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Kingston Gazette, July 11, 1815, p. 1

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i Vr' [TUESDAY, July ii, 1815.] i«r TG ^sr^^n*^ • 1-1 [VOLUME V.------No. 5.] Kingston, Uppi-r Canada—Printed and Pus _____ ——-i ■ -~-»—. —__ f -1 --- _____.______:____________ A' * lished by STEPHEN MILES . e 3«*ftl4- ^ >".' ■a«v v:.'^, ... 7Vr<sw </ //)£ Kingston Gazette, • • • ■ C^pRlCS—//fltf/i Dor.t.iRs \it? Annum, ( xclufive of pottage) jf6 in advance, $f. at the enJ of fix months, and 7/6 at the cud of the year. Pries of athterfffijp hi the (rT%ett£» * Six'in*:R ind under, 2/5 8«*fl ii.ierdon, and \fl ^vcry fubfeqnent. Ten fees and under. 3/4 fir ft infertion, and ]fc> every fiihfeqtu-nr. Te-i lines and upwards, %d. per line finl iofertion, and 2</. per line every fnccecdii'g iiili-rtion. Advertisements unaccompanied wiii. wfit- fon d'r-dions «ve inferted till forbid, and d.argcd 7-x rdifig'y. .maJww.A'.'irr^ jQftEIGN /ATSLI/C£ATC£. « * * • • ■ • 4 * • FURTHER EXTRACTS From Lw&m Paper?) received at the Ojjk'eofthe New-Tork Commer¬ cial /idvertijlr. inzTIMPORT,1NTSTATE P'PER Copyf a Ndf* delivered at V&nna^ bt the Pier)iptfefiti tics of His Mates- ti the Kin% of Naples. :o my %ord C/filereagb, dated zy! December\ 1814. t At the moment when tbeptem- pot?ntiaries of tke I'.u ropean pow- er; a*Tenibfe3 at Vkm a,' in ronfs thence of the treaty of Kvk of d t fl¬ are occupve onnentit s* me e 30th May <au, frith the means or J«* of p.>acc hap;aly cfbibiifiicd in poftk coalitl n, 'us m.udty tue KinS of N»te» torb, would b? kcc. lv aftect- ed it not feeing co*£H da ed at the ^mcnmebyaiolemn aA, he en- nts and relations o< aunty A ho v;ri a vide<i with full powers, neceffary to negociaiedirectlv with the En- jglilh Miniftry. But this _ mjffiort was. productive of no refill^ from the d'fficulUfC thrown in its way by Lord Wiiihm Bentick. How¬ ever, it did not the lefs prove the eagei nefs of the Kitig of Naples to be crO";r»ectcd with E'ap-land. In the mean time the Auflriah Cabinet, feeling >thi extreme im¬ portance of p* eventing the ftrong diverfion which it was in the.pow- er of Ihc Kinf of Naples to male towards the Alps, by dftiung his forces to thofc of FrancAjLer-it from Sraalkalden a. courier to Naples, v\ith the decUration that Auitria and En^and were reaciv to fi™, conjointly with.hisNeapolitan Ma- jefty. a Treaty of Alliance to which all the allied Powers would accede and fnr that purpofe Lord.,Abei> dce^^ Ambiilkdo!; from Ehg'and to the Court of.Vienna, was pro¬ vided with the hecelfary full .pow¬ ers from His R<^yal Hightitra the Prince Recent, and likewise fur- nifIieii^iT.h a formal renu'lcia ion fV'»m Sling Ferdinand of Sici!v of his p'etenfions to the kingdom of Naples Ills.Neap litln mrj-dy d*spatc!i- ed by the f»me courier, full pow¬ ers to his Minifter Plenipotentiary at the Gnu t of Vienna, to fign t.he ire.vty propoicJ by Audrta,, cor-, jointly with England. But a few davs after««^* ^.S — Price Four Dollars per Annum. oreign who repaired himfeif to Naples, and finned, on the third of Februa- ry, 1.S.14. a Convention of Armisr t;cc; with the miniller for f« afiatrs of 111^ majeity the kins of aples. ^ }. . By this Convention there was not ftipukted a ma*e ariniftice, but the equivalent of a (late of peace; as not only it was agreed that there fliould be a- complete ion of hostilities.between the -j*a^ • P-T*f: ce two powers, but it was alio decia- red; that all their ports fliould be open to the trade and the flag of the two nations, fo that England pofitively recomized the Neapoli, It was 1 /• j biides tan ffovernmeni and flag, flipulated, that bet^ve-a t he generals of the Auicrian, Efj^- l\(h and Neapolitip a.rmies, a plan of op ^tatioris, according to which thefe irmies, united for the fame caufe, fliould acl in Italy ; a cor» dition whica eftabUIhedatrue aili- ^ — — ». cellency Lord Caitteitagh with res peel: to his enrragements with the court of Sicily, and he ratified X% Treaty in the aiTurarice EnglaS would accede to it in the fe-mei ; for without that his Neapolitan Majefty might have disoen led with, accepting the modifications propo- fed by. the Engifh iyiinifter ia which Auftria did not take any direcl intereft. ., 1 he King, counting then cm the accefllon of England to her tnaty vvith Auftria, continued His milita¬ ry operations. The Neapolitan- irpops, united with the Englifli & Ar.fli iin troops, displayed the mod briU'ant valour in feveral affairs, Kq details of which are too well the erwaras, on t* ^ |(id commerce wht«h hd){nl be he two crowds o##En;';!ancJ d Na^Fs, with the -re:: ell ben: twecn. the two ci ■,-. v;asobfcr-. efi to their refpedi • c flatcs md {u'ierb. conclude at the fame h'e throne • * From his aceffmm to ire tnronc Ms majefty the King of M%ks fett the importance ;:nd utility >t an imimate union between h$% crown and Great Brit an. AcCO> dingly, whea the Au^bian Cabinet propo> fed to him after thebatre of Lei?* k,bothiniu own name and on ritiih governrru.at, Ifteparto toioin thcpowc:s coalesced for t^ere-eaablifhrncntin Eurpe of ager.eral peace, his majefty the King of Naples did not Leilute one infhnt to order his mmifier plc.'.ipotentiary p.t the Court of Vienna to enter into a negotiation with al! the allies, fo- his uCcefPou to the coalition. And he mm- feftedin the molt unequivocal man- ne»- his eagernefs to enter into a connechoi with England by =ecal- Bngall the French tariff! and trees adverfe toBritiSl comme■■•ce, an ordonnance or the n-hMo^ vember, 5813, a period when all France (lill prefcrved all her pre¬ ponderance in Italy, and could ea- fily exercife vengeance aii.ainit the the 30th December, 1B 13, the.Auf- trian General, Count Ncippei\r Ar¬ rived at Nahles, with fuii powers to conclude and fign the treaty of Aliiance between the. Courts of Naples and Vienna. Ii yed to this plenipotentiary, that the intention of the kins: was to time tk* alU- anee with Auftria and England, \s it had been propofed to him. But M. Dc Neinpertr declared that the treary which he wis mftruct-d to ii'jrn would be C ••minon to England and th^ other allied lowers* it h^. in?* agreed amionor tl^.-m that the O a o he was charged with orders fr m the knslifin ^ovcfi-ment for Lord Bentick, h «r the purpofe of pt^t?ag or Nanles Qu;ef.ed with this declara ion. the ance between England & the kinir- d-ar^ of Naples : itid that alliance basin fact emitted, as the Englijh troops fought wi«h the Neapolitan troops under the orders of the king ; the Enpdilli genet at? C'-n- ccried their Ofi^ratUtfis with his Neapolitan Majeity, to whom his Excellency Lord C aft1, ere a 2; H even < tiered fifeen thoufand fi?Sls from his goveinment, on the aeroaSid made to. hi in by the Neapolitan Plenipot6ntiary« accredice i belldes by the A"*ed Powers. His Ivlajefty the king ol- Naples had already advanoed Id^afirty on the territory of the French Empire and the kingdom of baly •, he had laid here to fort St. Aiuve, & the places of Ancona and Civita Vecc* nia, and he Had forced! the vice- roy, by threatening his tt&rp to quit the line o; the Adige, and to retire behind the Mincio, when he leaiin^dby a despatch from .the Amcrian Cabinet; that the Yreaty of the 1 ith January had not been rati lied. becaufe his Excellency lly .of the ore ihould be the ally »f all the otnc; s ; and that befldfs ins aHop to hoililittcs on the part o Great Britain agataftthekangdod n > and whmng to comply with ...... - c c!e- by 1 en craved y operations 01 &mj9 m* w*^^:ty the king of Naples decided on figns ing.on the i.|th of January, iBi^ a treaty of alliance with Auftria. by which that .power, in guaran: feeing to hi in rie fovereignity o the kingdom or Naples, to ;-ocufe him the (lime guarantee from England.-and from all tp o- ther allied powers, and to allure Kis Neapolitan Maie^y (ent at his Neapolitan majefty an augmen- \ ' the Marquis St. E]- tation of territory wh;oi nngut leto Sicilv to make known to his R Lord Caftlcrcigh had exstnhysJ it, had written notes on it wi: own hand, and fug^efted c&aasrcs^ (a order to render it fuch as Eng¬ land might have no difficult; in accepting h,fo t.at if his Neapol¬ itan Ma] efty accepted the treaty with the ^edifications made in common with \ r.d'-nd, that pov/- er v;ouid equally accept it. d he concurrence of En^and in the treaty as it was of new frame'e! was confirmed by a Note or t&e Auftvian plenipotentiaries, of the 1 oth February, and by a dispatch from his Excei'ency L( rd Cafflfe rcagh to Lord Bentick, dated fr mi .Base, the 22c! January, by which and Lord Wo. Bentinck addref- fed felicitations refoecling theiri to the K.incrlwho on feveral occafi n& expoled his own per fan for the caufe of the coalition. , J}uring the courfe of this cam¬ paign, which ivas terminated by the armiltice conclnded between,- the Vieero) and the Allies in Italy at the very fno.r*ent when the Ne. apohtan army was gong to force Piacenza, after havir?; taker! pof- ie (lion of Modena, Res-^io, Guas- talla, and rarmia 5 His M 'jeliy the Ki g of Naples had received aa autograph Liter from His Majes¬ ty the EmfSeror of Auftiia, wh ch ra-iticd ti;C ireatv ot to 1 ith *i J.mu ry. But ho had been infor¬ med at the ftme time that ihe ac- cefilon proniifed by Ffi^la; d had not rak< n place, becaufe his E\^!«. ?cncy Lo d Cvftlereagh was dcur* qua of deferring theiignatyr • »ra definitive Treaty bct'.yer.n Gi^ac V #1 • I ' Britairj end the kingdom 01 N t- ples. In o*det to find means of iub• m»tting it to the k« owledp-e of the Britiih Pa- Ii mien t, con jointly wnn. fou-e aiTan^ernc't entei^d into with the King of Sicily. Howev- er Ids Excellency did. declare vcr-' bally to the Neapolitan PL nipoteru tiai 5, accredited befides bv the ai- hcd'Powers, that if tM Briufh GoJ ? 1 vernment could not tic that mo¬ ment proceed to the conclufi -n of a treaty with the King of Naples rCftv > 4 T r kmgdom otiNapies. fefeme time ^ «yal itighnefri the Prince Recent « hngLvd, through the organ of ^Excellency Lord W. Bentick, 'ls defire to conclude a treaty ^*h$s Bdtannic Maicftv'. M. imu ntcated V- *ifiot Idie was authorifed to' pals °ver to England, and he was pro- give his kingdom a good military frontier. The treaty was com by the Count de Neipuferg to hii excellency Lord Bentick, minifier plenipo-c-atiary and general com¬ mandant of the forces p his Bnt- anic mm&y in the iVkditeriansan he*enjoined iiim, in coniequence of the conckvfion of the Treaty of Alliance between the Courts of Vienna and Naples, on an under- fiandlng with En»l>nd, to put a *ftnp to the hoftiluies agamfc the kingdom of Naples on the part of Great Bi itain, and to ta* from fentiniems of delicacy to- wards the ( ourt of Sicily^ llis Ma- night p'ace fufticient reliance on the fidelity or England and the wo:d of an Englifii Mimfter, not to. do>abt that the Britiih G vern- ment would haften to conclude a Treaty^ as Cvon as it could, with¬ out violating the erg ^gementscon- ttacled with the Court of.Sicih* His Excellency Lord Cafdereagh^ add^Xthat the BritSh- KIin?^crl aty of had deteimined on coueluding an • armiiiice with the King cf Naples^ becauie he was empowered to dot fo ; that the Englifh Government meafures for, eng^, i to take proper aging the court qf Sicily to act in the fame man- ner. had itsconfent tothee'ngag^ment^ cor traded bv Auftria with hi". Neapolitan Maiefty, and that he-. *• ■ * { * had at the lame rime made ftrong reprefentations to obtain the re- nunrfation froth kin^r Ferdinand L 7 Although the King of Naples of Sicily of his pretentions to the had rcafon to be furprized at this unforefeen and unufual incident, all the he neveriheleis accepted inodilication^ propo&d by his Ex kingdorn of Naples ; but that if he would not renounce, or accept a comp'iifation, His Neapol'tan Majeft) need apprehend nothing

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