.( tehen iiC entered Bti'n i *ilii t:,<- Fr-nclisr- tn\ • it I think yoll will a-grrS with me, that tin-.' y/.. «rf>/r was never more properly o erl moi ji.lllv lefortcd to. rr Lr,r.l;nt Sffh f. Bittie on Lake Champlain. Narai C'-jrt Martial:—The Court Mar¬ tial held at Portsmouth, on board the Gladi¬ ator, on Capt. T'. ino(tlic next Senior Officer a ft »t the Death ot Capt. Brwmc,) &the Olfies. under his comand, lor the lols of tlu Ijiiiiili fijuadipfi oil Lake Cham plain, elofedils proceedings on Monday lad. The following is the decill >n of the Court : — ** The Court having maturely weighed llie cvider.ee, is of opinion, that the capture of his Majtlry\; P.iip Conferee, & the remainder of the lijii.idion, by the American fquadron, to»as principally caufed by the Smith fqtiadron h;'.vin-r been urged into,battle Otcviotxs io its Win;; it! a proper flute t > meet the cnemv, by tlit! pvi#n:iicj co *>pcrut;«,im of the Jam) hrcm not being earned tiitu effect, and by theprcriivjj Utters of thvir CnmrnKDiici-iiJ * »• Ch'efwhereby itappeavbth.il hehad,«m ioth ciSeptember, i^ta, only waited for the naval alack to ilorm the enemy's work- ; Sc the tignal of the approach on the follow in day having b-en made hy the (baling of the gun«i ss fettled between Captain l*).»wnie and Major Coore, and which promifed co¬ operation was communicated to the other Officers and crews of ilie Britilh frvnadrpa before the commencement of the aclim. I he Court, however, hpi opinion that theatiark .vould have been fcttendcJ with Binre effect, if a part of the gMi-bofcts had not WltMratvn t!ier:fr!ves fi.i.n the action, and odu-rs of the Vtffclrs had not u?Cu prevented by bafRiig winds from i^etii g into the {rati¬ ons affigiied to them—;hat Opt. fti.'£, of fa Lianet, and LnJ'er.ant Kobifon, who fwecpfrj-d to the command n$ the Confia.iee, after the lamented lac-of Caprain Du'tetfir, ^liofe conduct was mrKcl by she" jjrateft va,our, and Lirutai-aot CViitMpher »k!l, command>'uvr the Murry, and Mr Krjhcnfon, twttiandtng the; Bar*Artf, ^.nn^ats, v.tio ^P^red to take their trials :;: this CoUft- ^arti.d.cond.ia-. d thr-mLl.v- withgrc-it xcil P«ery and ability, ittrmgthe atliV-i,^ that Mortaaattt William Micks, cummanrii:,., the ™eji, alio conducted himfelf in the tkhn W? becoming bia\vr/--that lhe other fW- xyA">(J officers and Imp's crev L,r'»t. M» Ghif, oi tiu-Chhb, *% tes. not 3Pptiied fare to rai- his mat, -Uc, er-.J.i..5t- atVu^Ws •••••';- • .- •- •• ^ ..• prjn.r. I.ient. K«d « ttttn, I.mil. Hieio. Lj«k.c n^n>:,-i>« M'- jAtr.'i »\,h .lion, ,iid the reft of the ftn viving * hi. *'« J«»J fhjps c,,mpi'iv, except lieutenant M ;hie, ou^M jok »urt honorably ac.pi'lted ul thev -oe hereby mufc honorably accHi.ct.. lh:p's crev-' eitcefititig atcurdiug" V >» Tfitt ^Inniimcnt is fttiUA ^7 the Offictts, Non-Ccmrmin .neJ Officers and Privates of that Corps, To perpetuate hi, WVth in the place that gave him Birth, and remain in tdtirnony of their t fi.eem aid forrow. Called early to Command* He exercifed it with devotion, for the Hon¬ our of the Service and the Glory of hia Country. Partner in the dangers, and afihciate in the triumph 6i' hU illuflrious Compatriot, he left his Name united with that of Welling ros, on the Plains of the Pcninfula, an-.l Gaul, at Vittona, at Pamplona, at Orthe^, thofe irr.perilhable Memorials of the Caufeof Nations and t'ae Conllancy of Britain ! When called from the concluncn of one war, to tiTett trie objects of another, lie palfrd fio.n the fliorea of France to thole of Ameri¬ ca, invefted with a diftinguilhed Command. The Choice of his Prince and the confidence ef his Country, were amply jollified by \ the Victory tjf I'ladeTdbur^r, and the fall of Wafliinrrton, which •' vvvelHtic; fri>Qi an trnemy . of lupcrttJr, farce the Capital uf [lis tdmpcllc i\ tuni to witnefs in me heart of hU tefritury, the hnrni1iattr>ii of an arro- gjim policy, and the Nation. Incefatlpahle lt\ the path of dutyi Snd the purfvnt of renuwn, he advances tu the a* ehiiJvemcnt ofotliertfoiTcjilcltsi; nii- til, wounded by a rifle bail '.n litt* approaches to -5iil- cimore, oh the tzih ol September 1014. He fell, alajKJ too &at\yj altbcuph maturity of Fame, cioling his courfc in the 4 id ycot tA'Vm age ; bavins canmoed both m tMc earl* iy V.'t GENERAL RdSS. fanae^esdby fentitr^nta of ai'iection, in.-.- Har to tho^e which unite the memhufii of a ftini'v with their parent,'he oHkeir, l\"on- Comm.flio;;ed officer.;, and I'.i-ates (,f that diftui^mlhe'l corps, thi xo'h. ^;r ^ MaiMa," Recfi ncr.t of Itifantiy, have joined ina liberal fohfcriptioa, to tellify ihrir f>-Jin^s of es¬ teem and regret firtlieit Ute comm-.tvdii r OtTicer, Major General Koi'-., -v;«o h-'.d bears tbfir Lieutenant Colonel. li» confvijuencr, ataoaument has been offered by th-m '1 teerecied to his memory, n the n.vv Clincch of Roi* Trevov, his family r(.lidw"cc in the lidvth of Ireland The v^ik* executed, C< t>) be feen at the Marble yard of Ald;rmar. DavW. in Dublin, is fn'^hly creditable to the«ttlents of the Artilb employed, and par* tic.hrly oltbe tauzry, Smith. It cmvSls of a lofty pyramid of dark dove floured marble, at the bafe 01 which ?.p« peats, m a/^ r^/irt-c, o! whiter ramble, a grace* ful 6gnre of Faine, holding an elevated 1 rurr.- pet in her right hand, and in hei left a chap- kt of lauvel, while (he leans o-: a rock, v'Ukh iapports a raedallioD, beaxiug the butt of ihe General. * Thia figure with i's acccmpanime:.t?s W>baavfell proportioned farcopha^os, on the centre of which aie carved the &v(TM» rial War iaq* of the deceafed, and on each 5dc of which prnj'eci bcauiifal executed tr.. pHk* emblematic of 1 he bo Unci's and glory of military life. The larcopha;;U3 reSa up- W rich pilafters, beween which is a r. heno.-mherc- in tin. fee we of ina exploits : In private ],f.:, as Hnil-•.•.'!. Father and Friend, faithful a^-cttunate, ^eueiou% • In pubic, intcliit»ent, oOtive, aulei.t 6; uno-'i". ma>\d ; Be ftirfiifh«.(l it once the pu- r«tt example of 1/oineiliC Merit, and the hii^hxelt Model uf Miht.ir? Worth ! i\." onrisrrt 1.wiu:ivo, .,ilt-.iv i on.clhis v\& r:oU3 fault, will augment tlie l| tendour of his name ; Brit h»cotlflgiied, too fonu, t^ Kir. bre'.Kren in Arm**, the proud, thvrugh moumfal >»lfice of recording on this Monu¬ mental TabU-t, the Luftreol bis Virtues, and tftC Ma^-iniUKJC of bu Lq(s. IsontkXt Sept. i. A\ rV.e r."" M ronferrcrceof ilit WciUcj"- an MelhiKlilts, field -t fcf** chellrf, \X appea¬ rs ihat tbe number r? p 'tfyns in the '.oa- » r i.cxiou xmmintro to BCdrny one aw*** run- fy ityjuldhu l rj.. When Lahe4oyete was fit »tj be tjlnaitieo teawe to be witltou! trie bandage on ion eyes, and to* give the word to fire. He laid, "I cannot fear to die Who have feen death in fo many fhapes \ arid v ho have fo often given the word to French foldicfs to ihe, may be perniitted to do fo lbisor.ee and tor the la'l time." H._ adx meed with a firm Hep to the Vet¬ erans v.-ho wercapp tinted to moot him, :m 1 when within tour or nVe pacer., t^a\e the vA.rds—- i?^V ? /V^itf •' «r* .'"—They obey, d moft fteadily, and the Traitor fell tlead in at: mftjr.t. Re was 29 years 0 f nc;e, of elegant man- commonlK:cafions j and finally, the French povernment is to be wholly at the espence or ujppuriing him," ■ ftwfr, ^. 25. Madame Ney presented herfelf two days ap-o at the houfe of the Due de Rohan. The anfwer of a Great Monarch to her ap- plication for his intercefuon in behalf of her husband was unfavourable.—Gazette de France. The White rln£ has, it is faid, been h n'ited in Cornea—the birth place of the 4* Great Man," like hi* empire, yields to Fate. Kingston, Novi-mber iij 1815. f • • » • • • • • • ■ • NetO-Torh, Oct. 2 1. The statt of Public Feding in Fraficc, ac¬ cording to late and autheritic advices, is far from being pacific and tranquil. The /Bos¬ ton Daily Advcrtifer of Thursday in fup. port of this fact, fays—« We have been ah lowed by a friend the peruial of a letter writ¬ ten by an American gentlemen now in France, which gives a gloomy piclu-e of the flat'e of that country. He confirms the fact fo ofcen dated, of the general difTat.'sfaction of the inhabitants, at being treated as con¬ quered people. It Teems there is a general rejection of fpirit and much murmuring, but no relillahce except in the garrifoned towns He fpeaks of the angry note prefbited to the allied powers, which he ltate3 was dated July ?2, and adds that their treatment of it was eeaiivc. The allies had declared that thev would not interfere with the interior re- gulationa ot France^ but their armies pro* crcdetl in caking military p (Tcfiioittyf difier- cnt glares, in the narne ox their refpccliVc foVtreign^/1 The following m^anrholy piilure of the Kate of things rn France :a copied from one of our lateft Loudon papers t— u Day after da^ the private account? from France became more gioorr»y J ;!ie date of politics in the capital becomes more involved B'aS intricate ; the complaints sriii coufwfioh of the departments become more diftretling. Of plot^ iir.d corifpiraces In every quarter, there h ••huuJant rumour* We hear of new tS'cilir,;] Vespers direiled &sr«ttiti all llie al- ■ lies ; and of u new St. Barthol >nu-w's day which* thveateiM the prctelfams of the South. The King's Mihillcrs, or their tnoft intimate friends, are ftirring up a jajobm i'.iiuneclion; th' y are oppofin^ the difbaadiug the army of the I.-u're, and i'ecvetly eBcouraging the rebel cninrnatidcrs of the torErefTe* to pr'otdng their rer.i'ir.:■.?'.'. Tlie ai.ied Suvcieigns do not :■>*■>'•>••■*{ to :. "■*. in con.6'.*rf with t!:e Kin's of Frante,o.T vy'th bny party \u thai eoanrry and llarcely with cachctlv r. The cbnclu- h<>n of the treaty of peace f«rt.>» to be more aidant thnncv<:r. The opening of the c'ham- bfr *»f R*prefentatives is looked to as the iignra! offomc new -end ttemeuduoua exolo- f'on : arid Fl-mvce has ail the lymptoms Jan approachiiig and moll fanguinary warfare.'; _____• t\\?v?'orl 6>-7i/:'-, r.'r ;c. Another Indian War,— !iv t-vo or three s-'.*Jrs in our columns tl.ii evenirig, it ap« r-",:f * ."t're a;eto hSv*- ;. • o'h-- Indian \Var on our font hern and .vehern b'.idcr. The Creek Nations rcfile to comt-ly with the terms of the treaty th y formed with General jackfotl ; andeve'n L'^ie of the na¬ tion Who were heretofore conlidettd asfiien- dly, have joined the bo'lHk (land aid 5 and have commenced thefr operation bydciWy- lm a nnmncr of import mt futtsi In eoufe- qtienee of <h-«- proceedure, Geaeral Ga-u :s, In behalf of tlie U. States £#vernraeif£ las made art jui.,:.tion cm the Cio^rnorof G or» gia, for r.coo. Militia ; and the Go}. •..-.: lias alreadr i&*d his oYdefs For a c-:-- oi Jonatteft charged IriA )c f>,u\' v [, r,ef, « meofaprefs gang in £„,,,.„; -|iai i0f.k Irifh Jonathan rb tow and dcft'my d 1I9 prntedtion. NoW,fay« Pat, I'm mi 'fv land pf liberty, and by my foul I'll pt:..ifl, *0u_ accordingly he and hU afTociata tied tip Liih John, gave him thVe- dozen, then ^ ave him a few drups of comfort to keep ..p his fP{, its. and proceeded to infiia the patriotic part of the lentenceby pouring liquid tar over liifh John's body, then difchartring the contents of a bag of feathers over the tar, difmiffed him by telling him, go yon /.v/*,and fee th t you nver again meddle wuh a free born A mericSn from the county of Kilkeny in ould Ireland/ London, Aug. 14. Bonaparte was on Friday laft olf* Maine- les—H. Majefty's (hip Zenobia put on iitorcat Falmouth fevcral letters from tlv: Northumberland, a letter from Falmouth fays; We learn by an officer belonging to the Northumberland, that Monsler Bona¬ parte appears very glad at having escaped fiomjufrice, and beir.g well fettled m thai veffcl, where his firft quedion was wiicthrr any of the officers would play at whifr/ He has a long-voyage to make, and ieifhea tB pais the time agreeably.'* . 1 NEW-YORK October 27. bir Frederick Philip Robinfon, commander of the Brhflh fences in Upper Canad'a, is now* in thi* city, and will fail for Liverpo A in a few days in dip Minerva, captain SkvichKyi P-'ediction Verifled!*' i hefoltuwing correfpottdencepajfedbt'tiOeen Bo- nn^arte and John Bull in the year i8o.i. Say? rkmey to Johnny, I'll foon beat Efovei; *t3ays Johnny to ^oncy, that's doubted by fome ; Says 2?oney, fuppofe I fhouid really come over ; Says Johnny, why then you'll be really O ERCOMt; On Saturday se'ennight, the Rev. VTcar of Leigh chrillcued an infant, a few weikj old, whofe mother 13 in her 56th year. Tuc i'atm.r, Scth RadclitTe, is a weaver in thtf London pap. (term. Notice- THE fuhfcrihei ber^s leave to return hia moll fmcere thauks to his friends a.J Pnblie in general for their liberal fupportj arn,\ nintsthem he his no csjfnexmti with a- , perfon in bunnefs } thofe ro whom he is indrbted are requefted to fend in their ac¬ counts, and thofe who are indebted to him arc defired to make i«nmediate payment. No 1'eilou is a'uh 'riled by me to receive any accounts due to the prior concern; JOHNYOUNGi N. B. Any perfon having good mercham b'e Ueef 10 difpol'c of, will fin 1 market by applying t.. the ilore of MeiTrs. Kieliatvi Smith and Son. —i—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^— Take Notice* THAT Whereas fome time about tlfe hid of March, in the year one tho::- fand eight h'Mndrcd and fourteen Dan E* Alkn and Eli Emons did enter idto. an a> greem "t with Thomas Paiks to pay «»u* hundred and feven po" mds Ha'if»xCurre-':y> «oa<y thai the faid Parks had prcviouily a- gregd to pay Mr. Stephen Fairfield f^»r f»x hj.idred acres of Leafe Lands, together uith a null feat on the fame—as alto that the faid ,1.1 en and Etilbris have ad.a iced about four hundred (bilita tor tllebnilding fo a faw n-ul or. .he pi emifes above mentio'acd. Tlufe a«e therefore to forbid all arvd eve^ tablet containing the Jolli.wmg ini.Miptron lro:9 tt.e Ptn, we •jhd-.rfta.d, of Mr. Pre?toa Fits* G«ald, the well known author of u Spain vdiimd>** Although the national giati- Jidc has given to General R-cfs, am-nig o- Ww heioes who have died for theii cotitrtry, omonumentin St. Paul's, yet an humbler, ^dtan=r tribute wa.s to bt paid to his worth k thofe once happily permitted to approach K'» aarj this purpofr has r.-co p:iformed by taeoffieers and privates of the acth regim* tnt» in a manner that, while it throws a los- ^jound the dead, ref-ects b^.cA a portion °'itsfplendour, on themfcWes. Sacred to the Aett&rf <•? JORCENERAL KQ7.RRT BOM %il Ms^teaaot C4r.iel a* tk t^A Rcct. ncr, and handferne perfon, and martied two years ago and has a fos. He never coufefled himfelf guilt)' cf any wrong, but on the con- trary, laid he and his comics . put diftei 2tit contiruaions on the term loyalty, ?* that he 1 ad acted loyally and for the good of Fian.t by attachiRg himfeif to Napoleon, being so,, fident thai It, got.** the Bourhorus, c0ula fave it, From a file of London papers received at the oiUce of the CorfttfterciaJ Adveitifer by the Annifquim, the-.eoui'ite number ot men. 0m S Weuenfrontier, (c, wUTl^ W ^ „hatfoever to ^Jxk ^et.:o.s:ia;e refined to negate « trea;T ^ ^kcanyLreemcnt with faid Pirka <w of ]>caee | and government is ubnr* to mu,k _•■ --^ ,J J^ ^0- fi ^,lic!n,d ^^ ::d repair forts, and to make uther prcpara- tionsfor acamp^.n c&hf '1 itt enfoing f')'T. fm ■- •'•' ! Ch;Ufci" Utin-l* v -v 'CI-' * • •» &dynLf'J*- --'^ L>:& ■>':r.a£.:;-.'. " Another thing '? -bce m . ;n our North Bolland At Brock I'tew,y l!.j back 1 - ea.h hov"'-, a4aar carefully cloiea* a«d I Je- Bia»djd its ufe. * f; :i thedoo. oi' Ctremo- cermr.g fata premiles aibove nier.tianed v«tti- cut tr.c ieave of ELI F.M.ON-. T5r cider of Dan* E. Allen in th* prei'ence of Samuel Wood. XJ/LV E.st£L£&. Kindlon, Cd. 1;, 1815. 33'^ Wanted. 3 1 U".» - wr'l n w •• • • /c ?3 oj;^neci only LOHDCg, Aug. 19 A minifter'.al paper %s—" The follow¬ ing arrangements refrain* BonaptTte an; handed about in the upper eircles, ic M- b. but upon what authority we know not ;-~ H, is to have 0 je Cesvaot and b*ia owa cool:. is letters a ,e to he op.ned-by the Govt; > M4jt •r.-cetm.c ::-;*-: V e p.rlon •-. the tarn. i> \ - Hs urth.a* '-'3 n.arria-ea.u, :-b.^.:v •-' «-r Live pa:I:-d it -.wtc-,' faid tl j m Strels of the houfe ' C'He ffcond t:- e very ga%. WhMi I patSd' vmu., ic;v^ he forever. Fa- ■:lC..> a-i phi.ofuphical ciUioml Whata SHedcft ai-'l clocm' nt p anoer or warning oth- cfs,cfwarnin-&urfe;ves,of the brevity ot the vovarje, ana of its approaching termma- w. 'It ieerjs to tne that ih;s ucor mutt v/eh-h fo.L.:r ufl ' e roind ot a North Hoi- lanuer--:. th-P'-'-^ L lhnuM b;: l% /f* eonttnnally ^o fe: it op»n efehct for my telf or my friciid**1 *< T70R the Public ServLe.^at Kingtlon, i Point Frcdeiick an.d Fe^nt Heniy, as may be agreed upon, -^ ^000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRK WOOD, and S, 00 BUNDLES STRAW. to be delivered during the months bf Au- giitl, September and C:\ohe ■ ibwlrig. Fcrions di.ipofedtocoa'ad lor the whole mwORLGAlSf Aug* 29 orderly men, who a ^ tempts to cfcap.^ kW^ y^r;^ un.7 &<*l**U&-*Ov.8uiuby iaa Ln* J- 1m 5utl failor was fl-ogv!ed, and jfito pi roooelf **.,, *.......\ a.',lr-.-hv:d by at) Lrtfe brother • 1It their tender il.- drecite periods ot dUiv,. v ; and it is to be underdood that no p.opcnal will he accepted utfc.fi tH« names of two rcf- prdable pevlona ar' given a's feennuv' for the due performance of the Contract to be entered uitpi Tenders will be teccived until the 2jtb next. Commiforiar Ofce% Aug nil t