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Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1815, p. 1

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>, 5J53esW£rfI^isi, uSfe^at & i5£w^^r><^-wrt^V.*-r.. j&iaz&m fSATURDAY, December 2, iSic.] , „ - [VOLUME V.~--No. 26.] ■ ■ s - ' Kingston, Ui:pkr Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. r ^** asgaja^^Hi^:^^^ *- isecsairx sk^j? «3£?5£iE3£r -> ssatt Tow */ <»* Kingston Gjzetts. J r~>n t /.. ■ - • * > jj^Prick—Feu* BoaJm Fer Anowra, Yexclnfivc of poflagC) 7/6 hi advance 5/ at^ the end of fix months, a»d */& at tUe end ot 5hc year. $Wof of adverti/sa? in the Gh%?$% Six licea and under, 2/5 firft mteVirt -., aaa a/3 every Lubitqitent, #. Teri lines and under, 3/4 firft ini:rtio.i» and i/o*"ewy fubfequeitf* ^ ^ TfciiWa 'and upward^ 4*. per _lii.« nrft lilomsfra &? Ddlor, T)EG leave to H'.forrn their fronds and the J3 P'^^iic, that(hty Lave yppt rtetivedm- reft frorh London,Sod now oiler for fale, & very extenfive aflbKnicnt of DRY GOODS, . HARDWAIl, GROCERIES^ LIOEUORS, d which tiie following an; a part ; • . UPPER CANADA. . EQR SALE, Gecxge the Third, by the Grace of God, T* >* D 1 h V • ±1 6f the United Kingdomof Oreat Brita5a * "1/7 i 0ft$f/l ACUteS, and Ireland, King* defender of the. Faith. To out beloved and faithful Lesidative xHinfellofe of our Provinfij* of Upper Canada, arid to our KJpigjbt^ Citizens and Burgefles of our faid P.ovi.ice, to oi:r Provincial Parliament,, £t our to'.vn of York, or* the riiaettontli day of Octo¬ ber, to be commenced^ hcldi called and t .. _ _ ., , . ,.,, ,T ... ,.r elected) and to every offroa; Lacrcs figured rod plain ink IlaiiURcrchiei^ - %r - vy^nfMr" * « *» - n i '. x t% ,1 - vv *■*-'-^ *-* ~a. o 0 * Our 1 roc.uriu.iiou frindrr.*.*. Roma! a;:c: Pbcfcet CO * _ • _. 1 , .■, . ^ .v •, r"r. , r Expire of tiie ?;ubsczibex /// ^« DOLPnUSTO;'/-!, OH AT THI. FJilX?. IMG OFFICE, ;,: . N. HAGERMAN. Kingston, tgifh August} iStc, rjtf. NEW GOODS. ~ \ t 4L- - thought lit by and witli the Kdvkoof o,-r ^mor^ \7rkh are t^o HVv'iv» exeuntivi coiur:i!, to relieve cou, and each. ° s -. .' ; o fubfeiiber on the pMiksr . . Thorpes Graham,, • trcW^ii^r. titV, Knv. iPJc: 24-tF. Kingfton, j 3th Nov. iP_*jf LEFT at'tUTufefcr^S St'or^oi; the \porWing of tW fuft ijllh aS;tv« Watch— The owner nfiy hiv-fc it. on prov¬ ing property add pa/^S 'g'^feg'h . W Come invo tlic cncioiu-'e pr t-Bt fcibeft about the fiviUf Aosrttft Uftrf a h,I<i.lk fixed bay Korfc. The owner is ve- bkeftud to prove hUprbperty, pay charges aiid tafee hi:n away, ..«■■■* Willtita Form-cer. v0... ,, ,-h Nov. 1815. _ 26*3^ ■ Stolen, cotton do; black and whit? cotton H0I5 : iVlacb w°> It'--! do ; Ladies habit, kid and be-- v.;r Gloves ; Gcntk'inec'9 bell bfc&kj'doe & bcavjer.do: gcntleroen/s f?Xzv>t iiikand ir\- HVcc SifpeftdeW-J brt^d and Opcftfo Linfen Dijper; bed tic/cs and brown Hollands i Kuffi<iand I:naatio*.! uh^.-tir^' black and cJfor^ IJpa»kr^Ues \brn^d croiHsandfe^ r-ts : colored "?. :cl. white Threads, fiirfand coatee ^^9ttbp citeckx arid ftripe*: tHread aiido>H>irirfact!iJ ^hiiem^s bta-"Bftivcr i-latsi R^raoi^lieave? and wool do: hoys dpauddddoi L^dlc? n.ic Beave^andftra* Btv-.nc',*,.Lorded f;i:>jio« ? Jaecrkld, moroc-: #0 StJeSsAsrr Slippn^ : S'*'K? ;^oro:-o Boot,3 D3d S3tv.>te<5? jtcdUfeoe&'s h. . and coaii^ :.f you, of voir ai.trndance ?t the time* a- ai n^c^ .— forefaid] fepeby convc&a^ and hv thcib oo?h?^is e ^d eoqiiyi .:i Broad Cloths ; preffcifce'caiomiriffvoil and U:h of ?';u, that rht!e ai:i bbck ^?pf: P*«briefe ; do as fn;;y.f^;h ncecrliury. Herein fail not. E™^QS^-*r Ha«d{Eerc&icJi ? * Sfibe!,! - Sthtidndry, "Jc, trufty ai:d wtr!l beloV^d Francis Gore, Efqn;re, -Li^tilVi;a-it. Governor pf cvv faid Province $L Y/*vk, this Twelfth day of 0*:?< ber. in th-; year of G'.ir Lord one r:v :;(".;-*."* gi&Ht Ini^-dred and fifteen,and Hfty Bfih yearof om reigtiD Grntli rricr/o i5no Luck, doc-Jk?o a:;d be*- ,.ovc8 ; .La.-hV bkek, v.J.iife and fancy coloured M\ d?;: _ Ladies*; fancy afforted Kid d^L IVack, biuce gtrrfen & sec1: let Bombazetts ; White flialioon ti.k Vdvib a;;d Cot.ou Shirtings ; Fin. J;i:>: Lii.cn, Mtrffiaj Imitdiion and l7-.: »r<*'i Sheetj«*^ ; Uiack and v.rate Jeans, ©ioaitips and blick ■ Crape ; ^ - T3ckof?et aiid Bock Kuilfns, Lenbrs ; *io* Kingstin Juiy 10,1015. V I-'.* Tate Notice. i ^othasd $boi Er«f>iei; beftTooth do! 3&ftrtti d,: : Broom Heads: Lad?e.S'TprtoI{g ;>hel! and Horn Co^ba : Iv,;y andl5a-v]r!f do; p!l?.ted and brgfs Ca\id!eftieL>: SnuiH-rij and Stands : cr^uoard; chc'U clofct and pa i , i^kks : JBraG Cocks : brn^ and rro'a butt hinges: dO'HTj do; Stirrup Ircr.i 3c ffin&:q-}M. *"., it? i r. . 21 if tomeris for palifavois, a:.d foiicfl a eontiri'/- /\ T Sowi* fefSs * Co'*, Stor^ ADVERTISEMENT. - •• ■ - Ml P^^HE fubferiber offers for (afe to the back; i fc&wHtakeup.feiuheer or rw« i^J Hop where tic can he foucd, fln\i oc hand-> tamciv ftwaridca by the Kbfcdber. Tj.T.cIy rf-.vr.i vJLytnadilocaOT. .. Knives^ Kfncer*, Kafps ;c;d Mafnmers 3 ftccU vr.rds r.ri*. fcaks : Handfav»s 3rd ftc!tle$; Miii doertd Files : Cod "nd iiimbvo Line-, frraff Bo^.vv : Uiavfog d<) with and wkuquf, g]a:Tes': Dec utters* Titobler.3 and Wine Oi"'^s l Ko ih*n Tea Pots * fugar Boy>isc£ Milk Pots: targe und fnfall Cubs-Sc Cancers : UflLSQi ' . , ■ No 8 il.-.ii^-^thCon. cftlie towp- 6 Galks Nails, io&, iti$ H^ Icd^ 7^ 4« fhip 6f Pkaburgh.; c 'Jat^ fettled Mufiarl. also Lots No. 7 in the;5thconceflIon - r Cafe Iniagsu No. £6 in the 0d\ conc?i!ion ■ ^ i LLC -rrk frCr .V.f whole wi3 be ibid tfrm rot CWi en- N08 28, 20, 30, 3^ 5c 35, ::i 6th con Cash and the highest mice paid for r~v ?\T CLE AN COTTON AND LJNEN R A OS, ! At THIS OFFICE- jr. - Ivo, 23Ea"Lt4-8tacou.oi'Pittfijurgh. —_;_---------------■------'---------——• " , Several Lots of Lard of o::c and two aer and Sbot, &c Src. 23dO:iobe^ i^lC %(i WJliped, and for fats at this J J L Ote P>*« 1/3 • - SPEECH * V A 0UANT1TY OF Waiting paper Of Quality No. i and No. 2V Tor Sale at this Office Kteitm, Aril zx, i*if; 47" The LIFE awl DYING 3«uM of 7CAEPH ^£F/^; Who was execut-d at Kingston on Monday, the 4th day of September,, 1815. for the MnrAer of Mary Bevir, hw d^ghter. __ * "h TITE SUBSCRIBERS . HAVE FQR SA IE, AOV A.NTlfY of Ve.y Esrel'ent , .i FRENCH BRANDY.-------Wh.cA ^■ty «iVl se'd cheap for cafii. t H0M A S M-A R K LAND' & Co. UdpurcUfc one of the Booh. Sc'Dt- 2 0. ___-------------------------> 'qSSSfc'-BAlE BONXfc, ana SHV.HIFF's SALES, ; For said at this Offica- ro?. oaic, A valuable tra^ of Ud lying in the ^ tfafrnSftp dfenaVlottehtergh, tontam- jn<r f.Vur h.uiCved and" thirteen acres mo:: or Jefs ; "and knawir by tl^e na;ne of Lots bio. tei U-, :j, 16 and i^,being part of a ttr:fe 9f land between the 2d and 4th conceflions o\ &harlottenbargh. Fcr tens apply to JAMES G. BTEHUNE. LEFT fn the Stove of ihe subscriber, about the Fourth May lath, tm packages, Barked L. H. T. The owner of the - ■ •Vcfaid articles is requeued to prove tKe ivo-ertv, and psnr.'Jif : ^-^rV -. . ' A } SAMl. MERRILL. zctts in extentj on the ff6«t oi lot NButWc 24 in "the towftflrip or Ringitoi), Wog 3<id fcituate<>Ti the lij^re of the Lake. And! likewifc feverai \9k of iai u oi one, two ai*d three kefes on the tear oi til.1 (aid Jot >o. 24» Lffeg and fcituate on the rosd fiou; ihc town or Kinglton to tie eoVntry,— 'iffc JoCs a:*e well adapted iVcm .heir fiti:at*ou ii.r building ou them, and lor-tHe eiiabii!iai:u:i cGi ic 1 io iii the vicii.ny ot the town. Application to be made to the iubieribei, GEO OKiLLbTUAirr. ^ICw£f(0n> $& 6, 1-815. __ ______1^ / ror Sale, A VALUABLE Farrri, withb'WIrrs ako large iirnvovtmcptc t! ireon. fa* vorabl- fitPfcteci. jv5ihin.2.8 Vt:*e* of Kir<»s- ton. ?e;foi\? di1roi:S of e urciiafmg to in¬ quire of the Pinner. Kingston, July 10, 13IJ. ^ 5 tf4 .

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