: Sheriffs Sale. ' ■ Midland Bk'rml DY virtue of a Writ of to ivit »• )D JSfri feiqs* liTued out of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench at the fuitof James Peikin,, late of the town of Kingfton, yeoman, ygainft the lands and tenements of Joun Madden,of the town- ftipof ErneilTown. yeoman, tome direct¬ ed ; I have feized and taken n execution, as Monging to the faid John Madden, lot No. • j?, in the fixth conccflLn of :he townfliip \i Erneft Town,' containing by admeafure- fher.t two hundred acres, be the fame more or u-fs, together with a houfe and barn there¬ on eie&cd. a* we'll as a large improvement on the fame! I do hereby give notice, that the abovementioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances (hereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and adjudged to the bigbeft bidder, at the yoa! door in the town, of Ki^gfton, on Monday, the fixth day of November next at the hoar of ten of the clock in the f> re noon, at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff, And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcribed lot of land and pre-n- ifes, by mortgage or other right or incum¬ brance are hereby advertiied to give notice to the faid Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Slh Sept. 1o*15. 1 $ Midland District, 1 rp HE Court of Ge- to wit : j X neial Quarter Seflionsof the peace for this Diitrict, will be holden at the Court Houfe in the town of Kingdom on Tuefday the icth day of Oc¬ tober, at the hour often of the clock in the forenoon ; Therefore all Juftices of the Peace, Coroners, Conftables, and all other Peace Officers, as well as thole that have any bufinefs to traiifa& at faid Court, are hereby required to take notice, and give their atten¬ dance accordingly. ' Charles Stiiarr, Sheriff. Sheriffs OJtte, 1 8/0 Sept. 1815. 15 Notice. Black LL perfons having any demands ?,g* ainft the edate of the late deceafed Crorge MordofF, of Frederick/burgh, are requeued to prefent them for fettlement ; and ail perfons indebted are rrquefted to make payment on or before the full day of December next. ALEX CLARK, ] _ JOHN CAMP, f LxecutorB- Fredericksburg, Sept. 18, 1815. l$iv$p 150 Dollars REWARD. TOLEN from the SubfcnWa Pa ft u re on the night of the liih inft ; a Geld¬ ing HORSE about fix years old, dark Chef- nut colour, with one white hind foot and fame white fpots on his back, occafioned by the Saddle Said hoi fe is about 151 hands high, with a fwitch tail, a fmall main, Meufc colour the infide of his ears, a long neck, rather Roman nof'd. When he left this had /hoes on his fore feet onlv. Alfo a GELDING HORSE, about 13 or 14 hands high with a (hort and fquare dock, has no particular mark about him that I can recollect ; Lid horfe is about fix years old laft fpri-ig. Whoever will take up faid Hor- fes and fecure faid thieves in any goal in Ca¬ nada where thef can be htought to jufKce, ihall .have the above reward ; and for the Hoifes only, handfomely rewarded by W. D. FOREST. Tori'. Iph Sett l8ir. f;w^$ THECoparnerfhip of Dowlau & Cam¬ eron. 1*5 diflUvcd by mutual confent. All perfons indebted to the laid Copartner¬ ship, are requefted to make payment ; and thofe to whom the faid Copartnership are in¬ debted are requefted to prefent their accounts to Mr. J. Dowlan, who is fully authorifed to receive payment and fettle the accounts of faid Copartner Chip. JOHN DOWLAN. DOUG A L CAMERON. Kington, 1 ft Sept. 1815. 1jr wj For Sale at this Office, A Discourfe delivered at Brockvilie, Eli- zabetht?wn, April 27, 1815, being a Jay appointed for a general thanksgiving in Up¬ per Canada. By William Smart, Mriilcr of the Gofpel. ALSO, THE CHURCH CATECHISM. F Strayed ROM the enclofure of Jethro Jackfon, (four miles in the rear of Kingfton,) on th*5ih mft. a bay HORSE, about 14} hands high, with a white fpot in hi* forehead", and one on his back, had on three (hoes when he went oiF. Whoever will bring him to the ownjr, (Wm, M'Lean of this place) or to thfs office, will be handfomely rewarded Kingfton, 18th Sept. 1815. tetf P O E T R y. • • • • • • • ■ ••••• •••••'•..«••• For. the Gazette DELUSION. *' How I dream pi Of things \mpnffilk-! Of joys perpetual in perpetual chanty f Of stable pleafures on the foffifig wa\ye f Eternalfurfhine ix the storms of life /'» ToCNG. 'Tis a moment, a day, Since a child I was (haying, Life's bubbles fo gay On my fancy were playing. By a rapid dark dream, / I oft used to wander ; Asa fool did I dream Of greatnefs aud grandeur. The moon fned her light On the lofty green mountain ; —i chofe me a *ite At the rife of a founta'n, With tranfports of joy, I mus'd upon Nature ; But thought as a boy I faw not the future. With prcfoe&s fercne I gaz'd on with pleafure ; —And fcience my theme t figh'd for that treafure. Thus paf.'d away youth, Unconlcious, unknowing,' That life is a Hream, Where troubles are ft wing. As the years roll'd around And I came to manhood, v 'Twas a vifion ! 1 found Unconnected with good ! —•. Thofe phantoms are fled Thi-fe pleafures are ba-iiuYd ; The meteor has (lied Her light, and then vaniuYd. The dark rolling dream By misfortune is frozen, And fcience, my theme, Eftrang'd from my bofoin. My yoi t'i i epjoy'd, Then why Ihould I murmur- By hope 1 was buoy'd— Ho^e banjfties furrow. Let the youngyet beware Oi Fancy's delulion ;' She has filken fna<e*, And loves well to ufe themv But, adieu, my lov'd grot 1 Adieu, my fweet fiver ! Tho* hard be my lot, You'll be dear to me ever ! HEN rt Y. When the fugar is difsolved, put the liquor- no.s to i &eytr rogerW, * the deen^ , ,\ to your cafic, and it will be lit to rack J.l je&iott. He iatisfied them that % e ? three month?, when one quart of the belt "'—f'l----------- ** - Cu"le- French brandy fltould be added to every fix gallons of wine.—N- B. Thirty lbs. of currents are fufficient (according td this receipt) to produce fix gallons of wine. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. • • • » • * • .#••• • • » * * ♦ . . of From the Liverpool Courier. CURE FOR THE CANCEL Sir—Having lately met with i!ie ***** lowing particulars refpectlag a fimple apph- catfon, that fs confidently ancrtel |p cure adifeafe, for the removal of which the m,jU^ painful expedients have hitherto been §3e%ed iudifpenfably neceiTary, I requefl you tog've them a place in your paper, hi the hafP tno,t fome of your readers may be induced t° niake trial of the method there recommended* a,lcl communicate to you the refult of the exper¬ iment. Should it prove as efficaciou? as ™ French practitioner a (Teres it to be, l.rr£c n :)t obferve, that to all who are afflicted v^hthe cruel diforder in queifion, the receipt f^10" "e of ineftimable value. The celebra^" *a* rffian actrefs Madem >ife!le Coutat/ lately underwent an operation for the CanceF*. Gn this occalion Mon'r. Ruelle publithe^ m tlle papers, a receipt of a far lefs painful ain" more fpcedy cure for that difeafe, aifuiing- r*** lt will effect the radical cure of cancers IU tnrec days, & without furgical operation. " Xam remedy," fays he, u confifts fimply in1 a P,ece of dough, about the fize of a fmall hein se8o» and a lump of hog's lard, the older the^ better, of the fame dimeniions. Thtfe fuMances thoroughly mixed, io as to form a ]*c,n(l °^ falve, mult be fpread on a piece tP1" w'1;te leather, aud applied to the difeafecr Part* In confirmation of the efficacy of tin's ,lcm^dy, M. Ruelle cites Mademoifelle Ch!ai'mero» * 1 mother to the bookfe'ler of that nam'e»In t,,e Palais Royal, who W3S about to und;Crff° tne ufual operation,* when a woman, \>vh° had been cured by his application, inforjine(* "^r * Of ex c if on. Janury, 18 ir5 Wine An approved Receipt for Currant " ""■---- To 1 libs, of broiled currants add on!,e £a'.lon of water (which has been previonf]j>' DO,!c^ and ftood till cold.) Let theft fo#rcd'entt ftand for 24 hours ; then drain the?m tijro' aleivc; and to every gallon of h'< (luor ad(1 3 1-2 lbs. of good moift fugar ; (y/ou. m?Y add the juice of 4 quarts of rafpb&er"cs to flavor it, wiih as many pounds of fr^J?J as there maybe quarts of i.-fpb-ny" f^) BOSTON, Sept. 11. It is known to thofe who arc concerned in the W. India trade, that two or more of the governors of thofe [Bauds on their own refponlibility permuted the entry of Amer¬ ican veflels with produce, alter the expira¬ tion in March laft of the Order in Council, permitting their entry* The following is a copy of the reply of the Britifh Minitier to the letter of the Governor of the Ifhud of Tobago on this fubj^xft. DowrJno'Strccl, $Cth May, 181-5 SiR-^-I |iave received your sdjfpatch the 30th of March, and am vcy/orry to he under the necelfity of conveying to voj the decided disapprobation of his M.ijefty's Go- vernment, of your having udmitied any A- merican vtiLl'to enter, after the expiration of the Older in Council, by which inch ad- miifiou was authorifed for a limited tiir.e. The conduct which you have adopted in this inltance, is both contrary to law and the general intereft of His MajenVs Colonies and lam therefore to Sgftify to you the ex- pre 19 commands of Kit, Royil Hifihnefs tlie Prince Regent, that you ihould m no m- fiatice take it upon vourfelf to authonfe the admiflion into the ports of Tobago 01 velie.s and cargoes, which are excluded by the gen¬ eral law of the empire. BAT HURST. His Honor JoV Balfonr Esq. Tranfiatedfor the Daily Aifoeriifer. An obliging friend has furniflied us with the Martinique Gazette of Auguffc 15, re¬ ceived by the Tamuhaamah, by way of Be¬ verly, from, which we translated the follow¬ ing account of the lurrendtr of the 1(1 md of Giiadaloupe to the Bii(i(h troops, under the command of Sir James Leith, on tlie 10th ult. It feems the eoiique!t vvai uud- wi.h very little bio.»d Ihed. St. Pun re, (Mart.) Any. TC. Summary of the eVetils at Guadaloupe—The fquadron having on board the Britilh torcc aUsmb'ed at the Saints, under the command ot their Excellencies Sir fames Ltiih and Admiral Charles Durham, let fail on the 8th in ft. towards the coal! of Guadaloupe. At 6 u'doek. the /egt, of Rdfal Yatk Rat/gers disembarked at Point vSauvier, without any opposition, a brig of war being itatiooed for their protection. This operation being cf- fccled, the fquadron failed for Three Riv¬ er* and Grand Cove Points, where about 2300 men disembarked. A battery railed on the more, and on which a fiWle gun was mounted, did not fire. No oppofuijn could have been made to the landing of the troops which were protected by the formidable ar¬ tillery of the vdfels of war moored very near the fhoi e. At 7 o'clock, Sir James Leith himrc!f lan¬ ded. The moment he reached the more a brink disehaige of muffecry commenced on the height, where the houfe Pautiizel i< iitu- ated, which terminated in therepulfe of fome troop J and militia, who abandoned that im¬ portant poll to the York Rangers. They took their pofition there, and by that means effected their junction with the troops that landed at Grand Cove, whom Sir James Leith had moved forward as foon as they were landed. 1 hey halted at the houle Lo- riol, where his excellency paffed the night. The next morning at 4 o'clock, the Aid-dc- Carao of hts excellencvj Capt. Hay, and fev- era] other officers pufiied their rcconnoifa.i- ces on the fide of Dolle, whither it was f.ip. poicd Boyer had matched, but thee was nobody there. The columns fucef'lvely took up thtir march, and the general in chvCl fat out at 8 o'clock. Tliry reconnoitred ass far as Palmiite and Morae Boucanier, which were taken pofTelfion of, with no other Ai> * # pofition than an affair between the rear guard of the rebels and 300 mm command¬ ed by Capt Hay. Coyer after giving up his pofitions marched to Mor tie Hourly a v:'iy ltrong pofition, fortified by artillery,& which he declared his determination ro defend v.'itii 6 or 700 men, who were polled in it. But the manoeuvres of Sir James Leith were concei¬ ved with fo much (kill, and executed with fo much precifion, that at 6 o'clock in the evening, Morne Houel was entirely fur roun¬ ded. During the day, a column commanded by Major General Douglass landed at Bailor and after a vigerous reliltance, to >k up a po¬ fition very near the town. At 6 o'clock in the evening, M- Linois fent a propofitioti to negbciate. The gener¬ al in chief replied, that he could not treat with, him alone, but that it was nete.Ti.y for his fecond in command to cuter into all the fl'pulations. The Aid-dc-Camp of his ex¬ cellency, Moody, Captain of Engineers, who rom the London Times. His Maj,-lTy'„ (hips Rhin, MtniWfc .vannah, aud Ferret, haw had an alTair w,U fome French batteries neir Bred,whoCp. pofed their captuiing foo-.e veflels in ai'anjj harbour that had the try coloured flag fl.'. ing. The batteries v/de attacked byth boats of the above fquadron, and, after tn^, refilUrtce, the one that protected the French fhipping was carried, and our gallant 1\ brought off a (loop of war, a cutter, two fchooner*, and three chalTe trarees. Wcar{ ikied to have feveral men killed and wotia. ded in this affair. Be A JJy 15.—It will be remembered that Martha 1 Davoull wrote a letter go the 30th of June to Piince Bkiclier and the Duke of Wellington, in which he clefircd t fu(pen(V/n of hoftih'tles, on the oroundtbt Generals Fn'mont and Bubna had already agreed to an arm Mice. To this letter, Field Marfhal.pi ince Bluchcr returned the fallow ing an Twer :— From My Head* Quarters July n, It is a miitake that all cjuiesfor war are removed between the allied Powcri and France, becaufe Napoleon has abdicated the t'oroue j he has done this only cnn.ii. t ton ally in favour of his Son, and the refo- lution of the allied Powers excludes from the throne not only Napoleon, but alth: members o£ his family. If Grraal F«- mont has thought hhiife'f authoritcd Mcon¬ clude an armiltice with the General oapOi- ed to him, that is no reafon for us to do the fame. We f >How up our victory, a.id God has given us the-means and the will to do [0. Do you, Marihal, take care that you do, 3 ■ ■ ruin ; for * •And do no. again plunge a city m rum ; 10 you know what the em aged foldiery wiui allow themfeives if your capital were take by dorm. Do you vviHi to bring do*n ty on you. fclf the cults of Paris, as you na»< t hofe of Hamburg. YW are reflM M» Ur Paris, to prok-athe well difpoi^a- gum (I the pillage with which they art: t.reaf ened by the moo. No feeuit ^«*r be concluded except in Piri*. >•« "J Ih.il will furely n'»t miicouceive our W»• tion with refped to yur nation, 1* rert, Watilul, I mull obferve, t^t "J with to rciocidte vvi'h us, it i» \nf»br t piia. y.,u (h'.M derap, contrary to che U* • rr" -7L'ai)' ^«Hrhtf%J5 natioiisouf officer* who are fcut «-,v , ters and packets. *,ta ^ According to the ufual forn,,^^. limed civility, 1 have the honor to <J1 ' felf, Mr. Marflul, your fervant. ^ BLUCHER, Per Brig Sally, from Havre. [7'rangedfor the Boston W. M&Li Hague July U.-Tl* oftg^J here by the celebrated linger, Mad,rrte Cat aim., for the benefit of the foldi,r, ^ army or Neftbeilands, who werjj winded on the.6-h, 17th,- and 181U of June, and fome other ads or bemheence, have producedi fum of 331S florins. Paris, July 27-^Thcy write from Fraok. fort, July 16, that the Emperor rf Auftria has provifionally taken poffcuioaof the cipality of lfembeiv, Submifflon of the Army. _ Pofitivc information announce*, tbtthj army of the Loire has completely fubmit. ted* The officers and foldiers have von the white cockade fince the. 18th. Tlttrre- ports of the difpofitwn of the foldiers to re. fill at Cofnc were flalfe. The array bacc. forth is devoted to the king and coiint»y,fof h is now convinced, that one cannot, w& out a crittie, be feparr.ted from the other. Paris, July 2S—The council of thepre- feature oi' the Upper Mbrne; proviiionallt charged with the adrnmittration of the*. part men t, have announced to the inhabit' ants a p-O'htmation of the ArchdukeI'di* naud, uheady publihSed in the departraeati oi VoiV;^., Upper Rhine, &c.^wliichp hibits any one, under pain of death, Iron heaiing any kind of arm*. Notice ha< b«i given, that IcriS fearch has been made ia file woods, and no quarter given ro tlioW who cnav be found there; arn^d oru.Ti'fri On the other hand, protection and fafcrf are promlfed to fuch as return to tbeiVow lings, and tbat nothing (lull beieq.ird" them but the ncceffary provifioua.' audiw uie ot their carriages and liorftt* One of tie fell objeds ofthek^ teotion is, to alleviate the evils MiM could not avert. Informed that rraiiy agrf and poor fick perfons of the Fauxbur^oi Paris we.e fuiferiug from the cabmiu^ the times ; \m mnjelly ordered that OK** aged and infirm among them flwuMwg ately receive places for life in the holpit» The king has ordered that lh* f¥^ and furceonh of the fauxboiiv^ l,u,u |3D1 Idb^ the has been d.iUugui!he\i in this (hort campaign authorifed to diftribute 5rAmlollLti for his activity and military flv,M, U-.IH f,-,»t'to indigent of th'J.V dJvifioUd fuel »«* Monte HcucL where he foun-J MeiTera Li- tliev reouir: ""' ~~ *