J. Hend » ■ Has Jusr RfxeIfed, AND now opening at his STORE, a general and well chofen affortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS and HARDWARE. ALSO, A General Affortment of Drugs and Medicines Amongft which are: t»A»* • Camphor i Opium ; Aloes ; \ Flor. Sulphm Glauber Salts ; British Oil; Turlington"*s Bah, Efs. Mustard; • Opodeldoc >• Godfrey's Cordial; . Cloves ; Efs. Pep. Mint ; JVhtaion's Itch Ointment ; Cheng9 s Worm Lozenges ; Coit's Pills ; Lee's Pills, Anderfons Pills ; Hoopers Pills. &c. NOTICE *Hie fubferiher rcfpeafully informs fcifl friends and the public, that he h,as entered in¬ to co-partnffhip with Mr. Ge- rge H. Det- ior, and that the bufinefa will {n future be carried on nndet the the Firm o£ THOMSONS DEtLOR He returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have" fo liberally afforded him fupport, and hopes that the new Firm will merit a continuance or 'heir favours. As it is the fubferibef's wifh, to cloCe his farmer bufinefs as footi as pofllble, he will thank thofe who are indebted to call and arrange their refpe&ive accounts. H. C. THOMSON. 23d o&. 1815; 20 o FOX SALE .- &< Concession, Concessi$n9 The whole of which he will sell low for cafh or country produce. Any orders from the Countty, will he punctually attended to, and thanks will be returned for their cuftom. Kingston* August 28,1815* J 2 STRAYED f.om the fublcnher, about four weeks ago, a pale red Cow, with a white face-, {harp horns, half her tail off, and white feet. Whoever will give information where (he may be found, or fetch her home, /hall be handfomely rewarded. Jivnes Bafr, Kingfton, Oct. 10,18 1 18 NOTICE, ^T^HE fublcriptions to Lieut. Colonel* JL Bouchette's Topographical and Geo¬ graphical Maps* which were originally fixed \at Five Guneas, are now advanced to the X.ondon price of Seven Guineas, and will Continue to be received by his agents. April 22, -£8ic.___^ 47 "fO&T RECEIVED, jAnd for Salf. at this Office^ WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, MURRAY'S GRAMMAR, AND A GJi-EAT rARJF.T^ OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Map "of the States 3 ; to which* he has Vreidy obtained a >& respeftajle futrfcripifejn of about two and the Canadas. Td the Public. THE fubferiber acknowledges with gra¬ titude* the Jibei'al patronage he has re¬ ceived from his friends and the public, to the MAPS be has compiled of the ftate of New-York, Upper and Lower Canada, and to acquaint them that his refidence is No. $50, Market ftreet, Albany, where his Maps aiv for fale. Thefe will be found highly valuable not only to the Inhabitants of the northern ftatea, but alio to European t^fld fonthem gentlemen travelling to the falls cf Niagara, through the Canadas, or elfewhere ; as they will find the counties, towns, villages and roads .generally correctly delineated. The fubferiher having hTued prooofals fometirjie past, for pub:»(hing a new Map of the United States, Up: & and Lower Cana- ads moll resf: thoufand names, flatter himfetf that from his !-fig experience in turveying, compiling and "-'Ublifning of Maps, which has employed 23 yr.irs of his past life, together with his un- w a ied exertions in travelling the tour of the Ux ited State**, for *:he ejrprefs purpofe of collecting and delineating" U-ch manuicfipt matter as has never heretofore been publish¬ ed, will render this work highly interesting, and fe<ure public confidence. The fubferi¬ ber relies on the merits of his work, with his laudable exertions to promote private interest and general improvement, to aflure him an adequate reward. The Price of the Map of the United Siates in flip's. Nine Dollars. , Alade portable in a book. Eleven Dollars. Mounted on Rolen coloured and Varnifhed, """" ' Dollars. ^MOS LAY. Albany, $cth Augujl, 1815. 18 W4, Richard Smith & Son XI AVE SEVENTY BARRELS TAR. N rcafon&Je terms, Lot No. 22, in the $th No. 23, in the 6tb AND Lot No. 20, in the i \th Concession. The whole being in the Townfhip of Lans- down, in the distiict of John down*. ALSO, Town Lot No. 582, in the Town of Kingston. For particlurs enquire at the office of ALLAN MCLEAN, Efq. Kingston, August 28,1815* 12 WANTEI^ A QUANTITY of good live GEESE FEATHERS, for which a go-cous price will be given. Enquire at this office. Kingston, August 22, 181J.________[ \ Smith & Cook, Have just Received, AND now offer for sale, at their Store at the house'cf Thomas Cook, an e» tentive affortment of GOODS of every defcription generally in demand ; among which are : Superfine, fine and Common Broad Cloths, Cafllmeres, Wellington Co'd, Silk«, Silk, 3flk & Cotton & Cnttoji Shawls, Black & Colored Silk Hdndkerehiefs, Silk Umbrtllas, Mens' hrd Bueksktn Gloved, Beaver, lined with Lamb* Wool and common do. Bomhaz^tta, Bed Ticking, black and V/bitc Cimbricn. White Cotton Muflin, Cap Pattfcrn?> Black Velvets, Ready mado Superfine Coatft, WeHington Cord und Nankeen Pqnia- lcpns and Veft?. Vir-ith a gre*t variety of Foncv G^ds, toe numerous to rafert in an advtrtifemeut. ALSO, Glass Ware, Crockery, Hard w are—and Groceries* And hi daily expectation of an extenfive collection of BOOKS, adapted to thetafie of every defcuption of readers. Together with Stationary and School Book". Every attention will be paid to thofe who may favor them with a call ; and as th^y are determined to open no accounts, their goods will be difpofed of at very reduced prices. Kingston, August 28, 1815. l Stf i""*HE subscribers will do Com million Bufinefs, and ftore and forward GOODS Thir.ee on the rrkpft reaforab-e terms under the firm of SMITH & COOK. CYRUS .SMITH. TOO MAS COOK. Kingston, 28//' Angust, 1815. 1 itf JUST received and fur sale at the Printing Office, Kir.gf- ton, 31 Reams Crown Wrap ing Taper, 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Pod No. 1, Velum II ditto ditto No. 2. 9 ditto ditto uncut. 7*lyiu Kingston, 28th August, :815". IOO Barrek I2tf 4 /* A and For Sale at this Oflice, A Discourfe delivered at Brockville, Eli¬ zabeth town, April 27, 18 15, being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving m Up¬ per Canada. By William Smart, Minifler of the GTofpcl, ALSO THE CHURCH CATECHISM. % Tom Hard SOAP, .For fale by the fubi'cribers, very low for CAsh. JUCH'B. SMITH* SON. 1 VI* Wanted, A young Lad about sixteen y ears of age, as a Servant, to live in a fmall family refiding in the country. Application ito be made at this nfiice. Kingstun, Juty 2 c, 181C. gff Hi \fdcl SMITH & BUTTERWORTPI, RESPECTFULLY, acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that %- on nanu an exrenuve »«mi*««-«• v* —•*•■——«■ —■ Children's bell Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's heft Beaver, Cador, Rotara and Knapt Hats j Men's, Youth's and BoyV Wool Hats; Likewife, Ladies and Cliildr-•:'.? London Fafhonable BonnetG, Feathers and Trimminrjs of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brow.., Purple and Drab 5 which they offer, Wholefale and Retail for Cafh as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Caili paid for Beaver> Muilcrat and Racoon Skins. Kingfton, 30th 061. 1815. . 21 tf. NOITC^E. 'HE fubferibers refpeclfully inform the inhabitants of Kin niton and its vi- cinity, that they have entered into a Co- Partucrfhip, in the practice of Phyfic and Surgery. All calls in the line of their pro- feifion will be nuncl nally attended to. Thev ketp alfo on hand a lar^e aadcorri'- plete alToTtrr-eJit of DRUGS if MEDICINES, Paints, Oil, Dye Woods, &c. &c. The following fs a lift of a few of the ar¬ ticles pjit received. 14'ibfi Argent Viv, I 12 lbs Bolus Atmen3, 24 do Amiraofty CidJ 20 lbs Blue Vitriol, 25 do Annattoj ; 12 lbs Bay Wax, 4 do Arfenic Alb, | 2*8 lb? slack Le^6% 2 Cwt. AJliirn, j 41 bs 3a!m,Socatil!a?f 12 Gallons Alcohol, j 4lb* Cantharades, 50 lbs Owm A.oes, 20 lb? N'ttC Acid, 20 lbs Baffin, Captb, 2 lb do Peru, 1 lb do Sulpher, 20 lbs Borax, 3 Cwt. Brimftone, 5olb« Cieta Alba, 10 1bs do Rubra, 15 lbs Calomel, 4 Do/,. Court Haft, 6 do Flclh Colourd, 15 lbs Cloves, I Cwt Cort Auranti, 15 lbs doCafca»iila> 50 lbs do Peru Fluv, 10 lbs do Winter, 40 lbs do CaiHa, 6 lhs do AtJgUftttra, Cpyanu e Pepper copal Varntm, cork Screws, corbotiic tco;h Pow'r Burgamnt, 2 Grofs c. H. Peu'LJ Emplft, Dhc Simplx, 2 Ibte Cbwage, do do Gum, 2 Grof-4 viol Corks, Emt. Tart, 'lo ibs Crocus Mart is, Emery, yo)h\ Crm, Tart, \ Ens, YenMis, 6 Doz. Bottles, Ce-j phalfc Snuff, Flos, Ben Zoin, l\o Zinci, Senna Folicula, 10 lbs Gum Arrobac,- 12 lbs do Asfoeiida, 12 1|)8 doGnac, 6 lbs do Myrrh, ! 6 lbs do G>;mbouge» 4 Ibfl do Opii, [ 16 Iba do Manna, '■ Flos, cham, I BB1 Sulpher, 6 lbs Gum camphor*, 61b8do Copal, 8 lbs do Galbanum, 4 lbs do colat, 8 lbs do Shelac, I Paek Gold Leaf, 28 lbs Glue, 4 ib-, G'um Scam'ny, ink Powder, Flotant Inuiizo. < chtliyocula, T 12 lbs do Kino, j 6 lbi do ftrmomag,! India Rubber", Kings Yellow, j Mag, Alba, 1 Mere, cor. Subj Made* Mafic, Madder, MaccuboV Snuff, Nut Megg^, 14 Gal. Olium GKvaf 6 doz B(<- do Ricinf, 1 lb do Annis, 1 lb do Juniper, 4 lbs do amyg Lulc, Gala ng ail, T Bbl. Ronh, Rotten Stone, Rofe Water, do Pink, P: •UC Hair Powder, Lamp Black, Leith Auri, Lapis Pumise, Arrow Root, Lg, Quaffia, Lo/enpes Ppt, Lemon candy, Lead Pencils, crown Lancettff, Lip oa.i^e, 14 lbs Pix Burgundy, Velerian, Patent Yellow, i curcuma. Pomatum, Paint Boxes, 2 cwt Rad Gentian, 2q lbs do Glye, Pulvus Rhci, do Jalapi, do do Specae, S cilia, S per ma Setti, Sal, Niter, Refined, do Tajter, 1 pb) Sal, Glaub, 2q lbs Sal Sodt, rel'd Spirits Isiivs Dale, ao do Terabfntb, do " do Vin£t, Starch, Sand Paper, Serp, Virgin, Seneka, , PATENT MEDICINES: And Hoopers, ^ PILLS, Coits Batemans Drops, Godfreys Cord&is, BritiOi Oil, &c. fre. &%.' A varietyof other articles, to^ numerous to mention in an ajvertiftment. PhyHcians and others are refpeftfuliy in¬ vited to call and judge for themfelvcs. Fam¬ ily chefts put up and direction* given gratfs. CARLISLE k M ARKHAM. Kington, Angui I 1, 1SI e.. 1 j t f Notice* THE fubferiber has for ti\ca Vaf able tragi of Land, fitted in tfct firft .." celfion of the t«.wnfhip of Fredeiirlt^n^?^ 1 Glyc, ^ Sac, Saturn/, Semen, aanig, Syrriuires, Semarouby, Sapo caftile, do Wfnd-for, Rofe Soap, Sealing Wax, Tamarinds, . Urinals, j Umber, {WascbatV, ■ I Verdi'jris. ■edeuck03ure-,a^. rfom Rino-iton. on the fre'rr rtt*A '»«v through the BayofQu.nty, For further inforirattOi erqnr^nf B. C. S?EnCZR, Admmkr^r Fredenckfburgh, Pel. 37,_^814, L Diknargcd Non-ConmiiTioned CKaj and Soldiers, who may have been recom, mended for receiving Grants ef Land, ard to repair to Cornwall without delay. & tctrf port fhemfelveR to Alexander MlDon'ell'ik fuperintendant of the Department for Loci ting the new Settlers. By order of His Excellency d:e Proviilond Lieutenant Governor lit/ F. P. ROBINSON,^ • Kingston Dock Tare!, Wthjnne, 18 tf, EQUIRED for the ufe of the Naval Yard, the undermentioned articles, Bricks, 60,000 #* Lime 8,000-Bufliefc Sand . 4,oco do. Shingles, 34,000 To commence the delivery of the above mentioned aitides immediately, and to cm. tinoe (weekly) by luch quantities as rhaH be directed by the Commilfioner, or Offi¬ cers of the Dock Yard. Ptopofals to be delivered into the Navaf Store Keepei'a Gliice, Point Fitdciicknif S A FAST failing Schooner lying at Sackets Harbor, about 60 ton^bnc* then. She has undergone a thorough re¬ pair, and corked from keel to runnel, and if tight ; h.ir Sails and Rigging reiv, and m complete order. She was built m K'.nRilnnr and waa called the F..H%aMb* of Kir^'os, when captured by the Ame«-;c?.n«.—Any peifon wifhing to purehafe, will call upi-a George /Irtnjlmtig nr dipl. Vaugbh. Raekct's Harbor, June 26, 1815. 4 lake Notice. m ding a We Stofe Ho.fe and HM>a?T" the ufe of Government, for the fiilfil ' °J which the fub(c;iber, becarr, W?^7 fohave ad-anceda targe hm rf^V* private property, wiih engagements L J? lentoffomc Goods hi &»£&»)>iitJjl the above Buildings-- TT'^T4 This is therefore to requeii C5^emmeat, or any other perfon, not to make arlv j^S payment on the above Building, ^ f r tlement is made, and lawful Bill, paid off ELI EMOWS, "- ROBERT YOUKO Kingston, June 18, 1815. \tr THE fubferiber has now or4 hand> and intends keeping ready for fale, an affort¬ ment of Saddles, Bridles, Whips- and Spurs, with other articles ufnally kept tnhi'slmcv His prefent means of obtaining workmen anj ilock, will enable him to fell much lower than formerly. Repairing done on fhort notice; A. fcETCALF. Kmgfton, June 12, 1815. 2 < ^^* 200 Dollars Reward. LOST on Thmfday the ttfh inti.. therm the Greets of Kindlon, or on the road towards Ernefi Town, a Red Morocco Pcck^Boo^ Containing army bills and other papers 01 value only to the owner. Whoever has found the fame and will brfag it to the Pn'n!er,or to Mr. Sheriff Stuart, wiil receive the above reward. The faid Bflls can be of no ufe except to the owner, their number and defcrvption be* lag known, and meafurea having- been al¬ ready taken to ftop payment at the army- Bill Oflicr. Confequently any perfon at¬ tempting to pafs them fraudulently willtifc liable to arreft ano trial for felony. Kingston, 20th Ofi. t6l&. 2Q FOR SALE, Aftttf Ban els cfexce llcnt Prime Pork. Enquire- at Mr. Baddy's tavern* Ki%ston. on. 2$t $&tp 1* -