' POETRY. t k From the Port Folio MOONLIGHT. There is a bland and penfive hour* Sndearing, foothing is its power, 'Tis when the the Sun Ha<> 6kd his fading, ling'nng rays, And whtn the doubtful light betray9 That day is done. *Tis when Cynthia's rising beam, Sheds on lake or rippling stieam, Her silver gleams, "When feme lorn lover, wand'ring farj Seeks the bright Hesperian ftafrj In fancy's dreams. - *Tis when the rais'd romantic mind, To peace, to love, to Heaven refi^n'd, Loves to repair To fome wild fragrant myrtle grove, And tfiere in contemplation rove, Releas'd from care. 'Ti* when the fairy orb, ferenc, Divinely blends each rural Icciiw Of hill and dale ; When by the heav'nly visionM Hgrit, From perfum'd fpray, the bird of night Descants his tale. r '"'Tis when the grief-worn pilgrim hies To commune with his kindred fides, To feek relief.. In pious pray'r—and fancy tcU?, That thfiethe form regretted dwells Releas'd from grief. *Tis when the fer.tient, wounded heart, Pierc'd by flarder's keenest dart, O'erwhelm'd with woes, Flies from the bufv haunts of men, Eager t'escape their vulgar kenf ' And feck repofe. 'Ti« that bleft hour when lovers ft ray To talk* thofe joy- that fnun the day. Congenial hour, When timid maids iheir lovers blefs; YVhei. by this light they fnft confei's Love's gentle power, *IV what* tbe ^oet, Peon's chrid, In Fancy V world now wanders wild, «, Wiih foul on fire. The drain of epic praife prol >frgs, Or tunes to melancholy fibngty His pen five lyre.- 5Tis when, a$ fabled poets fay, The woodland iai'iie*, fylph or fay. Weave their light 6?.ncc ; ■ And revel all the livt- loner nightr l3ut vani/h at the earlieft light •» Ofmcnuogs glance. ^Tis when, as ftrperftition fays, ' The loul departed ofr henays Dome lecret crime : 'Holds conveifc with its mutual heart Or leaves E'ysfumto impart ; Some truth divrne. Oh ftill I love thy tranquil IjgJify Nor noontide fun, nor morning bright, With thee compare ; For e'en when forrow fwells my breafly Thy beams" can footh my foul to re It,- Sweet orb ! moll fair. DIVERSITY. • • * • •••••• ILLURTRATION. " Wdl, neighbor," faid Farmer PLunway, to Jonathan Sturdy, as he overtook him oti the road, ree¬ ling towards home, " Well ! how went your law-iuit P Jona-han had been to court, and brought away with him, as is often the cafe, a head full of liquor and a face full of bruifes. " Oh, d-^mme 1 have worked the dog ! I have gained every thir g • every thing. 0 dBull is completely diflied, and 1 gave him a found thumping into the barguri." " What, then you iiavc * O tough, and 1 could'nt for the foul of me make him hollow enough So they parted us. eye, and he broke my nofe.a " But the law fuit ?"_« Ah, thcres where I had him. But curfe it, foajehow I didn't get the land I fined him for ; and I pay cofts. But then he gets none of mine ! So you fee------" " Why neighbor* I can't fee how it is you bavegal* ned every thing. Befidea he had c whipped him too, have you? % yes, only it was devilHh I blacked his run his fence on one corner okybur land." Yes, plague on it ! fir he had ! but then "there are arbitra¬ tor's to be appointed to run lines, and fee whether he (han't give that baek to me ! Devil take the fellow —but never rriirid this time—you fee I fhook hands—but ycu uti- derftand. O, Tve got every thing and lan't more thin three time3 as much irldebt as when I began ! [Raleigh Minerva, • • Mr. Cufren, the celebrated Irifli advocate, was walking one d.*y with a friend, who was extreme¬ ly punctilious in his conversation; hearing a perfon near him fay cu~ rofity for curiofity, he exclaimed, " How that man murders the En- glifh language \" "- Not to bad," replied 'Curren, " he has only knocked an I out" Curious Wager—On the 29^1 ult. at Portsmouth, Mr. J. B. Gil¬ bert, afurgeori on half pay, under¬ took, for a wager of 3! guineas, to take btit 18 teeth, more or lefs carious, from pntients (elected ror the purpdfe, without the aid of a- ny instrument or force, with his fingers only, and unattended by pain in 24 minutes, but he actual¬ ly performed the fame, to the as- tonifhment of all prcfent, in the fiiort fpace of feven minutes. Joe Nurfe and Uncle Sa?tL One Joe Nurfe was \valking one morning alone, and coming to a ditch, thus addreffed himfelf—~ " Joe, I will bet with you half a mu.; thit I can jump over this ditch."—Done—Joe's foot (lipped, and he landed in the middle of the After getting out the o- ther fide, he fays, " J<>e I will bet another half mug I can jump back "—Done—-Havinorfucceeded, he thus cancelled his obligation* Q::ere—Cd.n it be (aid we are as well off now as foe Nurfe was, af- ter he had ffof fafe this side the ditch ? ft ream. ac^ain ♦ V ^ewhampfhirc Centincl. T H....... Sales at. auction. Kingston fmht T iue HE Snbfcribers, intending to d.fpofe of their (lock on hand, tfjttja the p0W;c that they will f"**!^f*^J Auction, on Momlay the F.rJ} day of Ajy »<.,,. and to continue daily nnt. 1 the whok is difpofed of— fay ■— . . .,. 18 Puncheons ftrons; Jama.ca Spints , 2 Pioea Coffiiiac Brandy i Port, Soanifh and Teneriffe Wines 8 Cordials ; . Hyfon and Hyfon Skm Tea ; WITH A QUANTITY OF GROCERIES, 6s EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, A wera! and .<wel{ chofen dftrtment cj * DRY GOODS, // adapted to the. approaching Scafon, viz : Superfine and common Cloths ; do. do. Cafsimeres; Chintz'?, Calicoes & Ginghams, aitorted ; ftrip'd MrtQiha i J.tpan'dCambrics; Lenos; Book Mufiins; SPid<v Nets; Japan'd Spot's ; Silk Hole ; do. Gloves ; Can.bnck do. tfhite and colorM Cotton 6b. eilk, mo¬ rocco and cotton B-aces ; Ivlarceills and Toilonette Vetting ; Cotton Shirting ; Iriih Linen ; black, color'd and printed Bomba- zertes : Turkey Strips ; Stripe Cotton Checks ; Bengal Stripe; Rufsia Sheeting ; 1 bales While Cottons. With a variety of other articles. Sale to commence each day at ten o'clock- NORMAti BETHUNE Sc Co. Kinfim.> April if, i.8ic.________46*f The Subscriber VAILS himfelf of informing the pub- lie that he has recently coriiiiiciiced JAMES CHAPMAN, Captain. HIS veffel will fail regularly fro« Kingston to Sachet?j Harbor. She will leave Kingflon every Monday, Wednes¬ day and Friday, and Sackett's Harbor eve- ry »»ther day in the week. The price will be Tvjo DolLri for eack raffengcr. Kingston, May 12, 1815. rc^f • TO BE SOLD, AND poffefiion given immediately, the eaft half of Let No. 26, in the 7th Conceffion of the Towvnfhip of Fredericks- burgh—about feventy acres under good im¬ provement, with a proportionate quantity of meadow land, and the whole well watered. For particulars apply 10 the fubferiber, oq the premises. JEHIEL HAWLEY. Fredcrichslurgh, Marc £23, 1815. x\ PERSONS Willing to Engage with the Commissariat FOR. the conveyance of FUEL, to the Ganifon of Kingfton from Simcoe Isl¬ and, where it will be delivered on the Beach; are requefted to ma at this office. Defy C - 48 Kingston fted to make known their lorn *y General's Office, 1 7;, isih April, 1815. y ofals an indisputable title given, acres .of Land, fituate in the 9th A i * ■ TAYLORING AND HABIT MAKING BUSINESS, in the town of King ft on. Upper Canada, wher^ he folicirs to be favored with a (hate of the public biifinefs, a3 his prices will be eltablilhtd on the verj moderate charge as follows viz :— ■ Fir making a fi^perfme Coat £ I Great Co'at and Surtout I luf.de Veil Pantaloons 1 1 5 5 10 12 5 $ FOR SALE, AND l.poo conceilion of the townniip of Richmond.— Further information can be had by applying ai the Printing Oifice, Kingfton, or to the fubferiber. MICHAEL SLOOT- _. Loughborough, April 1,(815. 4tu ~ NOTICE. THE fubferiptions to Lieut. Colonel Boucheite's Topographical and Geo- vra&ical Mats, which weic originally fixed at Five Guineas, arc now advanced to toe London price of Seven Guineas, and will continue to be received by his agents. April 2 2, 1815. 47 6 Wanted bfw:ediatciy, Httrt&W >m, general fatisfaaion ; and any work THE fubferiber has for M* * T , ufc i,V his fhop will be altered fo as to fuit ab}e ^ Q§ (^ ^ ^ « lfoi is cuftomen without adding any further ex- ^«„.n nf rtp ,n.^n- nC v„_, • , rlx con. ADVERTISEMENT; / - : HE Co-Partnerfh?p heretofore exilt- iucr between Michael Moms and ienr;v and Barnard M'Nally, under the firm of MOR1N & M'NALLY, fs this ■ * dav diffolved bv mutual confent. All thofe 4 J indebted to faid firm, are reqMelted !o make payment to Mr. Henry M Nally, and thofe havm£ demands on them are d<.fired to f>rc- fent their accounts to him for adjuftment, he bcintrduly authorised to fettle the busin- efs oz faid eo-partnerfhip. M. MO RIM > H McNALLV. * BARNARD McNALLY. Kingston, z^tb May, 18 15- - ADVERTISEMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that tire Co- Partneifhip heretofore exiftincr under tire firm' of PHILIP" & MATTHIAS SMITH, is this day diffolved by mutual confent: All thofe indebted to the late firm, are requefted to make immediate payment ;' and thofe having demands, are deiired to bring in their accompts to Philip Smithy who vrill fettle the fame. PHILIP SMITH. MATTHIAS SMITH. Fredcriclshurgh, May 15, 18 15. C2 4W _________r A KEN out of the Government Houfe Ialt Evening, a pair of Rufsia Duch SHEETS. It any fuch have been offered for iale, it is requefted that information may be iriveri to Sir FREDERICK ROBIN- SON, who '.vill reward the informer. Kingston, May 24, r8ic. . c2" Persons wilii:*.^ 10 complete the founda¬ tion of the New Store Aithin the G'arVifon JPick^Hng, agreeably to a contract entered" into with government, by D. E. Allen, whi'cfi he has fail'd to perform, will fend in Lady's Pdtce Habit and Rising Drefa Cutt.ing of Garments He flatten hiirifelf from the long exjte- AwtX. W hfo ac^ircd, be.will ^ Me trf |fve thole who will favor Mm with their cus¬ tom, general fatisfa£fon .1 and any work m His cuitomcrs without adding any pence. He puftfofes to remove his work fliop to the Upper p:'.rt of the ftcre of Mr. George ll. Mac Lean, where he fhall at all times be i(i readinefsto wail on thofe who will Patro¬ nize him with their cuftpirK and pledgee h,m- fel/ it w.ll be pxeeuted witli neatnef* and uis- patrh. JOHN H. 'I'REUSDELL. Kingston, 2$th May* l8l$. 52 W3 A COOI IV, Chamber Maid and Kitchen Maid—None need apply jrf» well iccommendcd.— Inquire at &• W&* er's King (Ion Hotel. J 4.5 ceffion of th diti >nal if the tawn(l,,p of *r&Vtorf£2 Tor further ir.foriration enqu'reof B. C. SPENCER, 4*h&*. i'r«Itnckft»rgh, Oct. 31, 1S14. 39 ADVERTISEMENT. THE fubicrlber hereby gives ftub. lie noticf, and forbids any perfon or nLt„ TAKE NOTICE. » THE fubferiber, being about to clofe hi:? bulinefs, feoue£s all thofe indebt- cd to hirri either bv note or book account, ' , - ■ to make immediate Payment, ot their Note and Accounts will be left in the hands of an AfCorney for collection without further no¬ tice—ai.'d all thofe to whom he ia indebted, are requeued to bring in th'tii demands with- eat dclav. J He avails hirnfclf of this opportunity to return his rhaiiks to his fiends and the pub¬ lic for their liberal encouragement, and in- urms them that he lias (till on* hand an e<c- tenfive .• (Tortment of goods, which-'he wifhes to difpofe of on the molt reafonable terms/ by vvholefalcor retail for cafh down, as he is determined not to give any credit hereafter. S.'bARTLET. Kingston* March 24, 181 s. to cut do in the firil conceffion y perion or perfon| wn any tree or trees on Lot No. 2. ' ,.. 0/the townfhlp Q| IVinglton, or to cany or convey any wood tying or cut down On the aforefald Lotthere. from, on peril of being prOl'ecuted according tol aw. s ; George Okill Stuart, Kingston, September izd; 1S14. 33 R ass i r agsi ! i Cash and the Kffhe st price paid for' CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE. 43 NOTICE. .!... A QUANTHT OF WRITING PAPER. T3 hereby given that the Subscii&er will not » pay any debts v/hieh may hereafter be con- t^ctcd by any perfon or perfons whotr'.foev- 0, in his name or upon his credit, nor for ^oods received by fuch perfon or perfons in J is name unlcfs he, me or they have from him a wu'tten authority to'contract the laid debts or receive the faid goods. All perfons who have any jufl demands a^ainft the fubscriber, are requeued to bring tftiem forward, properly authenticated, th& they may be discharged. PIERCE LON'NERCAN. Kingston, May 20,1815. 5l3^ Of Quality N • 1 and No. 2, SALE AT THIS OfFICE. Kingston, April 2 2, I 81 C. ^jrf For 'V propolals for the fame to the Commiflanat Office, on or before the 17th April initant. Mr. Allen's contract may be feeu by appli- tion at the CommixTariat Odiee. Two efficient securities will be required for the due performance.of the undertaking^ and the lowell tender will politively be ac¬ cepted. Defy Com. Gen'Is Office, 7 Kingston, %th April, 1815. J 4$ FOR SALE, ASMA LL FARM, in the second con. cefsion of the tovvufliip of Ernelt- t»wn, having thereon, a good Houfe, ftam and Shed— being the fame formerly occupi¬ ed by James McGce as an Inn, ahd is one ^ the bed (lands hi the country for bufinefi, Jiiouireof ' " • TO Rent, for one or more years, the wVli Situated ftan«J 6wn€ii by the fubscriber, in mcViia.-e ur' AJolf).iu.«.tcw»r. ic is iIrUCalCufalW r«'r a Twer n or Store, with- go6d Garden,aid tour acres of j>.ifture, 3nii three acr»j ofmcaoow UoC*- ■or particular* a^ply tu the subscriber, NOXON HARRIS TO Rent, for one or mure years* and poflofion given the 8th oljunc i/ext,a BAKE H0O3E. Inquire of the ii.bfcri- betv ^ OLIVER THIB'ODO. , Kingston, May 16, 1815. *'OIl SALE—A full bloockJ Me- rino R: A M. Enquxrci vi the Pr&teiv oa. 2», 1814. 37 & # ■ 1 ■• the CASAOIAlj "Btytoh May 25, 1015. S: PART LETT. 5* £T> Subfcrrt-'ions for the CV/A/"""' VISi TO A will be nccivcJ ai tit Op f* Kingston Cuzctfe,