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Kingston Gazette, August 1, 1815, p. 1

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' [TUESDAY,, August », 1S15.] [VOLUME V. Kingston, Upper Canada^—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. GENERAL ORDERS. Terms of the Kingston Gazette. • • t Cj*P«.u"£—Fjvr Dar.£jR$ per Annum, ^exclufive of pottage) 7/6 in advance, $f. at rk en j of fix months, and 7/6 at tlac end of the year. P-ice of' bdier.'ijing Ih the Ga?,:iic. Six lines and under, 2/6 iidi in fen ion, and r$j fabluquer.t. Ten lines and under, 3^ firft infertion, and r/8 every (ubfequcnt. Tea lines and Upwards, ArJ, per line firft infertiortj and 2d. pes liw every fncetcding iafertion. Advertifements unaccompanied with writ- ten di-cdions are inUrted till forbid, and charged according!v. 1 "> PS 0/ze Hundred D 0II a rs LOST. YESTERDAY, in Kingfton, betweeh Mr. Patrick Smyth's Store, and the govern¬ ment Wharf for.nerly occupied by the late J- Fotfjth, Efq. or between that and the ■t'lza, King- oft* at anchor, a Black Morocco racket Book, containing eight Fifty dcl- ^ Bilh, dated about the lail of Feb. j»l£i together with about fix hundred dol- w»i.& tens and fives ; alio, the ftegi&sr o( «8S Schooner called trre mS&b* •//;« $ and a of NolCi of confide 1 db!e a- "WHiwt* and other papers, which c in be of ■wary, -£e aemfeet no u* to toy one but the owner. Whneve JJU deliver fetd Pocket Book with th er e ....1 "»e> ;«r,d contents therein, at the Printing Mone . "tee, Kiunttoiij or give information wile*.e 11 can be ohiaincd, fltall receive the abov^i reward. hi rib) uuw iv-^.v. *n«* Cta* ( Hasting CwP«f' Uc /<? lull : (US.) w -.Greeting* hath been ed s- (of Amciiasbui'g, '•'• the ) Midland D«sf«&j H»- chant decealed- HE RE AS application . made to our Surrogate Court for the Midlmd District, by David Hencfey, of jywforgbsfotthtt, yecnan, for Letters of Administration of the goods, chattels and credits whkh were of the above name Basting Carpenter, in the Midland Ul triat Thefe are iherefoie to require the next .of kin to the Odd Hastings Carpenter to jpnear before Me on or before the drat day of'September next edfumg, to ihew caUfe, if any they have, why letters of admini-tratton of the goods chattels and ciedits of the faid Having* Carpenter, decerned, (hoiild not be granted to the faid David Hencfey, puriuant to his application as aforefaid. Witnefo my hand and fcal of ofiic-Jthis eighth day of May, one thoufand eight hundred and fifteen* Alexander Fishe*, (Signed) D. Hacerman, Roister. Surrogate 6 KlNGSTOM.'july 17th, l8l C. Difcharged Nou-Commiltnned Officers and Soldiers, who may have been recom¬ mended for receiving Grants of Land, are to repair to Cornwall without delay, & to re¬ port themfelvea to Alexander AP'Domll Efq. fupcrintendant of the Department for Loca¬ ting the new Settler?. By order of His Excellency the Provifional Lieutenant G-ovcrnori F. P. ROBINSON, Sr-c'ry. ANY perfona having any demands a- t gainft the fubferiber are requeued to all and receive their pay ; all thofe that are ttftfeted to him will do well to call & fettle defame immediately,or they will find their accounts lodged in the hands of an attorney »r colleaion. ASA F. RE ID. KinglLon, July 10, to? 15. $tf For Sale, ^ VALUABLE Farm, with buildings and large improvements thereon, fa¬ vorably fituated within 28 miles of Kings- [Qft. Pcrfons dcfirous of purchafing to in- luire of the Printer, Kingston, July xo, I Sic. 5 tf £f Suofcript'wn: for the CANADIAN IJSiTQR WM he received rt tlui Ofi.c? of ike MIL!TARY 3ECRETA?.Y'S OFFICE, KlNGSTON9 »ph July, 18.5. WITH reference to the Gen¬ eral Order of the 6th December 1814, commuuicatinsr the gracious intentions of his Roy¬ al Highneis the Prince Recent, of granting to disbanded Soldiers, locations of Waste Lands and Crown Referves in the Canadas His Excellency Major General Sir Frederick Robins^tj Commanding in the Province of* Upper Canada, directs that the following re„ruLu tions be publiflied, for the infor- mation and guidance of fuch claim¬ ants, who may be desirous of fet* tling in the faid Province. Each Soldier is to be allowed One Hundred Acres of Lan-i, and si to receive his location from the Superintendent, upon his oeing fati. tied that the claimant is oi the deicription, and of the charac¬ ter, to become an ui'eful fevtter. He is to be placed on his land ; the boundaries of which, and the con¬ ditions of his grant, are to be ex¬ pressed in the ticket of location. It is to be clearly undcritood* that the lands held under tnefc grants, canxi'it be aienated ordilpofed of until the grantee lhall have reiided upon and cul ivaied a reafonabie proportion of the fame, tor the *paCe or mice years. Officers will be entitled to a ticket of location in the fir ft In ftancc, for two hundred acrGi of land j upon condition that they caufe a reafonabie proportion of the £une to be cuki\aieci, and do Hot dispofe of it until ihree years after the date of the ticket. Officers and Men are to re* ceive provifions for thetnfeives and lamilies, in fuch proportions as lhall be hereafter Ipecified, for one yean Implements of husbandry and 0 tools, wili a'fo be fupplied to them in fullicient quantities, and othetf comforts according to tne neeefci* ties of the individuals. WitHa view to tarry into foil effedthe intendonsof hisMajdly's Government on this head, his Ex¬ cellency has been pleated to ap¬ point ALEXANDER MfDONELL9&q. To be cVaperintendant. His Excellency has alfo been pkafedto appoint Lieut. ANGUS IV^DOiNELL, of the Gifngary • Light Infantry lenciiJes, with the pay of 25 6 J army lter;ing perjday, in addition to the full pay of his commission in the arihy, to be ftationed at the depot at Cornwall* to receive and take charge of the fettleis. This appointment to take place from the 25th ultimo* and to continue until further or- Lieut. M'Donell will proceed immediately to Cornw^l, ife'lf under the orders ot for fuch of thefe men (and their families) as may have received their difcharges in the Upper Province. j0i* His Excellency*^ Command. WILLIAM GlBSONE, Acting Military Secretary. 7W3 ADVERTISEMENT* 4 WHEREAS fome perfon having ob¬ tained from my late wife, Rebecca Auitin, by Clande'rine mearts, a grant of a certain i_.ot of Land in Loughborough, granted by government to her late husband William i*eikils (which loth now the prop¬ erty of her Ion William Perkifs) any pcrforl who will give information where the faid deed may be found (hall be handlomely re¬ warded, as the fubfertber n fully convinced it was obtained whe-n from wcaknefo and other dtfrrfts me wa3 not compos mentis; and had not privaie enemies taken advan¬ tage of her deianged (late of mind in giving; her bad adv.iee, with a view to their own emolument, both the lot above mentioned 2nd that in town would have been improved fome hundreds of pounds more in value than they arc at prefent, and if the per- foti holding the above mentioned deed will but come forward and ih<>w in what in (lance, my late wife or her fon has been in any wile neglcrfb.'d fo as authorizes hihOr her keeping the faid deed they will fnve ihemlr/lves from being proiecutedi to the utmoit rieour of ihe law. And any ( erlons turbor'n^ cr detaining the above laid William FefkilV after '.he date hereof will be piolecuted by the fuhferiber. JOHN AUSTIN. Ivingfton,, July 25. 1815. ,7 3VV Notice* A LL p'rfons indebted ti> the fubferit-er XjL by ^ote or li(,<)^ accounts are called on 10 make payment the iirll of September next. JAMES CUNNINGHAM. Kingfton, July 17th 1815. 6w$ 'HE Public aie refpeclfully informed that the tft and 2d numbersor the Canadian Visitor, announced lalt Spiing, arc ready for filb- fetibcrs^ at thi ^Ofiice. Kin»llon July k8. For Sale A i ly, the Nt) pofTeffiott given immediate Leafe of a Stone Houfe. pleaialuly fituated in ICtngilon. apply to Mr. Sam¬ uel Mern'11, or Moses Drake. K'm^toh, July tfr, 1815 6 P O E T R Y. SELECTED* * ' and ace him thefuperi-.tendan;.- 'All applications on the part ot claimants tor lands,in Up** Lan- ada, are to be made umd tur.hcr Notice, to ihe ofiuevm charge of the depot at Cornwall, ordeved,onap;<lvcat:onat the o. ftce of the 0;uart«r iviaitei Genexal Beyond the tulip's gaudy (hades, A ray that beams for ever. There is a charm furprifing art, That fpeaks in every feature, That twines around the feeling heart. It is thy charm, O Nature. Then flranger, if thou fain would'ft find. The rofe no llcfm c*n fever, Go feck it, ttranger, in the mind, The lay that beams for ever. DIVERSITY. * AN ODE. By Bishop tioasB. The fentimtnt from the Divine MerltTh Sweet d?.y. fo cbolj fo calrtij fo bright, BridaUf earth and fity, The dew shall weep thy fall to nightj For thou> alas 1 mull die. Sweet rofe, in ah whofe odours wave, A nd colore charm the eye, Thy roi>t fa ever in its grave, for thou, alas i ?.nuji die, S^veet Spring of days and refs madr^ Whofe charms for beauty vie, Thy days depart, thy rofes fade, Thou too* alas ! utuft die. Be wife, tnen,chrifti£n, while yotr may. For fwiftly time is flying, The thoughtlefs mar,, tha|t laughs to day, To-morrow may be dying. We do f.ot recolka the time when the reader ha? been treated with a more exquii- it article tuair the following : THE RAY THAT BEAMS TOR EVER. Tneve is a" hlolTom that never fades, • /^ rofe no ten can fever, The following ^ughable iricident occtirr* ed lately at a h«ttl in Bmilels :-—A French^ man wanting the fervices of the houfe bar* ber, who wasdreaing fome other gentlemen* became impntientj and diiturbed the whole honfe with his clamor. Some Germans en* gaged in important bufmefs in an adjoining room,found it imp. ilibie to proceed, wheri one of them, a wag, who could bear the an¬ noyance no longer, told his friends he would leitore tranquility. He borrowed the wai¬ ter's jacket and apron, and matching up an old rufty razor, which had long been degra* ded co the humiliating office of paring nails and corn cutting, prelented himfclf before the enraged Frenchman, and with man? icrapes and apologetic grimaces, declared he had left the head of my lord, tout daan- gee, tc attend on him ; will Monfiguieur be pieaicd to fit down > The Frenchman, fome- what appeafed at this, complied ; his fea¬ tures were foon b iried in foap ; he murium- ed but from obvious reafons dared not open his mouth to complain ; the razor was pro¬ duced and grubed over his chin with no very light hand. " Sacra Dieu '" cried the Frenchman, after bearing a few hVkea with patience, *' what ae you ab»ut ?"— '* Tenez,'* faiJ the operator, and with great gravity began to ttiaipen ihe inurnment 00 his, (h..e. He returned to the taik, and after the fctuptng I'fFthe foap, drawing more wa¬ ter fiom hla eyes than hair from his chin, he made a low bow and retreated. At dinner, T on for placed himteif oppofite to hi* cuf- tomer. The Frenchman focn recognized his tormentor, and whifpered to his neigh¬ bor* " Par bleu 1 there is thefell-w that (haved me this morni.g.'* " Impofiible," rejoined the other, " they would not admit the barber to the table d'hotcL" I'll be fatisfiedi however, ' added his friend, and ad- dreffing himfe'.f to the wag laid, " 1 think, fir, 1 have had lh&pkdfu?e of feeing y -u be¬ fore " u Ye.s fir,," replied th'- other wuh a bow, •* no longer ago than thi^ n-.o-ning, Wht^ t had the pleafule of (having you.", - r m * * * • Lord Howe, whiUl admiral of the chan¬ nel fket, was at One time fo unpopular in the Navy i from his fuppofed Jkyhefs, that thtf Officers of his own (hip declined to drink his health at their mefs. , This wis a fort of a rhordhcation to the Chaplain, a Proto- gee of his Lordfhip's who took the ingeniu oi.s mode of doing it in t>>c following way : -—When called upon for a road, he faid—- m if you pleaie gentiemdn, f*11 gin >ou the t&ojirjl words of the third Pjaimf>y which was immediately diank. On referring to the book, it was discovered that the word* were** Lord \ How." After the glorious firft of June, the above w«*S ihe favorite toaft throughout the Navy. Gerrhdny.—In conrtruftingr a caufeway in he County of Hunt, an enormous (koht -n. of a Mammoth has been difcovcred ; and nt the fame ttstm &% fofiil looth °^ an ele* pliant. 0. ■ TALL REGIMENT In the review*-.-f hi? tall regiment, Fred- cmk was frequently, attended hy for ign miat'fteffc Wlieli the ambaiiadors irom Tra,,.-, Strain, and England were pre lent; he aiived them whether an equcl number of their countrymen would efceage with thele gigantic fotiler: I The ambalfedotiof France and S]»ain anlwered the quett.on in the^ efm, while the Epglifh an.bahadcr, w h a fr.iiit th.«aawrillic of his nation, replied.- •« 1 eanam, f.ir," faid he, w take upon rr-c to a&rt that an equal nun her cf n.y coj^ trvrren wou!d 6«rat them, hut ihu I th»- k ^ may venture Lu »&&, t^t half tU uumba 1 r>:t • Tjouldtry ! I MAXIM-— I advife fc*id vIf,t tn>' rc' relation,; and friends; M alfo advilc tket cot toli^e t«q near toettfc, *

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