E . Henderson 9 Has Jus? Received^ Cloves ; Eft. Pep- Mint : IVhe at on's Lib Ointment : Chen«'s Worm o Lozenges ; Colt's Fills ; Lee's Pills, Anderjorfs Pills J Hoopers Pills, &c, AND now opening at his STORE) a general and we!) ii fafi affortment of DRY GOODS* GROCERIES, LIOUORS ar.d HARDWARE. A General Affortment of Drugs and Medicines Amongft which are : Camphor ; : Opium ; Aloes 9 Flor Sulphur; Glauber Salts ; British Oil; - Turlington's Bals. Efs. Mustard; * Opodeldoc; Godfrey's Cordial; The whole of which he will sell low for ca(h or country produce Any orders from the country-, will be punctually attended to, and thank-will be returned io> their cuftom. Kingston, August 28. 1815. 12__ WHEREAS 1>EN}ANv:TNCLAPP, of Ad<»lphtis- 3 town, did, on the 28th of June laft, in- lii uate in a certain adveititen.^nt publifhcd in the Knigftob Gazette, r< feeding a SIR Y MARE, that I deemed it of UtQ little confequence to inform the owner where me might he found : 1 think it my duty to inform thofe who are inclined to credit the malicious aflertions of h Clapp, of a few of the circumilances attending the above tranfa&ion. I can prove to the fati faction of any perfon defir- ing it, that the following notice Was pofled up in the mo ft public places, in three differ* ent t< wnfhips, viz. Adolphuftown, Fredtr- acksburgh and Erncft Town, for at lead tin v t we« k« previous to the advertising of the Mare by B. Clat-p "BROKE Into the Pasture of the Sub¬ scriber, on the 25th of May, - 815, a likely Bay MARE. Any per¬ son by proving property and pay¬ ing charges, can rake her. HJLLEf CASET*" The above Marc waa at my ho life oi> VrU day,the 23d of June, towards night; but ruffing iier on (hat night, and I eving by chance that flic was in ih;- pofleffion of 13* Ci^pp, I ftnt him rhe f llowing tut- in or¬ der to obtain her. 1 was credibly infotmed that B. Clapp was fern r»dit g faid Ma»v on Satuiday mofi.ing, and In the afternoon lent her to enfevera) rr-ilc*?. " Bfkjam/n Clapp, « I hear thai there U a BAY MAR£ ar your place, tba* broke out <.f n.y pailure ; if it is the one, the boy I (end will know her^ She and two* other broke into my enelofnre on 01 about the 25. h of Majrf The other two. the owner* have got. The Mare I have aivertifed. therefore, I am hoi den for her. and I will thank you to let the hoy h ve h r ; and rhr'fi'fl ti»r:e I Fee you, 1 will pay Tour den and.-- for pail ore. Yi'U will oblige me in fending her. •* From yours te fetve, WILLET CASEY*. AdotptiuftoWn, 27th June, 18 if." ' V.. CMnpp, refi.fing- to comply with the ffqmft c: Attained in the above note, I im- p«tdiar*-ly w^nr myfel", and took her away. I think i* proper to (late that I had about nine months previous to her breaking in'o my enc-ofure. agreed for faid Mare and her mate, for two hundred dollars. How¬ ever, the rightful owner has got her, and I really hope the dtftorbed mind of B, Clapp, conccruing her, is row at eafe. WILLET CASEY. /ldo!phi'ftoivrs Au^ult 28, 18*5. 12 JUST RECEIVED, And for Salm at this Offics, WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, MVRRATS GRAMMAR, AND A GFF.AT VARIETY OF B*,QKS LOR CHILDREN. o FOR SALE, \J N reafonable terms, Lot No. 22, in the <fh Concession, No. 23* in the 6th Concession, AND Let No. 20,- h the 1 \th Concession. 1 r e whole being1 in the Townfhip of Lans- down, in the district of Johnitown. ALSO, lovm Lot No. '82, in the Town of Kingston, For partirlnra enquire at the office of. AL' AN MCLEAN, Efq. Kingston t August a8r 18 if. 1% FOR SALE, A number of Town Lot3 near the French — Church. Tlie terma of payment will be made eafy. H. EA RL. Kingfton, Sept. 23, 1815. i6tf. Wanted^ ~ A QUANTITY of good live QEESE FEATHERS, for which a ge- erous price will be given. Enquire at this office* Kingston, August 22, 1815. II "\AM-E into theinclofure of the fubferi- ber, about fix weeks ftnee, a bay MA RE. The owner is requefted to prove property pay charges and take her awSy: OLIVER THIBODO. Kingfton, Sept. 25. 1815.________16 _ Smith & Cook i Have Just Received, AND now offer for sale, at their Store at the house of Thomas Cook, an ex- tenfiVe aflbrtment of GOODS Of every defcription generally in demand ; among which are : Superfine, fine and Common Broad Cloths > Cariimeres, Wellington Cord, Silks, Silk, Silk & Cotton & Cotton Shawls, Black & Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Umbrellas, Mcus' beft Buck.skin Gloves, Beaver, lined with Lambs Wool and common do. BombaiettSj Bed Ticking, black and White Cambrics. White Cotton Muflin, Cap" Patterns, Black Velvets, Ready made Superfine Coats, ^. Wellington Cord and Nankeen Panta- loens and Veils. With a great variety of Fancy GoocK too numerous to infert in an advcitilVment. ALSO, Glass Ware, Crockery, Hardware—and Groceries. And in daily expectation of an r:;ten.ive collation of BOOKS, adapted to the talle of every defcriptiou of readers. 1 ogcther with Stationary and School Books. Every attention will be paid to dfpft who may faior thtm with a call ; and as i"ey are determined to open no accounts, trnirg(>otl3 will be difpofed of at very ieduced prices. Kingston, August 28, 1815.______j2-lI__ (^ TRAY ED irom The pliiiHi vtstf Kiiig- O ft on, on Thuifday, 14th Sept inftatft, a largt COIV, of a light bay color, the entire of her forehead white,- with feveral white fpotson )?er moulders and icci, with a large bag and a long white tail, and from 5 to 6 years old. Whoever will leave information at this Office rtfptcting- the faid Cow, will be handfomely rewarded. 19th Septen.ber; _ : ^ r - HE subscribers will do Corhmifilon BuGnefs, and flore and forward GOODS on the rfeoft reafonsble terms under the firrfi of SMITH Sc COOK. CYRUS .SMITH, THOMAS COOK, Kingston, iSih AnguSt, iSi5. 2 2tf Wanted, pOR the (tipply of His Ma^fty's Forces 1 atthisPoft, Fiom 10 to 12,000 pounds of gcod Merchantable FRESH BEEF. per Week. Deliveries to cornmencn on the f ft. of De¬ cember next, and to be continued to the 31ft March, 1816. Proposals for the above fupply ^will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the 1 ft November next on which day perfons having tendered will be made acquainted with the refult Q$ (htir ptopofals. Commijfariat Office, TAtf_____King fan. 12th Sept. 181$. JUST received and for saJe »t the Printing Office, Kingf¬ ton, 51 Reams Crown Wraping Papery 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Poft No. r, Velum II ditto dit^o No. 2, 9 ditto ditto uncnt. July II, Government Houfe, Kingston, Augufl 21,1815. A LL Perfons having any Rfght, TitJfr lntereft, Property or claim to, in, k* upon the Lands-in Long Ifland, Wolfe &? Grand Ifle, Garden Ifland and Simcoe Iflan<* fituate in the River St. Lawrence, i*jP Kingfton, are hereby direfted immediate?/ to tranfmit to me the particulars of the fam»e together with copies of the Documents utf>* upon which their claim i* founded. F. P. ROBINSON, " Secretarv* H. C, THOMSON, i-% ESPECTFULLY informs the public t\ thathehasjuft received, and now of¬ fers for Cale an extent!veaffortment of ■ GOODS 9 ■ among which are the following article*, xiz. Cloths & Flannels; Cottons & Linens * India Silk Shawls Cotton ditto Toilonette Silk Hhdkfs. Pulicate do. do. Brf";anna Hancikerchiefd Fainionable Ginghams. Ditto Lenos and MuflinS Fine Muflin DreflVs. Ribbons & Gloves Fafhionable Straw Bonnets. Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Silk Parafols Black and white Silk 1 ahd Thread Lace Veils. 3 Ladies Gentleman's, > Shoes. & Children's ^ Cotton, Silk and Wm-fted Hofe, Bombazeene cc Boihbazette, Printed Calicoc^ Table Cloths, > Diaper and Dowlas; Rufiia & India Sheetings Threads and Lacej S'carionary. Sauces and Pickle?, Cinamon, Liquoricej Nutmegs, Mace & Cloves. • • Pimento. ALSO. A general affortment of nes & Cutlery & Groce Hard Limn . ware Kingston *fi$*fi 7, 1815. 9 NEW GOODS. ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods JND Groceries .* \ Among which are the following articles 5— Super* ine and common Broad Cloths ; White and black Cotton Cambneks; Superfine drtfT'd and undrefl'M Calicoes; Black silk, Madrafs and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkerchiefs ; 03 variety of Shawls and Veftiftgs ; Large da'rhafk si!f: Shftwls ; French Cambrick, for Handkerchiefs ; Fine Linen Cambrick and Rfsbe Paterns; . _ ^ . _ < * Black, white & changeableco¥d L Twiird Sarcenetts ; Black Mode ; uliring j ">? * Gentlemen's fmc buck, doe flcin' and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy coloured Silk do. • - Ladfes* fancy afToited KM do. Black, blue, grrerr 8t scarlet Bombazctt White fhalloon silk Velvets and Cotton S nirtfrrgs; Fine Ififli Linerr, Rufiia, Imitation and Scotch Sheetingfs ; Blacfeand white Jeans, Dimities and black Crape ; / jackonef and Book Muflins, Lenoes ; Ginghams, Ribbons and Laces j Fine plated furr and wool Hats 5 OiTd Hat Covers. ALSO, Hyfoi>, i X THE fcr& olice. , c oer has for fale a vain ble traa of Land, fituaied in tht fafr ill! I ceiTion of the townmip of FredaickiW aT dttional, (being part of the HomeltJn with good buildings thereon erefted, ami good well of water; lying abom 28 mild tram Kingfton, on the front road kadi through the Bay ofQuinty. For further information enquire of b. c spencer, -mmm Freder.ckipurgh, Pel 3'»'QUI .39 t^t 1 kjn tr°tJuly Ti%^l" Difcharged Non-Con.miffioned Office, and Soldiersi who may have b^'eri re^ mended tor receiving Grants of Lafid,are to repair to Cornwall without delays grt^c, port themfclves to Alexander M'Dor^lik fuperintcndant.of the Departmnit for Iocs- ting the new Settlers. . By order of Hi's Excellency the ., Prdvifidnal Lieutenant Governor iitf F. P. ROBJNSDN,^vr! —Ml ■ n 1 il—--------=----■fcMW l l _____ 1 1 Kingston Dcd I'ardT" ., . a iV^fuheiiUf, REQUIRED for the ufe of the Naval Yard, the uridermeril'Oned articles, Bricks, 60,000 Lima ." 8,000 BuOiek Sand 4,000 doM Shingles, ^4,000 To commence the delivery of the abw mentioned articles immediate1)', and to eno- tinue (weekly) by fucb quantities asihail be directed by the Commillioher, or Offi* eersof the Dock Yard. , , Propofals to be delivered into the Nawl Store Keeper's Office, Point F1ederick.11// « u For Sale, FAST failing Schooner lying at Sacket« Harbor, about 60 tcibbor. then. She lids undergone a thorougn im¬ pair, and corked from keel to gunnel, andiJ tight ; her Siih and Rigging new, and 33 complete order. She Was built in Ki«gfton» and was called the Elizabeth, of Kingitop, when captured by the Americnr.3;—A»y perfon wiflung to purchale, will call opd George Arm/1 rong or Capt. Pdughn. Sacktt^s'Harbor, June i6;' ftjj-., -4 Johns & Finkle, HAVE j\t<;t recieyktj a geke^al _J^' Take Notice I' i •T^HAT whertw DAN E. Aim %T>ed a certain && *$ Deputy Barrack Maft« Gc,,era? ^th,l< ding a large Store Hoafc and /f Jgf hi the ufc of Government, (oi Z ">!t» which the fubferiber* becam^fo'^N foliave aSvaoced a large &* pr.vate property, »«, enp,.^,^ inert of tome Good., in Kin" ^ ' °> the above Buildings-, g tQ" "^ This h therefore to reauefl P or any other perfon, „ot $ **£**«, payment on the above Bi.lldfcta," .StW- tkment is made, and lawful $,*"' 'f* Kf-i EMONS THE fiibferiber has now and intends keeping ready for i meat of Saddles* Bridle v on imi tflCi an sk ana opursf gtK^her articles" ufuaUfl^j^ His prefent me3r>3 of obtaining worHw2 flock, wilI<na!rTe him to fell m,Cn|o^ than formerly. Repairing done on fhortnofe . A. METCALF. krngftpn, Jr-.ne uf 1815,- i Land for Sale* THE fubferiber offers for file lie Weft half of Lot tfo. 7, in' the fourthawf fifth concefGon of the town/hip of Lough. , l>orough,-*.vfth 50 o.r 60 acres undergJ improvement, and a good Hand for8 aiif pufi- lie bufmefs MICHAEL SLOOT. Loughborough, June f 2,, i81C... I Kingston Packet Plug, pigtail and ladies' twift Tobacco { High proof old Jamaica Spirits ; Cogniac Brandy,-Holland Geneva"; ^ - - ,. Shrub ; Port Wine. JAMES CFlAPMAN, Ca?T The above goods, together with a variety' rpHIS viflcT will fail regnbfly from rf articles not mentioned, will be fold at the 1 , Kingston to Sachtt\- Harkr. & will les've King ft on' every Monday/Wfdnfr day end f riday, and Sacked Harbor*- ry other day in the we£k. The price will be 7W D'c&rt iot^ pafler/'ger. . Kingston, Mafli, l%\$- ^ - of moft reduced prices for'cam. We tender our thankful acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomers for pan! favors, and folicit a continu¬ ance of their future patronage. Kingston, 6th August, 1815. mf For S p^ VALUABLE Farm, with buildings and large improvements thereon, fa¬ vorably fituated within 28 miles of Kings- ton. Perfons defirous of purchafing to m- quirc of the Printer. Kingston, July io, 1815,, 5 tf. Wanted youiig of age, as a" Servant, to live ma finill Wt refiding in the cpuntry made at this office. . Kingston, July 25,' I».£. Applied to b f»