Ten Dollars Regard. LOST, ON n? about iv.e zcib i*f £j*ptember a Gold mounted Tort oil- (hell ijNU IT" BOX. marked Lithe certfrt \7 & F, L. hi a Diamond. Whoever wtl tenon the f»me •b the fubfcicibriKall rsec!-,^ Ten Dollus reward. 32] JOHN DARLEt. Kiugdon, Nov. 7, iSir. " ~* FOFTSAL j~~ n:imher of Town Lots nrrr the French POETRY. • • ■ • • * ♦ * • « * • - ♦ ExtraSidfrom (hr u Ple&fttru >>/ A!. „t^ «,»* •aojlo1 net avail. Let the u'-"" *»a wul ded, and from ewe rnd of the province to the other, let ih« ft' l>lo>>d fiiclfccr^ b'Jiredcd in thtjr career of uviqiijry. It* A ^rmrr/i. The terms of Exa-ynkMt will Be made eafy. •Kinafton, Sept. 2j, iSte. IMITATION OF -AN 1 r.vllAN" co-. NEr# Love under friendftuj/s vefture *a 1iltc JuangVs his little limbs concealing : And oft in fport; a id oft in fpitc, Like piity meets the dazzled light, Smiles there, his rears revtiahw. Br.: now, as ra^e the God appears ' The frowns, and tempt lb (hake bra t-sme f- i rowning, or Gulling, or in tear?, Th love, and h>ve ui tfill the fame. KinptMi Nov. $j i£'5 iKi^a u4nch t$»*« :„,.. »-t regard thefem^;m h **wJ ILEARL. 5 6 ft .. Toa rw'3 Gazette. Vv I • HEREAS Robert WiJKams, one of His M:ije!ty's Jnfti, es a? the IVace, f Siidin^in the Townlhip of Err.eic Town, did, undciirvd. on the Twelfth nili, decJ»r<* 'to Henn- Li.'he: of Emeft Town, that he wiihed to iVl'l his farm,-]}*i.i^ )n laid Tnwn- fhip ond,( as he had previoufly made an of¬ fer to fell it to the fa. id Lamer, .which he ha 1 declined accepting,) he new propoled to Lt htm have It a£ the apprifal (A three: men, i<> be by them appointed, afltgning as a reaion For his wiilimsj to fell* that he was bnildinjr in Ernclt Town Ydb.ge, nhere lie intruded to remove, and therefore would be unable to occupy it. After an urgent pcrf«af'or»? end, conlidering the propofal as h>'.r, Mr. Lalher confent- t. Mr. Williams then a'-:- To the Public. J'Wmj ikscnsus a r.,-;ii. — / 7/;; r. Title PariKimentof tl*w Province, dium^ the lad Scih)»: provided in pait, afpHiift the impol.tior.b oi empiiies m medic'iK. This v.Mi not more neccllary for the Calefry of the difeaiedj than the reputatJon cf the I icultv i i.»r the dishonor of a profcllion bv taking i.wa}- a (trong fieentive to perfeveruncc, di- miuiihes to the lick the chances of i vur-ei y. The birth o£ cupid.'ry and i^rtorance i-. t;;-, d-.ain .»i tnewarthy pntfefit, Uborufni,/ undei* 'e i; (a i m.c T'j-.-. r of di^eal'r, and thc^ore dangerous upK i ationfl nf a pragmatic : rlo- per, in this dan^troiia cruh of pmblw af- ili.ilionj t'ie altar upon whicii arc placed the Mr- Printer, 1 come to town veflerday, vitli i it -^ ar- tides to dis -feof; in the mailed. After having effected tfiw (ale to my fed faction, 1 tttired in the evening, to an obfeure Inn of (his place, to take np my lodgings lor the night* Wearied and femewhat ;ndippof;d, from the fatigues nfny journey, and »uc la- c-'M-h of the day—I dcternji.ied to r-j tej Lcd4 and fetk tha. rell, f.) indifpenfably litCefiaryj, to feeble and debilitated conititut/ons, Ukt n.in'.—on the eve of executing this my r^to- hilu.-n, the loud, and clamorous voice.) o* i ntimljtt of per forts in an adloinirlg loom, ^r relied my attention, rud induced 0*" to [itle«l sti-.L.tivcl;-- lb: a Jhsst t'mj to their converfa- IVom the tenor of fchefr difco^rf-, 1 cif:^- var^d) that on* of thi)l"-perfe;ns v.-.is, like my- b.lf|. a rarmei, and that in eonlepr.encc of feme difputc v :th hU neighbor, he had dt»- med it expedient f. cimimenec a legal pro&- cutiim a^aifdl fshn. To foriher bis df%ti^ this follower of theplou %h, \rm eampched in March Ufl, to d*;pyfit Ina account a^sinft hfo ••inra;roniil, which atnuimted to thirty &oi\zrs$ fay fifteen bulhcls of iMjtatoes, in the -. {Tice of i i i ¥W & to apfei, thrinW »««i%, * lie few, •;,„,, ^..Mi,.-f..> a.e ."""'^ J r c -nc gr(;:f; :ofT:-a a,:d the deeprii h-nnfl^t.,. torts. Wb ice m a ben of pence a)l the ittJL^f KcUdtoyourmi.icaryg,vcr;«J^ ♦ortu,,* nwrc to be deprecated lllan ft p.-.v.-r ui your troops over tht «ul they «b ,«,<,, ,?r a?a.;,,, N , - v/ar oj?;,; to dDAnum C6 is fom-rj pw!y J,. at the prefem n-.oment, when the ;j be :: iilied, it h only ahbut' 1'he prelent poiitijn of Frar._ ^:^e«n?,a,were^r; --^d (^hich ,t,, not )«IS utter! yjL ^ewl^and all lis hormrs. Ev«y ^ v.hatevcr the anni.s are (z\\ txMm'i. cd whom they fhould appoint as aPpn. ,rs, : -c.-fLry -/aims of mianperter and a n.or- ' h1^ I L ^^V"^^01 .E"gh,V) ^Ia^ ^ ^ and i* Mr. Lafher feplkd, thv Mr. Wilivtr.s bed atmotphert, mould beattended bv \J\ Lr ^1 ^?^d ^ P1*"^ tf> ^-^ c-rrtcd tc t?.efr fulieft extcntja^ might make, the firft aor.ointme-.f. e.lnVn >..-• lkuw ifhi) i«.^.V........... dl..al:. __ ' rJ . '-■"[■■<-'■> an-u as ts Cnltom^ry I believe in LncL an■* vengeafiee have left ncth:W fnf the cf cciioi in Idlerjsto deiire__To fv-rt«« might make the fir ft appointment, which he- accepted, and accordingly appointed Mr* Sowcn Aylsworth, r<j tht fr.T^fact: ;n of Mr. Lather, who then appointed Mr. Aft* drew Miller. To this sij>pnir.tiriefit« Mr» \V?iii?mi readily ajfrejed, qbicTving, thst,' r.» he was the very perfon eJmm. he lunfelt lh.. -Id next have filtered, he would reiigti hs. Mr. Lafher his right of appointing ilic thi'd and Iiit apprifer. Upon winch, the H.id Laiher" made choice of M'. Colin M'cK ft* Tey Mr. Williams then ohi'med. that N4r. Mc'Kenzey was an honeftj nc\]i.iit:.bie rnr.n, j-.nd, indeed, that he ehpi^ht that they had chofen thre?'of ;h<-moir J.dL candid men, vh «m they could have fount)* The laid William!: and Lafher then n^rted, tfiatt »fi the 14th iait. the apprifeis fhould meet f-r theparpftf* '."fappailiiig thefaid t\uT.. Which Bpprifal. the f«u"*i Williams pled^td h'>i vvufd ^and honor to abide by ; which v- 13 ,dfo done -"■us and meiitorijus Phyfrcians. and* not crowded by the vomica of a cm.nin.r ;i::J *mdy Hupuiiure ■ let the hund of Govern-' ■-^••it.a-ul iheialutarypteccrat5 of reb" ifui heiImc;:jdffi-t*hEo fa^ the nnhapp- fnf. ■••' r* -i-oiii -he jnhiijpan and igmrwt prf- t'.f»ieri ; v, ho, without one ra>°of IV" ice or examp •>of^ofid, puhun^ thia to :'•. .!. th. crated mto the preiV ,ec of tin cr... or! if Jic.1 be the danger fre?m (>nackiv- eallii •• h)rue.u:,;ce^ RrkJii, !- < -j ?—h<. , ^fa * - . >*. - I ._ * * - * 4k C fr«Mnng andnuknovn :«»o«r« .-.. inv.rdaffi &*mt*sftc. i/theyarvnot ,,i!blic^f,n. <j£rs whtvare 4 The iiheriy Gt the ihoHl'd heleeured from tl.j \r ■ » 'M.b.nndc-d Mariee.f ■ .; ;,lf?l; ;./.ll.ri.lll.< « ^UC:i/feT of ^_iaek .,cd,ein- s ;.".-.I d J- - teno.s drug, « Jg.^nnuia h .,.-, •,<„• c ., ,. ,r ' crdes, h..■ lj**e«-ife -:vc hi.r a frr.all r.^n,z o* 'I'.een Miing&l—The aztornev c# rmnen- cr^l tlweCiMp irnmeds!i:e!r, ;.;td ':aved t.,e dUuid.wt ivftha r:t,.:,» of tT,Vd fiv Aor-? S-!'honhd>,and infornrcd-hh chVnt thereof; anc aljo lint ft s,^„y ^ jreee^nv to cauie *wo hubp^„a, *, b {lTl.Lll ont 0j t})c. I>;% tna cdurt to prret-y t! e aftends.ice nf «■(.. *.i 1 > orcv- the dvmrmd, ^he trTtntKra itr- ede^sthnty r»I\^ fro&1 X'uud,,,, .md af. <c(ob.:m,M.:t!„ S,d.no-,?:am.!n ^ ?;;. «»>ntJfe:ri^ttxf4ffrBtt(>ftCfl fliiiiifigi per da v. 1^ - y.aca uee.rduHv n;nc thyr aticnd^ic, «-^ A*r3 Cm« m S*«- M5.,bt^* ^i-H ««rt have been th- ^dcahujr,ivu]ytthcconr£ lfe,f-, f,u freedo--, they e-:c<.;d em the r.tiodiM,'i v- etch the Pr^ic's arfn.cy) brs Wn b«.cfin jullty accnied. The momnes, ho-xt^l KKJed io lu yoi:r Motes, can haren.V.i.tr* fulU ihsai x j extend the Smibof t&V^oi. *i-ii- The aru.ies fprcad Saeffieks in <,.• i'ic-'rnccs, an-d all the ho;rors wfrich« ha>edep:'c>cd follow n the:r trairr. to are the tcutimentsof the Ki«g and hii mi • ter, on the new Decree*,- and their Mm::) tin. appeal which his been maiie to t>.er.. ** Tl>ey !i .?e the btninf l:> fchferibet^o i\ '.c*, with tb hi^Iiell ecalld^ratitn. ** l-OLTCHE/' 'f\ - .-* k-'o » 1 low.';'" ,-.r.-dd v.ju r>< read vi:h prHBi riicvcil : kc ;n rnty accoru#>.^iy met. and at leri^tfi c;ame to an onanfmr 13 decihon, which they communicated to fa»J Lahhcr and Wii'u'ams j vhc-, n^twrthiianding hia former der.larat.'* On*, rhe faid Williamsdsclaicd tha? it wa3 the in ft erroneous, lbs: mod rahCallj deCili A thai (."Ci vva1*, Oj could he farmed hy tlrrec Henry Lafher. Bowen Ayleswortfr. Colin M'c'Kcnzcy, Andrew Miller. yo->n frfid' Laflui'.s requ.il.ng ij«.flcj7Ir>n of fa/ t>:^f tiH Williams anfvTcicd, that he fhould not »biife S* tJle",r P-ir';aI decinon, Th- fafd f amer then of-ftfd to tiie kid Wil¬ liam; to have the huP* #"W fvvoni » to which the fai.i Williamb replied* W* "t**^ of them regarded an oath, *&A th*« they were ril no betttj than perjnyed ^iioi.i-i already, and that either of them would taken faffe oath tobelricad mc neighbox more thr.n an« other.—H.rea lengtiiy paufe'enftied, during which, the laid Williawia appeared like a m»C man, n.id of von&fcAC** at length'te»ck with rc.uopfe at the iniquity of in.s de--c;i, and dtfiious of regaining his loll i'nch, uhich ^honorable lvrhan-n.- i "- v child rV J-V .^^rfru m common «ljcuuh ^n-V'-.. ' . creanV. a 1 ' p c r,l'-d'Cjnc ivuhouc •roog exhthition—Deftrcy th, .;<; • .rc to5 fpare tr»c patient *n •* » ■,,-Ka;e *«a ;:' J jr"'3"-" '-"!i,-,c:'! <*»«««. ko M <n»P« erf todo, !,yfE?illg, t,,tl hl:coM »? ..c«ppn.cr-„r,,«U U) :<;C,,W. bv «!»<■ u.cof it,the vsiwcoft-.v I'l-t' r> •',, 1 t ■ , . »»wee nun- W ^.,.,ar.; .:,d.-f,hcfa,d Lnlver w^!,] CO, ^ 0 or three liun- 1 <».. th- fa>d ua&er thanked !.»., m1 ■" '-'• t.eUme tone, that f,. the luture ali ^..».nnjftooM be broken •fThetwee 1, ! fj .--t the p..t.Lcfio,nake known the ■%r} zjtr ■-•< by oone it. Bowcn Aylcsworth, Colin xM'iCcnzcv, 4mJrew Miller/ hat the venter of-his wc.kuH^.n ;- !s rJ irttjreft except ihat of kne.olcnc. Co -\cun. Lut.:n-e and ignorani vfcra*. •« Xh-v lUiGW not what fhey do," WVJl m -v , •• as..Ji^-4 pashetically tmhlm, -itis'rsiV^ dekci i_:oave-n.;.:3'Vbntte^:nuhe rtefi ymijicktd me, bearfway, Mf,wi; th, pr^iching ino-, t". m thcafeed nd tl- bw fir\,undri fc in sh •!•■ guil;v the 1 ., atice ■'■• »rt:iVt."e h'f.'c ■ Wer-2 of en i.-encs in the prv>f-f\ l', 1 } i.-.-'V- cahnts &$ I■,*.-.. ^re- then it were- T>rop<.r to' ^y nore fin: P* J cpminoner, aj a man i*iUnii't mt..^; fcf. Ctice, it m.y be neeiiiTar) t.»f>bear. 1 inch :sdop.,,,noie rcma :ns t«. he <- :f> r- • ^blerand more powerful pen. ns. I' is my <-.:'itereflai w.fhasa common f,:<K<'- ^th «t profeflbn, honors nr r^eS> tliat ^ mdf sr.ottm.,, ny the Runt.:;, f^o told '-mnmefr.n:.-,,^,^^,,,';;,3^ f?»«« tta {re deftifled CfifiT,^ o-vv.-ere --talk- m-, n- w-U .n t.-i. -\_ rr-. * "K "TlU nilafi.... • . Atiormy** ftetsJner, Four Su!- euas cs- h Lofs /r - .^ *i •tin - attending 1 P< .. for lei', ■£- &: a^,.. -j Suhjjfrna^ (" P.id ?.:t-iyd4rrcc of' S Wif.ne&**adi fdaya ( «i April ^ £ in aa. J ^OI'dllTt fllOikj; CoS of a^tsar,, rif.d-^7 Md Clerk fe-:s/ ° I ■ o r* l'> o ^ n ^ 3 6 FiT »; r £^:!^mTELmBm P. ', uL -,w--rf the amwe. of th~ kd to them^hy thole of the All V Mr;r.,..r H»«>iti ..,.icn thty appoint Mi; , G --.orsancl order tU;/t,;.;n, ff L AnsrL.:r of iff F cdiipcrfed over the Province. rtnth Minutsn ty the N-ett fifth <;r->i v ^' " *T- tTA1^ ^ them I^Hft L^^^^^.-^K Sud^ ^.d.,i,bt. Madam, "te^S mult eoijfcfj'-' ...]„j the c: \'tl' .Ti-. >> i ter,oft &M«kJ fo#ers, The Ltr ^T^' fet»v «^ Mi'.!'r, that Che er wj'h ... .....e'it;-rth- cf }*>w opimun ; bill I only wi&fc give yon a ^••-n«a..fthe behavfor a„d condi of ^.^.tfrtin^i^Wftfflia! he rrf. Jed in rny houie aftn the eiUry 0f t}kC TxWtl 2rf!,y «ntc the lVnff.n capi:d. I oo nofiiow.vcr, rnean to lollow a bad examb'e- V.-..: wil'r* funic, therefore, yo.ir aparfment :. m-anr*, and I Will feck lodgings at fim paolk' b- tel." 'J he lady then Rtind, extnling tU generona conduct of the Prufllaa officer, and dcprecan^th.lof hrr fois. Another P. i*ifi|.in <>lre:r was lodged at tee honle rd * mm d in whofc IlaLIes anJcacb houfe he- fuond a ^tvnt number ui'IwrfelauJ orrrnocrf He i n.ned.'aJy ordered fort Fri'finii f)!di io v.-)«.> aueorapanid hit^tfl takeaway //;-,v of t)-.t horfes tnJtfafttA- '- »■ n,iu:es>. The mar/1 sal's femnta viulemlv r.-.-n...filtrati d ;iLramlt thia proceeding,orwii.iifc tle Pniflj ,,, ,,11],- .r obfcived, " tliey *W jft? J .l^'Mv, maf-nneh as ).»ur nmler i.'uif"'•! 1 » » -^