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Kingston Gazette, August 15, 1815, p. 4

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1 I UPPER CANADA. Wanted ■GegrCe the Third, by the Grsce'of Gocl, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain arid Ireland, King, defeudfrof the Faith. To our beloved and faithful Leg illative Cnuiifel!>rs of our Province of Upper Carada, and to our Knights Citizens and BurgefTVs of our faid Province, to our Provincial Parliament, at our towji of York, on the eighth day of Augull, next, to b«- commenced, held, called and defied, and to every of you, GREETING. WHEREAS by our Proclamation hearing date the thirtieth day of June hit, WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue 0'ir P;©vi,iual Padian-ent, to the EIGHTH day of Auguft next, at which time at our town of York, you were held and contained to appear. Bui WE, taking into cur Royal confederation, the eafe and conveyance of our loving febiefh, have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council, to relieve you, and each of you, of your attendance at the time a- forelaid, hereby convoking, and by thefe prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the Fourteenth day of September next, you meet us in our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, there to take into confederation? the Hate and welfare of our Province of Upptr Canada, and therein to do a-i may feem necefTary. Herein fail not. In teftinvmy whert«f, we have caufed thefe our Letters to be made patent, and the great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witnrfa our trufty and well beloved Sir Frederick Philipfe Robir.fon, Knight, Comman¬ der of the mod Honorable Military order of the Bath—Majoi General Commanding our forces, within the Province of Upper Canada, and Pro- vifional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at Kino (bin, this thirty- fir ft day of Ju'y, one thoufand eight hundred and hfteen,and fifty fif.h year of out reign Wm. Jar vis, Secretary. F. P. R. 8 UPPUR CANADA. ■ George the third, by the Grace of God) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland^ King, defender of the faith. fflffi&ti tite' iSmkifaztica of our Government of our Province of Upper Can¬ ada in the abfence of our Go*e" or and Lieutenant Governor of the laid Province, by oar Royal inttruftions has devolved on our Trufty and well behoved Sr Fredeiick Philipfe Fobinfon, Kright, Commander of the mod Honoiable Military order of the ]3?,th—Major Genera! Co i.manding ouV forces in the feid Province. 'WE do here¬ by require and Command all o*.ir<fncers and Miniiirrs Civil and Military and all other inhabitants of our faid Province of Upper Canada, to be obedient, aiding and afTuling unto him the faid Sir Frederick Philipfe Robin fon, in the execution of all and lingu¬ lar, the powers and authorities contained in our Commiflion to our Governor of our faid Province. In tefttmony whereof, WE hove caufed 'thefe our lettersto be made Patent, and the Great Seal of onr faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Wirnefs our tinfly find well be'oved Sir Frederick Philipfe RobinfoO, Knight Commander of the Moll Honorable Military order of the Bath, Major Geneial Commanding our forces within the Province of Upper Can¬ ada and Provisional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thou fan d ei^ht hun¬ dred and fifteen, and fifty fifth year of our Reign. Wm . J a r v i s, Secretary. F. P R. 6 Notice- ■< ^T^HE copartnership heretofore exifling * under the firm of ROBINSON & HARD?', is this dav diffolved bv mutual c »nf« m—and ft is requefted that all perfons indebted to the laid firm will make immedi¬ ate payment on t»r before the i*t day of Sep¬ tember n«t, to James Robin fon who is duly authorised to fettle all Debt*. Dues and de¬ mands appertaining to tht faid firm. JAMES ROBINSON. —f THOMAS HARDY. Kingston, 3 0/ /.- June, 1815. c JUST received and for sale at the Printing Office, Kingf- ton", 31 Reams Crown Wraping Paper, 31 ditto C-p ditto 2 ditto Writing Port No. I, Velum 11 di'to ditto No. 2, 9 ditto ditto uncut. July tu OR the Public Service, at Kingflo^ Point Frederick and Point Henry, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchant^. ble FIRE WOOD, to be delivered during the months of July, Auguft and September following. Perfons difpofed to contract, for the whole or a reafonable proportion of the above quan¬ tity will be careful to exprefs in the body 0f their tender the precife periods of delivery ; and it is to be underftood that no piopo|al will be accepted unlefs the names of two ref. peccable perfons are given as fecurities for the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the i2th July next. Commijfarint Office, 51 f Kingston, 3 oth Ju ne, 18 15. Naval Storekeeper's Office, Kins Ion, loth July, 1815. PERSONS defirons of contracting to de- __ liv:r in any fpecified quantity of White Oak ai.d Pine Timber, prior to the clofino- of the navigation, in or out of the water, at Point Fredeiick, to be fuch Timber an is fit¬ ted for the Quebec market to export, are requefted to fend in Tenders by the 22d :n- ftant—at which time contracts will be en¬ tered into. EDWd. LAWS, Jlf Naval Storekeeper. B. WHITNEY. BEGS ltcve to inform his Friends and the Public, that lie has taken the houfe No. 116 St. Paul's Street, formerly occu¬ pied by Mr. Wool rich ; where he is now opening, and offers for fale by Wholesale only—i An Assortment of English GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE: Superfine and low priced Bioad C!othwS, Ditto ditto Kerfey meres, Stcckinett, Blue, Grey and Drab Wellington Cords, Fancy veftings, Blilck Bombazetts, Superfine and low priced prmtS| While and Black Cambrics, Cotton Shillings, Cotton Sh'iwis, Roma] Handkerchief?, Coloied Nankeens—Grandnrelsj Men's Cotton Socks, Men's White Cotton and black Worfted lioae, Women's ditto d'tto ditto Men's Beaver and Buck/kin Gloves, Ladie's Beaver and Ivid ditto. Cotton Laces, Silk and Twill—Pins, See. Scc.^ And expeel by the firil arrivals from Er,^ land a further fupply which will render j;;s adurtment in his line quiu* complete?. As the above GOODS have been p.,r. chafed with Cafh by an agent ta England, and will be fold at a v: y fmaii advance, tiley will probably be found as low as can be pul- chafed in Canada. Montreal, jure 23, 18 15. 5^f For Sale, rT^HE West hAi of lot number nineteen Jn the fecond conceifion of the townfhip 0f Kiurrftoo. Apolv to the Printer. 5 IF. Kingston, July 1 o, 1815. For Sale, A Sett of BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Inanire of 1. Bennett. 1 j Kingston, July 11 l 8 15. 5 t f. Wanred Immediately, A COOK, Chamber Maid *nd Kitchen Maid —None need app')" unlefs well rccummended.—Inquire at i\. W4L^_ s Kingfton Hotel. Kingston, April 29, 1 8 I 7. 4S / Rags i l , m Rags i Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN mm RAGS, AT THIS OFFICJ A QUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER Of Quality No. i and No. ton Sale at this Office* Kingston. April 2 2, 18 1 5. 47tf T NOTICE, KE fublcriptions to Lieut. Colonel ouchette'a Topographical and Geo- graphical Maps, which were originally fixed at Five Guineas, ar,*/ ,w advanced tio the London pn'ce of Seven Guineas, and! will continue to be received by his ageuts. April 22, iSiC. 47 or A Sale, N Elegant BUREAU, Inquire at this Office. July 18, 1815• 6 THE fubferiber has for falc a valu¬ able traa of Land, fituated in the firft con- ctflion of the townfhip of Frederickfburg, ad¬ ditional, (being part of the Homellead.) For further iuforrration enquire of B. C. SPENCER, Administntor. Frederickfburgh, Oa. 31, 1814- 39 Kingston Dock Tarcf, 17th June, 1815, EQUIRED for the ufe of the Naval Yard, the undermentioned articles, Bricks, 6o,ooo Lime 8,ooo Bufhels. Sand 4,000 do. Shingles, 34>ooo To commence the delivery of the above mentioned articles immediately, and to con¬ tinue (weekly) by fuch quantities as fhall be directed by ihe Commifiioner, or Offi¬ cers of tht Dock Yard. Propofals to be delivered into the Naval Store Keeper's Office, Point Ftedeiick. 4 For Sale, A FAST failing Schooner lying at Sackets Harbor, about 60 ton* bur¬ then. She has undergone a thorough re¬ pair, and corked from keel to gunnel, and is tight ; her Sails and Riggi'-g new, and in complete order. She was built in King lion, and was called the Elizabeth, of Kingston, when captured by the Americans.—Any perfon wishing to pnrchafe, will call upon George Arrnflrong or Capt. Vaughn. Sacket's Hatbor, June 26, 1815. 4 FOR SALE—A full blooded Me- rino R A M. Enquire of the Printer. Oa. 2t, 1814. 37 Take Notice. T' HAf whereas DAN E. ALLEN finned a certain Co^tradt with the Deputy Barrack Mafier General, for buil¬ ding a large Store Houfe and Hofpital for the ufe of Goveinment, for the fulfilment of which ihe fubfdtlbcrs became fecurityj as al- fo have advanced a large fnm of their own private properly, with engagements for p<iy- fnentoriome Goods 111 Kinjjftun »<>f.in^r^ the above Buildings— This is therefore to requefi. Government, Or any othf-r perfon, not to make any furtlier payment on the above Building?, until a Ict- tlemetU is made, and lawful Bills paid oft*. EI I EMONS, ROBERT YOUNG. _ Kingston, June 18, 18 15. 31f THE fubferiber has now on hand, and in*endb keeping ready for fale, an affort- ment of Saddles, Bridles, Whips and Spurs, with otheT articles uftiaily kept in his line. His prefent means of obtaining workmen and flock, will enable him to fell much lower than formeily. Repairing done on fhort notice. A. METCALF. King (Ion, June 12 I.015. Land for Sale. THE fubferifoer offers for fale the Wcfi half of Lot No. 7, in the fourth and fiiEn conceffiou" of the townfhip of Lough¬ borough, with 50 or 60 acres under good improvement, and a good (land for any pub¬ lic bufinefs. MTCHAEL SLOOT. Loughthrough, June 12, 1815. 2 Kingston Packet^ PvlES CHAFMAN, Captain. HIS vcm will fail regularly from Kingston to Sackett's Hail or. She will leave Kingfion every Monday, Wednes¬ day and Friday, and SacJeelt's Harbor eve-' xy other day in the week. The price v.;.l be Twq Dollars for each paffengcr. Kingston, May 12. J A* 1815. jotf h. c. Thomson, Q ^SPECTFULLY inform, the pttU' I\ that he hasjuft vecfived, and JS fers for fale an extenfiveaflbrtment of GOODS t I 1 1 Black and white Silk among which are the following articl'en <fo Cloths & Flannels. * tH Cottons 3c Linens India Silk Shawls Cotton ditto Toilonette Silk Hhdkfti Pulicate do. do. Bandanna Handkerchief* Fafhionable Ginghams. Ditto Lenos and Mufliris Fine Muilin Drefcs. . Ribbons Si Gloves . FaPaionable Straw Bonnet?. - Silk and Cotton Utabrellas Silk Parafols. and Thread Lace Veils, j Ladies, Gentleman's, J. Shoes. k Children's Cotton, Silk and Worfted HofiJ Bombazeene 6c Bombazette, Printed Calicoes, Table Cloths^ Diaper and Dowlas^ Ruflia & India Sheeting; Threads and Lace, Stationary. Sauces and Pickles, Cinamon, Liquorice", Nutmegs, Mace & Aloes. Pimento. ALSO. y /. - • ! A general affprtment of Cutlery & Hardware^ Groceries c? Liauors ■ -*. Kingston dttgujl 7, 18^5. i NEW GOODS. Johns & FinKLE, ■ Have just rec(eved a gen^'.' ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods Groceries t Among which^ are the follow^ Su Wanted, i8'ty. 8tf nwcic- at this offic;. _Jangston, July 2y FOR SALE, THE W(ft Wf rf rj No>n; T w 0 '"r r'6 fm"'th c"n«T'«" of the TownAup of EmdUwrn. to, further par- Ucnlar, enqire of J0HN CANN01t A'Wton, August 8, 18i5. „lf buPERFiNE and common Broad n«i White and black Cotton arnbrick!' Superfine drefPd and undreffM CJR ' Black rflk Mrfrrf and Cotjfe na Handkerchiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Veaihgs * Large damaik silk Shawls ; ■ French Cambrick, for Handkerchiefs, Fine Linen Cambrick and Robe Patem,, Black white & changeable col'd Ltrflring I will d Sarcenetts ; 6t Black Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-lkin and b* ver gloves'; ^ Ladies' black, white and fancy colour Silk do. Ladies' fancy afTorted Kid do. Black, blue, grren & scarlet Bombazettii; Whi,e fhallocn silk Velvets and Cotton Shirtings ; Fine htfh Linen, Rufii'a, Imitation and Scotch Sheetincrs ; Black and whfte Jeans, Dimities and black Crape ; j Jackonet and Book Muflms, Lenoe?; Ginghams, Ribbons'and Laces; Fine plated furr and wool Hats; Oil'd Hat Covers. ALSO, H7fon, ■) Yonng Hyfon, I TEAS; A nd Hyfon-skin J Plug, pigtail and ladies' twill TobaccoJ High proof old Jamaica Spirits r Cogniac Brandy, Holland Geneva; Shrub; Port Wine. ^. The above goods, together with a variety of articles not mentioned, will be fold at the mod reduced prices for cam. Wei tender* our thankful acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomers for paft favors, and folicit a continiK ance of their future patronage. * Kings/on, 6th August, 1815: 9" v ,i< For Sale, • A VALUABLE Farm, with building and large improvements thereon, »• vorably fituated within 28 miles of K»ng* ton. Perfons defirous of purchafing to i»* quire of the Prniter. Kingston, July 10, 181';• | f*

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