[TUESDAY, August i£ i8i|.] • [VOLUME V. ■No. 10. 1 G A Z ET Kingston, Upf^r Canada—Printed and Published bt STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars per Annu ^ M. *«>- Iw (jT //j<? Kingston Gazette. • • • ■ (Tj*Price—i^oy/z Dollars per Annum, (exclnfive of poHagc) ^/5 in advance, 5/ at the enJ of fix months, and 1J6 at the end of the year. iPdft? of' advertifing in the Gazette. Six lines and under, 2/6 firil mferciOBj and V3 evClT fubfcquent. Ten lines and under, |& firft i:;fution, lnd 1/8 every fubfsquent. Ten lines and upwards, \d. .per line firft iofcrinn, and 2 J. per Kr-e -".'vy ikeceetunvjj inkitibn. Aclvertifemeritswr.acconjpinied with writ¬ ten"directions are infeUtd till forbid, and Charged accordingly. 1815 MiLita?.y Secretary's Office, Kingston, 2Q)tb July, Several appli. a ions having been made to iVlAiriR Geni:t\al Sir FREDERICK ROBINSON, com- Jnandin.^ the Purees in the Prov¬ ince of Upper Canada, &c. for xe- Jemurjeratiun for loffes and dama¬ ns fuftained by inhabitants of the feid Province, during the hie war ^th 1 he United States of Ameri- <^-aod his Excelency being de- jrous that full information rnav k immediaely dtiuimi of the *Wure, extent and merits of thefe claims, has directed b competent fm to affemble for the pu» pofe ot lnv^ftigaun^ fuch cafes .»s may them, during Litfuii a; id pi a- * 5 1% t th following % *^- V V & J Jt L I • brought befor ,hpenfumn: months of S^rnbci ^,VAMHKR^^^RGl^ FORT GEORGIA • YORK, KINGSTON, FORT WELLINGTON; ^11 perfons therefore who may haveclaim3 tor dar/.a^es laid o have been done by our own troops: for damages d-ne by the enemy : Forhcufes and buildings occupi¬ ed as oarracks, or for other pub¬ lic purpofe% faid to have been deftroyed by the ene.ny in con- i fequence of that circumibince Are hereby directed to deliver fo. parate accounts of the fame, duly authendcated, and claffed under the before mentioned heads, to the officer commanding His Ma- [jefty's troops at either of the above jjolls, on or before the 30th Sep¬ tember, after which day no claims , whatfoever of the nature above \ defcribed, will be received or tak¬ en into confederation. ' By His Excellency's Command, WILLIAM GIBSONE, 8 H-J- N I Acffr Mil'y Secr'y. ^ ■*•- *r -• .***../ *• •«.**"•■» FOR SALE, HE South Weit fide of Lot No. 89, in the 4th ConceAlm of the townmip of A.nehasburgh—containing ioo acres ; well watered and timbered. For particu¬ lars apply to the fuhfcrlber, in Hahowell. WILLI A.M YOREX. Malhwe%t August 4, 1 tf 15. n JUST RECEIVED, A so for Sale at t&is Office^ WEBSTER^ SPELLING BOOKS MURRAIN GRAM Ml AR, AXD A GREAT FA' H-TT OF BOOKS f OR CHILDdEtf. Kingston- Jrly 17th, I0I5 Difeharored Nao-Comintilijrted Officers and Soldiers J who may have been recom¬ mended for receiving Grams of Land, are to repair to Cornwall without delay, 3c \o «e- port themfelves to Alexander M'Donri! Elcj. fnp^rimeridant oi tiic Dcparuncrit for EdCa- tfng the new Settlers. By or.ler of His Excellency the Provifiondl Lieiu'cnant Governor. 6 F. P. ROBINSON, Scc'ry. UOSTi arge Bm sllc:it the Jlfih of June toft, a L HORSE, with a star iti his forehead, Vy HOEVER. will return the faid Hovfe ™ to ihif fuhlcriher or give fnch iii^r- mation as (liall lead to his recovery, inall be handfoiMcly rewarded. H McNALLY. Kingston, July 31,1815. 8 5 w- •ref - !l Priud and general Goal Delivery, will ue ho'den at the Coirt H-ufeiri tin Town 0f Kinfflto ■, -n tsc l.iid Oiltici. b» Mouthy ihi tWcaiy eight 1 tiay of.-W. at the tn>mr Midi Hid Diltnd, ] . HE Court i»fOyei to wit : j" i ««'d Terminer Njji- ot r 1th Wl a 01 uic tloek in the fi>renoon t dio bctef.M-e hereby give notic- to i\\ th.dewlno nil proiethte againft any p-.ifone/ i-» tine Common Goal for the laid DilincL, that tru-y be t\im ificre prdera to prot'eciite againilt the- a? «hd> be juft. Aid I do alfo giw^ no i e t 1 ali jufti, es of the Peace, Comnera, b l'.fT... Coutt bles and other Peace Officer-*, in and for th. DlftriiSi afoielaid, that they b»e then and there in tlieir own proper pe»fonts, mib 'heir RolL, Rec-rd^ and other R*. membranes , to do thofe things which r<o their teveral Office^ in mat behalf appertain to be done. , . ' .. CHARLES STUART; She.iff. Sheritf, Office, 8tli Aoguit, ,gi5. 9 D 1 The Public Are fcfpecifully informed that a hull circulating librarj' 19 opened at this office, arid made accessible to all clafies of the community,on the moll reafonablc tennis. Thofe who wifh to take out books will pkafe tc call either on Mondav, Thurfday J* oaturday, between tlie hours of one and three o'clock. At which times due atten¬ tion will be paid to all who may be difpufed to becotoe fubferiberc. There is alfo left at this ofHce, a large ^mbcr, and a coiihder.ible van'ety, of ch;'ld- m*ibooks and ufeful traces, to be exchang- W cither for cafli ;.r clean rags. • Rags enough might be faved ;.n every faro- 5 to fumifh the family with Book, and ^tiQaary. And it -j, kJpe(]> lhat B0? per„ ton will be afliamed to engage in fdving an telgc fo much needed. A Friend to Education & Economy &*■' ». Stolen, FROM out of the fubferibers carriage, (landing in In's liable, a Venetian Blind, painted green, framed in mahogony, with a metal fpring lock. Whoever will give in¬ formation where it may be foiin 1 will be handlomely rewarded by JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston^ August 1, 1815. ________6:f FOR SALE, Ow Mo» tals could bellow !— Swift from thy azure Throne of Light, She wing'd to earth her rapid flight, To dwell with Man below. A FEW ELEG iNT Wooden Clocks warranted to keep good time. Inquire at this office. July 30, 18-5. 8 # Come then, thy influence impart And frann with Love l< each languid heart,0 Thou Heavn9 lorn Charitv—S And while we labor here below, " leach us to feel another's woe" Teach us Humanity. And when Our Labors fhaTl.tie o'er The trumpet's founds, '* Time ia no njorej* May we refrefhment find " Tn that Grand Lodge that's fir above,' WHertr faith and hope and pureit lov^ ill the immortal mind. 1 7$ 1 All Discharged Soldiers A PPLYING lor LAND, are to gtve in ■** their names to Edw. JdsEs, late of tlie c/h ktgimevK, now refiding in the old Barrack Square. F. P. ROBIMSON, Secretary. Kingston. July 31,1815. 8 4.W Midland Dhtrift* , To the next of kin to Surrogate Court, ( Hastings Carpenter, late to ivit : ( of .Amel;;»sburg, in tlie (L. S.) ) Midland Bist.id, Mer¬ chant deceafed—Greeting. the Widow's and the Orphan's Cgh'fl Shall ever there forbear to rife— There's nought but Char it)— Then ever hallow'd be thy name, And M:ifonys here aldud proclaim, Amen. " So mote it be." WIIER.EAS application hath been made to our Surrogate Court for the Midland District, by David Henel'ey, of ZirbeMtburgbaforefaid, yeoman, for Letters of Administration of the goods, chattels and credits which were of the ab«>ve named Hastings Carpenter; to the Midland Dis¬ trict : Thefe are therefore to require the n^.it of kin to the fail Hastings Carpenter to Rcr.lemb,r lhy mother, the dan-dner of appear before Me on or bef,re the hr*l day ^^ |rray^ [„ ^e fehtkeft rofce-' of iuno- O September ;,ext enfunu, to fluw c m!e, li cence . fQ ' not fe ^ conlequt;u,e of herdilobtdience. How much happier in the bowers of P ira- dife, feallin^ on tha luscious giape of glad- whole duty of a Woman., BY A LAM. ■ • Gl-oe ear, 0 ye daughter's of beauty, atishtt to the voice of ycur sister, for experience hath tau ght iher wisdom, and length of days virtue and understanding* ™ CURIOSITY. AS the firft of all evils', As the fource of calamity, as the beginning of paid, avoid, O daughter of Eve, the bewitching charm oF curiosity. Seek nOt to know ivhat is impibpe'r For thee ; thi.lt n>>t after prohibited know/edge ; for happier is (lie who but knoweih a htile, ths'n (he who js acquainted with too much. O ^ep ai*"* thej liavc, why letters of .ulmim-bflttoil of th" l'O »11 ch.ittila an I credit «>f the faid Hatting Caipe.ite'% deceafed, Ihnuld not be granted to the faid David Menefey, pun'uant. to his, application as aforefaid Witdeb my hand and feal of bfficetljls eiirhth dav of May, one thouirmd * * » . ■ eight hundred and fifteen. * (Sig"-ed) Alexander Fisher^ Surrogate. D. HaGF.pMAN, Register. 6 toefe, than wandering in the wikler.-.ef; of care to chew the bitter weed of rcp.ntance 1 Let the threfn.dd of thy ,ieighi>o- - d -or fecure Ber family, let her wi .dow temp, not thine eye to fee, nor the open calement tl.iuc ear to hear the fecrets of her houfe The prying eye is a fue to itfelf, and the liileuih" ear will hear it'.elf H-mdeicd. Art thou inquif'tiv'e after the d^eds or fcaidal and reproof, inquire of thyfelf ynd A thou wilt fi :d cnployment wit'.in. ^3 g ^k (. Leairi, therefore, O woman* what th>u ^ ,f<L tm^Jt'Jr p moulded k-iow before tiiou feefeeli faith^ Bolk rs N ot i ce • Deputy Paymaster General's Office, 1 Kingston, 7/^ Aug. 1815. J ALL Perfons having any claims whatever of a Pab- lic or Privare nature, upon the Deputy Pay Master General, c«r upon any Pei fori belonging to th^e Depiriment in Upper Canada, ar^ deired tofend;;n their statetnea^ to this oflice, on or before ffhs 24th of -.ugtst inftant, in ordet that the ftme may be forth^ritlh difchariicd. W. P. CRAUFORD, Om HUNDRED DOLL^R-Sf REWARD. BROKE into the back Store of 0 ,e fuj& fcrioer, on Sunday iJightthe Oth in'i and took out the following articles, 1 Piece mixed cloth 24 £ yards. No. 66 1 do. Black do. 22 \ do* No. 35^ :6 yards Toilonctte. 13 do. do. 32 \ do. Dimity, t ■ 20 i dJ' Princer, Cord, 2"lb. Nuns Thread, No, 1?. 1 lb. i lb. . 1 lb. and Six Bars 0 pocket Book, -containing eight F'fty dol¬ lar Bills, dated, about the lift of February, * . * 1815, together with about fix hundred 00U lars, in bent aiiid fives .5 alfo, the Remitter of the Schoor et* called -the JElizd Ann ; and a large nerr ber of Notes of confidtrable a- rnount, ?rj other papers, which can be of no ufe to any one but the owner. Whoever will deliver faid Pocket Book with the Money and content", therein, at the Printing Office, Kin^uon^ or give information where it cr4n be obtained, {hall receive the above Te'trard. , JOHN BOWKER. Kingston, July 18,1815. 6 profitable peflectton and couve""tion—-If H is arpatriot, he cannot be infenfible to th POETRY. SELECTED. - - fhe he welfare of hi" couotvy —If he is ,a phtian- thrbpit, he feels a concern for hio fcll-.w men, h >wever dihVmt.—If he is a fatlv r he Voles no opportunity totn|trt;6\ his eniidrcn ; and canuot but viiwv« the oalTing tidings of the times1' a1) a mod efentia) .part of their education. Though distant fitim the me- trbpolis ; .though fccluded from tqciety; he can knoi,v all that h nerellary to be known of the pomp and buftle of ci-y life. t By a clofe attention to the div.-rfiiied col¬ umns of newspaper?, we are enabled to .*'catch the manners living as they ii'e.' In one column may he feen the ma-gh armies, and fate of nations—and in an".her the huar;ble adveitifement of the humblelc dealer. All may find inllrudion, amufe- i meut, or ihterc-ft, from the hoary fage to the' 17 of fhbnld Ttie following brautiful Ode, <tvas fung at the lispiiig fchool boy. . , CcHabration of St. John, in HaUo^ll, Me. , Every i'ubferibtr to a ne<v*pap'-r —By R. IV. Henry Fuller, Esq. carefully prefervc them in regular file^ for the. ODE. benefit ©f his pjilei-iiy. PI AIL thou Great A U.CHITECT above, 40 or 50 years, to look do. do. No. ? ->• No. I &. Tr, 00. No. ;o. n f Soap Whoever will give information of ta,€ thief or thieves, fo that he, flic cr they maiy be brought to punilhmtnt, (hall oa tonvrx. tion, receive the above re.w.ud. Thy TemM-e is the throne of Love, To thee we bend the knee.— Gieat Source of Life, of Light divine, Thine be the praise, the glory thine, And all our hopes on The e; hy fiat gave to Vvodds their oinh, he Sun. ihe moon, the stars, the earth Are fubjeclto thy pow?r— , Wisdom rnd Strength and Beauty (hine Resplendent in thy wotks divine, To Thee oar Sou p- v. Souls would foar. After a. laofe of over thefe and exam¬ ine the important occurrences of former days,,will give a clearer view than can b" found in any hillory. It is erroneous to fuppofe that newfp^per-? are lefs valuable, during peace, than hi Kiniea of war. It is true, thofe who delight in re¬ citals of t^oody i'cencs, and ruined towns, will fiudlefs to gratify that barb nous appe¬ tite ; but all who wrfn far impTvnncnt, oV delight in fentimenu, will find an increai\£ value from the attemion paid to fcience. aVta agriculture, history, biography, morality, : GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kiwsttm, August 7, 181.?« 3 Sweet Charity by THEE ivarfgtV*ty The puiell, richell gift that Hvav'r* teUgion, humour, poetry, &c. Trie mail who " can't Jihd time" to re id newspapers dating the Week, mutt be tru j