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Kingston Gazette, August 15, 1815, p. 3

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VC9 ^rt jmpnftant actum tins taken place be¬ tween the troops of Bonaparte and the Buttr- bonites '^ i« La Vendue, in which the Mar • quia La fondle jaqoelin, a dilUtiguifhcd lea¬ der of the latter, was killed. Several oth¬ er fJiHingtiifhed p^rfon*. have loft their live in tlie fame caufe. The French infurgents have taken the Military Chcft at Chartres ^ The National Guard of M"a?f.illea has been difarmed except 1400 citizens. An embargo has been laid on at the French pods in the Channel. London, June 22. At ten o'clock ' h•• Park and Tower guns were fired in honor of the oecafion ; and pre¬ parations are making at the admiralty for an illumination. The Courier cftimates the lofs of the Fr. ■in killed and wounded at 20,coo men—Je¬ rome Bonaparte is faid to have been killed. The Rear Guard of the French army, confiding of 10,coo of the Imperial Guard, laid down their arms to Blucher in thecourfe «f Monday June I9. One and all exclaim¬ ed 4t Five le Roy ;" but Blucher ordered every 1 otJ* man to be (hot. Report adds, th&t the Pruflians, in the height of inclfema- tion put every Fre. chman to dtV.h ! [_fm pojfibk to %e true. ~] Star Ath Edition* The funds in eonfeqnence of the news of this morning, have fluctuated greatlyv Om¬ nium opened at 9 premium, immediately ad¬ vanced to 10, at half pail 1 2 had declined to 7 Zand 8, chiefly on account of exten¬ sive holders wimiog to realise the fn ft great profits—the-advance of Stocks on account of the gloiiotia events mav be Hated zl 2 per cent. There 13 another long report 0? FoUeV's tiponthe interior. He depicts it in the ttoft dreadful (late—fays the Department of otbiliarn, Hie, Veliane, the North and the South are deflated hy the Royjli/li—feveral towns taken—and that Dieppe and Havre Wheen agitated. The ilrongelt meaf- Jjrea are neceflary ; and he recommends "miethmg like the fufeenfioa of the Confu¬ tation, A firing has been heard in the dheSion ^Dunkirk, which was tuppofrd to he oc- <*fioner] by fome di(turba> ces m thai town. liis reported that a general I^ifur-cct-on Qad hmke out at P*rk [CU>: Ami STiiu The Duke of Dcrneh-ispla ted ihv Roy- « Standard in the v^-.iity of l.i.W, the in- abttantH of which cn^- r-<* iv 3 !>• 'v fr- u"° . . *rii.,,..-..;.».. .a 1 nl.. m din- int.- The gartnou oi Lille lb luiroui.- • n*et him- ** • T Ml Soult is at LtWfc One of Bonaparte's cabinet Minlftcr'! htc, 1 ftatJd in a report to hb Hotife of Peers, that the Emperor wa> in danger f»om two Hj^-^the Rovaliltsand the Republicans. The firit R'.ilfan avn.y marched through Bohe da. to the Rhine. It con fids of 84000 infantry, ar.d zfVco cavalry. The fecond is ur*r Frankfort, and coiiiifts of 81.000 infantry, and 23.COG cavalry The third of 80,000, will arrive before the end ofjunc. TV Anflnan army of Italy, 40,000 foo.vr. wirh 15,000 Pied-nonte^e, 'ra\e ewfferl the Tiimo, on its march into Savoy. U is faid that the Auftrians and Ruffians laving croffed the Rhine, are marching d-reft into the hoait of France. The firft hattailion of guards were order¬ ed off to the Netherlands this morning. Intelligence of the death of the King of Sardinia, was received at Genoa as the 7th mot* The Duke of IVtllington io T.cuiS io\'/;. Fieldoj'Battle, June lS, 181?. M SmE, Bonaparte has been completely repulfed at Genaopc The battle was bloody. The Duke of Brurfwick was killed. Two Enghih divifions fuffered conftdetably;. iclI am in permit of Bonaparte, v. ith Mar- dial Blucher. " Th? Belgian troops conduducted ihcrn- CeWet remarkably well.'* POSTSCRIPT. By an arrival at Bolton, London papers two days later thr. 1 before, were received. Defpitchts dated <-n the 20th Jan . been received at London, from Lord "Vv'ci- lington, dating that he had pul'icd Boaa- parteto the French fromier, and Blucher had crnifed the boundary. The battle of the 18th is veprefented as extremclr dtfpe- h? \ Bonapavf-" according to French pap=^, acknowledges a lofs of 30,000 men on the 18th, but lays the allies loft in all the affair* 60,000. ^ One account Hates that Bonaparte arid all his family were priioners to the dcd- Ulace of Paris. pep FROM THE UNITED STATES. Watkrt-ov/s, July 2'. On Monday the 17th inft. was difclcfed a feme, in this village, truly melatici.oliy and dfftfeffiaff. The fequel and extraordinary circumftdn- ces attending the pretended robery ©f Mr. V/hitttlfey, pay mailer of the militia, which took place fome weeks pad, while en his Way from Martinsburgh to Tienton, w&3 fortunately detected and fully exposed. This extraordinary occurrence from the period of its happening, occupied an tm- common degree of attention and vigilance, from the public and individuals, particularly from Meffrs. Keycs and Fairbanks, who were refpotifible as bail to government for the faithful dffcharge of duty by Whfttelfey. Many circumitances attending the trans¬ action had been dark and myfier-ous. Pub¬ lic jealousici had exilled to a high degree ag- aii'ft Whittelfey and his wife ; rumour was conltant and lotfd in her insinuations ; intim- attons however, appeared to be rather found¬ ed upon conjecture than lipon competent ev¬ idence. On the moaning of the 17th init. Messrs Kevesand Faii.bar.ks came to a de- tern;tnation to ted the correctnefs of public opinion by a ftraiag*:m ou . WhitieUey to extort a eonfrffion froflu him in c:»fe \\? had been guilty or embc z/.eHng the loll n»oney, At fome diilauce from the village and Whutclfev's hoafe, they had pTnaied a fmall vault in the ground filled with water. Whit* telfey was invited to the (pot by Mr. fair* hauks. under the pretence of tranfa&iriff fume imooitaiit hufturfn reating to their ex- itling dirEcukies. Un their arn'val Mr. Keyes opened the fabjeC^ by remarking to Whittelfey that he had become fatiifi.-d, that he or his wife, or boil; of them had been guil¬ ty x)f taking the money, or which he had de¬ clared he \%a* robbed, and that they then had it in their polT-'dton, and i( he would ac- ktu wledjJc the fic\, a^d inform of the place where it wa%deoofi.ee., they would, on their part agree t<- fcvceu him from public, odium as far asit wa^in their power ; and if he did not im..ed;.-.tcly make the required dis-clofur; jhev had c •'ifte U) n determint-fion to tafee n'*3 life, by placing l.i.n ;n the vault before him till he Wusddi j alio (hat the amount fur which thev wore re-ponlible to governr.'.er.t as 1)7*1, wotild tinUei ar rirr.unt?i-A.es be exacted, that it would biicg ruin anddiihefs upon them ; thdt fome miichievous incendia*? ry in the country had already coupled them with him, and that they weie implicated in the tranfaciion. Ir. cafe he (hould refuil to give them the information required, and tiny ihonld peifiil till hu life was taken, they mould confider themfelvesjuitiiWble, ^c in fome mealure iafe from natural cotifctiuen* ces. Whittelfey pevfilled in his Innocency— they then funk him in the water, and kept him under till the lait convulfive actions of life appeared ; then ^aiicd him, and ai'tef rc- ftoring hiru to fcn(ibiiity, he declared his in* nocency and a perfect Willingncf^ to die. They again renewed the proceLs with a fimilar remit On proceeding the fourth time, ar.d as they declared to him the laft, which mould put a final period to his exigence, bunging to his vijw in favorable language the horrible ft ate he muft foon appear in before his God, as being himfelf the caufe of th-.ir ram and horrible determination, and being guilty of the a& which they were endeavoring io extort confeluon. H?R conscience fmote him, his deter¬ mination tailed him, he confefted the fa£b ! He acknowledged that the money was then feocted in one of three places, eith¬ er under a hearth, in a fmall trunk at his Fairbanks rema/n:d «n the fpofc tvlth Whi't- telfey, while Mr- Xeycs proceeded to th« village, informed two friends, that He believ¬ ed, if they would accompany him to Whfttel- fcy's houfe he mould be able to find the loft money—they immediately repaired to the hcnr.e—on entering, they found no person but Mrs WhftteUey in a small chamber with its door locked. Mr. Keyes demanded ad¬ mittance—she observed that she was dressing and could not then comply with hia request ; ue then forced the door with his two friends—Mrs. Wlv'ttetsey remarked, that hts conduct was very rude—he observed luat lie had come ro rec* ive the money which Ihid hern lost—that Whittelsey had told him that it was in this house—She enquired where? he; husband was.—Mi. Keves demanded the immediate delivery of the money» obser* vmg, ir she gave it up ... ~ . _ _ peaceably the affair would be quietly settled, if not, he had men ready to strip and search the hoUs*. On the gentlemen's entering the chamber, Mrs Whittelaey threw herself upon the bed, which gave th?m reason to suspect thit the money was in or about it. Mr Keye3 proceeded to search the bed, and in it found near the whole amount, s°wcd or quilted into a pair of drawers, includcing the 8,000 dol¬ lars which Whittelsey supposed had been stolen from him at Schenccady, as above stated. Whittelsey wa> immediately liberate-^ and returned to his house—Some conversation ensued between h'm and hU wife c n what had tsanspired—Mrs. Wrmtebrv appeared much agitated, and sonn abented herself from the house r.ndiscovered to those irt it —• Considerable gWm \vac excited and search immediately r-ade—Some per ens, ucar the bank" of the B) u-k Riser, wluch passes a fhort distance from thf» villa^*1-, had seen a female T>afs toward* its ^ar.ks It wm sootl reduced to a certainty that she had plunged into the river. In about one hour after, her body was di>covered floating in the river and taken out -»-^Urwical aid was used and per* sisted mi a !««& lime, to resusutate her, bur to no pnp30°r-, hi'te h^»d fi^ed thw h >rr?d deed ■ , • to br the rWfflff 3'>d last a^t of h?r lifrv A eor^oner's inquest v\vaQ en'led, tvhicb pro- dneed a verdict of wilful suicide by drown- in j. Kingston, August 15, 1815. MARRIED,'..... On S;:nday evenmir, fa the Rev. G. 0. Slu~ KM*/, Mir Georgf P Kcrby. of the tniOnfhlpof AnciQci^to Wifs Mary MerrilL of thisphice I D fE D. thhi r.n on Thurfday evening hyi.ths t yt.l inflniti after a fingering illnejsy Afary, theyoun^ell daughter of Capt J. RujftlU of the Rvyal Engineer department% aged iC years On Tuesday fa ft* very fuddrn/y, Eliza* the &::iy J?l!Jat Mr. Thomas Stniih, aged one ytcjr and Ji ve td anth s. % %< * * COMMUNICATED. On the 27th day of July, at Montreal, DIED, much lamented, the Honorable RICHARD CJRT&RIGUT, Member of the Legislative Council oF the Province of Upper Canada, Colonel <»f the Militia, and one cf His Majefty's Jufticcs of the Peace \n that Province. Richard Ciirttitfrhtte, w£i born at Albany, A r*\ k* then fub;eft to the Canvn . f Great Britain, now a part of the United States of An^erica. During the revolutionary war, from LoyaltJ" Io his King, he lefUthe place of his birth, and emigrated into Llpper Canada. After the Conclusion of that war. he entered into Co-parthermip in trade with the Honorable Robert Hamilton of Q^ueenfton, (a name ^hat ought ever to be mentioned with rrfpcc\ in this Province^ and ft 'ally fettled in the g m town of Kingfton as a merchant. Thar he Was hondfable and piinftual irt h td wrtll mankind ty obiervation ana exp ^ *nce in his rlcer veai.-Ohe dedicated '.he truits Qii that iuliru^ioii, oofervatioi» and experi¬ ence to the ferviie of hi^ Countiy, his Fat'n- to vemsve by ocatfi, p3ii of hU amiable fam¬ ily, the manly and ehtfftian fntituJ- w itch h. then difplayed will never be forg ,tten by his friends. Thelafta&of his life was pe.h ps the grenreit ; whilst labouring nnder a dtf^afe v here no hope remained of a cure, vrhen confcious of death approaching with a ft >w but fare p?.ce, he dk\ rot complain, but l'up- pmted by the remembrance of a well fpeut life, patiently waited co rcixgn hu ioul into the hands of a merciful Creator, Reader—whilft Ian enting the death of a worthy man—follow his example. Wanted, FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE AT THIS POST* bufhe!s 8 inches 4 ^2 'iX 2 1-2 do. buihels feet do» ' 3-4 inch Lime Smd Bricks Do. 9 by 4 1 Hair Oak timber Do. Plank 5*000 6,000 120,000 50,000 60 6,000 5,000 } 2,OCQ t i 2 3 (4 1-2 " 5000 40.0 CO 30,000 5 000 1 20,000 t8 inch Shin :les Sealed propofals for the whole, or :nrr. f the above articles, will be received nt thie office, until the 24th August r fUnt. C&mmi/jfcriat Office\ ■*) Kingston* tzt/j August, i8tt. J iotf GOVERNMENT tfOtfSE, Kingston* \yh July, 815. TXIS Excd^-cy the |»roviii n- Lieut. . I G wemoi h:-> b-4 m pleated to a n «i it F- P. R 'binfou, Elquire, to b- hi. P ivate Secretary, 9 41s Wanted, FOR. the Public Service, at Kingfton, Point Frederick asd P.iuc Heioy, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, 3d 8,0:0 BUNDLE^ oTtf \VT. to be delive:«d during the t, .-.tj,, ^ ^u- guft. Septio.ber .nd October foll'.vin-. Ferfmn dt^.-md to com^ac^ for • ic v ; -le or a reaf a^lc p; orti.-m of 'he above qu?. i» tities will be careful toexprcfi it; *rt body cf their tender the prccifc oerrm- ff d. liv-v : and it is to be onderu;o ^d that n > • .»•■ o A will be accented uokia the names of t *q ref- penable perfons ar* given as ftevritics for the due performance of the Contract -o be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 25th A ago ft next. Commiffiriat VJJJee, XOtf Kingston, yoth June, iftt^. KINGSTON vh &tgufi l8i5 To be Sold, A handfome Engltih made Oiry in e-/er? refprft equal to new. \\hh a nrw Tandnm harflefs. They may he hid t gether ov fep- arately, as may bed fuit the Cjnveiiier.ee o* purchah*rs. For Particulars apply to D.' D^VFRNF, Qjartir-Master General*r it) t f. Office, Kingston * . General Post Qfice for B >/. America, ^jtelec, jib Auguflx i $ t f» , twice every week. >n in 1 ipper ^ an ThisJ ferviee may be ^e, furious and fanguinary. Several of fl« pur.cipals Geneial>, (Bcttrand, Van* damme and others) and manv thouLnd m.n ^«ttaken|prifoners. The cariain of the y« fiu a fo Q itet. that London papers, June 2.71h» Loatain'-d ryp haa«Frofnthe Paris Mwhur \i v:e. l^i, "Ung tlm after the battle, ft the 18th rio- ^pafi?, his army yity diipefed, fled in Qilguife to rar'si and demanded more men ^ money of the Li-gifl^ture, but. wis re- mAi and after feme aUicat; m, h- UN- fmniGNALir and abso- wtelt Anna.ATRb. r,<i t-h- Weiejent off. t< gee 'he uifnri. a on rr» •^Wellington and H\r\W PducVr,?-.d My and hi. Fiieud-. ^^ Regardlefs of pr'vatc emolument and care v> hen in competiiion v/itRSlia duty to the public, he allowed no obihcie to present him from a faithful attendance to tint Duty ^ a Member of the Leg future of this Prov- i'-co ; i.\ v.hich capacity, ?.eal for the public- be forwarded on ho' febark. It is expected that the time in travelling the diilauce between thofe places will not exceed ffty-hoors, except in the fpring and autumn. The whole diftaace T>ay either be con¬ tracted for or it may b^ divided into fepa- rate contracts one between W ntreal an T Cornwall, another betweea Kington ami Cornwall. Adequate fectirity will bereouhed for the houfe, or at He faid that the whole amount loft could not be found, that on arriysngat Schenectady from Albany at the time of receiving the money from the Pay Mafter General, hi* wife, who was with him, informed him that his trunk had been broken open, and tint 8,coo D- was vs\\S\in^>hu; fomevdlitn hadrot* bedth'm ; on examining the in k, he found it broken and many mark-? of violence upon it ;he believed his wifes ftatement to be true, that they had been robbed of that amount ; he considered at the fame time, that there WOtlld be a defalcation of aVut-------for mo- CU tempered With moderator and knowl*. -du" c^cht of the ftipulationsof the con- nies which b? had bef.re received of govern- e^gc was the gov&mmg piineipal ot his cun- ^^ dy.a. fl nee uhich had not yet c ;me to peonc Nov was he reftn.iivcd even when ftru^gling, lianc • - VVate. town,ai'cheme \. ;.J, difeafc from performing, wlun his couu- V1£VV. Onvhe.r«a} .„ . tr y died for lvs aid, th» impouant but labo- r- his Cervices incident to thr high {lation wihichhe he'd i 1 the militta of this Province. As the heal of 4 f't^jfi his w.rth was a- h^ve all pruife, his aff^^V. ten«ie.nef» and c^ire endeared hi-n to r.Ts, childreh, while red'him if they did not find the money, an^ F. jfit;n, by the rximple of the mod.rat.on, h clnf ffi3H to be true, they won|d &rll out p _Q ind g0oJ«efi of the belt oi_Luhers, mert for the payment of troops, a ctrcum tract Sealed propofnh addrefTed to the D. Poft- mafter General of B N America, will b- re¬ ceived at the General Foft Office until the 1 ft of next month. C^r Letters to be marked on the c ver » Kinsfton Mails." 10 y\ -~~ their friend-a. d the pul lie. Thev then tird him with a rope and ahV- nd tr^T '• Blank Summon.- For the District Cmrts, for Sals

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