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Kingston Gazette, July 18, 1815, p. 4

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Wanted FOR the Public Service, at Kingfton, Point Frederick and Point Henry, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, to be delivered during the months of July, Auguft and September following. Perfons difpofed to contrad for the whole or a reafonable proportion of the above quan¬ tity will be careful to exprefs in the body of their tender the precife periods of delivery ; and it is to be understood that no propofal will be accepted unlefs the names of two ref- pe&able perfons are given as feenrities for the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 12th July next. Comm'iffariat Office 9 Ctf Kingston, $Oth June, 1815. Wanted, FOR the fupply of His Majefty's Forces at this Poft, From 12 to 15,000 pounds of good Merchantable FRESH BEEF per Week. Deliveries to commence on the iftot Au~ guji next, and to be continued until the lad day of November following. Propofals for the above fupply will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the 15th inftant ; on which day perfons having tendered will be made acquainted with the refult of their fals. Cotnmiffariat Office, 5tf Kingston, $oth June, 181 c. Naval Storekeeper's Office, Kinston, \oth July, 1815. PERSONS defirous cf contraaing to de- live in any fpecified quantity of White Oak. and Pine Timber, prior to the clofing of the navigation, in or out of the water, at Point Frederick, to be fuch Timber as is fit- ted for the Quebec market to export, are requeued to fend in Tenders by the 22d in¬ ftant—at which time contracts will be en¬ tered into. EDVVd. laws, 5tf Naval Storekeeper, , ENDEU'S will be received by the __ agent of the " Navy Hofpital," on or before the 20th of July for victualing the officers, labourers and patients of that eltab- lilhment for fix months from the 24th of ^uguftnext. . Terms of the contract may be feen at the agents Office in the Dock Yard. Point Frederick, I ft July, 181 C. ftf HPHE fubJcriber has taken from an Indian, a Pocket Book, which appears to be¬ long to Enfign John Kilborn—it contains feveral papers. The owner may have it by paying for this advei tifement, and calling, upon JOHN FERGUSON. July 5, 1815'. 5-3w B. WHITNEY. BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has taken the houfe Ho. 116 St. Paul's Street, formerly occu¬ pied by Mr. Woolrich ; where he is now opening, and offers forfale by Wholesale only— An Assortment of English GOODS, 1 AMONG, WHICH ARE : Superfine and low priced Broad Clothes, Ditto ditto Kerfeymeres, Stockinett, Blue> Grey and Drab Wellington Cords, Fancy veftings, Black Bombazetts, • Superfine and low priced Prints, White and Black Cambrics, • Cotton Shirtings, Cotton Shawls, ' Romal Handkerchiefs, Colored Nankeens—Gras>durel8, Men's Cotton Socks, / Men's White Cotton and' black Worfted , Hose, Women's ditto ditto ditto Men's Beaver and Buck/kin Gloves, - Ladie's Beaver and Krd ditto. Cotton Laces, Silk and Twift—Pins, &c. Sic. And exped by the firft arrivals from Eng¬ land a further fupply which will render his affortment in his line quite complete. As the above GOODS have been pur- chafed with Cam by an agent in England, and will be fold at a very fmah1 advance, they wr' probably be found as low as can be pur- chafed in Canada. Montreal, June 2 3, r 81 £. , gfcf STRAYED from Kingfton, about two mouths ago, a young dark grey Horfe. Whoever will deliver faid horfe to the fub¬ fcriber, or give information where he may by found, fiiall behandfomely rewarded. Nicholas Morin, Inn Keeper. Kingfton, July 6,18/5, 5-$w Rules & Regulations, Relative to the MARKET ejlablijh- ed in the town of Kingston. ARTICLE I. THAT the fquare between St. George's Church and the river, in the town of King¬ fton, (hall be the Market place, where all butchers meat, butter,eggs, poultry, fi(h and vegetables, fliall be expofed to fale. 2 That every day in the year {hall be a market day, except Chriilmas, Good Friday and Sundays. 3 That no perfon fljall fell butcher's meat, butter, egg?, poultry, fiih or vegeta¬ bles, from the hour of fix in the morning till the hour of four in the afternnoon, except in the market, under the penalty of five (hil¬ lings. 4. That no perfon fliall kill calves or oth¬ er animals in the market place, or gut fifh, or empty bellies or guts of animals therein, under the penaly of five millings. 5. That no perfon (hall expofe for fale any tainted meat or fifh, in the market place, under the penalty or five (hillings, brfides forfeiture of the fame, on view of onejuitiee. 6. That no perfon (hall expofe fifh for fale within the two floored fquares of the market houfe, but they may be expofed for fale in the intermediate fpace, upon boards or ben¬ ches. 7. Whereas there is room for eight butch¬ ers llalls or benches in the market houfe ;— fuch part of the fame as is not already occu¬ pied fliall be affigned by lot to the feveral butchers defirous of Occupying the fame, and the occupier (hall immediately erect llalls or benches not exceeding ten feet long and feven feet wide, which ihallbe uniform. 8. Wh.en.as perfons from the country may require moveable benches or ftalls—the fame fliall not exceed feven feet in length and three feet in breadth ; any perfon placing a moveable bench of greater dimenfions in the market houfe, and neglecting to remove the fame immediately aftei the market is over, (hall pay a fine of five (hlilings and the faid bench may be dtrmolifhed by order ot the elerk of the market. 9. Every perfon felling by falfe weights, mall pay a fine of twenty fhitlings, and the faid weights (hall be dellroyed. 10. All perfons felling proWfions or other articles by Weight in the market, (hall pro¬ vide themfelves with good fcales & weights, regularly (lamped [within three months from this date, after which if any perfon fliall there weigh with fteelyard* or weight* not ft»n>,'pi. ed) fuch perfon fhall pay a fine of ten fh,j|_ •lings. i 1. Whereas it is expedient to appoint fome perfon to fee the aforefaid rules a()(] regulations, or any other that may be heye. after made relative to the market carried h\lo effect : James Adams, of the town of Ki^o-. (ton is hereby appointed clerk of the market, 12. It fhall be the duty of the e'erk 0f the market to attend to enforce the execution of all regulations which refpect the market, under the penalty of twenty /hillings for ^.v. ery wilful neglect. 13. He (hall keep a lift of the perfons ^CJ cupying fixed or moveable ftalls or benches which he fhall be ready to render to the t^a- giftrates whenccr they may demand it. 14. When the market houfe requ/res re¬ pair, or fhould any perfon damage the fame he fliall immediately make it known to the magistrates or fome one of them. 15 He mall fee that butc'hei's and others occupying the market houfe, do leave no filth therein, and keep the fame clean* 16. He fhall from time to time examine and fee that all weights and meafures made ufe-of in the market place are juft. 17. The clerk of the maiket (hall be al¬ lowed the following fees : ' By every butcher occupying a fixed bench or flail, to be paid quarterly and in advance twelve (hillings peranoum ; By every perfon keeping a moveable bench or flail for felling butchers meat, twelve Ihil- tags per annum, or nine pence each market day, at the option of fuch perfon. From every perfon occupying a place for felling fifh, fix pence per day. 18. And the clerk fhall fix a table of the above fees in fome conspicuous place in the market houfe. By order of the Magiflrates in Scjfions njjem- bled, at the town of Kingston, in the Midland diflrid, \$th May, 18 n. ALLAN Mc'LEAN, Clerk 6/ the 3 ________Peace for the Midland d'lflria. NOTICE. THE fubferfptions to Lieut. Colonel Boucherte's Topographical and Geo¬ graphical Maps, which were originally nxed at Five Guineas, are now advanced to the London price of Seven Guineas, and will continue to be received by his agents. April 22, 10*15. 47 THE fubfcriber has for fale a valu¬ able traa of Land, fituated in the firft con- C'-flion of the townfhip of Frederickihurg, ad¬ ditional, (being part of the HameuW) — For further information enquire or* B. C. SPENCER, Administer. Frederick/burgh, Oct. 31, 1814. 39 Kingston Dock Yard, \*lth Jvne, lS«)» EQUlREDfortheufe of the Naval Yard, the undermentioned articles, 6o,000 8,000 Bufliels. do. For Sale Bricks, Lime Sand 4>00° Shingles, 34,000 To commence the delivery of the above mentioned articles immediately^ and to con¬ tinue (weekly) by fuch quantities as fna.I be direaed by ibe Commiffioner, or Urii- cers of the Dock Yard. Propofals to be delivered into the Naval Store Keeper's Office, Point F.edenck. 4 Notice. Tf7HEREASa Mare of a bright bay VV color, a white ftar in her forehead, fwitch tail, and a few white fpots on her back, broke into my enclofure at Adolphus- town on Friday laft, and whereas Willct Ca- fey did unlawfully and without myconfent, remove the faid Mare from the faid enclo- fure—This is to inform the owner where (lie may be found, having good reafon to fuppofe that the faid Mare does not belong to Mr. Cafey, and fearing that he will con- fider it of too little conieqtience to inform the owner where flic mav be found. BENJ'a. CLAPP. Kingfton, 28th June, 1815. 4W3P THE fubfcriber begs leave to inform the public that he has moved from his former (land in the country to his place iti town, oppofite the Indian Point, where he intends to open his Public Houfe for the remainder of the prefent year. Wm. McLAUGHLEN. Kingfton, June 29, 1815. 4 BROKE into" the~enc!ofure of the fubfcriber on Wednefday, the 31ft May, a d^rk bay Horfe. a ftar in his forehead---- The owner is requefted to prove properly, pay charges, and take him away. EB1N BENNET. Erneft Town, June 3, 1815. Itf • For Sale *yHE West half of lot number nihr-,. j. * the fecond concern of the tom^ 4 KmgUon. Apply to the Printer. Kingston, July 10, 1815. Stf A FAST failing Schooner lying at Sackets Harbor, about 60 ton*bur¬ then. She has undergone a thorough re¬ pair, and coiked from keel to gunnel, and is tight ; her Sails and Rigging new, and in complete order. She was b«t|t in Kingfton, %?$ Was <caM the Efczdtetbt vf &&&■"">, when captured by the Americans.—Any perfon wiChing to pmehafe, will call upoo George Armjlrong or Ccpt. Vaughn. Sacket's Harbor, June 26, 181 c. 4 Wanting, OR the Canadian Regiment, two Sub* ftitdtes. They fliall recerve Eight Pounds each, on approval.—Application may be made to Mr. R. Walker, for the perfon that wants them. Kingfton, June 30, i8i£« 4 'Tp'ENDERS will be received by the a- JL gent of Cue Naval Hofp/tal on or be¬ fore the 5th of July, for building a Store and Wharf m the Dock Yard, Point Fred¬ erick—Likewife two Dwelling Houfes, neai the Naval Hofpital, all to be completed in two months from this date.—Plans of the Buildings imy be feen at the Agent's Office, or with Mr. Kirby, at Kingfton. Kingfton, 24th June, 1815. 4 PERSONS willing to contra^ for en" hrgiztg the Naval Hofpital at Point Frederick, will deliver Sealed Tenders for the fame at the Office of the Agent of Ho£< pitals in the Dock Yard, on or before the- 10th »jf July—where a plan ot the audition Building may be feen. Kingfton, June 28, 181^. 4 TO BE SOLI^ AND pofTeflion given immediately, the eaft half of Lot No. 26, in the 7th ConceiTion of the To*-nfh?p of Fredciicks- burgh—jrbout feventy acres under good im¬ provement, with a proportionate quantity of meadow land, and the whole well watered. For particulars apply to the fubfcriber, on the premies. . JEH1EL HAWLEF. Frederickshurgh, March 23, 181;. 43 FOR SALE—A full" blooded Me- rmo RA M. Enquire of the Printer. oa. 2i# ,814. 57 For Sale, X Sett of BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, * ■ Inquire of J. Bennett. Kingston, July 11 1815. 5tf. T^HE fubfcriber refpeafully informs \L friends and the public, that he has' commenced the orj Tin Plate ManufaB. clofe to the Royal Artillery Barrack__.Ke returns thanks to the Public for their en. couragement fince his commencement in bufinefs, and thofe who may favor him with their cultom may depend Upon having their work well done, with neatnels and defDaic'" \£j- An Apprentice wanted to the afo'vS bufinefs. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingfton, June 28, 1815. a Wanted Immediately, A COOK, Chamber Maid and Kitchen Maid.—^None need apply mki* well recommended.— Inquire at R. Walk- er's Kingfton Hotel. Kingston, April 29, 1815. 48 ^______ Take Notice. T'HAT whereas DAN E. ALWt figned a certain Contrail with the Deputy Barrack Mafttr General, f.,r buil- ding a large Store Houfe and Hofpital for the ufe of Government, for the fulfilment ct which the fubferibers became fecurity, as ai- fo have advanced a largo fum of their owu private property, with engagements for pay* mentoffome Goods in Kingfton to forwaii the above Buildings—<• This is therefore to requeft Government, or any other perfon, not to make any fttltncf payment qn the above Buildings, until?. («* tlement is made, and lawful Dills paid &i" ELI EMONS, ROBERT YOUNG. Kingston, June 18, 18 1 f. ___g? THE fubfcriber has now ontoi and intends keeping ready for fale, an afjor^' nicnt of Saddles, BridhsMfi and Spurs, with other articles ufually kept • ,. .. His prefent means of obtaining vml ** fiock will enabic hi, to & Sg than formerly. UVVCT Repairing done on fhort notice it- a r *t METCALR' Kingfton, June xa, 1815. Land for Sale. • THE fubfcriber offers for fa!e \U Wefl half of Lot No. 7, m tbe fourth J fifth conceMion of the townfhip of L0, l borough, with 50 or 60 acres HnderL improvement, and a good (land for anyL. lie bufinefs. f MICHAEL SLOOT. Loughborough, June 12,1815. j Wanted Immediately, AS an apprentice to the Printing Buf,. nefs, a Lad from 14- to 16 years of age. Oneoffteady habits will meet with good encouragement by applying at this Of. fice-_______________June 17, 1815. - Kingston Packet, JAMES CHAPMAN, Captain, THIS vefTei will fail regularly f.on Kingston to Sactett's Hcrkr. Sfc willJeave Kingfton every Mondav, Wednej. day and Friday, and Sackett'3 rlarboreK* fy other day in the week. The price will be Two Dollars for-each ^* ., • enger. * 1 o Kingston, May 12, 18ly. jotf Rugs i f Q Notice. Gash and the highest price paid fof CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE. TRAYED or Stolen from the pafturet, Jfrflw" um°Utr °f ,,,e Ga"»<'<l"". a bay MORK about fourlcen a„d a half hand* h«h,w«h a find) white Ibrin fer forehead. a K-w Saddle Spots, and 3 fwtch tail, and may be about nine or ten year8 of aKe._ ;^!" £!" ™"«- »er to Mr. AND KE W BRADISH.at Gannoqui, or «'<re infor- -at,on at this Office, lhcre nfe ly be found, wdl be rewarded f„r thcir tryuJe Kir.gtton^ June 26, j81 5. * A QUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. 1 and No. 2, ror Sale at this Omci* Kingston, April 2 2, 181 £ • ♦•? fXj* Sul'fcript'wns VlSl TO H will be rt Kingston Gizei/".

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