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Kingston Gazette, October 10, 1815, p. 4

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E . Henderson, A 'Has Just Received, ND now opening at his STORE, a general Hnd well chofen aflortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS ard HARDWARE. ALSO, A General Affortment of Drugs and Medicines Amongft which are :- Camphor ; Opium ; Stives ; Flor Sulphur ; Glaahcr Salts ; British Oil} Turlington's Bah. Efs. Mustard; Opodeldoc ; Godfrey's Cordial; ■ Cloves ; Efs. Pep. Mint; WheatorCs Itch Ointment ; ' Chsng's Worm Lozenges ; Colt's Pills ; Lee's Pills, AnderJorCs Pills ; Hoopers Pills, tfc. . Clapp, of a few of the circumilanceo tending the above tranfa&ion. I can The whole of which he will sell low forcafh or country produce. Any orders from the Country, will be punctually attended to, and thank" will be returned for their cuftom. Kingston, Angust 28, iRic. 12 ~ WHEREAS I3EHJAMIN CLAPP, of Adolphus- J, town, did, on the 28th of June lalt, in- fmuate in a certain advertifement publifhcd in the Kingfton Gazette, reflect ing a STRAY MARE, that I deemed it of too litt'e confequence to inform the owner where Hie might be found : I think it rr.y duly to inform thofe who are inclined to credit the malicious afTertious of B srtenaing prove to the fati faction of airy perfon defir- ing it, thit the following notice was polled up in the molt public places, in three differ¬ ent town mips, viz. Adolphuftnwn, Freder- ick>bur'«rh and Ernrft Town, for at lead thttc weeks previous to the advertising ot the Maie by B. Clapp « BROKE Into the Pasture of the Sub¬ scriber, on the 25th of May, 815, a likely Bay MARE. Any per. son by proving property and pay¬ ing, charges, can take her. WILLET CASET." The above Mate was at my houfe on Fri¬ day, the 23d of June, towards night; but chance that flr was in -he pofleiB m of B. CI pp I fen* him rhe fellowing ncte in or- d'*r to obtain her. I w-*s credibly infbimed th.t B. C'arp was fe n riding fa id Mare on Satutdav morninjr. and in the afternoon lent her to go feveral miles. " Bfnjamin Clapp, "Ihear thatthetess a BAY MA RE sr your place, that broke out of my paiiure ; if it is the one, the boy I Gnd will know her. She and two others broke into my end of tire on 01 about the 25th of May. The other two, the owners have pot. The Mare I have a Jvc tifed, therefore, I am hotden for her, and 1 will thank you to let the boy h^ve her ; and 'h< fir ft time I fee you, 1 will pay your demands for pafture. You will oblige me in fending her. '* From yours to ferve,. WILLET CASEY. Adolphuftown, 27th June. 18 15." B. Clapp* refufmg to comply with the requeft contained in the above note, I im¬ mediately went myfelf, and took her away. I think it proper to date that 1 had ■bout nine months previous to her breaking bio rry enclofure, agreed for laid Mare and her mate, for two hundred dollars. How- ever, the nphiful ov ner has got her., and I *rea'ly hoi-••» the dtftorbed mind of B, Clapp, concern-' , her, i; row ai enfe. WILLET CASEY. Adilph'df.oun. Ait,' v// 28, 18 j 5. 12 JUST RECEIVED, Ahd ion Sajf /it tbis Office, WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, MURRAVS GRAMMAR, AND A GREAT VAHIE'TY OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. — ^* O FOR SALE, Come, ssion N rea for able terms, Lot No. 22, in the fth Fo. sj, in the 6ih Concession, AND Lot No. co, in the 1 uh Concession. The who:c befng m the. Townfhip of Lans- COWB, in the distrid of Tohnltown. ALSO, J own Lot No. ?$2,in the Town of Kingston. For parfiVltfTB enqt.ire at the office of ALLAh MCLMAN.Efo Km^mnj August 28, 1815. lz FOR SALE, A number of Town Lots near the French Church. The terms of paymLnt will be made eafy. H. EARL. Kingfton, Sept. 23, 1815. i6tf. ~ WANTED, A QUANTITY of good live OEESE J\ FEATHERS, for which a generous price will be given. Enquire at this njfice. Kingston, August 22,1815. II Smith & Cook, Have fust Received, A ND now offer for sale, at their Store J~\. at the house of Thomas Cook% an ex- tenfive affortment of GOODS of every description generally in demand ; among which are : Superfine, fine and Common Broad Cloths, Caffimeres, Wellington Cord, Silks, Silk, Silk & Cotton & Cotton Shawls, Black & Colored Silk Haudktrchiefa, Silk Umbrellas, Mens' bed Bjck*kin Gloves, Beaver, lined with Lambs WT3ol and ■common do. Bombazetts, Bed Ticking, bhek and White Cambrics* White Cotton Mullin, Cap Bitterns, Black Velvets, Ready made Superfine Coats, Wellington Cord and Naukeer. Panta- loons and Veils. Vilih a great variety of Fancy Gcodsf too numerous to infert in an adveitifcnent. ALSO, Glass Ware, Crockery, Hardware—and Groceries. And in daily expectation of an titftnnyt collection of BOOKS, adapted to &c talle of every defcription of readers. Together with Stationary and School Books. Every attention will be paid to th.^e who may favor them with a call ; and a>s t -ey are determined to open no accounts, then goods will be difpofed of at very reduced pieces. Kingston, August 28, 1815. *2tf__ TRAY El) fro^Tthe plain* »eaf King¬ fton, on Thurfday, 14th Sept initant, a large COW, of a light bay color, the 'e'r.V.vc of her forehead white, with feveral white fpotson her (boulders and fett, «'irh a large bag and a long while tail, and from 5 to 6 year* old. Whoever will leave information at this Office refpe&tftg the faid Cow, will be handfotrely rewarded. 19th September._____________ :C 'I HE subscribers will do CoinmifTioa j. Bufinel's, and [lore and forward GOODS > on the moft rcafonable terms under the firm of SMITH $t COOK. CYRUS SMITH. THOMAS COOK. - • Kingston, %%th August, 1815. iitf Wanted, |70R the fupply of His Majefly's Forces 1 at this Poll, From 1010 12^000 pounds of pood Merchantable FRESH BEEF. per Week. Deliveries to ccrasroeneii on the r ft of De* temher next, and to be continued to the 31ft March, 1816 Propofab for the above fupply will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the ill November next on which day perfons having tendered will be made acquainted with the remit of their piopofals. Commijfariat O^Jice, I4tf Kingjlon, 1 ith Sept. 1815. JUST received and for sale at the Printing Office, Kingf¬ ton, 31 Reams Crown Wrapfng Pap'^r, 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing PoftNo. 1, VJum II ditto ditto No. 2, 9 ditto ditto uncut. _ July It, To be Lei. •"pHAT well known Houfe and premifes n-iw occupied hy Moles Carnifean as an Inn. Its convenient fituatt'on in tt'he town renders it worth the attention of m<en in bn- finefs. For further particulars inquire cf H. Cassady, Kingston, Sept. 23, 1815. 16 For Sale at this Offiae, A Discoutfedeliveredn Brockviiile, Eli- zabethtown, April 27, 1815, beiuig a day appointed for a general thanksgiving in Up¬ per Canada. By William Smart, Minifter of the- Gofpcl. ALSO, THE CHURCH CATECfflSM. H. C. THOMSON, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has juft received, and now of¬ fers for falc an extcn five affortment of . I Not ice. GOODS 1 among which are the following articles, viz. Cloth* & Flannels. Cottons & Linens India Silk Shawls Cotton ditto Toilonette Silk Hhdkfa. Pulicate do, do. Bandanna Handkerchiefs Fafhionable Ginghams. Ditto Lenos and Muflins Fine Muflin Dreffes. Ribbons 5c Gloves Fafnionablc Straw Bonnets* Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Silk Parafols Black and white Silk 7 2nd Thread Lace Veils. J Ladies, 1 Gentleman's, > Shoes. & Children's J Cotton, Silk and Worfted Hofe, Bombazeene 3c Bombazette, Printed Calicoes, Table Cloths, • Diaper and Dowlas, Ruffia & India Sheeting* Threads and Lace, Stationary. Sauces and Pickle?, Cinamon, Liquoiice, Nutmegs, Mace 6c Cloves. Pimento. ALSO. A general affortment of THE fubferiber has for fale a vain able traft of Land, fitua-ed in th^ firft ceffion of the townlhip of Frederickfbura?; ditionaL (be.nsr part of the Homeftead U* with good buildings thereon erefted, and ^ood well of water; lying- anout 2g ^ from Kingfton, on the front road.lCadin<r throngh the Bay ofQufnty. fi For further information enquire of B. C. SPENCER, Mntmst^ Ffedertckibnrgh, Oft. 31,1814. w T.TU ^^jL July iJlQl^r Difcharged No. -Cotrnuffinncd Officer} and Soldiers, who may have been recom. mended for receiving Grants of I and, are to repair to Cornwall without delav, & tf>rc port themfelves to Alexander fiPionellBq, foperiatendant of the Department for Loca¬ ting the new Settlers. By order of His Excel.^ncy the Provifional Lieutenant Governor* ilif F. P. ROBlNSON.fev Cud a 7 & Groceries & Hardware, Liquors. Kingston Angvfl 7, 18 t c . 9 NEW GOODS. P OHNS & i<INKLE 5 Have just recieved a general assortment of Dry Goods AND Groceries : Among which are the following articles :— Superfine and common Broad Cloths; White and black Cotron Cambric!*" ; Superfine dreffVl and undrciTd Calicoes; Black silk, Madrais and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkerchiefs ; 01 variety of Shawl" and Veiling? ; Large damafk si'k Shawls ; French Camhrick, for Handkerchiefs ; Fine Linen Cambrick and Rcbe Paterp9 ; Black,white 8c cliangeablecoPd Luftring; Tv/ili'd Sarcenetts ; Black Mude ; Gentleman's tine buck, doe-fkin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white ar*c3 fancy colour'd Silk do. LadieV fancy afforted Kid co. Black, blue, gtren Si scarlet Bombazetts; Whire ilialloon silk. Velvets and Cotton Shirtings ; Fine Xrffb Linen, Rufiia, Imitation and Scotch Sheetings j Black and white Jeans, Dimities and black Crape ; Jackonet and Book Muflins, Lenocs 5 Ginghams, Ribbons nnd Laces ; Fine plarcd furr and wool Hals ; OiTd Hat Covers. ALSO, Fly Ton, Young Hyfon, ^ TEA. And HvTon-skiu W^gi pigtail and ladies' twift Tobacco; High proof old Jamaica Spirits ; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Geneva; ' Shrub ; Port Wine, The above goods, together with a variety of articles not mentioned, will be fold at the moft reduced prices for calh. We tender our thankful acknowledgments to cur tomers for paft favors, and folicit a contimt- ance of their future patronage. Kingston, 6th 4,/gvst, 1815, <ptf CDS- For S and large improvements thereon, L _A 'fusion, July 10,1815, Ct£ Kingston Dock Tard, 17 th 'June, 1815, EQU1RED for the ufe of the Naval Yard, the undermentioned articles, Bricks, 60,000 Lime 8,000 Bufliels. Sand 4,000 do. Shingles, 34,000 To commence the delivery of the abovj mentioned articles immediately, ard ta con¬ tinue (weekly) by fucfa quantities as Hull be directed by the Commiffioner, or Oflu cers of the Deck Yard. P Store KJl lilt iu'l ■V.A. X'OHJ. ropofals to be delivered in^o the Nawl e Keeoer'a Office, Point.Fiedeiick.12//. Fo r Sa le, A FAST failing Schooner lying it Sackets Haibor, about 60 ton* bur¬ then. She has undergone a thorough rt' pair, and corked from keel to gunnel,and" tight; her Sails and Rigging new, and in complete order. She was built in Kiigft°n and was called the Elizabeth, of K'^slon when captured bv the American*.—AnT perfon widiing to purchafe, will call BfW George Artrjlroug ox Capt. Vaughn. Backet's Haibor, June 26, 18tf. 4 Take Netifo 1 1 ■ iohave advanced a large [m ^ private property, with engaoCmel f6^ %"* f°™ Goods in figX** th, above Buildings— furN This is thertfore to requeft Cn or any other perfon, not to ma£T^T1 payment on the above Building J, 7 tlement is made, and lawful BllsJd ELI EM0N4 ° ROBERT YOUsr Kingston, June \ 8, 18 (?. ' . THE fobfcribeTkT^ and intends keeping ready for fale, an S ment ot - m Saddles, Brii etna ojjun, vvlfh other articles ufually kept {„Wk His prefent means o objarnbg Workn,£nilJ ftocK, will enable him to ie.l mnch ^ than formerly* Repairing done on ffiort notice. « ft T A- METCALF. _ K^Rlton, June 12, iSrc. , Land for Sale. TFIE fubferiber oiFers for fale tic Weft half of Lot No. 7, in the fourth and fifth concefHon of the townfhip of Lough, borough, with 56 or 60 acres under good improvement, and a good' ttand for anypub» lie bufinefs. MICHAEL SLOOT. __ Loughborough, June i t, 1815. 1 Co i 'em h: :ni //'W/.-'fl Kingston, Ai/gti/l it, 181/. A LL Perfons having any Right*, Tilfe lntereft. Prop erry or claim to, in, or upon the Lands in Long lfland, Wolfe of Grand Ifle, Garden lfland and Simcoe Wand fitu::rc in the River St. Lawrence «tf King (ton, arc hereby directed' immediate!/ to tranfmit to me the particulars of the fame together with copies of the Documents op upon v/hich their claim i« founded. F. P, ROBINSON, ! 2 ■ Srtrturj. w an 1 A younrr Lad about sixteen years - " k in •. fmall (^ rcliding in the country. Application t of a>e, as a Servant, to live in -./mall W tobt made at this office. Kheston. 7ulv 2C. 18ie m

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