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Kingston Gazette, September 26, 1815, p. 3

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J$a*; * Sit. "< v.;.i takes C0*nm«Ui5 of ll),- arir.y •'. th - Lohc. x^ dcput- 'ii lu i arrived fiom the gnrri- fotittf'St»"i»tiu,j* to bring tic king an afl'iir- anee 0» >'S fubuuillou, lliis i itjj>-ti ,int ph.ct refuses to opwu Its gates to any foreign troops." . . aV£/K- n; A A" S E PT E M B R R 6- Capt.' Lambert, of the flap Favorite, Arrived at "Bo'limore fiom Nam/,, i . 33 lay . fiaies, that Nnuta, the firmed fu'-n.i . f the ex-emperor, hoiiied the wh'ie flagon the lyh of July, winch oecalimcd a great tumuli and tome blooduS d. A ^-e:t number «*f otnWsof diftiucYion ai:d private f* • ihV; of idpeiiability Were lcavi"g Fiance wuh every opuuiC unity. j-. ., 1 . latestj'torn France.—Arrived it I o clock., the lehr, Mafia, Capt. Bievo..:t, fa 27 day.-. fiom Havre de Grace. By th.s airival we have received F.cnch paper? to tlir- «*st of Auguil, containing Paris daces to the 20/h uf July incluuw. Car*. Brevooa Hates, that juft before he faiVJ,he was i'oi r-i.ed by a <J» triib odicrr, lha! ti.e French a:v..ica bed rCeenT*^ rfeited a h->'!i;e d'iCoiiiO" i t • .t a divifi 11 of the l-'iuliluu ai fny :<> l> ii j of 20,000 ne f was fent to prevent the junenon of two jivs- ii'uis of the French ; that an action enfflld, in which the PruUiau corps was ahnolr. eaffely dedroyed ; and thai a requifiiion had , hvf 1'madeat Pat is for 300 waggon8? to brinvf •off the wounded from the field of bstrj'.*— -. The jjTiiifh officer ftdded, that ihci't f.cts - were iiivi permitted to Lc publifhed in the Paris Journals. We ftrongiy doubt the correilnefs of the Ikttcmeot communicated by the Britiih offi- eei* At flYc date of r«it" lali advices, we believe the whole of the French armies had &eidy feat in their febauSLou tc the aiitho- % of the King. Paris, July 29. The Duke of Orleans arrived lift ewn^; at ' *o o'clock. His S bighrrtfs, who landed at • -Bolognc, came in 50 hoar* ffoni Hi con'.t-y i..feat ntaT London. He w,.h in-meiuit ly •dimmed to his VUjehy, who rteerv d the - ftlfiee, his ncphevv, w.th o.u'.iailty and ,'l^rfcu kindnefs. ' It appears that the King has already iBoul^d the places of t*W« f*Cvi S who had J«pted feats in ihe upper . ha.nl u of" J8sajswn.e. , Ti«e Deelarnr'on of ETipJais^^wli'ch ic/.a- >,c, Uc, iii n-fpt'*t 'O that u ti"«, in ilie iia;C of pcute hi which we were Ufofc the ioth 0f >.'a.ch laft, ha, infwiied the grstcll to- Ir- dc>iee in the ge.icrv>iis inteiitiou;. of the ^Vied f-.vcrei^ns. Wc hope that the wWr >Mm% of!'a*kfld tocnufc to ceivf-c til ■ evils which (he his already fonvl.t to :ci>dc as Itgbt as poiiih!-, wi1! M'- complct:*1)' mutated on the JpnUaen! ; au<5 that tlie n.eafurc:. ord-ined to regttfure ttv« ei^rgeai'of ihf. w,r »v^l fcc fiiiiiwvd by aieafures to 1 (fvn thvm* The irtfecfdU■ftUfee fatirer and cf the meeh .mie, are, without J. ftbt, in the eye* of the pow¬ ers allied *o the King <<f France, as precious asiho'e of the merchant-^ Every thing an¬ nounces that thi wilh will be fulfilled in a few days. It inlaid that M. Can.ot has ic tired to Swizerland. FROM THE UNITED SF4TE& 9 • • * * • " ■ « • - » - # • •. From the National IntAlmncer vf Sept. 9. By the pnfidcnt of the United States of TAW rim A PROCLAMATION. Whereas information hai been received^ ftat fundiy perfor»o, citizen* r>f the United State**, or relidents within th<> fame, and en- pecial'y wilhhi the ftate of L«/i;lfiaua, are Benfpmag togrthcr, to begin and fetoii foot, provide and prepare, the mems for a mili¬ tary expedition or enterpri/e^^iinlt the d»- Biinions of Spain, with which the U. Statc3 lit happily at Peace | that fo this pitvpofe tlwy are tolleftina; arms, military fcoree, provilioAs, veffels and other means; ate de- ceiviugaud feduchig houell and well mcan- Wtg citizens to engage in their uulawiul cn- ttipnzts; are organizing, oflicen'ug, and arming thrmfelven for the fame, contrary to • thelaws in fuch cafe made and provided ;-*-* Ihave thekkfore though r fit to issue this my Proclamation, warning fcnd enjoining all fu'thful citizens who have ■ oeen led ^ithojt due knowledge or confide- ^iott, to participate in thc \\iua\. fui en ter- pW&i, to withdraw from the iam •: without ""Klay » and commanding all perfous, what¬ soever, engaged or concerned fa the fame, t0 ceafe a'l further proceedings therein, as they will anfwer the contrary at their peril. • And I hereby enjoin and require all ofHcers, Nth civil -and military of the United States, * °f any of the States or territories, all Ju<Jges, Jullices, and « ther efficcrt of the [ta<*, all military OiE:era .f live Aim? W Jtorof the United States mid ofHeer. of •?~k»f to be vigilant, ev-'u within Lis -c*P^*»ve department, and acco^linn to hn *'o:i8, in 'earcriin^ cut and bringing to P;,n'<ntr.ent all pe-f ^ in fuch ■i cm:a;-e' ■ *tincen> tnuvoiizca in fvl^ittg a;11 driaifr" »ng, tu^jea 10 the difpofition of the hW»& arms, military Itorea, veffcla or .jrhcr rPca|19 provided or providing for the fame ; ar^> in ^cwcial, in preventing the carrying on focfe expedition or ente-prize, by all the lawful me ins within tin ir p, wer : And I rW"*e all v.rood and faithful citizens a»d otncra within the United Staters, to be aiding ancJ tilhlting herein ;^and, tfiec:a!lym thg dis¬ covery, appreheniion, and bringing td jlla* tiee, of all fuch <-ff-ndus ; in prevef,t,n8 the execution cf their Unlawful cortibina- tions or defigtts, and in £i\\r\v l.itmr-^n agaii \\ tfKT to the proper authorities. In t-iilimony wttereiif, I have c*:,kd the leal of the V States of Am^ricl t'.- be affixed to thefe prefentsj a"d fiencd the fame with my hand, pone at -lie City of Walhtngron, the firft ( L. S -) day of September, in the year gfour Loid one thoufand einht hut^dr^d and fifteen, and of the Independence the United States of America* the fortieth JAWIS MADISON. SY THE PaFSir>HNT ; J AMES MONROE, Six&twj o/Stafc A very Tanye tubfcitption has been made tn Haiifax, !or the reUcfof th< fuffer.,^ oF thr B.Lifliaud Pi^nliu ai'mies, in ti-e battle of Waterloo,. The names of the fuWcrt- bers (111 two colun.t.s. *—-■-■ Bonaparte's Offerer*> A vefTel fom Newfoundland has h^n fpokcii, Augui 18th, which rtifcimed.that an American vefici from France, dci^ ned and ienc in thereby a Biitifn cr.iizei, had on board a number of French . fficsi•». Thc-y donbtlefa belong to the lilt which Loub the i8'h has profcribed and ordered to be tried by couiismartial, £o\- tieafoa. In the moment of the great eft fucce&snd glory Great Britain ever experienced* her kulers have concluded a commercial Treaty with the United States, on terms of recip¬ rocal advantage to bt'to nations. How ful¬ ly uoen thi< coiuiu6t refute the calumnies which certain iiewfpapers are rr» f-md i>f cir¬ culating : what a ptactYical iliullration of the maxim, that the people of the two na¬ tions, although enetrnci in war, in peace ihuuid be friends \-—lrir$..Guz. »!!«♦• NEW YORK, Sept. 9. Borne dayi a^o fevcral Frcach gentlemen of diflincliou arrived in tUi« citv from France. They were iandrd on long Ifland by Capt. Mefiervcy, of the fehr. Commerce, bound ftom Bordeaux to Charlefton. Speculation his ever fit'ce been wide awake, and rr.mor adlivc in determining who tllefe {tfafiffets were. They remained incognitio until this day, when it appers to be ascertained, that they are Jofepb Bonaparte* the Ex King of Naples and Spain, and hi* fuhe. We un- deruaud they have taken up their abode at Mechanic Hall. —________m^- Capture of Ceylon. By the arrival at xAiexandiia of me fhip Amorica, Lticket, intelligence has been re¬ ceived • f the capture of the I {land of Ceylon. This ini'Jiinattou was communicated to Cap¬ tain L. oil the 27th July, by the Bntifn fri¬ gate Nigar, 40 days from the Halt Indies, bound to England. The Nigar had on board the Crown and Throne of the King of Ceylon, valued at eight millions (Urling.-— The idand was earned by the Englifh, af. tera haid fought action, in which the Brit* tuh loft m& general officers and many men. The Commander of the Niger ttated, that the American privateers had been very BUmerou* in the Eall Indies. A channel has been formed(fays the Erie, Pen. paper) by the rife of lake Erie acrofs the upper end of the Peninfula. There is little doubt but in a fhort time it will be of lulficiant depth to admit of lar«c yefftls " pafsing thiough. • The wife of Col. Samuel Still, of Shrewf. bury, was delivered on the 18th inft. of four tine children, three boys and one girl all likely to do well. Kingston, Sept. 26, 1815- • •• • • • * v ■> • • • • G We twdcrnSmd that Lienterant Governor ore and his Lady have arrived at Yurk. h-pnty afirefaU, That when, aihS fo oftcft, a? application (hall be made to the Jufticea of the peace, in, and for any dillria, in quar* tcr feilions afTembled, by thiity Freeholders of any townfhip within fuch di{lrict, to have monuments ere^ed conformably to the inten¬ tion of thia aa, it Hiall and may be lawful for the faid Ju ft ices, and they are hereby author¬ ised and required to form an ellimate of the Him of money which, in their judgement and dilcretion, (hall feem requiiite to defray the charges of erecting fuch monument* and to lay an equal alfeffmeiu (proportionable •thereto) upon each and every acre of land within luch townfhip \ which alTcflment they (hall caufe to be raifed and Collected by a warrant under the hands and leals of any two or more of th«m, directed to the coliec. tors of inch townmip, and requiring them to r-iife and collect the faid aiTeflment, in fuch manner, and by fuch means as in other fuch cafes by law directed and icquired, and to pay the fame when fo collected, in'.o the hands of the treafurer of the district* to an¬ fwer the charge to be incurred by erecting fuch monuments. Sporting Intelligence. Kingston Races. The fir ft October meeting will take place on the 2d and 3d of that month ; when from the ex ten live entry of Hories, much fport is ex peeled. Wellington Stakes, 70 Guimas each. One and a half Mile Ihats. Captain Tre.'e mick*., G ey Horfe \\ rang¬ ier, Capt. Tiedeniiick. Major Turner's, Bay Ho«-fe VVrhin<rton, Mr. Kirk, carry Capt Tredenit! k*» weight* y^Pennigcr'sCaefnut Horfe John Bull, Swindle's Gicy Mare, jane, Mr. Swindle. CLARET STAKES, Ten G nine as each. Meats, wl£e round the C&urfit and starting from toe distance* Capt. Walker's Bay Horfe, Farmer, Cap¬ tain Trcdennick. Mr. Kirk's Roau Horfe Cipher, Mr* Kirk. Major Skehon's Roan Horfe, Cotfaek, Mr. Pcnmger. W A TE R L O O STAKES, Twenty Gut tie as each. f/i'jts, once round the Courje, starting /rem the Distance Mrs, Someivilh-'s Bay Marc, Ellen, Mr» Cr.v.<ruid. fa liay Thnhct T^tefioo* Captain Tredcnnick. Lt. Col. Cockbum's Bay Horfe, Wag- gonec. Mr. Kirkv Mr. Penniger's BroWn Horfe, Ragged & Tough, Mr Pennige-.'. GARRISON STAKES, Ten Guineas each. Heats once round the Courfe. Mr Johnfoa's Chxfnut Marc Sufa'n, Mr» Penniger. Mr Lanes Chefnut Mare, Kate, Mr. Craufurd. Mr. Farnden's Brown Horfe;Humbug, Mi\ Ki;k Match fir Twenty Guineas. Capt. Smeathman's Bay HorfrHounttoWi M^j. Corbett's Roan Horfe Hollyhock. Match for Twenty Mr. Penniger's Bay Horfe, Ontario. Mr. Sampfon's Bay Horfe Pivot* Match for One Hundred Guineas. Capt. Dickfon'i Roan Mare Columbine. Maj. Skehon's Bay Marc Selina. N. B. Several Matches are alfo made not included in the above. I/orfes io start at 12 efofci preciscr\- tach day. Major Shclton, Capt. Tredcnnick, Lt. Col. Cochburn, l \ifne • Guineas. Stewarts, By AuHiox O be fold on Thurfdav the 2«th infi At 'Ar. Bet banc9* k? Co9s >tost\ A variety of Dry GOODo.among which aretbe following articles, viz: 4 Tnmk3 elegant Prints, a.Torted, 50 Pieces white Cotton, with a quantity* of lliiped Cottons, cotton (hirtin^, Bomba- ^ertes» Shawls and Handkerchiefs of every defeription, with many other articles, too numerous to be mentioned* ALSO, 150 Ready made Cloth Jacket*, 150 do. do Tfowacrs, 10.000 Quills of a good quality* Broad cloths; Caifiimeres Coatings, ^cc. cVc. Compofiug a good artdrtfment of a.ticlea Well adapted to the advancing: feafon. 0->Sale to commence pre<[fey at ten o'duk% Kingston, Sept. 40, 1815. r r> To be Let. *~pll AT Well known Houfe and prernifea A n-»w occupied by Moles Camihan as an Inn. Its convenient fit nation in the toWfl renders it worth ihe attention of men m hr> finefs. For further particulars inquire of 4 H» Gassady. K ingstony Sept. 23, 1815. I 6 TAKEN up by the Subfcriber, oa the evening of the 19th inft. a likely HORSE, with a bnJle hanging to his head. Whoever may own faid Horfe, is requeiled to prove property pay charges, and take him away. DANIEL FERRIS, Sen. Kin^fton, Sept. StO, 18!J. 16 STRAY COW: TR ROKE into the inc!ofu?e of the fubfcrl- ber fdme time flnce, a pale red Cow, with a white face, line back, white b lly and (harp Horns. The owner is requeiled .to> prove property, pay charges aiH take her away. £ 11J AH BEACH. Kingilon, 22d Sept. 1815. 16 *_._. - FOR SALE, A number of Town Lots near the French Church* The terms of payment will he made cafy» 11. EARL Kingilon, Sept. 23, 18x5. , i6tf# NOW IN THE PRESS, And will be for Sale at this Oilice On Friday next, THE LIFE OF JOSEPH BEVIR. %ept. aft. A ME into the inckfufe of the fubferi C^AMI a/ ber, about fix wee ks 5 nee bay MARE The owner is requeiled to prove property pay charges art] take her away. OLIVERTHIBODO. Kingdon, Sept. 2$. 181 J.________*Z> PRIVATE SECPvETAl^V's OfflC& Kingston p!) Sept. iSic. HIS Excellency thf fVovtuonal Lieut. Governor has been plcafce to appoint Chriftophcr Afob Hagerman Efq, Barriv ter at Law for the Pro H , His Majeily's Council in and ovince of Upffcr Canaua. Richard Smith & Son AVE SEVENTY BARRELS T A R. WANTED, price Will De givcu. enquire u Kingsta-, August 22, \$l$' '.I Com m v v / cj ri o«v. Mr. Edit »r,—Pleafe infert in year next paper the 4th and 6'.h fecliotis 01 ;J an Aft to afeertain and eftabiifh on a permanent footing, the boundary lines of the different towuihips of this Province," and oblige a r SUBSCRIBER IV And he it further er.jcled by the author- kf aforelaid, That if **f ]>cifon or perlons fhali kiu.wingly or wilfully pull down, de¬ face, aher, or remove any loch monument fo erected as aforetaid, he, fhe, or they fhali be adjudged guilty of felony, and (hall fader defc'U without benent of Clc gv. VI* Arid h itftii'lhr sanded by the M- CANDLES, By wholefale or retail, for fale at the cor» ner mop oppofite the New Market Houfe, by JOHN YOUNG. Who keeps conftantly on hand, as ufual, at his Batcher's Shop, Frcih Beef and Mut¬ ton. Price of Mutton, Hind quauers ?|d. Fo«e quarters, 6d. or 6'{d by the fide. Sheeps \Yoolforfak as above* Kingilon, Sept. 25, iSte, 16 Elegant Fancy CHAIRS Of the firft quality, kept confiantly on hand, and for fale by the fubferibers, at their Shop, near the Sign of the Fiddle, King¬ ilon, where Ladies and Gentlemen will do well to call and examine f u tlu-mleives. CHESTER HATCH & Co. CO April 22, 1815 NOTICE. HE fublcription3 to Lieut. Colonel _ Bouchettc*s Topsgr&ptd&l and Gco> graphical Maps, which were rwi^i wily ti**d at Pive Guineas, are now advanced to the London price of Seven Guinea;., and wrll continue to be received by his agents. 47 For Sale Cheap. 3 cafes worsted stockings and half Stockings fuitableftr the army. I cafe aborted do. fine and coarfe, which W;ll be fold lower than can be purchri* fed in Montreal, if applied for imnicuV ■ ^y' S. BARTLET. Kingston. Sept lbth.______15 %W WANTED to Contract for building *. Cellar Wall, 30 feet fquate. Aoolvto the fubferiber lCingaon, 5ept. 19, lSi;. \f^ \\ f HO EVER may have in their pofle> V^ sion, a Note of hand gww» by -»ht fubferiber to Alexander Bell, for 120 dol¬ lars, payable lalt June, aredehred to bring it foiward for payment without delay. JEREMI//HWOOD. Cram^ie, Scot. i|, 1^15. iiwj;_

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