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Kingston Gazette, July 25, 1815, p. 4

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Wanted, OR the Public Service, at Ktngfton, Point Frederick aad Point Henry, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, to be delivered during the months of July, Aagnft and September following. P' rC.ns diipoled to contract for the whole or a reafona{>le proportion of the above quan¬ tity will be careful to exprefs in the body of their tender the precife periods of delivery ; audit is to be undeiltood that no piopolal ""Will be accepted unlefs the names of two ref- pcctuble pcrfons ar* given as fee unties for the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 1 2th July next. $j Commijfartat OJ/Ice, Kingston, %Oih June, 1815 Wanted FOR the fupply of His Majefly's Forces at this Pott, From 11 to i55ooo pounds of good Merchantable FRESH BEiiF * per Week. Deliveries to commence on the id of An- gujl ricxt, and to be continued until the lad day of November following* . Proposals for the above fupply will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the 15th lnPant ; en which day perfons having tendered will be m&de acquainted with the reiult of their propofals. Commifariat Office, 5tf Kingston, §bih June, 1815. Naval Storekeeper's Office, Kins t on t \otb July, 1815. I5ER5ONS defirous of contracting to de¬ liver it» any fpecified quantity of White Oak and Pine Timber, prior to ilie clofing of the navigation, in or out of the water, at Point Frederick, to be inch Timber a^ is fit¬ ted for the Quebec market to export, are reuuclted*io fend in Tenders by the 22d in- ftant—at which time contracts will be en¬ tered into. EDWp, LAWS, 5rf Naval Storekeeper, f~pHE fubienbep has taken from an Indian, a Pocket Book, which appears to be¬ long to Fnfijrn Jnhn Kiiborn—it contains JfeveraJ papers. The owner may have h by paying foi this advertiCcment, and calling »P<«i JOHN FERGUSON. * July 5,1815. 5.3vr fc B. WHITNEY. BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has taken the houfe N". 116 St. Paul's Street, formerly occu¬ pied by Mr. Wool rich ; where he is row epening, and offers for iale by Wholesale ■ I » ciny An Assortment of English GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE s Superfine and low priced Broad Clothes, Ditto ditto Kerfeymeres, Stockinett, Bine, Grey and Drab Wellington Cords, Fancy veftings, Black Bombazetts, Superfine and low priced Prints, White and Black Cambrics, Cotton Shirtings, Cotton Shawls, Romal Handkerchiefs, Colored Nankeen?—Grandtirela, Jvlen's Cotton tSockd, Men's White Cotton and black Worfted Hose, . Women's ditto , d:'tt^> ditto Men's Beaver and Buckfkrn Gloves, Ladie's Beaver and Kid ditto. Cotton Laces, Silk and Twill—Pins, Sec. Src. And ex peel by the iirft arrivals from Eng¬ land a further fupply which will render his afiortment in his line quite complete* As the above GOODS have been pur- chafed with Cafh by an agent in England, and will be fold at a very fmall advance, they will probably be found as low as can be pui- chafed in Canada. Montreal, June 23.1815". 5tf Rules & Regu 1 V s •• M/h ed in the town of Kingston ARTICLE I. THAT the fquare between St. George's Church and the river, in the town of King- fton, (hall be the Market place, wfiere all butchers meat, butter,eggs, poultry, tifii and vegetables, (hall be expoied to iale. 2. That every day in the year lhall be a market J*y, except Cluilimas, Good Friday and Sundays. 3 That no perfon fhall fell butcher's meat, butter, ceps. poultry, hill or vegeta- bles,fiom the hour of fix in the morning till the hour of four in the afternnoon, except in the market, under the penalty of live {hil¬ lings. 4. That no pet Ton Avail kill calves or oth¬ er animals in the market place, or gut iifh, or empty bellies or guts of animals therein, ixnder the penary of rive millings. 5. That no perfon fhall cxpofe for fale any tainted meat or tiih, in the market place, under the penalty of rive ihillings, befides forfeiture of the fame, on view ot one juliice. • 6. That no perfon fhall expole fiih for fale within the two floored Icjuafes of ihe market houfe, but they may be expoied for iale in the intermediate fpace, upon board* or ben¬ ches. ' 1 THE West hall of lot number ninetf en in the feeond conceflion of the townfhip of J&ingftdn, Apply to the Printer. Kingston, Jvh .10, iS 15. ' 5 *& For Sale, Sett of BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. A Inquire of J. Bennett Kingston, July II I 8 15. 5»' HE fubferiber refpeSfuily informs his friends and the public, that he has commenced the Tin Plate Manufactory clofe to the Royal Artillery Barrack.^-He returns thanks to the Public for their en¬ couragement fince his commencement in bufinefs, and thofe who m?.y favor him with their cuttorn may depend upon having their work well done, with neatnefs and deipatch. (Tj* An Apprentice wanted to the above bufmefs. - James Meagher. Kingfton, June 28, 1815. Wanted Immediately, A COOK, Chamber Maid and Kitchen Maid.—None need apply unlefs well recommended—Inquire at R. Walk¬ er's Kingfton Hotel. 4 7. Whereas there is room fc r etgot butch- Kingston, April 29, 1815. ers ilalis or benches in trie market houfe ;—• *------------------------------------ 48 may Whoever will deliver laid horfe to th, ienber, or ^;ve information where he by found, mail behandiomely rewarded. Nicholas Morin", T_. Inn Keeper. . Kingflon, July 6,1815. 5-3w Wanton nr Fa v OR the Canadian Reg'ment, two Sub- ft.tures. They mall receive Eight Founds each, on approval-Applieatfon n,ybeniadcloM lL W*mZfrihi peiiou thai wdnth tl,tm. Kingttoo, lunc 30, 1815. fuch part of the lame as is r.ot already occu¬ pied mail be afligned by lot to the feveral butchers defirous of occupying the lame, and the occupier lhall immediately erect ilalis or benches not exceeding; ten feet long ard kven feet wide, which iha!! be uniform. 8. Whertas perfons from the country may require moveable benches or Hall*—the fame lhall not exceed feven feet in length and three feet in bread;h ; any perfon placing a moveable bench of greaier dimensions in the market houfe, and neglecllnSC to remove the ame inrmeaiaiely stftei the maiket is over, lhall pay a line of five fnliiings and the faid bench may be demolilhcd by order of the clerk of the maiket. 9. Everyperion felling by faUe weights, fhall pay a fine of twenty (hitlings, and the fa:d weights fhall be deritoyed. 10. All pei Ions felling provifions or other articles by weight in the market, lhall pro- vide tbemfelves with good kales & weights, regularly (tamped [within three months from this date, after which if any perfon lhall there ^'tigti with fteeJyards or weights not !tt;;;V.p* ed) fuch perfon ih^il pay a line of tern mil¬ lings. i£. Whereas it is expedient to apipoint fome perfon to fee the arorefaid rulew and regulations, or any other that may be here¬ after made relative to the market carried into efTed : James Adams, of \ he town of King- iton is hereby appointed clerk of the market* 12. It fmill be the duty of the cle^k of the market to attend to enforce the execution oi all regulations which refpett. the Blanket, under the penalty of twenty fhiiiings £ur ev- ciy wilful neglect. . ' • 13. He mail keep a lift of the perfens oc¬ cupying fixed or moveable (tails or benches which he fhall be ready to render <o t.hie ma- gillrates whenever they may demand m 14. When the market houfe requires re- pair, or mould any perfon damage the fame he (hail immediately make it known fro the magistrates or fome one of them. 15. He fhail lee that butcher'« and -others occupying the market houfe, do tame no filth therein, and keep the lame clean.. 16. He fhall from time to time examine and fee thai ail weights and meafures made ufe eftfi the market place a*ejuft. 17. The clerk cf the ma.'ket lhall be al¬ lowed the folio wing fees : By every butcher occupying a fixed bench or (tail, to be paid quarterly and in advance twelve millings per annum ; By every perfon keeping a moveable bench or (iall lor felling butchers meat, twelve fciU lings per annum, or nine pence each m>a:ket day, at the option of fuch perfon. From every perfon occupying a plfecefor telling fifh, fix pence per day. 18. And the clerk (hall fix a table f$ the above fees in lome com,picious place tin the market houfe. By order of the Magiffrates in Sejionr ($ftt« bled, at the town of Kingston^ in ihe Midland dijlricl, 13/i May, 181 f. ALLAN Mc'LEAN, CM °f the 5 Peace for the Midland di/l^id. ke Not T'HAT whereas DAN E. ALLEtf figned a certain Contract with the peputy Barrack Mafter General, for buil¬ ding a large Store Houfe and Hofpitai for \he ufe of Government, for the fulfilment of yvhich the fubferibers became fecurity, as al- fo have advanced a large fum of their own private property, with engagements for pay¬ ment of fome Goods in Kingfton to forward the above Buildings— This is therefore to requcft Government, grany other perfon, not to make any further- I lyment on the above BuiMings, until a fet- tlcment is made, and lawful Biils paid oiT. ELI KMONS, ROBERT YOUNG. __Kingston, June \ 8, 18 [ 5. 31f THE fubferiber has now on hand, m>\ intends keeping ready for fale, an aflbrt- mcut of Saddles 1 Bridles, Whips an d with other articles tifually kept in h's line. His prefent means of obtaining workmen and Hock, will enable hirn to icil much lowc wer than formerly. Repairing done on fliort notice. A. METCALF. King .'Ion, June 12, 1815. 2 Land for S THE fubferiber offers for fale the Weft half of Lot No. 7, in the fourth and fifth eouetfiton of the townfhip of Lough¬ borough, with 50 or 60 acres under good improvement, and a good (land for any pub¬ lic buiinefs. I MICHAEL SLOOT. Loughborough^ June \z, 18 15. Wanted Immediately>, AS an apprentice to the Printing Bull* nefs, a Lad from 14 to 16 years of age. Oneoflleady habits will meet with good encouragement by applying at this Of¬ fice. "June 17, r.8|C/, Kingston Packet, JAMES CHAPMAN, Captain. T*HIS veflcl will fail regularly from Kingston to Sackett's lldrbor. She will leave Kingfton every Monday, Wednes¬ day and Friday, and Sackeit's Harbor eve- ry or her day in the week. The price will be 7wo Dollars for each paiTenger, Kingston, May it, 1815. tJPPER CANADA, To our beloved and faithful Lcaifl,,,- ounldiors or our Province of ijpper Canada, cud to our Knights* Citbcaa -InJ Burgeffes of our laid Province, to our Provincial Parliament, at our town of Yoik, on the thirtieth day of June, tt> be commenced, held, called and elected aa4 to every of yon, GREETING, WHEREAS by our Proclamatioa bearing date the Eighteenth day cf May laft, WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue* our Piovineial Parliament, to the THiR. T1ETH day of June nest, at which time at our town of York, you were held and conftraified td appear. But WE, taking into cur Royal confideracion,.the eafe and conveniance of our loving fubjedta, have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council, to relieve you, and each of you, of your attendance at tue time a- forefaid, hereby convoking, and by thefc prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the EIGHTH day of Augult next, you meet U3 in our Provincial Parliamci.t, at our town of York, there to take into conftderation, the ftate and welfare of ouf Province of Upper Canada, and thereia to do d.6 may feem neceffary. In. teftimony whereif, we have canted thefc our Letters to. be mide patent, and the great Seal of our laid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witncfs our truily and well beloved Sir Fiedciik Fhilipfe Robi'.fon, Knight, Comman¬ der of the mod Honor able Military order of the Bath—M^jor General commanding our forces, within the Province of Upper Canada, and Pro vifional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, this hi if day of July, one thoufand eight hundred and fifteen;, and fifty fifth ytar of our reiVn. ; f. P. R. Wm. Jarvis, Secretary* * UPPER CANADA. George the third, I t God, of the United Kingdom i Or* Britm, ani # f Go King, defender »f the fat* UowniBcn of m hwSbee rf n of •* ada. in the abfence of U1,r n pperU. our G Litotenait Governor of tfce (-■'! ""or M by our Roy.l iuitrudfona has 1 , ""- oar Truily a„d we!, beloved ^ ^ °" the mo.1 I liable J&SJ3** Major General~1g£*** W l *> here. Bath forces in the faid Pmvmcfc vv, , , by remnr« and Command all oumffi; **■ Mint era Cnil and Milm:ry J**-! mhabnants of our faid P„;vlnce '" * Canada, to be obedient, aiA'ne s J SP unto him the faid Si fi^g *" Robinfon, i„ the .xecation 3^3* lar,tl,epOwu8 a„d authorities"' our Comm,fl„,„ to our Governor 7" faid Province. l m lnteftimony whereof, WE k* csr« thefc our letters So be msde Pat J 1 hereunto affixed. Wftnefs our nl • fdjf Wjfi p Frederick Ph,iiP^ Kobm^n, Kmght Commander ,f i Molt Honorabie Military order of rb Bath, Major General CommandiV/ our forcea wnhir^the Province of Upper Can. !a and Provisional Lieutenant Gorcruor of out faid Province at York, thi.« thinf. eth day of June, one thoufand ri-ht hun- dred and fifteen, and fifty fifth yartf aca our Reion. o F. P. R. W M. J a R v I s, Secretary. 5 *JUi N otice ?otf R ^ags i ! Rags ! i> O'i ICE. THE fublctiptions to Lieut. C-'olonel fioucbttte'a Topogr^hical ami' Co- truncal Maps, which ivc.c originally lixed at t,vc Guineas, are now advanced ito the London pace of ticven Gumws, an.d will continue to be received by hi. a.rents. M_£f2l%2> l8'5- 47 THE fubfcril^r has for fale a Hda* abU tract of Land, fituated in the lir((t con- ceflK>n of the townfhip of FredeMclcibuf'g, ad- d.tional (bemg part of the Hamciteaid.) rot iu. ci.er inform ation enquire of B. C St'KNCLR, Mmmtrvt*. lKGericklhurwli, Oct. jL, ,», . ,„ Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN" COTTON AND LINEN . R AG5 AT THIS OFFICE. TrrnA QUANTITY OF WRIIING PAPER Of Quality No. , and No. 2, 1 oX Saib 41 rim Omen. 1'« mUiC "«• ** « 'ic OJi« of,I ) ' I ■'HE copaitncfnip hcre'ofore ex id iiijj under the fum of ROSINSON 6" HARDY, is this day diffolvcd by mutual emih-nt—and it is requeued that allperfoc! indebted to the faid fii m will nvke imW& ate payment o.i '.r before the isf day ofSep- tember iifxt, to James Robiafiw '.vho isdJy autliorifed to fettle all Debts, Dues and lit- manda appertainiug to the faid (iira. JAMES RO'BINSOR THOMAS HARD5& Kinyt'm, 30//1 June, IH35. ' UST received and for s.ile a« the Printing GmcE, Ki# ton, 31 Reams Crown Wf$$%.f*f#l 31 ditto Cup <litio 2 ditto Writing Poll No. I. rm 1 1 ditto ditto No. 2, 9 ditto diitu uncut* lu.'v 11. _

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