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Kingston Gazette, September 19, 1815, p. 3

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0, on ft*i itf. o> ^ Mr&/ *'10re ^*" * '*©f* W pnnl.h them, arid ta! f'r..;.r'itol'J ; every bWy -i.d out at the the post.*' £C possession of f,., L4*f n's »if. land chef! ; bit it was gfmer- t}« ,»reeJ. that 3 Pritue win was born a jCw^oiifhtrbe f-.iiH-icnO.y iWig to Tun. port hi^ crowft .«« r\ f-'cr.-t of this i* wfrtance could not j^nhrnr fo. efpcchtlly in a co »rt where ^jjdfter w*s feared hy all* wiihout brin*£ kuAtd bv any. ^ft'-r lit** fall >f Bona* i»rti. the C'>n'i lot* fepara-ed, doreHlicks fed, and '.he furcreo-i. Dubois, was fviem- JL q;ic(lio-v lJ, Preftcd by a thoufand ob- $$#»» an'^ °y 'l'** conscience, he confined J!,-,! he !od not delivered Maria Lonifa, and ,j,,t ?fyr Mvin£ wailed fume hours in tan BUticHamber, he had mere y finned the proofs wrhhf>ro farmer. It was Madame La Cha- teje whn attended the ^uuVwn Princes on this occafnn ; (he* is at the lira-', of the hos¬ pital ca-led I a Meternite ; (he has declared tofe*fifat ptrfons thnt (he heh'eved (he faw a fed chi'd brought into the world, mutilat¬ ed either by its ftmenngs, or by iifTrument-. % Dttbois was largely u warded for his U'..!o't,nv for hi* anvi-ible confeience. He wasmaSe Baron of the Empire, blue ribbon re-i -ihhon, and wm entreated to accept a fHlwn cf 30,000 livres "Thefair miifc, De Mor.trornie, imme- 6i-*.j%iv penetratrd into thi* cuuniny adven* lurl; and a* fhe is ftar.k ?nd plain, (he* eotflditoi help fmiUn**when they fpoke of N?.pve:m the feeOnd. Hernmfe child ap- pcaVed itnhjcfife at 'he fir!) int. rvi-w. M He fees clearly," (lie faid,« and fo do V " iThmhkdfw the Boston Urve3y ^fftsemer - _ *'. " from a me of the fowtial Unie-rsal G■ «rf, %«£ 21 —Ghent fo* f<*»ur days l»i>t. has T.res«."i*ed a pfieettfcic as tfutrcking ns ft«s exfrSRjrdtimrv,—The aux'-ns mtnda:c 8lM>Je& on^r the windows of the hi in. of France, seeming t« n«*te their &raver»-tfeci? Vppsand fears, with the de,ti< y of 'Ih't \\e* tiior.s ard <e-e-ac1c monarch Were amis* Br report*! circulated, they teemed dejecVed —w?.s a fuccefs ann afxed. they cried '.?t «we Jw /« % / There h no mark of Mttslratfent wijth the pecrde of Ghent have rJ>'t at this crtfis, (hewn to the Frrnch voy- wifts,t(»wardfs wimm tkty hs&t e-vecrcis-d for three months, the moll noble and gcne.o Mf'haiftV, * lien tne new» of the vicforv r.rri/ed, the •j»f?wh*f % ^e^k biuA forth with a Jjv*c'ty of which there ar~ f-w examples ; -J* ^yi^JJ of tins emperor ri'ksanftjer wa* a Sheriff's Sale. Head of ufefnl. £wr./»rft/Vf. I'/Lrl of Fortune. IftheDukeof O.leans he raifeJ to irhc a nation, li- paft adverfity may be He taUght fchbol, or acted ai tutor w this city, in 179& 9. Hi, mother, it v/ill be recollected, is as confpicuous for her virtues as mil'fv.rtunes, Bon:.;a".e had teccntly granted a peufion, C&kmUan, • of the A Mammoth Pudding. At the feiiival <vive i on neca'io.t Pe-ce in the village of Ewlme, the ;mor par, tO"k of a Pudding, which, for lize ft richnefs hasfcmcely be n equalled S it conliRcd ..f I^O pounds of the fined flour, 90 pound? of pltirahs 48 pounds of currants, 45 pounds offugar, 360 e.cijs, 30 nutmegs, 5 ozs of r ovc-=, and 120 quarts of new milk, Cirjrs & spices. 450 pounds. It was made round, and boiied in aftmn^ cloth fur three d^ys 6c three nights in a furnace fixed for that pur- vote m a clofe, over which a temporary ftied way erected. London paper. * - MARRIED-ln Leiee-rer, Mr. John Wilt>.'b* co Mils Lucinda A. Wasmburw DOvh of laid town. Tbere was a couple wihl with j >v, In pourtfhlp when projrreffin^ ; Al1 pieafor^ feem d witlivjut alley, Such Sympathy pofieOag. '•ntiinir, will be fold and adjudged to the n'jheH bidder, at the aoal door m the town 'TwnshopM'that Hynen's i^lken ban Mi-zht make rhis couple milder r 1'ut Ah ! hnrw vain are dieumsof man ! A1 as ! they bo*h are Wilder ! d Kingston, SiiPi- 19,1815. # * • • . • • • • . * • * XJfica, Scot. 12. 'The laicjl ac-f.-nrits from Bonaparte are thit he was efcorled Into London, tits fate is not yet d; cld.-d. If is reh'irted tint 5 Frenchmen of'diJlttUfion, 'one cf <&ham r$ 'ftf'pb Bonapartet have arri¬ ved /ji N*:v-TorL Mltttattd DuiricT) T|Y v.'uue ofaWnt of to wit : \ M"> flcri f^i% ifrl](,d but of Hi, Maj,(ly>sC .urtof KTn^ Bench at the Cm <f James Perkins late of the tow., of Kino [ton, yeoman, ngyinft the lands and tf nenents of John Madden,of the town- (hipofErntii Town, yeoman, tome direct¬ ed ; I have fefzed and taken in execution, a3 belonging to the faid John Mad den, tot No. 12, in the fixth conceifton of the towrdn'p of Ernefl Town, containing by admeafure- menttwo hundred acres, bf the fame more or kfs, together with a houfe and barn there¬ on ceded, ay well as a large improvement on the f-.me. J do hereby give notice, that tl.c abo'-ementioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto b*°- 1 .....'....... h of Kiegiton, on Monday, the fixth day of November next at thv hour of ten of the clock In the f.ueno.n, at which time ?nd place the conditions of fale will be made known. Char-es S< uart, Sheriff. Axnd every perfpn or perfons having claims on the above d-fcribed l^t of land and prem- ifes, by mortgage or other right or incum¬ brance are hereby advntifed to give notice to the faid Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, \%tt> Sept. 1815. 15 » - - - ___-.J.T, a. __ - .in i.i-ivi _ _ Midland Distrid, 1 ' "p HE Court of de- to wit : j JL j nera3 Qiiarte1" Scffionsof the peace for this Dillrict, will be holden at the Court Houfe in the town of Kingfton, ;-n Tuefday the 10th day of Oc¬ tober, at the hour ol ten of the clock in the forenoon : Therefore all Juilices of the Peace. Coroner, CoH(tables, and all other Pe ve Officers, as well as thol'e that have any buli'iciito imnfact a: faid Court, are hereby required tota'ie notice, and give their atten¬ dance accordingly. Charles Stur-rt*. Sheriff. Sheriff's (hjiccy 1 %ih Sedt. 18 15. 15 Stray Ono0 COMF. Into the ench f.Ue of th»- fijKcri- ber feme time C\ncr. team Kh r.ow has 3 calf ah ut four w^ks o'd. Tlv a&* nerisreqnflcdtopfoye propetv, ,-av char¬ ges arid rake-.her away MARYST[CKl,rs. ... Kingston, Sept. 5. tot5. ,_« PRIVATE SILLRETAPY's OFF ICE. ,TT, r... H .&%**. t £ Sift. iot5. jua IS Excellency th Proviliunrd LfeuW * * Governor has been pleafce to tppdt* Chndopher A'ex; Hajjeriftan Efq, Barns, terat Law, Hli Majefty's Council in 2nd for tne Province of Upper Canada. ;_________________________> l4 Wanted^ TTOR thefupplyof Mis M-ijedy^s Fo rces at this Pov>; From 10 to 1 i,obo pounds of rood Merchantable FRESH BEEF. per Week. * Deliveries to commencn orl the id of De- i-embcr next, and to be Continued to the <Jift March, 18 16 Propbfais for the above fuppiy will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the ill No-ember next on which day perfons having tendered wiil be made acquainted with the refatt of their piopofals. ■ I4tf Covmifiirijt OJ:ce\ ffigfal, lift Sepi._ i S 1 j* New Goods. :; RICHARD G. Cf UTE, e 23^ *. Notice. T_JAS juft received a very handfoi •*" A sortment of Dry Goods & Groceries* which he will sell at reduced price* for catft, among which are the following artt\!e« : Superfine and Common tirni t Cloth t White y Black Ccilvn Cam-rick ; White and Bute Cvlhn Culucoe ; Ccilon Shawls ; U3 C0M'.:i'UlC.1Tl Mr.. Editor, . yj • • •J « ' * T"7*c• . Black Silk and Bandanna HeudPfi ALL perfons having rny demands ag- Yslhw Fie* do ai;ift tlie eftatd of the Into deceafed m» , o-i%t r . *r » permit mo- T^r, through tn? tr.edturvi of your pape;-, to bq«if€of the P'efi lent and Tiu(tee» "to the Midland DLItiei School ? M*4* "lhc B33, yittdi.^ v- the •l,n,iu«»nv -fthc ni»dt;tt-.vJv S./1 •'•'•• - 7\ a n. 'A"! were singulariy struck by l»tt *,n*uispir, for in t heir v<to:<u"iL.on, tkv W- .je had expected to read th<- same Joy iu Int Totrntenance of Louis t^th. But it wa^oou bcrceived, with sym- athy, that the juft satiR fctioncf the kiufi at the n-ott lein.nnr.te ^rnnhsaidnotnin.inhi.paierma l»rea,t t]v,feVentimcr,»s w'hih have ren.^ea tne blackelt ingratitude. Extract of a tetter from an AtemeM 'GtnAisah in I a ■Gv.ira in his friend* in 1] eft or. tl(L<iGuira, July 29—A Inr^e h,rcehas Vcn ixnt out fcnn Spain to qncrl the Patno»ftv Thev landed to windward ami as fV$ ' preceded, fi:bmiffion met ihcm without any kbUag ; *** hnv:'^r vhc^ **)"** 8*^;^ in all places fo far a-, they have ^onr--'- yym£ camributionson man-xer- and inhabitants, as liiey wanted Applies f'.r their force—-'it- y a ftwoVsag'o, sailed from Porto Cade'lo f >r Santa Martha, in order to reduce Cfeitityreta. While hcvC tlvy seized every cavjro of ptq ivation.— After much detention, some of the claimants have btained one third of tkif amount on produce at «cvern.ent prices; the other two thirds to bejvaid ia _ the same Wey hi three and six monh-." Soci-ty.. when they in'end to order the ,cn- U-eVion of the mi uey, dneby the fubiciibers to that In Hit uovr.. 1 am Sir. your qhdt. fervant, "tJBSCa.tBE£» Grrorge Mofdoit, of Fredeiiek^our^h, are requeued to ^refent them for feitiement ; and ail perfons indebted are refjuefted to make payment on or before the firft day of December ne::t. ALEX CT.ARK, \ JOHN CAMP, I Fredericks far+> Sept. iB» 1815. tyjj^p Exerutor?. A 8- *i- \3 TAKE-NOTICE. \Vr5EREAS a n| Market Houfe new trec?t.fd in IvifgftWn, in a vcrv cor,ff:ie:u- oa« |)lace for ntlung (at eenain fenfom of vhe y:.ar ;} it is t^onght proper U> havi a net fitr- niih.d r y fubfeniptu) , Mid attached to C^td Mnketfor the purpofe (f fu plying ^^,-c f.tine wuh h(h —Every pvihlic fpirited p, r- lon :s th.erefoe foliciied to ha d i\». their m vi eT y w i \ h o u t d el ay t ri th e nu k of the Matket, ashcing thonpht a Bitab'c ptvfon to Ve.ecv-e the fame, puiehafe the n«.t. trln> nrn^a 2:c and ha-c it put in execution i'ni- mediatcly after a fufEciect fuiti :j fubfcibci for the above purpofe A Bfiend to the PuWif-, )SI. C. A fulTtder.t boat and five hands, one of therti being well acquainted with Sfh- ins and the ufe of the Rum Bottle* wi'd m^e't' with good encouragement by applying as above. 1 50 Dollars R E W A R D. ^ TCLEN (mm the Subfcrihcr'a Paflorft on 'he night of the iStth ttifl ; a (rfld- liia HORSE about fa rear, olJ dark Chef nut col-ur, with ere white hind foot and fune white [pots on hi-t back cealVn-d by the Saddle. £<id horfe is ab ut iff Inndv high, with r. fwltctt t?."h a fmail main, \1 nife colour the inf.de of hi .-ars, a V.na neck* bed T ?" rathCr Roman nof'd.. When he left this had fiiMes on \m fore feet only. Aifo a B'aek GELDING HORSE," about 13 or »4 hands htah with a Tnort and fqitaie dock) has ho partlctiiat mark ah'uahim tint I can recolh-ft j laid horfe 13 ahont fix years old lad forintr. Whoever will lake up faid Hor- fes and fecure f^.id thieves in any goal in Ca¬ nada where they can be brought to j :tlice> jhali have the above reward *, rnd for the • • • ♦ • * » t • • % • 3 • • HovCes only, Handfumely itwftra^J by W D. IfO REST. Black Siik ohatttk and Vale. Common Silk Sbhwk of 'all kinds 7 Striped Gotten ; Scarlet Kersey ; Vefiing of all kinds } TeMvtb* fthtek ami Blue Nan ken* ,.r Aprvn Checks f Bumhuzeties ; Lon% and Sbvrt Boots : Lathes' Walking ohots f Child-ens9 hhocs ; Sa 'dies and Bridles ; Hard md Brown Ware ; Glafs fare ; Pow,er, Sk>U jB tUs. ttrd Lead } Tta, Tobacco; Offe- Allspice ; f'tpp r ; Red and While 'flannels ; Ftrniture Calicets ; TurtitgtoTi's Drops ; Briiifh Oil; Pcppe mint ; Coit's Pills ; Turkey Stripe Blue Dimity j Bed Ticking, Velvets\ ■ • 1 1 • # • • The Duke of Wellington, iu a letter ro Lady l^orin^ton, his Mother, notice^ the bauleof Mi 18th of June, and pays a h:;:h compli¬ ment tn Bonaparte. He fay••. that BonA- parte dil hia duty—that he fought the bat¬ tle with inhnue skill, perfcvtranre and bra- vcrv—'« and this," adds the riob'e Lord, ■'1 do not Mate from any perfoual motive reclaiming merit to tr.yfelf—for the victory Uto be ascribed to the mperior "hyfiod force and invincible cauft-mcV of Eritilh fo,<dw«,M ■ Kf.xR'r' fiall have a fla+e in our next. F>rSile Cheap. 3 cof.- Worgtei ctockhl s and wM-Stcckihga t taole for the a. "ry. I cafe afforted do. fine .uid coavfe, which wdlbe fold ) wer than can be pnrcha. fed in Montreal, if applied for immedi- a%-.ly. .. S EARTLET.. IS »w buil4:~ 15 wip Kinfffiton Sent tSth O . r -----. \% J ANT ED to Courraa for b V * Cellar Wall, 10 feet fquare. wi.ga £xtmi cf a tetter from Cvl. A. Butler to the Secretary cf War, dated Detroit, 3d July, l9,i^ "If the wind Freshen! so as to permit the Vessels to weiph anchor, the d< tachmevt i"icr.(!ed to garrison Mnhilimackinac will procff-c! in fe«s th»n two h-uts " By the document I r.ow forward to the War Department, you vM be enabled to fcWrttto the point at which my uegociatiort ^'th the Brilivh commander ban termi.iflted> I have toll ar- »a^eT4.nt con.clnded between Col. Jainea anc] my^lf. whom I have found ihrs>ng-hou;t Our whole negotiation, a frank and hbeial gentleman. It is said that we shall be cr- P0v«aktheocenpatU/h of Mackinac by the hidi-dns. 1 do not believe the report: If they «Wdmakc the attempt hctwever, W« v;.:l! be ApoW to the fubfc'iber. P?) JOHMDARLE^, Kingaon, ^ept. 19, 18.5._______ ^5 GRAYED from the p'am* tear ^jj Tori: ikth Sebt. 1815. a •■■■ r i • ••■• •—------ ^HECoparnerfliip of Dov.uan & Cam- er(>n, h diffdved by mutual c^ nfent. AU perfons indebted to the laid Conartner- Tnip, are requeued to m«ke payment ; and thofeto whom the fatd CopartnerihioarC in¬ debted are requeued to prelent theiraccotnts to Mr. J* Dowlau, who is fully autho ifeJ 11 receive payment and fettle the accounts of faid Copartner (hip. • JOHMDOWLAN. DOUG A L CAMERON. Kinofton, !tt Sept. 1815. 1$ ^S s 1 > o*aU kinds. > . pints* Nmis-i Hats* Ribbon.: Indigo ; A large qv??intitv of "Patent R^ftl WHEEL HEATiS. With a variety of other articles w not mentiotie L fiPllo-jjel Bridgz, Aug$ 2 5. 1T-1 5 1 .} - For Sale at this Cilice, ALL Perfons indebted to the eQste of tte Honorable Richard Cartwr^ht 'e vuf- cd, are requited to make payrm-t ; snd thoie t' vvhom he m^y have been Indrbtel, "in nit Drui--n commanoer una i^ri«i.m Nfl the prospects before us. I have huh in the execution "f the articles of STKAI L.-U iroTn i.iK p »hv ■"-<" "•mcr~ tton, on Thmfday, 14th Sept inlL,,)t> a large HOtf* of a li^ht bay color, the entire of her forehead white, with fevcral w^lte fpots on her (boulders and feet, with a larpc bag and a Ion- white tail, and from 5 ty g vcars old. Whoever will leave informal;on Pt this Ofilce refpc6tiur the faid Cow, ViU be handfomtly rewarded. 19th September.______________ij VtTtHOEVER mav have in their p-'ifes- V\/ .ion, a Note of hand tfm by thc fubferiber to Alexander Bell, for 120 {\oU Jars psvable Vail Junr, are delived to brrn^. it fov,ard for ^^^^^^^ Cnsote St pi. 15. l8l5- *i%a? A D'scourf dehvered at Brockville, E"i- are r'eque'ded to bring f-rwa-d their ;«ccout.t zabethtown, Apvil 27, 1B15, being a day for cd-u{tment and payment to Ax M'Lean appointed for a general thank-giving in Up¬ per Canada. By William Smart, Mmiiter of the Gofpel. ALSO THE CHURCH CATECHISM. Esq. who 1*3 duly aiuhorifed to revive pay¬ ments, and feuie the accounts of the laid EUate JOHN StRACHAN, Kxtiuhf* F Strayed ROM the enelofure of Jethro Jaekfon, E (four miles in the rear of Kinnhon,) on the 5th inn. a bay HOUSE, about 14^ hands high, with a white fpot in his forehead, and one mi his back, had on three &"<* ^h.m he went off. Whoever will grtng him to the owner, (Wm. M'Leaii of this place) m to this • Tice, will be-haudfomely veward.d King'don, 18th Sept, l8tj. Ipf Kindlon, 53th Sept. 1S15 _ _ ElegaHt i'ancy . CHAIRS Of the fnfi quality, k^pt conftantly Ws hand, und f.i fale by the fubferiber^, oi their Shop, near the S& of the Fiddle, Kir^- fton, wheie Ladies and Gentlemen will do well to call and examine fo thvmfeSes. CHESTri.RHAfCHvScCo. : Kindlon, Sepu 1';, 1015. »5.

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