. Van Slucyk anfwered., h tfmen as a ptition c^old lay on the point ri ptnfciilfe, BifsjamiK ${AdJarJi—A rhort that bed-re Ki-fc i?-ecker died, witUcfs and prifoner wt'r: going to Foudajbuilf, wlien orutiner i'-id that hi$ fi.m;> were a great e?Tpt: ce to iilm, they lir.d been :iek fo mneii. i,ttmtm '■ tin r&& rtttjrgbf a daughter ai Mrs, Becker rtrilitu-1 ihit me attcnied her moth.; r du-f'^heriUnels'. Same fymptomr. gs tiated bv D«^ct. D-'V —0'i ti.e momin"' of tiw d.«y that ker mother died, before bVhf. ilie aw-ske, and Aiifcflvi :vd tht prifoner rail'ivr Up iicr awh& m the. bed, rud (he fuppofed he had or >y%s then giving he; fome drink. Vhe- wil.'j'-'.s then got up and Jileov-nd a tea- e ,,) on il.-- Hand ne-n ti.e l>ed, COntairiiiig fame whitf'h hdlme-jt . fl.e tailed it, bnt perceived t)o *alt& There were b-Ji. tv j tea-cup.; on trie ftanu the ceding belore, and wlien the got tip they were, .ihete tcgtths.-r iiii'i i!ie one epiUaining Thc ledi'meat Same mined. He believes from the .expcnmcJitSj that the panicles w»:»e arfenic, for cfiere 13 no other lublUnee in natote yet difc'-ver-d that wiil emit a gallic f.nell. The ^;:Vr' tomaailtatedbv'D'Jclt, Day, are thrj ofnaj fymptoms ot a pert<m dying with arknic* y>/6'. Z^//j (..'/:'-.-Vi-—Was prefent nt t^-: opcamg of the body and coincides with Doc« tor Miller fn hi-. opinton«. i^y<7 Edmund O fottyfittp—-T^C fame; Z>c<7. I),:nt-f x\^'t—\Vai pfelcnt, when the cxperttBeats wvre made, and cojftetdes wit!: l)»cr. Miller. FMvfi h;-n! i—The dav ^fr#, Becker wi- lobe hm-ied, the pril ;ncr t->ld wttnef?? iii*"*- hi* mother wo..id not confers! *.. \\-\<c Id;, .vile uptrn.-d, and :li*rciore be Would not 7^ jT/va-JM-Teftvved ibtt be (ler-t ".:::• :he pr'ilbueron rh .ah br eili of jami* t11 ':.'*1. i'.i "nil. lJ.jf..;i t **-M very rciHvfi.-^* lu •'. ! • ■■■•■ i in Ins bed and often repeatr*!., ' Oil my Crod/' Witnei'satJcedhim! what wa- the niatkef—prifo:it;i ll::i *' he '.• a:< !i.:^'- IdtJ—he ^aa pj;i thi*»:XtT-a bad ciiii: - but t.l; .-rit vi ' t.'*hi.'»^-l,;" duri will f*tititle him to the thauks ofthtfuh- ferlbfTJ at their annu-tl meeting,.., , • t GbQ* OKI I.LSTCART. a./.:■ f.v-t, A'jv ^r, tPt c. - -----------------------~ Mr FJ-iih , ... Will yon have the ^oocau-fs to \\M, in y.»iriitx« Gr./-:te, the fol-owin^rltUert aOdrcifid ■ -iV.r. ft. C Thomfon, Tr* v of the Midland Diitcia Bthup! fbciety? , Kin,ilo:rINov.jCi,^f to tie Edit Of of-rhe KiiiLlh-n G«««.J? requiUl thr Secret,. V to tfie.MjaWJ W»- rfdSv-!-;;-i Sttc'ieiy lr' pi*M 3t,l,fr kller'! ln'mf wlileh to-/:dn» yoir reafons for not* X lv eto^^mv.uriKUiJo^c^ ern,UVlFat.lrr, rtt^&t^^>ttl'^ dntuxCez .. -Hhehc-ddcon^ifar;, >n ws* i ■;ual'--iv.-n to v...- n#cefton« «-- t >^..-r;-.-.,hvi nWber oithtf loeiety- ^ '«»«' mo(! otA bjM am i>;«. - Iluwarderi,^ A fay 6, l8ld« day 16c difcovered a phial iii the pnToner«j pocket, and betook i1. <;t.. ai.d WaUted it,and thenwithfomc utl:<rs b*fnjr itn:n up, 3nd Report ofi/jc Trial of ' Jaid fome of them were D.;d- L);,v'3 and . BAR£NT BECKER* ^'h*9 ta ?"f* >ait b {c,,t baB,*i . r, un, and who wifbed bun t«i eet n. Hc llt. «. Th^ ,t., f, -, ' > i i J lin,.jv„,i) i.„ ; ■ ,- . , , l 1 Ouw trie pnloucc co.de hi th- SBced »Jrs£ iSecJeer durm^ her ij'nH A u i • • - -1 otttitrvetb IV'n-j.jfc; on the pan of tic Prrfecutkn* poS.';/ II. Day— lV:tihed that on the evening of the ?6ih Sept lafl, (1014) the pjilcntr came to bislioufe and «anteO him to m and fee • liis wif' He cfiuJd mt yo, Prifoner then vai-.;, ihat he had bee" u.^i.rtu- nete with the arJenietliat he had tlrst mern- feli| jrot of Mrs. Day. lur he had lofl it, and Wasted more, la^e ;;ave him % draeboi__:he ptii u.er fcid he W3i;t,.jit for Uc\iry feirti- f-.ii, v\ho waa then ei h.id t< en working %r hi.n, and who wiflied him t* g-r-t if. He at- le&ded Mr?.- Becker durm^ her filflef, j\. honf t2 oV.ock of t.'.e Lmcday that the pri- . ionr- pot the arfenic ,.f him, he l>w Mrs. Bcrker. She corrph.h.ed «■£ diibef. in her iloin-i h and" vomiting, g* •"bout fhe day?, con.piidmng of pains in her bi. weK alio, and then got lb as to be able to wa k to 1 he door. She w(s afterwards taken &'k—fa.tie fymtom?} together with a cold- nels of .he cxtrtmitie.s burninj fenfatfon in her throat and third, and died on the 14th Oclober lad, between 8 and ro o'clock in [he morning. Mr/. MAW] wifc of doa. &#}—Tefltfi-. ed that .bot:t 10 o'clock in the mornms of gi-e never heard of or faw any rats-bane ab> out ih? V.ifft to k;:l rats—the houfe wui not troubled wih rats. Catharine Vun AlrH 1 'f T"^ — 1 r.s at tnc priiosi- era hotite on toe Wedneiday before his wiie d»ed. Mrs. Becker faid Hie bad been eating feilad and was fick. ^omefoxei mi^k wm given bet:. 8b« nnderlbod thac-Mr ; Beck¬ er, bad had a mif,.-.image a fliort time before Witium :\!'Cm. »■//, one of the luff feel ail)—IViiiiiedthat thi piflH:^rrelied *ctv 1'iCyify, tollin* and tumblmg in t- bfed, and ■ailing on hi-> Maker. 0«ie chi? aliei i"kin * about Kar«riit*»iOr«ioncr (liftlj *€.'itt uj h.i'-' ; up here Bankl W l>j»en~-T- ;i iited that ilv...: the r'r < f Sef rem! •<•.'• lafli «,h limtfia b •'% and fatd " !ti.- fiinitl - w»4 vcrv Hpeiilive, and }<• ;vai Ur;ws if., ^nd h : did ie i /.now how lie v.; j'd b- -%U: to fupporc :kein.JJ Never hs.ard -.- / thm^ a^ainlt tke r.iii.Mtcj,h'-h»p; thi-_-— was coiiirj-i-jl u man o;; ".ither a weak mind. SrctefaiyoftheM D — Vfth- A" ,",,-" ' . '• &'* V^s .-'. ^ e »•* .c-r..:.- : .;-.^. " Mr M te p'rif .ri-.r uivkt • «»y* ^ ^ that i an-; a •'a-m.=r,_[ \UVt. t\.. .xK^> th-j eldeil, '.vn > h a 1 ••:,Vt-" hx chiioto bn^trtnew^t of g teacher, .hp*W ei;.o-y weo a-qmn..ted with thewdke4rf P ; tJere the pvok'cntur.rcdcd, at a c'ua.t. r putt one \\ M. of Saturday ] Margm-n 1rm 6VrvI—Dciltfied that t!.e the En^lith lanf^tft?. } iiw ms (1f thai fch join.dfiers are wt« ww7 ntrmcrous ir> this pa.v. of the -ountry ; bee they arS ei'he- ftioiling va^'j^ic, or !b iiiterare ttat t^ who tcn-k the exammation oi theprifonct on n v ^' V if " .^ff^.UAlSlrf f * lre ^^not ^ith , t a |rcai deal ofrKfey2 the Mk Oct (th, d,y Mia. Becilei « ^ -"""--;^'™ * ^ ^ared to hv, , ^ in r;l£ Jd ^JJ^tJStS ba^beei, buried ) Th, exultation ilj5 * .^^::a, ^-' --- newr heard ,ny £I1V ^,rcc vlf ,,,,,,, » That the priloner ronleile 1 that he had ' "'^ ;,!'.,liU- V-nloner, wa. cor.hdered a, fe. Edited m fedl^rfy vomitu.^r. sne eontinued fa 'aid 26th September, piifonei came a©4 gave him about a drachm in a phial—was prefew ..i the evening; when he got m dfee '< cto' a^. Hated by him. 01 e of iifr.: •for ih. \ fTjjHsoTi—Lirt he never worked Jot 1I1. ei doner, or ever a"fed him to get ar- fctijt. ior hrm—he n«ver knew any other Henry Pergufon, except a for of hh, fiv<; yeats old Jaft fpring when he died. iOfOor ^wi Dtwnde— Ttflified that on ihe 2d Ort.^er lail, prifoner came to hU hvuh nt.o wanted arfenic to kill rats. He gase b,m eo or 40 grams, prifoner a!kcd how mnth )t w> ujd take to kill a perfon. ;^'w 'B*jmm'B*fo*-fc partner of doc- to. L,a>^ ld]s-necl lhat he 3ttcmje(j Mrg< W* i—.Urn. ..mptoms as Rated by Dr. J3a> toget! e> with a cold, p.oi'nfe and dam- ff-y [*» •', a few qays before fhe died. ff*g*nun a***!,, (fy cf.dcaor Chafe) ft ed at no other place for it/* Exam/nation \v\\* then interrupted, witnefs Wanted water in hfs ink—Prifoner got wjpe fptfittJ, For lie faid hccottld find no water, and dtauk quits freciy of it. Prifoner then faid he was hun¬ gry and went in a pantry—heard rattling oi* knivejs and fork?—directed the conilaMe to fetch the prifoner out—prifoner held the door ihut, and when opened, he was in the acf of cutting his own throat—tin oat was cu-. had, Lied much and he fell on the floor* The cut was dant with a cafe knife. Wtt« nels talked to theotifoncl about tlie oocn- ing'of his wife—it would remove fufpiciojjjf. Prifoner th'-n laid he had never been at Doer. Cbtedle1! for arfenic, and afcerwarda in the even;ng- he co'nfefTed he had been. William WoBth&drd—One of tlie JyJr'cea who took the examination* Putower litL-.itlv after it was ordered that Mis. Becker iho-ild *!ij*Mt^ a.-5ii.il: tile priloner, W&-4 COf.lIdered y luinhh l-diei.live man. ["The canf« on the above ■ eilitncny was ubmitted to'lieCoot wirbouJ argument.? The Jodg« then charged the jury. The Jury left their bo:, and in about o'.? hour returned with a verdict pronoimc*rr' :ht prif'irter u Guilty" The Indue immediatelv ■j.ft'ir. t.i a \r.\-.. lurry foleovi and impreiUve manner, feiiLer, ■■ the prifoner ro be l:uuj/on the firli Fri- r'u; in Oct"bei ner-. Kingston, Deceaibkh 2, loi*, (Jy* ' <■ i c • • • I « * » Mr. F.^itor^ Th.Tr.a'nvcr of the Mi^and D.Tirie; bcrtocl Society, ha, publifed a rote in your paper of the 25th inll. in which he all ode- not bebmicd, i^ed, people w,:!t after him in i^t^^T^ l"> r^>n»/br not aft- all direction;-,, aud form brought him bse> ' s , Bfhc?al opacity hi* not. be-n fnb- >M ^c^rM-purlbed the pniouer. Tj. tf> *!* TVb*» 8 Owing to the unttirc J.7OTrj ElLwortf^puvfucd the pnli found him near a mile fiom Ins hc.fe, under a fog, with hi.shvdd on the root of a tree— wed On prifoner, what does this mcaj, > I nfoner (aid « the people feared me to death they made me do it " % Abraham Wtlb, &gr.—Teftftcdi that early ana ctreumfbujccs 0f tjic cc. 1 kn oimnntqai'oo. abandon . 1 V;,rc,n'-r. fl* "flier cannot he ffi ^lho«i toft of rcpu.atMn an.l cent Ai. r.r • lh?,r P«wer to ac- ^ tooavi.n c. me TreaJurer, mfflntt aswv decree of act': Mr. Editi*', my fi-lerrdsandrr.?f?Ir hd Io<--r ;':j;. the cvd, but knew no? Wtor-- edy it. We read --itH nvch pkSrei Petition of t!he .-omn.itte of Arran^iJH Tor t)'.e M. I). S. Sockiy to the Le^;r puuliilied i;'i ymi: (iarefte cftl.2 ifoiii. in v-in'eii thev terffefent, tlM "Trie nvl 44 important • -be :i i.£the BfiabK;'tmeni;.8ifc c< iittin^ at d prepari-ig of Schoelmaite '•' ro ea«v;i r.ewand u:ef:i p!.?rt ofiaftrtSl **to tie rov*-f>ihip« and tiHagssof t*@i ^» riice ,f W-! were hoping that io a amUA wc fhould feel fe bj;e!ieiul ef«?cl.s cftis phiiantftropic fehenie ; but, Mr Edcor, otf * ':' e§ ioon vaniihed, wlun wc heard rf'lk Ti erljrer'- ifiaclivity, suH read h:S !**■■ lali « - i k"5 ;-:ner. We thou^V :^t t!:e nu.:l K- linn: itifurrnountable d*mciite*'< ?if« wa^ , whti h prevented him from collet ."nij-thc fi'bfenption*to fo uk-fi:' an hh& \ tion j but wkii we .rdledtd that tk M fknt and Trm'tec^ eliokn by the tneawW tht' fo'ciety, were Gentlemen who bad 1*1 been Cft'inently dilb'n^nifhed u»' the eta!* •ion of any Public truth repoOd in rti«n, »vf concluded that this Treats *i*»'* evade acling'.—-We arc extremely feif ff the Treafnre-'s pertinacity in adhet.-'V_• " leioinrfor. of4' pUfAttog .the fame W conduct," .rud liope, nncehe is &*■&*£ pediment to the advancement of tW '" ' tion, he wilt rhan-i his fetiiments, ft' vanee more forcible reafons fur to «P evafu-u, than we bdieve, he hua it *W cr to do. ...... ; TIM Mr™ * Mr. Ki'iroa, . Allow met h.oiujl: i!ft«*^