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Kingston Gazette, August 1, 1815, p. 4

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Wanted No I FOR the Public: Service, at Kingfton, Point Frederick a«d Point Henry, as way be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, tp be delivered during the months of July, Augiilt and September following. Perfons difpofed to contract for the whole or a reafonable proportion of the above quan¬ tity will be careful to exprefs in the body of their tender the precife periods of delivery ; and it is to be under flood that no propofal will be accepted unlefs the names of tworef- pe&able perfons are given as fecurities for the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 12th T HAT whereas DAN E. ALLEN __ iigned a certain Contract with the Deputy Barrack Mailer General, for buil¬ ding a large Store Houfe and Hofpital feu* the ufe of Government, for the fulfilment of which the fubferibers became fecur.'ty, as al- fo have advanced a large fum of their own private property, with engagements for pay¬ ment of fome Goods in Kingfton toforv/ard the above Buildings— This is therefore to requeft Government, or any other perfon, not to make any further payment on the above Buildings, until a fet- tlement is made, and lawful Bills paid off. ELI EMONS, ROBERT YOUNG. UPPER CANADA. Gegrg* the Third, by ihe Grace of Cod, of the United Kingdom of Great Br.tain ' and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith. To our beloved and faithful Legiflative Counfellors of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and Burgeflcs of our faid Province, to our Provincial Parliament, at our tow., of York, on the eighteenth day of Auguft, next, to be commenced, held, called and elected, and to every of you, GREETING. R a cs / mations Kingston, June 18, 1815 jtf July next. Comfniffarial Office, Kingston, 30th June, 18 15 THE fubfcriber has now on hand, and intends keeping ready for fale, an aflbrt- ment of • Naval Storekeeper's Office, KinSton, 1 oth July, 1815. ERSONS defirous of contrading to dc- _ liver in any fpecihed quantity of White Oak and Pine Timber, prior to the clofing of the navigation, in or out of the water, at Point Frederick, to be fiich Timber as is fit- led for the Quebec market to export, are requefted to fend in Tenders by the 2 2d in- ftant—at which time contracts will be en¬ tered into. EDWd. LAWS, ^tf Naval Storekeeper* B. WHITNEY. BEGS leave to inform his Fiiends and the Public, that he has taken the houfe Mo. 116 St. Paul's Street, formerly occu¬ pied by Mr. Woolrich ; where he is now opening, and offers for laic by Wholesale only — . An Assortment of English GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE: Superfine and low priced BroaJ Clothes, Ditto ditto Kerfey meres, Siockinett, Blue, Grey and Drab Wellington Cords, Fancy vcfting6, Black Bombazetts, Superfine and low priced Prints", Widuand black Cambrics, Cotton Shirtings, Cotton Sh iw's, Rom3l Handkerchiefs, Colored Nankeens—Grandurcle, . Men's Cotton Socks,- Men's White Cotton and black Worfted Hose, Women's ditto d'tto ditto Men's Beaver and Buck/kin Gloves, Ladie's Beaver and Kid ditto. Cotton Laces, *' •" Silk and Twift—Pins, &c. Src. And ex peel: by the firit arrivals from Eng¬ land a further lupply which will render his aflbrtment in his line quite complete. As the above GOODS have been pur- chafed with Cafli by an agent in England, and will be fold at a very fmall advance, they will probably be found as low as can be pui- chafed in Canada. Montreal, June 23,1815. Saddles\ Bridles. Wh ai id L with other articles ufually kept in his line. His prerent means of obtaining workmen and flock, will enable him to fell much lower than formerly. Repairing done on fliort notice. . A. METCALF. Kingfton, June 12, 1815. 2 WHEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date the thirtieth day of June laft, WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue our P.o facial Pailiament, to the EIGHTH day of Auguft next, at which time at our town of York, you were held and conllrained to appear. But WE, taking into cur Royal confideration, the eafe and convenience of our loving fubje&s, have thought nt by and with the advice of our executive council, to relieve you, and each of you, of your attendance at the time a- foreiaid, hereby convoking, and by thefe prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the Fourteenth day of September next, you meet us in our Provincial Parliament, ches. a Relative to the MARKET >Mm cd in the tou-n rf fi4rt?* ARTICLEV " THAT the fquare between St G*<y • Church and the river, in the town of ^ (Ion, (hall be the Market pW, £J"t butchers meat butter,egplpoul; ^ vegetables, fhall be cxpofed to fale. 2. That every day in the wbtMl. market day, except Ch.illmao, Good Frid-- and Sundays. ' " 3 That no perfon faffl fell butcher meat, butter, vggs, poultry, fift or v blesfrom the hour of fix in the morning till the hour of four in the afternnoon, except in the market, under the penalty of fire (W, lings. * 4. That no perfon (hall kill calves or oth- er animals in the market place, or out fifij or empty bellies or guts of animals therein' under the penaly of five (hillings. ' 5. That no perfon fliall expofe for fale any tainted meat or fifh, in the mmmttplace, under the penalty ol five Mltag*, bcfiJci forfeiture of the fame, on view of onejulliee. 6. That no perfon (hall expofe fifh for fefe within the two floored fquaresof the rnarke: houfe, but they may be expofed for fale in the intermediate fpace, upon boards or bto- w' * Land for Sale. THE fubfcriber offers for fale the Weft half of Lot No. 7, in the fourth and fifth conceflion of the townfhip of Lough¬ borough, with 50 or 60 acres under good improvement, and a good Hand for any pub¬ lic buiinefs. • MICHAEL SLOOT. Loughborough, June 12,1815. 2 Wanted Immediately, AS an apprentice to the Printing Bull* nefs, a Lad from 14 to 16 years of age. Oneoffteady habits will meet with good encouragement by applying at this Of¬ fice. June 17, 1 S15. Kingston Packet, JAMES CHAPMAN, Captain. "HIS veflel will fail regulaily from Kingston to Sacketfs Harbor. She will leave Kingfton every Monday, Wednes¬ day and Friday, and Sackett's Harbor eve¬ ry other day in the week. The price will be Two Dollars for each paftenger. Kingston, May 12, 18 15. 50tf at our town of York, there, to take into coniiderntion, the Hate and welfare of our Province of Upper Canada, and therein to do as may feem ueceflary. Herein fail not- In tellimony whereof, we have caufed thefe our Letters to be made patent, and the great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witntfs our trufty and well beloved Sir Frederick Philipfe Robinfon, Knight, Comman¬ der of the molt Honorable Military order of the Bath—Major General commanding our forces, within the Province of Upper Canada, and Pro- vifional Lieutenant Governor of our at Kingfton, this thirty- fiift day of July, one thoufand eight hundred and fifteen,and fifty fif;h year of our reign. F. P. R. Wm, Jarv is, Secretary. 8 Laid Province . Kingston Dock Turd, - V I nth J 1815 T% EQUIRED for the ufe of the Naval 4,000 34,000 s e *pHE West half of lot number nineteen in the fecond conceflion of the townfhip of iingfton. Apply to the Printer. Kingston, July 1 o, 1815. c tf. aid, the undermentioned articles, Bricks, 60,000 Lime 8,000 Bufhels. Sand 4,000 da* Shingles, To commence the delivery of the above mentioned articles immediately, and to con¬ tinue (weekly) by fuch quantities as fhall be directed by the Commiflioner, or Offi¬ cers of the Dock Yard. Propofals to be delivered into the Naval Store Keeper's Office, Point Fredeiick. 4 % - For Sale A Sett of BLACKSM Inquire of J. Bennet Kingston, July 11 1*815. jtf. ■ Wanted Immediately, A COOK, Chamber Maid and Kitchen Ma,d._None need apply u.,)efS *ell recommend d Inquire „ XV««. kingfton Hotel. Kingston, April 29, 1815 BROKE into the enclofure of the fubfcriber on Wednefday, the 31 ft May, a dark bay Horfe. a ftar in his forehead___ Theownei is requefted to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. EBIN BENNET. Iirnetr Town, June 3, 1815. at For Sale, £R*s :• FAST failing Schooner Sackets Harbor, about 60 lying at tons bur- Rags ! Rag s t 48 Cash and the high™ Fuce paia t, CLEAN r COTTON AND LINEN . RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE. r™A QUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER Of Quality No. i and No. 2, For Sale at this Off ice. K«Wton, Jfri/22, 181 c. 47rf AN Elegant BUREAU, th-s Office. In quire at 6 A then. She has undergone a thorough re¬ pair, and corked from keel to gunnel, and is tight ; her Sails and Rigging new, and in complete order. She was built in Kingfton*. and was called the Elizabeth} of Kingston, when captured by the Americans.—-Any perfon wi/hing to purchafe, will call upon George Arrnjlrong or Capt. Vaughn. Sacket's Harbor, June 26, 1815". 4 TO BE SOLD, AND poflTeflion given immediately, the eaft half of Lot No. 26, in the 7th Conceflion of the Townfhip of Fredericks* burgh—about feventy acres under good im¬ provement, with a proportionate quantity of meadow land, and the whole well watered. For particulars apply to the fubfcriber, on the premises JEHIEL HAWLEV. Fredericksburgh, March 23, 18 15. FOR SALE ruio RAM. oa. si. UPPER CANADA. George the thirds by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain^ and Ireland, King, defender of the faith. . Where?* the adminiflration of our Government of our Province of Upper Can¬ ada, in the abfence of our Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the faid Province, by our Royal mil ructions has devolved on our Trufty and well beloved Sir Frederick Phiiipfe Robinfon, Knight, Commander of the moft Honoiable Military order of the Bath—Major General Commanding our forces in the faid Province. WE do here- by require and Command all our officers and Minifters Civil and Military and all other inhabitants of our faid Province of Upper Canada, to be obedient, aiding and aflilting unto him the faid Sir Frederick Philipte Robinlon, in the execution of ail and lingu¬ lar, the powers and authorities contained in our Commiflijn to our Governor of our laid Province. In teftimony whereof, WE have caufed thefe our letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Wit nefs our trufty and well beloved Sir Frederick Philipfe Robinfon, Knight Commarider of the . Moft Honorable Military order of the Bath, Major General Commanding our forces within the Province of Upper Can¬ ada and Provisional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thoufand eight hun¬ dred and fifteen, and iifty fifth year cA our Reign. F. P. R. . Wm. Jar vis, Secretary. 6 7. Whereas there is room for eight butch¬ ers flails or benches in the market houfc ;— fuch part of the lame as is not already occu¬ pied fhall be afligncd by lot to the fevcrai butchers def:rou> of occupying the fame, and the occupier fhall immediately erect ftalfa cr benches not exceeding ten fett lung aott feven feet wide, which fhall be uniform. 8. Whereas perfons from the country may require moveable benches Or ftail-^—the fame (hail not exceed feven feet in length and three feet in breadih ; any perfon placing a moveable bench of greater dirncnfioi-s in w market houfe, and negleciing to rernovel!'" fame immediately after die market is ovo. fliall pay a line of five fliliinlgs and & m bench may be dcmoliflitd by order of \te clerk of the market. 9. Everypcrlon fcflingbytffc *e#w, fhall pay a fine of twenty fmtlings, and HK faid weights fliall be deitroyed. 10. All perfons felling proWfionn«'** articles by weight in the market, fliall BP» vide thcmfelves with good fcalcs ^ **Y* regularly ftarnped [within three mouihs »«"• this date, after which if any ptrfon WW weigh with fte^vnrds or weights not W*W lings. - l'n H 11. Whereas it is expedient t„ fome perloh to fee the aforefaid (**]- hen. •cd int0 n is hereby appointed clerk of rV m??>' I> It fliall be the duty of £2£3 i rruul^t to attend to enforce thefe*! •/ regulations vvhichrefpeatC? under the penalty of twenty ft&*JS cry wiiful negledt. ^P** the matke of all 13- He fhall keep a lift 0f A.. . pyrne fixed or moveable *£%&* gyrates whenever the* »• a— , r ma* e*ever they may demand \L V b air, or fhould any perfon damage the (Z e fliall immediately make it tl.,.. T 43 A full blooded Me^ Errquire of the Printer. 1814. 27 Notice 'pHE copartnership heretofore exifting under the firm of ROBINSON ©" HARDY, is this day difTolved by mutual conient-rand it is requefted that all perfons indebted to the faid firm will make immedi. ate payment on or before the 1st day of Sep¬ tember■ n«t, to James Robinfon who isdr/y authonfed to fettle all Debts, Dues and de' mands appertaining to the faid fi.m. JAMES ROBINSON. THOMAS HARDY. Kingston, ^oth June, 1825. c U?ToeCCiVedand f°r :ale M the Printing Office, Kine-A ton, 6 3 * Reams Crown Wraping Pape^r. 31 d'tto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Poft No. ,, Vdum 11 dltto ditto No. 2, 9 /'tto dnt0 UDcut i"k II. 14.- When the market houfe requ/res re. oe &fe fame y make it known to the magiftrates or fome one of them. . 15. He fhalf fee t hat butcher's and others occupying the market houfe, do leave no filth therein, and keep the fame cle3::. 16. He fhall from time to time ex-arflint and fee that all weights-and mtafures marie ufe of in the market place areju.'h. 17. The clerk of the roaiket lhall be«J. lowed the following fees: By every butchsr occupying afixedbencfc or ftail, to be paid quarterly andifl advance twelve Shillings per annum ; By every perfon fceepitfg a moveable bench or flail for felling botchers meat, twelve (liil* lings per annum, or nine ptrice each market day, at the option of fuch perfon. • From' every per fon occupying a place for felling fifh, fix pence per day. rS\ And she clerk fliall fix ata^ie of the above fees in forcve conspkioas place in w market houfe. By, order of the Magiftrates in Sejicns afm> lied, at the town of Kingston, in m MiM dillritl, \yh May, 1811. ALLAN Mc'LEAK GkAff* 5 Peace far the Midland d'tftrfr T NOT1C HE fuolcriptions to Lieut. Colour! Bouchctte's Topographical and Gt» graphical Maps, which were originally Bm at Five Guineas, are now advanced to the London price of Seven Guineas, and fffiJ continue to be received by his agents. April '22, 1815. # THE fubfcriber has for 55 a 53* able traft of Land,fituat«rd in tic hril cod- ceffion cif the townfhip of Fredciukiburg,ad¬ ditional, (being part of the Hamdtead.)--' For further information enquire of B. C. SVEKCER, Admintiritor* Rpc^rfciftargi, Ocl. ji$ iti^

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