HmZS&BXZXME ^^^*±SK /_,% > -' d? ' F* - .. «*•**• ."Si"* - % >' L: -v *-. 5 -_i *' ' •• •-. • ? ••*-- * • it. • v . ' iV. [TUESDAY, October 3, 1815.] No. 17.] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Ani NNUM. J, Terms of the Kt&'Gsrm G#zm?& • • * • ^ Price of advertifwg in the Gazette, fa line* and under, 2/6 lirll inieruon, an d C^Price—./ol-r JDoitAn ptr Annum, •'(ekdofirc uf po'*agr) 7/6 in advance, 5/. at. the end of iix n.onths, and 7/6 at the end of ihe year. Six lines and tinder, zjG Ten line* and m.der, &fc fir ft infer:ion, and 1/8 every fuhfequcnt. . Ten linea and upw-jrd*, $d. per line firfr ir.fcrtini, and 2<1. per line every fnccetding "inlertion. "Advertifements unaccompanied with writ* ten directions a-e inferted till forbid, and tliav^d accordingly. Wanted, FOR the Public Service, fit Kibgfton, Point Frederick and Point Henry, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, and sUoo BUNDLE,) STRAW. to be delivered during the months of Au- gufl, September and October following. Perf^s diffijferd fo for the whole or a reasonable proportion of the above quail* titles will be caicful the body cf their tender the prccile periods of delivery ; and it is to be unde.fto;>d that no propofal will be accepted unlefo the names of two ref- ppctable perfons are gi«en as fccurlties tor tlie due performance of the Contract tu be UPPER CANADA. , . . GegrGe the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingd -rd of Great Britain , and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith. To our beloved and faithful Legiflatlve ir\ .. . r_*i r t-» • r if ___ ^ CANDIES, By wholefale or retail, for fide at the cor- per fliop oppofite the New Market Roufe, by ,.. ..... • JOHS YOUNG j our Deiovea ana raitnrui regulative uy , . . jwrati ikjulwj. Counfellora of our. Province of Upper , Who keeps conftantty oh hand, a<? ufua!9 Canadn, r.vid to our Knights, Citizens and at his Butcher's Shop, Frefh Eeef and Rfut- Rnvo-elTc.q of t>nr fai.l .Prnvinre. to our ton. w d e^itereo into. ■FORTHE PUBLIC SERVICE hT time THIS FO <T: Smd ., - da. Sicks 8 incites 4{*2 D0.9in.41 2^2i-2do. Hair bu&els Oak timber feet Do. Plank do. 1 3-4 inch 1 * 1 3 1-2" cc 5,000 6,000 1-20,000 10,000 60 6,000 5,000 I2.0C0 50,dCO 40,D00 30,060 5.OOO i 7 Teiders will be received until the 25th Auguft next, ^ . . Cornr)iif[i.\-vjt Gfi'.e, 121 f khgstch. 3 -Sib June, 1815., BnrgelTcs of cur laid ^Province, to our Pro; incial Parliament, at our town of York, on the cighih day of Augull, next, t-.) be comm need, held, called end elcdted, ar.d to every of "on, GREETING. WHEREAS by odr Proclamatioti bearing date the thirtieth day of June lail, WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue our Provincial Parliament, to the EIGHTH dayof. Auguit nc^t, at which time at our town of York, you were held and ccridraiiied to appear. But W£» taking into our Royal confidcratiou, the eafe and coriveniance of our loving fubjefts, have . Price of Mutton. Hind quaner3 y4d. Fore quarter-^, 6d. ,,, or 6f d by the fide. Sheeps Wcolfrfale as abttve. Kingilon, Sept. 2^, 181 $, 16 EOR SALE, Two Potash Kettles. El^RE OF THE SUBSCRIBER IN A- DOLPriUSTO'lVNi OR AT 7HL PRINT* ixg office: ^-t^-rrTTiT^/^T~T^vhv:r'T-^-r thought fit by and with the advice of our RICHARDSON, L\ 0,\o cv Co. ^^ cou7libil? to kli^ you> and each N. I-lAGERMAN. Kingston, t irj/Zr August, 1315, 11 tf. RESPECT FT LLY beg leuve to ac quaint their friends and the public, that they have juil received a large kfiftfc- nl'ent of Hardware; Glass Ware and Crockery ; Looking Glasses and Pictures j Iron and Steel; Nitils, Window Glass & Putty ; Gentlenieh>\ Ladies' and Chit drens' Hats and Bonnetts; § -_s ■M&Htiss 120,000 Enoliili Soap a: d Candles. to^JEslfr*«i **A"•""*•"" "■""■" ■ tie above'articles, will berece^a at UUf office, until the 2/v<h kl%«^ ^llant' Cpmjfariat'OJfiee, \ i2tf Kin j si on, nil Aiittth lSl5 J are* t Stolen 9 n ROM out of th- tofcribera carrta^c^ y ftaadfeg io his Oable, a \'e:.ctian Umd, painted green, framed in mahr^ony,. with a metal ipring lock. Whoever wdl pya in¬ formation where it may be found will be Landfomelr rewarded by JOHN FERGUSON. Khutor., August 1,1815. 6if FOR SALE,, A F£*P ELEG.xNT Wooden CLock fearrnnted to keep good timb Inquire at this office. ,.Jtffr.3Q, t8'.5?....- For Sal n^HE West half of lot number nifteteeri m , the fecond cenceffi m of the towufiiip of fcr|g{^on. , Apply to the rrintct. . Kingston, %uk 10, 181 c... .. . . Warned Immediately, A COOK, Chamber Mad krid Kitchen Ma.d—None need apply unlefs well tecoiimiencte'd.—Inquire at R: Walk- • er's. Kin^don Hotel. Kingston April 29, 1815. A3 JSoflt*; Shdfes an^l Slippers;. L^iies' Vails, S^:k SI..uvU, Rib: iibns arid. Flowers.—With a va¬ riety oi: aU sorts cif Dry Goods, ALL KINDS br ., Groceries. The above $6<*ds will he 0>M at iheloWcft prices for cadi or approved credit, to approv¬ ed ere&torsj . Kingilon, dto&sf 22, l-S.ljf- ot you. of your attendance at the time a- torefaH hereby convoking, and by the!-' prefence enjoining you and. each cf you, that on the FourUehth day of September next, you meet 113 in our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, there to take into confidemtibn, the ttale and welfare of onr Province of Upper Canada, and therein to do as may feem neceffary. Herein Fail not. In tcO.imony whereof, we have cauled thefe our Letters to be maae patent j and the rreafc Seal of bur faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Wifnefs our trufly and well bc'oved Sir Frederick Philipfe Robinfon, Knight, Comman¬ der of the mo'ft Hi-.norabie Military order of the Bath—Major General commandiri" our forces; within the Province ol Upper CaiiaJa. and Y\\s- viliunal Lieutenant Oovernoi ct otir faid Province at Kiuglton, this thirty-; full davbf-luly; bne thouiand ciaht hund>ed and nfte'edjand lifty fifth year out reign- JOHN 5TRACKAN, Executor, .Kinsmen, 13th Sept. ioi^. 15 W'A N Goo me as- RICHARD G. GLUTS. H „ Dry Goods & Groceries* which hv will ?dl at rrduetd p^Ves for &ft» among which are the following artic-e-: Superfine ana Common Broad Cloth ; White Iff Black Cotton CaMbrick ; White and Slue Cotton Callicoe ; & j> ^ Cotton shawls ; W®. juvfs, oV^^y. ' '- .% I tf*v* ^ ^^ Bandanna ffindk'fi. 1-------UPP^R CANADA. leJtowFlaz • do. \ I 7w LEF r i N the Store of the sub?crib"er, about the Frrjs.tH .Ma? laftj pits packages d L. H. T. The owner of the niar kt i ^•? • * i\ ••. ■t r sforefaid articles ivreqvjefted to prove tile property, and pay the neceffaryexpence. P P SAMl. MERRILL:. .Kbsstc% August iu 18'5-. Iltf : fcash and the highest price paid for CLEAN . COTTON AND LINEN 1 RAG S, AT THIS OftiCE. A'-QUANttTY OF . WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. i and No. 2, For Sale at this Office. .^Kingston, April 32,1815. 47"^ Blank Summonses For the District Coiirts, for Sale at this Office. About the Twelfth oj fune last, ^ A BAY HORSE, with a ttar in Lis forchead-ithvee white feet—f buihy maln a,da iborl ^;^«%S the faid Horfe to Town Major CVRBETT, (hall be handfomely rewarded. Kingston, August. 22, 18.15. - **» - George the third, by the Grate of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain*, and Ireland, .King, defender of the faith. Whereas the administration of oiir Government of odr Province of Upper Can¬ ada, in the abferice of ,.our Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the laid Province, by otir Ro^al inftrucAions has devolved on our Trudy and well be'.cved Sir Frederick Philipfe Rcbinfoiij Knight, Commaiider of the rndft Honcrable Military ordei of the J3atH—Major . General Co nmandmg our forcea in tlie faid Province. WE d.j here¬ by require and Command all oiir officers and Mihillers Civil and Military and ad other inhabitants of our faid Province of Upp*r Canada, to be obedient, aiding and afMing onto him the faid Sir Frederick Phiiipie Robinfori, in the execution of ail and lingu¬ lar, the powers and authorities contained in bur Cbrhmiflion to our Governor ot" our • * ■ faid Province! x . THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FOR SALE, All ent tieh they will sell, cheap for ca(h. . THOMAS MAK.KLAND 5c Co. ^x/on, 1M August, I$15, ^ I * ADVKRTtSLMENT. npH£ fubferiber offers for fale to the Public, on liberal terms of payment, th7 following lots of wafte Land,. Lots No. 22 m the Sth Con. Nd g in ttte 6th Con; S. Weft {23 8jh Con. . No 8 Eaft \ 5tn Con. of the town- (hip of Pittft>nrgh. £ also Lots No. 7 m the 5th nfecfiflti No. iS in the 6th conce^ion. fios 28, 29, 3°» 32 & 33. in 6th con- No aaEaft48thccn.ofpitt(burgh. ALSO, , Several Lo^s of Land of ore and two acres in extent, on the front of ]ot Number 24. in the tovvnfhipof Kingfton, lying and fcitu- te on the (We of the Lake. And Lkewife fever^l lots of land of Qfie;f two and • hree seres on the rear of the fa,d lot No. L Wi^and fcituate on the ro3d ft cm the Lt. are well adapted from their fituation for SS on them, and for t e^ablifhment of Gardens in the vicinity of the tov,n. Xoolication to be made to thg fjbfcriber. *" GEO, OKILL STUART. Kingjlon, Sept. 6, !«!> H In tellimony whereof, WE have canfed thefe our letters trj be made Patent, ind the Great Seal of our fa:d Province to be hereunto affixed, Witnefs our trnfty and Well be'.oved Sir Frederick Philipfe Robinfon, Knight Commander of tKe Moil Honorable Military otdCr ot the Bath, Major General Commanding our forces within the Province of Upper Can¬ ada and Provisional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thoufand eight hun¬ dred r*nd fifteen, and fifty fifth year of Black Siik Shdwfo and Vales ; Common Silk Shatols cf all kinds • Striped Cotton ; Scarlet Kersey ; y Vefllig of all kinds 1 Ycilow, Black and Blue Nankeens ; Apron Cheeks J Bunwazetifs : Long arid Short Boots ; Ladies' Walking Shoes ; Childrehs9 Shoes ; Baddies arid Bridles £ Hard and Brown Ware ; Gldfs Ware; Powder. Shot, B.-dls and Lead j Tea ; Tobacco ; Coffee ; Alls-pice / Pepper; Red and White Flannels; Furniture Calicoes ; Turlington s Drops ; Britifh Oi I; Peppermint ; 1 Coif's Pills; Turkey Stripe ; Blue Dimity ; Bed Ticking, Velvets, Spirits, Nails, '■ ofaUkin^ oct Reign. Wtf.jARVis, Secretary F. P. R. F 6 ~iJmdl Stcrreiteptr's Office, Kinttorij rolh-Ja/y.i^S- , PERSONS deiirons of contriving tQ de¬ liver in an7 fpeci&d q^mntitv of Wh.te Oak and Pine'Timber, prior to the clohng of the navigation, in or out of the water, at Point Frederick, to be f-eh T.mber ays fit- ted for the Qoebec market' to export, are eqoetfed to fe^d m Tenders by the *ti . - teqnt_at which *»«?»* *Ss tere-l into. E»W&- ,LCA ^ rjU-j Navai borekeftr. •^ Hats, Ribbon: ; Indi'zo ; A large quantity of Patent R'ght WHEEL HEADS. With a Variety of other articles not mentioned. Hvllirvtel Bridge, Aug till t$t i S15 NOTICE. THE fublciiptions to Lieut. Colonel Bouchettc*a Topographical anel Geo¬ graphical Maps, which were originally fixed at Pive Guineas, are now advanced t the London price of Seven G nieas, and will continue ro be -cccived by his agents. Aprtl 22, 4815. 47