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Kingston Gazette, November 11, 1815, p. 1

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MgQ^fl^rtW^ £5££r~i tf»W**^^ ■' 'rf* * * /' 4 *,f V*' '.* " ** / **ff • f f t ** O * -KIM '** *• \V t»* r'i »«u tf» v^'W^itr^ r*"rvvT >:■ ^ / ft-., *■ f * _ ■=.*< [SATURDAY, November it, 1815.] . ■ <- # [VOLUME V.—No. 23.] m 9ft %lpr^^^ ■______________ - ; ; ' * KiNG:*roN, Upper Canada—Printed and Published bV STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per An> ium. jL • - %*u . -«n- ... vJvf'^ Twv/^ ef *&* Kingston Gazette • • • • >^»i>r.tcr — For:** Do'r.tRs per Annum, [txchiftw of oofiai;c) 7/& '" advance* 5/ at D pnbafc, that th-.y have just receiveddi- thfl end of hVmonirui, and 7/6 at the end of reS from London,and now offer for ialc, « the year. Price of nJ-v-'f :i/ing m th? Gazette.* Six lint**! and under, 2/6 firtt infe.iiou, and 1/3 every fubkquent. " Ten lines and under, jfy ^ infertion, and ij'S every ftthl"vjii<M>t. Ten lines and upward*, 4'/. per line firft I'nferthm, and id. pet line ever/ fnccccding inlertion. Advertifcmcntsiinwcrornpanied with writ- len dire&ioin are ht&vfced till forbid, and charged acjr?ding"ly. lit* Where a". &^r, my wife has braved hcffcil in 2 r-iy unbecoming manner, without the lead provocation 5 I hereby f>r- bid all pciion-i tnril-rog or harbonr.ns her miry account, as I [tgffl p*y bfi debts ex her contracting after this date. Aaron dill. AV*< c'--7- ir->1 *5 2 2 w 3 p To Let, tpORefc? yeftf, and poflcfiion g;Veri lliR A1 liti> d-.v of Number next, the houlc and prenvitW of '.he inbLribcr, on the trout *m& fa /Idvdphultown. ORRIS RANNE\. fcnher, about :, week ego, a large bay Horlc M»iJ of hi, kit eye. Tbe y*m* u r*queUr pita prove t& p^o^erty, pay cktrg^ and tsk'J b::a r.wav. JOHN SISF- Thomson & "J3 EG leave to inform theft friends and the re very extenflve afibrtment of DRY GOODS, KARDWA?,, GROCERIES & LIOEUORS, of which the following are a part : Ladies figured and plain filk Handkerchiefs* do black do do Maclrafs, Romsl and Pocket do India, Flag and Bandanna do .. black Crspes, black and li^ht colored. feVv'Ing Silk^ & Twi.'.r : black & white filk Gloves J black and white filk Kofe : white Cottons ■ dark and light eround Calicoes : black and white Lace Veil3 : black and white C?.m- biies: Toilonette and Mofeille Veftings : Ginghams : cotton vShjrtin^s : jackimettft tambonrei and hook Muflins : Leno and Muflin DrefTes; tamboured and tnall victory Robes: fewed Cambric do : lnrjre India filk Shy wis: fmall do do do: buft' and pnrple cotton do : black and white cotton Hofc : black worded do : Ladies habit, kid and bea¬ ver Gloves : Gentlemen's belt buck, doe & beaver do : gentlemen's patent filk and lea¬ ther Sofpenders; broad and narrow Linen Diaper : U?<] ticks and brown Hollands ; Rufita and Imitation Sheetings : black and colored Dombazettes : broad cloths and flan¬ nels : colored and white Threads, fine and coarle i crtto'n checks and ftrme*: thread and cotton Lace* I gentlemi u's bell Beaver Hats : Ro' arrf, beaver and wool do: boys do and do do 1 Ladies fine Beav.. and ft raw Bonnets, London fa.'hion : kce, kid, moroc¬ co & leather Slipper* : pd'k morCcco B-)ot9 Bootees Geof UPPER CANADA. ■'tnilc^^n'a ftnc and CGartr * *. c -J It", \ru 1813. lotr Stolen, SIM r *> , r..rtvV-./ rewarded by _________ Fine foolieap and Letter Taper ! DilwOrtlj'i and :>;iii-ray's SpeVliug Books : Tcllamcnts and P.iV'es : children's Story Books : black and red Ink r\>wdtr : blaek and ted Sealing Lead K !l,mc,y" icHH FERGUSON. YOR SALE, C Wooden warranted to keep good time. Inquire at this ofuce. JiffyJOjjlLk Sale, 9 3 For rpHE V/csthalf of lot nvu^rntaetecn 1^ i the r£Cond conceiTion of the townftiip o* RingftonT Apply to the Printer. ------"Wanted bmcdu:UT>\ A COOK, Clumber IvLid Kitchen Maid.-None n«d WT well tecrmmended.-Inqmre *t R. \. alK- er's Kingtlon Hotel. c / and unlefo 4s R^5 / .^^ - Cash and the highest price paid for CLE ^N Wax, and Waf.-rs in tiii boxiis i btici Pens.i«; belt Holland Quills. Groceries, &c. I.oaf and Mufcovado Btisar : Allfbice ; epper: Starch and Fijr Blue : Nutmegs : Cinnamon: Mace and Cloves : Bloom Rai- fins : fine Currants: Madeira, P«rt & TYn- enrfe Wines : Peppermint Cordial : Bran- .dy : Gin and Spirits : Pigtail and PI115* To¬ bacco : Englifh Soap and Candles : Wind- 1 >r St»ap j—Britilh and Ca'.lor Oil : F.fence Peppermint and Liquorice Bajl i Tin key Upium. Hardware, &C. Cloth aad Shor Brufties: b^Tt Toota do : Hearth do : Broom Heads : Ladies Tortoifc Shell and Horn Combs : Ivoiy aad Dandriff do: plated and brafs CandleU icks : SnufFers and Stands : enpboard, chell, clofet and pad Locks : Brafa Cocks : brals and iron ■butt hinges : do HL do : Siimip Iror>« & bridle Bitts j buck and horn handle Table Knives and Forks : Jack aad Pen Knives Sc Raz-rs: large and frnall Sciffors : fnoe Kni-;es, Pincers, Rafps and Hammets 1 free!-. yards and feales : Handfaw* and fickle^ 1 Mill do and Filet: Cod and Hambro Lm.es; fnuff Bojies : (having do with and without gfaifes.: Decanters, Tumblers and Wine GlafTes : Earthen Tea Pot* : fu'gar Bowls & eorge the Third, by the Grace ofGcd;, of the United KingaV-m of Great Britain and Ireland, Kincf defender of the Faith, o our beloved and faithful Legislative ounfcllors of our Province- of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and BurgelTes of our faid Province, to our. Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, on the nineteenth day of Octo¬ ber, to be commenced, held, called and eledted, and to e^ery of you, GREETING: WHEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date the feventh day of September lr ,. WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue our Provincial Parliament, to tbe NINE¬ TEENTH day of October next, at which time at our to\vn of Yoik, you were held and conftraincd to appear. But WE, takinc into cut Royal confideraticn, the er.fe anc convenience of oUr loving fubjedls, have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council, to relieve you, and each of you, of your attendance at the time a- foreiaid, hereby convoking, and by thefe prefence enjoininor you and each of you, that on the twenty eighth day of.November next you mtet 113 in our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, there to take into coniider:.tion,the ftate 2nd welfare of out faid Province of Upper Canada, and therein to do as may feem necciTarv. Herein fail not. In teftiraony whereof, we have caufed thefe mir Letters t<i be madd patenC, and the great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witnefs our tiufly and well beloved Francis Gore, Efqufre, Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, thts Twelfth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and fiftee:2»cnd fifty rif'h yearof oui feign. « F* G* Wm. }arvis, Secretary. 22 ^ ^fc- ^^- ^ m * ^—^— - — ——.^——■—^^— —- 1 Naval S l f,r cheeper's Office, Kins ton, \OtliJulj, 1815, SR.90NS ckfirems of contraftiriff to 2P n^ EOR SALE, Potash K En&IKE OF THE SUSSCJ?IZBA /2V Ar- DOLPHUSrOlVN) OR AT TffV. PRINT¬ ING OFFICE. . N. HAGERMAN. Kingston* 1 gtb August^ 181 5j T 1 tft NEW GOODS. * m NS & FlNKLE, Have just recieved a general assortment of Dry Goods AND Groceries:: AiTiong which are the folldwlri^ articles :—- ffuPE&fiWB and common Broad Cloths* White and black Cotton Cambficks ; Superfine.drefT'd and urtdrefpd Calicoes ; Black silk, Madrcfs and Cotton Baucaf.- na Handkerchiefs; . lu variety of Shaivls and Veftings ; Large damafk sl{k Shawls ; .^ French Camorick, for HandfeercniefT • Oak. and Pine Timber, prior to the clofing of the navigation^ in or out of the water, at Point Frederick, to be fuch Timber c.s is fit¬ ted for the Quebec market to export, are requeued :o fend in Tenders by the 12d in- flant—at which time contracts will be en¬ tered into. EDWd. LAWS, 21 tf] _______________Naval Storekeeper. X HtRTY three j&m& of excttleiVt WHIS KE Y, For ialc vert low. Fnnu'reor ' THOMAS H^/RDY. itintpitih 08* ?$■> ifttjj 2itr. ^lack Mode ; Gentkmen'b line oiick, doe-fian and be**.' v^er gloves 5. . . Ladies' black, white and fancy coloui'cf Silk do. ^ * Ladies' fancy a.Torted Kid do. Black, blue, girch. & scarlet Bofet&zett* ; Vv^hite fhaiioon silk Velvets and Cotton* Shirtings; ^ ^ . ; Fine Irifij Linen; Rujfii, Imitation arct Scotch Sheeting? ; , Black and white Jeans, Dimities and black Jackonet and §ock MuHins, Lenoea i GmghamSj Ribbons and Laces ; Fine plated furr and Wool Hats ; " Gild Hat Covers. ALSO, i llyfon^ T Young Hyfon, > TEAS ; Ami Hvfon-skin J . ^ PWffi pigtail av.d iaaiea* t^Jfl TbSr.cco*; Vv*\\ prcjf oVJ Jamaica Spirits ; For Sale A/V N/)Ri.iAN Bethtne & Co's. Store, ioo Pieces Fancy Calicoes^ various pst- terns. 50 Pieces Sunerfme Chintz, 5a Pieces Wellington. Fancy Bv the Ti'unk or Piece. ALSO? 6 Cafe Nails, 3od, i6d, kjxf, iog, ;d, ^d 2 Cafes bottled Muftatd. 1 Cafe Indigo. - The wliole will be fold cheap for caih on- Pognia-c B-ar.dy, Holland Goertj Shrub 5 Port Wine ■"......-y e fooft reduced price* for cadi. W$ te»der our thankful arknowlcd^meift? to our cus¬ tomers for p?(l favors, and folic.t a coUtinu- \ ance of their future pat.o*age. % The above goods, together witiuwi* of articles not mentioned, will be fold :r th Kir.nstcn, 6th Atigvsh l6»j" Stf do. COc COTTON AND RAGS, A.T THIS OFFICE. A QUANTITY OF VRl'TING PAPER SiYt P.'rs 1 lartre and fmall Cups& laucers s ly. Mm aE «•and **; ringer ***** *** m^ ms and Ear Rings ; Window Glafs, Putty ; Paints-Gre?n Bice Yellow and White^ uS Oil Sc Spirits of Torpentme j Pow. z\ti. mil¬ 's? Of Quality No, i and No. i>, Fox Saw j* rsts Office. . ttnrstcn, Sffrii 22, 1B15. 4Tlt Tae S Elank Summon for the District Court?, for Sale m this OS C ** A t ¥ THE" E!tBS€RIB&R A QUANTITY of Very E^cchen. JA F&bNCH 3RANLY. tKey vtfn ^n ch>3V fof pa(h. .. rt n THOMAS' v VRKLASD «t Cn. Which der and Shot, &c. 5tc. 2 3d Oaober, t^i;._____________ -pSS0t and for fate at this Office, Price 1/3. LIFE and DYING SPEECH of JOSEPH BEV1R; TVho was executed at Kington off Monday, JrS d.v of September 1815, for the £rV Mnnr Bevir, his daughter. A As' the profits arifmg fro* ths Pamphlet, CJ-Siswer j PZhtaCa% are trttetukd for BuA?Hl'.KffFs SALES ' Fcr sak »t tba OfSce«. id foe For Sale, A valuable Cm ^ of land lying " townihip Cu' Charlottenburirh, Contam- injr four fmndr-d andthiitcen acres more cr Vefs • and known by the yamc of Lets Wo. f% ia, ic, 16 and IT.bring part oia Ltri?? of land between the 2d and«uh concciions o- Charlottenb-jr^- l'or rcrrn 1 SFiTiStf JAMES G, BTRHUHE. ADVERTISEMENT. riJ-^HE fubfenber offers for fale to the " II. Public, on liberal terms of payment, the following hits of wafte Lands. Lots No. 21 in the Rth Cort. K09 in the 6th Con. S. Weft 4 238th Con. No 8 Eafl li^h Con of the town- (hlp ox Piufbnroh. , also JUota No. 7 m tne rthconcemoa No. 26 in the 6th cpneemon Nos 2^, 29, 30, 32 If JJs, in 5th con- No. 23 fiaft 4 8th conVif Pittfburgh, Several Lets of Land of on^ ard tvrfi! r.cres in extent, on the fro-,t of lot Number* I * * *? 74 in the to'.vnfnip of K'l-gllon, lying and fc'toate on the more of tne Lake. Anrl likewife ieveral lots of land of ore, two and three acres on the tear of the iatrMot No.- s&nd,icittiaie on the radft txo'm rfi^ 'III f 2T^t EFT Application ..- ^ omTT\»!i'r H GEO. OKILL STUArtT ' n N (he "^icre oc the ratav%er« aoout FoUPTH marked L. Li. the H 1 ft ! A \ toll, FIVE PACKAGES Tli owner of the For Sal t - ' 1 ° ™.v and P3V the nec.-m.ry exp«nce. Ir>pSU-' SAMl. MERRILL^ i3i^. A VALUABLE rarm, *«» &**J«>5 ton. PrrfonsJ,r..ousuf | wctefing to .. ouire of the Prnitsr- . i fihit<™, JhIj to, .S15. 5 "

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