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Kingston Gazette, June 20, 1815, p. 2

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Until he came unto the fpot "Wheie v\ inder's forces lay, Th re as the colors flapp?d the air And all the mufic piay'd, Griffin ftopt fhort, as well he might, And :..jvi£S her^is'd Irs head. Up came Monroe and Armftrong too And R ush brought up the hat \ The troopers \ ad'd, and hung tacit head.-, Afham'dthat they were beat. 1 Where are the Britifh ? Winder* where \~** And Cochbum, where is he ? * D'ye you think your men will light, or run, « When they the Britifh fee ?■ * Armftrong, and Rufh, (lay here ••• • ir. camp ; 6 I'm lue you're not afraid : 4 Ourself will now return ; and " 4 Monroe, {hall be our aid. K And Winder, do not fire your sruns, * Nor let your trumpet* play, *1 illwe are urof fight—Forfboth, c My horfe will tun away.' The camp he quits : Monroe and he Vv i h fpeed their ftep^ retrace : An.; foon ihey uain'd the north¬ ern road, So r pid was their pa.e. Then fpeaking to his horfe,he raid, c I am in bafte 'o dine : c,*Iwjsfor your plcafurc I carnc he c ; * You ihA (70 back for ndne% Ah ! lucklefs word, and bootlefs boaii, For which he paid full dear ? Jim as he fpofce, a cannonade l),d roar molt loud and clear. Whereat his lv rfc did fnort, as if He heard a lion roar ; And gaflop'doff withall his might Ao he had done befoie. Awa\ went Madifon—away Went chape u-bras once more; So frighted was the horfe, it fell Much iooner than before. Monroe did ride, and foon they met 5 Thej tried to flop Jim's horfe By feizirg raft the flowing rein. Winch only made .lings worle ; Fo"5 not performing what he meant, nd g adly would have done. He thereby fcar'd theGrifiin more, And ttude him fader run. Away went Madifon—away fvion oewent at hi. heels— Ard, all the while, his lab'rinff b ck b A merry thumping feels. Now at Montgomery his wife O %r of »he window fpied Her gallant hufband, wondhing m u c h lo fee how he did ride. *S op, ftnn! your Highnefs, here's the houfe,' They all at once did roar ; * Here at Montgom'ry you're as fafe 6 As ten miles off or more !' c Stop him, Monroe 1 Here's fitter Cutt* * I he Girls and Cults andl ; •The dinners cold, and WW tirM?' Monroe fays,* So am V But neither horfe, nor James a whit Inciin'd to tarry there ; For why ?—-the diftant cannon¬ ade Was rumbling in his rear. So like an arrow fwift he flew, Shot from an archer's bow % So did he fiv—fo after him As fwitt did fly Monroe. Six gentlemen upon the road Beheld our General tide— Monroe behind—thechapeuugon% Ihe broaci/'lcord by his fide- 8 What News? What News ? your. Highnefs ! fiy V Not one of them was mute ; He pafs'd right on—they, one & all. Soon join'd in the purfuit. But all the windows on the road Flew open in fhort fpace ; The w; men thinking, I fuppofe, Our General rode Exbreu : el And fo he did ; for he fifft b^re The news to Frederickftown t Nor ftupt, from where he fir ft got up, Till he again got down. Now Ion? live Madifon. the brave! Arid . rrnftrong, long live he! And Rufh ! and Cutis ! Monroe and Jones, And Doily, long live She ! And when—their Country's caufe at Jtake, OurGenefal 2nd Monroe Next take the field, to lead our troops Againit the invading foe s Bur fly their pofts~-ere the firftgfflj Has cchod o'er ihe wave. Stop ! JIop ! Potomac ! jhp thy courfe / Nor pafs Mount Yerums Grave ! DIVING MACHINE; The Ga&tie. de France gives forne curious paiticulars of experiments made on the 22d of October, with a new diviug machine, by Mr. Me>vi!!e, the inventor. He defen¬ ded twice in the Seine* near thz Pof.t R<»yal, to the depth of from 10 10 20 feet, and nailed 56 min¬ utes at the bottom, lie took with him two iwans, two ducks, and fome bread and wine. He let loofe the acqu^tic animals while under the writer, went from the Pont Ncof to ihe fwiroming fchool and came out drefTed as ufual, with mt being in the leaft wet, The machine docs not ref mble anything of the kind hitherto em¬ ployed ; it is neither a barrel nor a hell, but has the form of an egg. Ir is not bulky, rather it contains only 5 cubic feet of air. This air fince i; prepared in fuch a manner that it- preflure can do it no harm, but it is kept pure and frefh. Mr. Melvill fays that he has taken with hiip. different animals fuch as cats, rabits, d- gs, &c. but the latter cannot bear th s kind of air longer than five minutes, as they go mad in it : but he declared ' liiat he could (lav half a day under water without the iT.ghieiunconvchicnce He has the ufe of all his limbs, $ can do what he pleales, faw wood, bore gimblet holes, an-l p'ek up the f.nalkdt (^bjecls. 'J'hough hi : pulfe rifes from 1 20 to 160, he as¬ serts that he feds from it an autc r efTert. He promifes fevers! other iiuerefting inventions 5 f™ in- fiaaee that he fball this winter, make a little carriage, in which two nerfons may next fummcr take the most pleafant exeurhons at the bottom of the Seme, in the ponds of Versailles, or in any riv¬ er. From ihe National Intelligencer. ■ AfcVtCE TO DAIRY MAIDS. In churning for Butter, always have ?n open fpace for the air to fieeaccefsto the creara. If adc of Artillery commassded by iv-ijor Green, and the 83th RCr,; U.t-1 ment, tiie lastcr garnionecl at St. }ohnst were not called upon to attend the execution, their form. ing an honorable exception to the Regiments around them, not ha. ving one delinquency of the kind fince their arrival. At i 2 o'clock Major General Sir Thomas Bris, bane* Commanding the Brigade, and fuite, arrived from St« Johns when the 19th Regiment of Light Dragoons, the 3d Batt. 27th Re« gimen^ and the whole of the 91 h Regiment were marched ro **"—--~r—j Tf -mn. xie^imeni were marcnedto have free acceis to the cream If ^ ^b ^ . you ftop up the orifice, as is ^ . Dropcrtion rf the jff °* niary, to prevent the cream irom fplafliing out, you may churn for four hours in vain ! Butter is pro¬ duced by the union of oxygen with the cream, and more butter will be rrnde and qucker, and 01 a finer fliiror, t£you hive your churn sulfide* tly open, tlum if you hive not an apperture of proper fize One experiment will con¬ vince you of this. RUSTIC US. To prevent Crss&s from pulling up Corn. Take trrdn oij. brimffone, and pun powder, pound the two !at- te- articles iine. mix them well and d;p int.* them linen ra^s, which naay be IV.Amended by a tb«ead from poles about hx feet hiju at ten rods dillance from each other, nuite over your corn fields. The Crov/s will not come near them X\\\$ method is f.iid to be urivfrfillv rraciTed in Enff- land, and always with the effect de fired. proper nun ui me uv lYieuron Reset" formedthernfelvesihtothree lides of a fquare, facing the river; in all near 1700 men j the graves being previoufly dug, and ihe coffins placed in front of the whnie. The prifoners were then conduct- ed from their cell into the fort, to the place cr execution, in the fo;- lowinr order : the band of the 3 tervals by the drums of the :;t/l Regt* muffled ; next followed ifec Prevost Martial and a firong es¬ cort, next the prifoners clad m tiie Ufual fhroud of white, and 9th regimenr of foot playing the ead march in Saul, relived a1 ii> Montr en I, May 5 7 On Ttmhf U&, the Gir:i£m of Chamhly were ailemved for the me!ancf\oly pur pot ih£ into crT,:rt the femence of a General Court u strtial held at of carrv caps to ccrrefpond and the Clergy walking between them ; in the rear f jlunrecl about ten other pri- fbi ers whole fenteacd had been commuted in tranfportation W life ; the whole being ftanked b? the hrinS parties, iekcled trcia each regiment* When the pro- ceffion arrived upon tk ernuno, ir moved f>rwdfo the hm or¬ der infide the line; and here " p.rfS)lcthe fi .hr was m«\M^ fipffj each pr>oner whii tears ^ ent; cities enmureu ll^ c l! , to »ake cximple <>y them, i^J to violate the laws oh tlipi? v 4 and Country. After reachin' their graves, the fenten&e of $ r 1 1 - n 1 v-ourt . aitial bemir read bv ^k St. fohns, on the ;d mltant, upon u . % .. . *>tlX4a. UY the ^ S r ] ' 1 brigade Major, the four (lnhan. private j imesTayi vr9 of the 19th « .,,.> • ^ "*™5flf Dragoons, lames Wmfon, John Myat,and Francis 3.inchariin*.pri¬ vates in the 29th Regiment, and cornord R. C\X-'fx. of the 3d batt* 27th i\.' aiment of fact, fen* defers tion ; the four former to be (hot to death, and the letter to re eive oncth'»ufand lafhcs. We arc in¬ formed that no exeniticra of the kind has hitherto occutreJ in thi" s part of His Ma;cfly's dominions,. where four unhappy nic5n have ap¬ peared more penitent, or alive txi their awful fitxiation, or inrerefU to tiie multitudes that were i^^ coih died to witneis their unnmely end. Taylor and Sancharim be¬ ing of the Romllh perfuali .-n, wero attended by the worthy and higiiiv refpici^ble Cures or J,on- rueil.a^ alfothe Chaplain of mill- tia, the Cure of St* Charles. Win* fon and My at both young men, & who had ferved their Kinor and country wi:h much credit in the Pcninfula, were accompanied by the Reverend Mr. Morris, Chap¬ lain to the Forces who delivered on the Sunday preceding-, at Gar- rifon Divine femce, a moil im- preffi ,'e discourfe, suited to the oc¬ ean «n from Proverbs 19th and 16 h veffe. Taylor, an IrHhman by birth, appears to have been the moft notorious offender, it beine the third time of hisdeicrtion fince he became a Cddier. Sanchar:m, a canadhn born, hadfervedin the ^rveiican army, but becan;e th fubftltute ot ano her in the 39th Regiment, fin.-e their arrival in the Canadas, and hum his knowt ed-.:e of the Onmtiy, fceUis to have been nor lefs the abettor than men kneeling up >n their coffins C<mtinued for a few minutes^ prayer with the OterVy, wJi0ca leaving them, (hook hmds,andin a moment all were launched inj0 eternity. An immenfe num')er0f fpeclators were affembled.partioi, laily of" women, and never per. hap his any execution been con. dueled with fo much foiemmtyfc deco-um. After the ufual form of marching t!^e tremp^ aioiigiide the bodies, the vlajor General >ir T. Brisbane, feveraily adlreffed each ic^iment in the moil energy ic munner,- iftating the pofrive de. terniinauon of the Goturmftdet in Chiefs to brio2: every deferter for the fu:.ure ro the like end, mi there can be little doubt that this example will have vs delircd ef. ICCto FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. M We h London, April 2.5. Co'in'er OT;re, 2 o'clock. iavc juii received theft- r:s papers or Taefday Iafl, which contain the new conititution,o. which wc can now onlv pivsl fhort account.— The Lejiilnive power refides in the Err'perorand two Chambers, The Chambcrof Peers is hereditary, andthc &D" pcror names them. Their 0^; is X I I CI*- M ' ler is unlimited. The k:^ Chamber is elected by rhe people and is to confiH ot'&zg mcni;beJ*«i none are to be under ajyw*^ ThePreiident is appointed by * membtrsj but approved bj ^ Mcniiw to he P I'm per cu abie senfatioi^ a kind ofclc^ncai tool of hk comrades, Th hi ^~ atthe rate fettled by tJii *®®% cut aiiembly. It is to be x*f* tor everv live vea-vs- Ai,< •

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