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Kingston Gazette, October 10, 1815, p. 2

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, v Last Notice ALL thofc indebted to the fubfcriber, by • Not or Book account are reguefted to make payment immediately to Mr. J^hn Piik, who is amhortfed to leceive the fame in my beha1f. All thofe who do not attend to the a- |ovi will, fi.ni llcir accounts in the h'd.nds of un attorney fdr collection. SMITH BARTLET. Kingston, Sept. 27,1815. 17W5 ■■ NOTICE. THE fubferibers refpeft fully inform \\\t inhabitants of King ft on and its vi- unity, that they have entered into a Co- Partnerfhip, in the practice of Phytic and Surgery. All calls in the line of their pro* ft (lion will be punctually attended to. - They keep alio on hand a large and com¬ plete aff rtment of ■ .-■ ■ DRUG'S & MEDICINES, Paints, Oil, Dye Woods, &c. &c. . The following is a lift of a few of the ar¬ ticles jutl received. 14 lbs Argent Viv, | 12 lbs Bolus Atmenn, 24 do Antimony Cid, 20 lbs Blue Vitriol, 25 do Aimatto, : 12 lbs Bay Wax, 4 do Arie>:ic Alb, j 28 lbs alack Lead, 2 Cwt. allum, ^ i 4lbs Balm,SoC'itiUa«, J 2 Galons Alcohol, £0 lbs "Gum Aloes* 20 lbs Nine Acid, 20 lbs Balfm, Capcb, I lb do Peru, 1 lb do Sulphcr, Co lbs Borax, 3 Cwt. Brim (lone-, jo lbs Cteta Aib.i, 10 lbs do Rubra, 15 lbs Calomel* 4 Do* Court Pi all, 6 do Fiefh Co'ourd, « Grofs c if. Penis! 2 lbs Cowage, 2 rJrofs viol Corks, 4lbsCantharade3, 15 lbs Cloves, I Cwt Cort Auranti, 15 lbs doCafcanMa, 50 lbs do Peru Fluv, 10 lbs do Winter, 40 lbs do Caflia, 6 lbs do Anguftura, Cayanne Pepper copal Varnifh, Coik Screws, corboru'c tooth Pow'r Burgamot, Emph't, Diac Sfmplx# do do Gum, Erat Tart, 10 bs Crocus Martis,! Emery, 30 lbs Crm, Tart, \ Eh*, Veneris, 6 Dez. Bottles, Ce- rhalic Snuff, FlOi* tien Zoin, do Zi"cl, Si m.a Folicula, 10 lbs Gum Arrobacy 12 lb« do Aefoetida. 12 '.bsdoGua..-, 6 lbs do M) rh, I 6 bs do Gaaibouge, 1 Flos, ch;im# 1 Bbl Sulpher, 6 ib&Gum camphor, 6 lbs do Copal, 8 lbs do Gal barium, 4 lbs do colat, 8 lbs do Shelae, 1 Park God trfftf, 28 lbs Glue, 4 <bi cum Soam'ny, Ink Powder, 4 lbs do Opii, I 20 lbs do Manna, Flotant In< igo, U fy <fe fern- ] ' ktetyte&h, 6 lbs do ATOioMaC, India Rubber, Aing* VeliOw, Jrlair Powder, JLamp Black, Lcith Auri, JLapis Pumise, ^i,o«f Root, Lg, Q^aCa, Lozefiges Ppt, Lemon candy, Lead Pencils, Crown Lancetts, Lip Salve, Mag, Alba, Merc, Cor, Subj Mace, Miflc, Madder, ! Maceubo7 Snuff, . I XT. . I If xNut .vieggs, 14 Gal. Oh'um Olfvar 6 dwz Bet do Ricini, I lb do Annis, I lb do Juniper, 4 lb* dojamyg Lulc, „ ciircumci Galangall, f cKl Rofin, ao doz. Bottles Opo- VeJenaji, del doc, Serp, Virgin, /4 lbs Pix Burgundy, Seneka, litsnt Yellow, ■n ro mat urn, Paint Bnxeff, 2 cwt Rad Gentian, R'Ven Stone, £0 lbs do Glye, ; Rof. Water, Puivus Rhef, do J»lapi, do do Specae, Sc-fllav Sperma Settfr Sal, Niter, Refined, do Tarter, 1 Bbl Sal, Glaub, ao bs Sal Sodi, efird| Ro.e Soap, spirit* Ni're Duic, I Seali t> Wax, do doTerabirth, *" do do Vin&r • do Pink, Sue, Give, Sac, S*t mif Semen, ai.a.'s, Syrringe*. Semiirouby, Sapo cdiile, do Windft.r, 1 icmarinds, U finals, • JO lbs c- arfe Sponge, Umber, 5 do Fine do, . Wax balls Ve PILLS," Starch, Sand 'Paper, PA! ENT MEDICINES. Anderfons, '» Hoopers, • - - - m Lees & Co its-, Batemans Drops, Godfreys Cordials, Britifh Oil, &c. vo &c. ^fvarietyof other articles, too numerous to mention in an advertifetDent. ^ Phyficians and others are refpeftfully in¬ vited to call and judge for tbemfelves. Fam¬ ily cheftspnt up and directions given gratis. CARLISLE h MARKHAM. Kingston, August I, 1815. 17 tf Richard Smith & Son H AVE SEVENTY BARRELS T A R. POETRY. * • • • • • 4 • • For the Gazette^ -. AUTUMN. Nature's glorias faft deciying, See the charms of beauty die? Gentle breezes ceafe their pL-'ying, Plear the deep autumnal iigh : - See the mountain's fading verdure, See the foi! »ge turning pale. See the quick and fleeting fliac&W, 'Tis the da:k autumnal veil* -• Hark ! what is that cradcfs.ffiurfn'nng^ Notes of forrow pain the ear., . ?Tis the voice of nature mourning. O'er the fhdrt Stphlng year. ■ ^> Lovely pVofpfe'fts fair and blooming, Will they ne'er revive again ? Ye«, when Spring, her pow'r a flu airing, Shall affert her plaltrc reign. 0 i gay yoiiths } 't's wo't.h beholding, Her^ Life's page we clearly lean. Scenes, the- ftafons are Unfolding^ Emblems, true, of dying man. ** As change the feafon<?, drear and vernal, M So in the gfrave we foon mull lie, " But the fj nit is eternal, " The Ibu) of man will never die I" Kingston, Oft. \O, I&15. A Smttijh Gypfey* [From Scott*s new Novel of Guy Manuring ~] -------She fpun a thread, drawn from wool of three different colours—black, white and giey—As me fpun, (he fung what feemed to be a charm— Twtft ye, twine ye, even fo Mingle (hades of joy and we, Hope, and fear, and peace, and Hn'fe, In the thread of human life. While the myftic twift is fpinning, And the infant's life beginning, Dimly feeu through twilight binding, Lo 1 what varied fhapes attending! T3.,n~, ailions wild, and follies vain, Pieftfurti foon exchanged for pain ; Doubt, and jealousy, and fear, In 'he magic dance appear. Now -hey w^it, and now they windle, Wbirlfog with the whirling fpindle, Twift ye, twine ye, even fo Mingle human biifa and woe. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. t» * ♦ ♦ • t • 4 • * • • « * 4 % '- -- « • * • fGogStOtlt 2 &/r /ttfgUSff 'l$l$ . fJJtf Paris, %/y 2<v. Many letters announce that much p«l!acrp 1, . . . , ... r x»J ° laj been committed in the city of INisrnes 6c in the neighbouring country by rhe troops from Marfeills and the othtrr pr.rts of Pro- vCnee. More th^rt thirty iioufe?, mollly belonging fo the rich tneEchants, have been, deitroyeci in the city of Nisrncs, fince the ci¬ ty guard, the gendarmerie and the troops «>f the lii-e have been disarmed. More than 20,000 white flag* flying frorri the windows and other places in the city of Bourdcaux. On the 24th at the theatre cf thac city, they made a boninre of the ti*i-coW OUred flag. Caidinal Tench and madame Letit'a. (Bo¬ naparte's mother,) were on the 22d at Bomg ( Ain.) and left it the next day. Cardinal Maury has been impnfoned in the epftle of St. Angelo : he is-acculed of m- trigues ennneded with late events. Toulon, Jmy 24. This morninjr, all the Military and civil officers of the Marine, at thus port hav- ad- drtffed a refpeftful fubmifTion to the kmg. The white Sag has been hoiftcd andtfK En- glifli fquadron, which was m light &( the port, faluted the flag as foon as they faw h flying on the forts and batteries. TotTLOL'SE, July ?-;-• . His R. H the Duke d'^ngoutem^ a'ri- r?ed ye in the mence multitude, intoxicated with tfe* hap- pinefs of poiTeffing liim again. The" pre& ence of the Prince fo ardently beloved by this people, raifed thtir enthuftas.-n to iu heights Paris, July g&, There is a report of the arrival (fi the EmprefTesof RuiTia and Auftria at V^Ph The papers announce that the pear'4 was figncd yeflrerday or the day before.- We cannot yet confirm *-his pleafing neWs".- It hasalfo been announced that th^ ven- deans have joined the army of the Loire. This news is pofitively by a declarat,on of fbe Vendean chiefs, dated at Beaupre?^, the 19th inft. Marflial Bn nt has, it is faid, ret.lred to Toulon, where he awaits the orders °f tnc The ICing. has iffued a decree on t&e *lft herday in this city at 3. o'clock P* M. midft of the ar-elamations of >«'i im» •inft. ordering Ac dreu ?.nJ delivery to ik councils of war, to be judged according to military law, of all general officers and other- military commanders of departments and ci¬ ties- who have reprtffed or (hall reprefs by violence or force of arms the exprrffions of fidelity of the people towards his Majefty. . London, July 19. Three grert acts of juftice are expected from the hands of the Allied Sovereigns j or the blood and treafures of their fubjects will have been wasted in vain. 1. The punifhment of Bon?.part<\ 2 The payment- by France of all.the fei- penfes of the war, together with the furrender of all the woikscf arc and fcience which fhe has pillaged from other countries 1 and. jdly. The diminution of her territorial power to fnch a point as mail render it impracticable for her to carry into effect the defigns which fhe has and always will have at heart of attacking the independence and fecurity of other nations-—Courier* From th: Bojlon Daily Ad<9crt]jer* Yefterday arrived here the brig Sampfon,- capt. Sampfon, havmg left Bordeaux r>n the 9th. We are informed by Mr. Sampfon the iupercargo, that France was generally in a fl*te of qr.iet, and that no rtcent events of importance had taken" place.—Many of the officer* bad been arrested and were to be tri¬ ed for their adherence to Bonrrt^rte, and it was reported that two or three had been cap¬ itally punimed. G.n. Claufel the military commandant at Bordeaux had made his efcape. There was no tfuth rn the report that i^.ooo P. uiTians had been cut off by the French. It was faid that air* allied army of 100,000 w::9 to be cant6ned in Fnt:rce for j years at the ' ex-" pence'of France* The treaty made by commodor* Decatur with AlgWti had been announced in France, it wns faidy oiT?cially.- The terms of it were iaid to be, that cm out' part we give up tho fhtpi of war c?ptnred, with ?1J prHuners ; and that Algiers relmouimcs all claim for tribute, gives up all csptured ^nericarr v'effels md prikmcrs, and engages to indemnify u* for the expence of the expidilion agair-et her. We have been favored with Parii p-'p-.-rs tor Aug. 2, fiom which we have gtf&e the following trafktionn. Paris, Aug. 1. — Workmen w^re employ¬ ed in replacing the names of the itreet3, and public placet of Paris, which they bore pre-s vioustu the year 1792. It appears that they a^« a^twe% nmtAttfs ed at the office of the ministi v nf ^'ar in *he « t lecog'iizatlon of the army. It is faid his Majesty has given hn approbation to the plan which has been preheated try him for effe&ing this ofytSL It i- belfe^i that all thcijUicer* of more than CO years old, will obtain an honorable retreat. ■ Lord Wellington has* offered to the ' pre- feci of 1 he police, his foldicrs to aff.fl in nar- vesting, and tiie carriages cf his ^rmy for transportation. The rumour of the intended marriage of one of our princes,- with the Archducbels Leopoldine, is reneired. - Many of the general? fiamel in the de¬ cree of the King, of the 4th of July, it is Jaw], have obtained palfports to dcpaHfrom the Kingdom. * rxrifmicdfor the N. T. Com. Athtrf.-er. Paris, Ausr. 10. or the rodowtog 9rQflificat»ng"-' g^ % eambre, chief of the ftaf of the. jftc ' , ceives and trsnlmi^ <,rders. Gen. Ben ■ ene commands the 4th corps, and Gea 1^' ot the 3d. The infantry of the gna^ commanded by the gene.al Cmrt UUtJ and the cavalry by general Gtiyot, ^ corps cf the left wicg is commanded by G^ Ambert. » . (Si>ned) . MACDONALD. „ PROCLAMATION. , Soldiers.—-! have arrived among yo„. { feel plea lure in finding myTelf arnong rnf 0^ companions in arms. The mi.fi rtuqes \&t upon our fair country, and the burdens which fn'e bears, can be alleviated by order, disck line, fubordinattcn and a free and loyal fob. rr.rfflcn to the King ; his heart,rent by «i» calamities-which' weigh upon hiVfahpfii, has need of comfort ; he wants tc knew ih;t hiti people, whq inhabit the banks of il^ Loire, of the Allier, of the Rhone and of the Cher, do not fuffer any thiag ipnre dun the inconvenien^ies #hich are" infeparabW from fo great an' afiembla'ge of trcops.' Soldiers—in occupying frVyfe!f with yhnr wants and your welfare, I ought to dimiVlli at the fame time the burden of the mililary lodgments' 5 I am going to extend the army: carry into your cantonments the ancient fp|. rit of fide'iK-, of devotion and attachtiriK for their legitimate fovtrn'gns which di'tin. guifned foeminemlv the Frenth charafier, let our aims henceforth b<? cdnfecratcd 10 the defence of the king and rns throne,' , In acknowledgment for the hifpit?.!.'tr, which y U receive fi'orrt your ■ .corffttrymtfi oiler them your arms fn tfrerr •igrictiltonl labours ; you will merit (by ilh cosdod) the kindnefs of a monarch ani the eifce.niof your fellow citizens. MAcxvmi FROM THE UNITED STATES, Drcddful Gale at Bofrn, Boston.Sept. 33, i?i;. ", We were never before called upon w r^- cord fo terrible a gale as the oat «hich haf J»ttl paMed by ; and our nUeft^otftt*** no remembiance of having before rflwP fo furious a blaft. • ' In Bolton the eSe&s ot the fnrnado vert very alarmi.rg and aiWAitre. RoofiHCh1"" TW** n.ittle.nents, railings^arretw, *wvt! bi en w c«rf«feft a^z nm Lcttrrs fiom Acn terdam Hate, that t flocks of the Uunited States have advanced earfi -'.erably.- Tlw King by a fpecial deerre has recog¬ nized as p^'.i of the natfefhal c'-i.r, tlic con¬ tracts ;-id exprnditures made by B-o.iauarte duri-igh'S late ufurpalion, as a matter of grace and not or obligation. Paris, Mg* ' t. The plan of the Kind's houfchold is ?r- nanged. The R.yal Guard will be compo- fed of 24.003 men. There will be fever, ve- gimenUof cavalry, *fe. two of Cuirafiers, one of mounted Grenadier*, and one of chas¬ seurs. Ea<h of thefc regiments will be compofed of l'even fquadrons. There is a Tumour that JofepS and Jerome: Bonaoarte ha^'c been afreftedat- Pari«» at the 1 houfe of a lady who kept them concealed. M- de Labe^doyer has revealed important information durinir his examination. Gen Vandamme' was flill ar t,image4 on the 4th of thU month with a part of his di- ^ifion, fiurgf.r.1 Aug. c. MarlTial McDonald, duke of Tarentum, on the ill init. took at this place the com* mand of the army of the Loire. He has' publifhed tl>e two following papers. Order of the Da v. The army is informed,- that the rnarfifnl duke of Tarentum, appointed by the King to fucceed his excellency the marflial prince ot Eckmul, (who l^s a^ked arrd obtain^ his recall.) has arrived at the head quarterg at. Purges. His excellency to day takes command of 1 he army. The camp marfha', baton Hulot, appointed chief of the Staff, ia alfo arrived and has a (Turned his functions. The prefent organization of the army is provifionally maintained, with the excco'.ion »li* fiail'i- and created may well be imagined—v\e (lia1! attempt the defcriptJon. Iu«ier ihan t ** m^rk'that both fear and horror were n„°- * ally exencd. During the height of jlyS Dado,' there w'a's a deep cry of fire ' U seeded fnyi the Glafs Houfe j t^jf buddings had been1 blown In upon the fi naces, which fet it iir a. blaze. Vl'c j/* that feveral perfon^. were mnch hrii^l the fall of the building and rqLtf (the truth or falfity of ^fch fre have J! had time to afcerramV ]>v?r'al were IrT r All Che r *P edilw. totugt ^SS Theft,- - the R«: Mr, Ifofc^g ingHo.,. , %.c£afioned eonfiderablc aWm'10' the neighbourhood—and from rVfrrw • jury its bafe fuvhurted, rf la furprifih^4^ was not blown down. The Rer". (& Shares Meeting Houfe wascnnSdenbr?^ jur'ed. We have not leifure to-grre'aff4:fe account of the damagedonethepublicbuJlil. ings, private houfe<?, (lorcR, ftc. But am'rmg the l'>lTes fuffainedbyifaM fonians, is the injury done to the MM* that fuperb promonade, the pride and oraj/ menr of the town, will be greatly lament^, —it excites truly melancholy re&ftionW fee fi'ch noble trees (mod of them from 81* 12 feet in girth) torn up by the roots, asd their branches rudely fcatteredto the'wind?." The weflern range of the north pgrt of thd Mall is proftiated for nearly half its length ( Several of the great trees rrr the public wait near the Granaray burial ground, and iJwff in the common nearly oppofoe the fiats' Houfe, are alfo proflrated. • * • - . Further Mtltinrboly account's comrnunlcefd by a gentleman from Providence. R-1> On Saturday )a3 at Providence wj« expf. rrenced one of the moil rremendoou* g^lea ever wtnefled fince the fet'tleiient of flic rot.ntty.' The tornado corhmencefl aborf nine a. m. with the wind at S. E. The- \\c\t rofe to its greateft height about 20 <r.io-, t'tes before 1 2. The water was fuppofedtp rife from 10 to 12 feet .above it* !*") height. The firft eff.jft of the temped wai thea'mofl inftantaneous demolition of the gre<?t bridge which connea^ die'fn V*** of {he town. The wrecks of veflekjwj* s and (lores were hutried. through tK jtinel of the river- nftn tl»e cove, & «» as through fome of the Ureets, on &tW fide of the river. Every where ^4** tion and Confufmn ; holifesdewofiW ! P^ t'le drowned, and bales of good* fflWj«g principal part of V7eyb*lTct Arect T ■»t. chan k ; ■ befiif*flie of property mull be immenle ;.be m l great bridge already mentioned, fadw p « at India point, and ^IB.*,^; of Conftitution hill, were ^f/Z^ foundations; the f.-cond Bijti* Cn

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