mediate vicinity of tun? -,:.-irr, xV:PimB. fiom the ff^eat numbers who were fci Maiden, and the two place". TheV had been v'ery infoltfut ami timiMel«in?t£ and excited much imeafinefs among the in¬ habitants. But aii i« on as our troops arrived ihey began to leave our Tide in great mm. j,ers__hqo went off in one day, —- The. num¬ bers and apparent hofiiihy of iht Indians which were collected around Detroit, ^ave evei" rcafou to believe that th<-y defined attacking that place, as the garrifon previous to the airival of tl»e la'l tro ips, wa-s *ery in¬ efficient. A Britiih ofHeer at Maiden told our informant that the I had matured a plan to furprize and captu-e one^of our boats loaded .vith troops whtn g>aE'»g up the river,-and thai they were diverted from, putting their project in execution by meie^ accident. All iceoums confirm the belief that the inter.;ii.rii of the Indians have been directly hoftile : whuhei the appearance of our force wiU iufpire them with ©foment fenriments, isnncatain— Whatever r.v.:.? be the event, w<" h.ope nor f;ovei ■■mem. wil; fend troop?enough t ' th;.t quart;.-> in L.ifoa to be prepared for it. the Colonel lent Colonel M'Katy to Major Morgan, the commandant ?.t Mackinac* to Communicate the fu'bfl.inceof the faid orders ; *h»eh were, that he mould go himfelf tr/the MifiiiTipi, and do his utmofl to pacify * he organ thanked hlial ExtraS ofa Iclicr da:.'! " V.aJfch Julf 24. " Commodore Decarore. we learn, hfis fettled the accoorr with Winers ; alter x$k? ingfherr fineft frigate and a (loop of war, he appeared off the city of A%1**1 and Tent •a flag afttore, with an intimation he muft releafe-all Americans and Wmetiran vef- fels, and that be thouhl have four hours to deliberate'; but that if no anfwer fljOuld be received at Vhit p|:i'iod, he (Wald lay the towuinafues, '* An i&rercne carvette from otT Tunis hove ia light during tnvs period, and landed a number of Turks of d'ttV.filsVfc ; the Pal* ace cf the Dry was furroundedj &«*d lie waji menaced with decapitation ; -f*.i.e end rmjj the third hour, the Sag r'finirfed w<th the fubmiftion of the Dsy to the terms Yh'tfatcd by commodore Decature ; ail Aif»V«scans were reieafai ; the IX-v engages rot tide- Jrund tribute hereafter from the U. SiSte^ and that all Americans, wherever taken, or on board whatever fnip*, ikail be reieafed without ni.f ,m. "The commodore and full went on more 'and upon rcprekntations bv the Dtry, of the danger he was in, the Commodore marie I'im a pfe'fent of the eapVn»ed frlgat. . Thus ha» ended the third ai.iean War. We have thefe advice* by way of Catthagcr.a." Petri fimr«li, <^\T^ ; (: r* 1 sT T rciDK- On M*** L-o.»w.- i»a JWM ,hc knurs of 7 ."d 8 "*cl°* °* "f th*™? * Indiari?. Major M very politely, and could not think of put'ing the Briti/H Government to fomuchtronWe after fueh fiatteHng affiiranees had beef *l- r^ady eWnct.Ion its part. He hoped that his own Government would be able" to frttle) every fxifting- diiTereme with the Indian tribes • fo that i« the event of their not fuc- ceeding in bringing round a peace themfelv«f3 no blame can be attached to the Government of Canada. All the Indians In this qu^ft-et have behaved exceedingly well,, Thev'fay that it i< not their wuh to yield y am- part of their territory to the United States.' ri'hey add that it was their great fnthef the King's wffh that they fhould lay down the hatchet ? they have liftened to fifrtlj and o- oeyej h'? order?, which they will ever he feu.iv to do as becomes faithful Cliildr;n. |Vc are t'ettino- on fmootluv at this place, "nd have djllr'hutfd prefen»s tc nearly sOC?d people. Omiiderable prcfents are alio feat to the MimSipi. Cap!. Ancerfon U gone to make a dislituution cf them in that cnar- it .Or m,a&£ j !5n«t 1 I. 1 J r - pa rtMclcdafts of fuicide wascommitt-d eser KZfcA r,evhapeb\thehun»:iniam.«y. A *^min bribe name of #7.^ ^%i young man l - * ■- ** 'i% Difin At Willtani^tdw-cli Uoper Canada, outh? 2tuittil. after beiod iono in a weak [late 01 hejdih, the Kev. John IiiiHUNE, in the r5^th ve.^r of his acre. Mr Bethnne at anearV period of his hfe, left Beotkad with his parents rcr the pur*- pcifc offettlrtiE tn the colonies of N«ri.h A- merica. When th< fe cohmi.^s rebelled, h*? and many others were reduced to much d:« trefc, by ^y^.r fttady loyalty, and by their finnnefs fej-,;attachment to the government; At this time was probably 1**6 the founds tion of that rhfeafe which has ultimately caufed his death. Durina' the rebellion he was uppamted Chaplain to ike 84th regim¬ ent, with which he did duty till the peace was concluded. He then fettled in Canada, t.oV-re he lived refpecttd and beloved by all who knew him. tJW. lietlume was a man remarkable for \h* milunefs and n^reeablen^fs ofhf«» manners but at nolfrrVe <lefj.ienl if? ipirit which i/'eq'iiiite vor the fupport of the ehar.icter vi a Chrillian and a g-cntleirrari He under- U. <>d what wa- ofie to the power-* that be, Wtthont Wing ( '^f fliit rei'pect which ....,. j ._ ►.- uj„ H- i-.M left a wndow and Cimily ; hut the place 'they Ilbld iii foiieiy wiil fhew, '.lv.-lt as a hiuAhanci and father, he muft be iiitiimereil am«(>nrr thefe, who hwe donethuir duty well. iaiog aithe capacity Frederick I. RodliLlt f CL.k {^- MJhs. nirreh nit", n{ KiNGStON, OCTGDER 3, iBlJ^ • * • • * • ■ • * ■ . • • Frederick i. KoouL.d fhUtownwa.theviaimorthHt.orr,, d-d Stha.evemn^theo^eryoun^enucm, Ss^;;^"to the (U^hey found the front door lecked-thcy however got ,n by weans of a back prifidfl^ and the ftrft ^ that attraaed their view, wan the body of Motley watering in blood! It appears to W been a very dehbehte act, lor as toon :».* -.efounohimlelf alone, he Ipread a co'mter- paneeh the floor, wrote a note, «wi then with a ra'/or cut hie left arm nearly otT, and fis throat from ear to ear. In his note were nearly thefe words—" This is to certify I to* killed mYself, I win th?t a Jury of Inqueft may be held over my body ; that I maybe decently interred, and that my ft tends may be Teqne(le<l not to grieve for me."— On Sunday u.orning Followirg, a Coroner's iaqucft was held over his body, and he wrs afterwards interred in the Church yard at Jranford.—Young Mr. Motley was of re* pebble parentajje—liimfelf no way Taffed in pecuniary matters, and from his ex- tiemely modeil appearance, aid apparent coropofureefmhd, together with his unim¬ peachable morals, he ou«ht to have been • numbered among th£ laft of men who would Bave committed fuch an oftu FIRTH—On SattirJat, ths \yh nh^m the Lady of Thwmt Cckman, Lfq. of T' tow, of a •Daughter* X)r/time&—On Saturday, the 2^d ^tj in fwimtne: from a boat to the more, vnear Meyer's Creek, Mr. John Mlntoil^ 0f TUwrtow. Sm^Jariy.— An A!\;atcr, msifuiln? %^ feet fix inches, was Ihot in a fwamp^ ab.nnt three quarters' of a mile from Bufhwic ftrry ( L. 1. ) on Saturday afternoon la(t, by J *hn T. lirouwere. While in the act of levelling his piece at a {lock of fnipes, he difcoverea the y/"igator within a few yard.: of the ftjot where he ftood, making towards / him ; \Vhen he inftantly lodged the contents of the pitce in the throat of the mo after, who now add* t0 the catalogue of natural curioficies ex!iibi(eci in Scudder'a ^mericn Mufeum in thiscity.. Last Notice* EL thoPe indebted to the fubfcrlber, bjr Note or Book aecoilnt are requefted 3 P Lt. Gov. to make payment immediately to Mr. John <**<>»<?» *W Third, by ihe Grace of Goc, TiPi-:, who is authorifed to teceive the fame ' °' the United Kingdom of Great Britain j:i my behalf. All thofe who do not attend to the a- hove, will find their accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. * . SMITH BART LET. A7//jj/(7.7, Ssph 27, 1815. e raith. i7w5 • NOTICE. THE fuhferibers refpeelfully inform the inhabitants f>f King (ton and its vi¬ cinity, that they have entered into a Co- Fartnerfh-p, in the of Phvfic and Surgery. All calls in tbfc line of their pro". feffion will be pundtually attended to. They keep alio on hand a large ana com¬ plete r.fl'.)»t rent of DRUGS fsf MEDICINES, Paints, Oil, Dye Woods, &c. kc. The folhn-inr- i* a lilt of a kw of the ar¬ ticles \v\\ !e(;eived. 14 lbs Argent Viv, j 12 lbs Bolus Aimena, 24 do Antimony Cid,' 20 lbs Blue Vitriol, « A rleiiie aiO, 25 do Annatto, 4 do a rf- 2 C'^t. Allurrt, i 2 Gallons Ahohrd, §0 lbs Gnm Aloes? 20 lbs Nitre Acid, 12 lbs Day Wax, 2."-' lbs iilaek Lead, 4I0S Balm, Socatilj 4. lbs Canf haradesj 15 lbs Clove«, r Cwt Coil Auranti, "-*> 1 '. 2D lbs Ba'im, CapebJ 15 lbs do Cafcariila, 5 lb do Peru, 1 lo do Sulpher, 20 lbs O^ra*:, 3 Cwt. Brlmftosej 50 lbs Cteta Aiba, ic lbs do Rubra, 15. Ibi^alome:, 4 D07. Court Fldil 50 lbs do rem Fluv^ I 10 lbs do Winter, ' 40' lb* & CsDhj 6 lbs do An^nflura, ay in »e Pepper Copal Varnifri, Cork Screw:., forborne tooth Pow'r r 6 do Fiefh Colourd,! Burgamot, 2 Grofs c. h. Fen'is! Empjft, d»c slm plx> 2 lbs Cowage, j do do Gum^ 2 orofs viol Corks,- J'/mt. Tart, iolbs Crocus Martis,: -Rmery, 30 lbs Crm, Tart, i Ens, Ven-rris, 1 * 6 Dor.. Hotfles, Ce-j Flos,/ham,, phalic Snuff, Flos, Ben Soin, do Zf'icl, Senna FolxcUia* 10 lbs Gum Arrobae, 12 lbs do A".fdetida, | 12 !bf doGviae, 6 lbs do Myrrh, 6 Guuboii^c% 4 lbs do Opii, 10 lbs do Manna, 12 lbs do Kino, : Bbl Sulpher, 6 lbs Gum eampnori 6 lbs do C*>oal. 8 lbs do Galbanum* 4 lbs d»> colat, 8 lbs do Shelac, I Pack Gold Leaf, 28 lbs Glue, 4 lbs cum Seam*ny, luk PoW ier, Flotant Indigo* Iehthyocula, f> lbr. do A'rrhonkcj ' India Rubber* M^g, Alba. Merc, cor. 3ub> Mace, Muft, Madder, Maccuboy Snun, Nut Mee?*1, 14 Gal. Olium Olivar 6 do?, not. do Ricini, ) lb .do Annis, I lb do Juniper, a lbc doiartiVg Dulcj Velerian, Serp, Virgin, ivings Yellow, Hair i*oWder, Lamp Clack, Leith AUri, Lapis Pumise, Root, Lg, Q uadiai Laufenges Pptj J emon candy, Lead Pencils, Crown I.ancetts, Lip Salve, ic do?., nettles Opo¬ deldoc*, 14 ths Pis Burgundy,' Seneka, Patent Yellow j Pom at urn, Paint ihxe>, 2 cwt Rad Gentian, 2: lbs do Glye, Pulvus Rhei, do Jalaoi, do do Specae >> Montreal, Sept. 16. ExlraS of a Letter from a Geutkrhan nt Drmmsnd Island, near St. Joseph, to his friend in Montreal, dated Augufl Clb, 1815. M Dear Sir—This will inform you of my jnival at this place, after a (hurt pafiage, and in good time with the Indian pre feats- Co- Wl M'Douall, as ufual has been indefatig- *We in confulting and adviling the different Indian Tribes to remain quiet, and maintain Ytet with the United States. Our Gov- tfntner.t has fpared neither trouble nor ex- r^nceto put a (lop to all hollilitics between "K Indians and the Americans. There can ,lut be a clearer proof of this than the oider3 m were fent by His Excellency Sir Gor- Jon Brwrnmond, to Cot. McDouall, on ^rin^that the Indians towards St. Louis *d llill been committing depiedations on tna?.:. A$-"eeabW to I Mr 0. dtrp,, 4j ^ Melancholy inftance of the dreadful eitgft of terror on the mind of a child, ocsurfccJ lately near Birmingham.—// young ^frl whofe imagination had been filled with the frightful foectres \fet% are conjured by |j,g ign.orant to punilli and terrify refractgw children, was thrcil into a dark ho.e or clorct bv her governed, for fome offence committoj atfchocl. The child continued to fcream mofi viokutly, and when the door was opned, (he was lying on her face m (tro^ convulfions. The conflict was too pov/erral for her tender reafon, and (lie now cxiits -% on- of the moft miferable objects of hnm%j fympathy—an idiot ! Lonu.pap. The Savannah Republican of the 3d ino.# fays « we have it from a fource which c^ Scilla, Sperma Setti, Sal, Niter, ReGued^ do Tarter, I Bbl Sal, Glaub, 20 lbs Sal Sodi, refi'd Spirits Mitre Dole, do curcuma,, 1 i-.hl. Roun, Rotten Stone, Kofe Water, do Pi k, Sue, Glye, Sac, Batumi j Semen, annis, Syrring Sernarouby, SapO caftilej do Windlbfj Rofe Soari, Sealing Wax, cr^S, do Terabinthy Tamarinds, dd do Vinft, I Urinals, 10 lbs coarfe Sponge*' Umber, 5 do Fine do, Wax balls* Starch, Verdigris, Sand Paper, PATENT MEDICINES. kc. ^and Ireh.nd, King, defender of tht „K1J. To our beloved and fiithful Lcgifiative Counfdlora of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and Bnrgefles of our fail Province, to onr Provincial Parliament, at our town of York^ on the fourteenth day of Septem¬ ber, to be commenced, held, called and elected, r.nd to everv of yon, GREETING. WHEREAS by onf Proclamatien be a iring date the thirty-firft day of July lau, WE thought fit, by and with the ad- , vice of our executive council, to Prcorre condrained to appear. But \VE, t iking into cur Royal Confide ration, the eafe and conveniance of our loving, fuhjects, have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council, t» relieve you, and each of you, of your attendance et the time a ■ forefaid, hereby convoking, and by thefe prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the Nineteenth day of O&ober ne:-:t you meet oa in our Provincial Parliament, at cur town of York, there to take into confideration.the (late arid welfare of ourfai-: thefe our Letters to be made rateat, and the great Seal of our faid Pr -vince to be hereunto affixed. Witm-H, nnr trufty and Kvell beloved Sir Fredch k Phiiipfe Robinfon, Knight, Comman¬ der of the fnoft Honorable Military order of the Bath—Major General commanding our* forces, within our Province of Upper Canada, a^d Pro- vifional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at Kinpfton, this fevenrh day of September^ in the year of oar Lord one tl.oufand eight hundred and fifteen,and fifty fifth yrnrof oui reign. Fi P. R. Wk. JaKvis, Secretary. Jujl publ'jhuly and fir [die m this Office, Pries i/j, Th ------ * ' '^ n LIFE and DYING SPEECH 70 V7ho was executed ul Itingston od M«.:.::./, the 4th d..y of Septenber, 1^15, forth* murder of Ma>y Bevir, hi^ daughter. Written bv Vimfllf v.*h. 'e hi Prifin cTrAs toe profits artpW jrem this Ppmfbku after defraying the expWRS* an intend:a jut the benefit of lis vnfrttmale Children* wepre* fume all kuho are charliably dsfpofed, <will call andptirchafe out of the Bid Sept. 26. kS* Elegant Fancy CHAIRS Of the firft quality, kept conf?rr:»'y 00 hard, and for fale by the fubferibers, at jheir Shoo, near the Sign rf iU Ftddb, Eing- Honj where Ladves and Ger.tlen en will do well to call and eXami-.e fui themfeWes. CHESTER HATCH ft Co. Kisgftoa* Sept. :g, tSl$.________15- _ be I fitiefs. 1 - e be depended en, that our government b formed arrangements with England for tfa floration of the negroes taken from th. nited States daring the late war. tefl U ALLperfons indebted to the cftateofLlijaK A StS/tird. Lite of Loughborough, deceafeo Anderfons, Hoopei!, V. PILLS, Lees 5c Coits, Baternans Drops, Godfreys Cordials, Britifli Oil, &c. He* A variety of other articles, too numerous to mention in an advertifemtnt. Phyfieiaaa and others are refpeftfullv in¬ vited to call and judge for themlelves. Fam- ■- ity ehefts put up and>ns niven gratis. « CARLISLE &MARKHAM. 17 tf Spaftrd, hue of Loughborough, deceafeo Kingston, Ju£Ull I»Ji£l ^_____ ^aucflcd to make payment; and #A R 1 fil iM SlVltk & & lL, claims on fauleftate, arertouejed /, JS.lCUUt U KJWW* ^ -^ mil may have claims on fa .deflate; arereyuefled /, yL forward their accounts for adjujtment. ^ ' Iranda Spafford, Executrix Stephen Mile?, Emutcr. Have seventy barrels T A R. TjTAT well known Houfe and premif&» n yyjt occupied by Mofes Carnihan .3 an Inn. Its corvcru'ent fituat'on in the town renders it worth the attention of men in bn- Tor further particulars inquire of H. Cassadv. Kingston, Sept. 2ji ^$1$. _______16 ~ ~ " STRAY COW. T> ROKE into the inclofure of the fafefefi- •*-* ber fome time fmce, a pale red Cow, with a white face, line back, white blly and (haro Horns. The owner is Teque'Ld to prove property, pay charges anH take her away. tttJAH BEACH. Kington, 22d Sept. 1815. 16 \\ ? HO EVER, may have ia their poffes- W sion, a Note of band given $y the fubferiber to Alexander Bell, for 120 dol¬ lars, payable laft June, aredefired to bring k foiward for payment without del?y; ' JEREMIAH WOOD. Cramahe, Sept. 15, 1815. l5'w3p TAKEN up by the fubferiber, about four weeks ago, a gray Mare. Wh«. «rver may own faid Mare, is requeued to prove property, pay charges, asd take he-r away. jOHH ABBOT. Kingston, 2 7 A Sept. 1815. I %*%| 100 Barrels SALT, and 2 Tons Hard SOAP, For fale by the fbhfcrlbers, very low fof RICH'D. SMITH & SOM: Kingston, Sept* 30, 1815. 17/.