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Kingston Gazette, June 5, 1815, p. 3

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10 tl.ls a |-Prii. . - • 4 triLiiipT:. to 30,000, iivc'uttVtrj jo reFJirrcntS •.I cavalry bdWe* *e ox ,c<^ * ni^rc regim¬ es of llanox 1 rian huflirs, 10 batr iHons ot i; 1 f«ritry, and a < nips of artillery. The: I).itch arc in fall nurch to the frontiers. S nee the 30th oi' f\Urch, till moniin^, C2 couriers have ap, fr. London to Vicnn-i, & fr. Vienna Gw0<h Paierraio kNapir sfQ Land n. Gen. Bli-ow wlio is here., has lent one of his aids-dc-camp with roolt important cicipatehes io Gov. Cc- ncial backen, at Alx-ia-ChapciJc. London, April 10. On Saturday a French Courier rrlved with uo'patches frolis Bo¬ naparte—h: is (aid to be tfteiaiTie courier that w;h fent 'oak f ;rne days ago from Dover—he landed tliis time at Deal, and wis fnfler- ed to proceed at once to London. The despatches were immediately delivered to Lord Gaitkf^i rii. * Ihey arc under flood to contain a despatch to the "Count dc la Cha - tre. the French \ m bafl'id >r, cl vec- txnor him to return to F: nice forth with, and ippolotirv/f M. D Ray- neval, Charge de fair*. Ad riie I'cncii Coriuils nov in Ghat Bri¬ tain and Ireland, were eofigfiui t. I-h de R.tvneva! feul left lids countrv fo ,:e time a,go on i tnmoa to Lmiii XVIIL ' he ciefp itches are fi-med GmHaCoun. They '•'ere cbir.municvircd to the ?-oncc *3gent, and t > the Cabinet Coun- Cli- vdiieh mc* m the afecn or- at the foreiirn oin e. Th A^'ina, and tl e E-nner. >rs of Ru.Tia and ™*na, and the Kir^ of P ..flu, }Vi"i it is Odd be r-l'cdcnt in peribu -n the enfiiibo" campaign!. *r«*ops coirinue to embark, & ^munition to be font :M with in- C(dUnt alacrity. At II -rwieh, D - hationP 1 ikf p-ace daily. The hx- teenrh Dragoons embark at Hover to:norrow, and the ;th huflars the next day. Alerter fiotn Paris, umV cite of the 4'h ult. favs : ^ A quarrel took olace a few days fince at the Gnnd Coffee Floufe in the P/dai- Royal, between fame troops a;.d the 'imperial guard?, when fik of ike latier were killed*'1 BARCELONA, Kfarch *;'. • The dav before ^e&erday was a terrible fcv. The srinals of th»? city v--ill retain a frl-htful recollection of it. La the morning Cronos of men van through the ineeta u't.v-r- t> * r iagfufica* howliu^s. Soon a Leiie id t>il l^eanda^finiatjun corrHnruccd. From the nth. by vtrtiri of orders from Govetnmci/t, ill Trench f' lilies had left the citv, to :;ait the Spanlfh tenkgry. The populace have facr.Ticeti cihoui^o vic- li(B*{. it A not vet alccrtrancn hov n/dny lioiifcshave b.*en plundered Many prielU vixt found a^K>np; the afTaiTmarcd. Amonjr dlhef oSicer.; Colonel Velarde vvas f>o}Vnsrd- d. It is fmnofiible nor to fee in this a£l the concealed hand of the Spanifi GovcOimei:to From lis L'jnJrt Gtizxits* Forcijrn Office, ^'iarch 14, iRi^. I lie Hon. Ca:>t. Muude of his Vliijestv'a !lp Favorite, arrived at this office at Iwlf p&t nine last night, bei ;ir tiie bearer of the wtication, by tlie PiefiJcnt and Senate of l^- United. States of America, of the Trea¬ ty of IVice, c^nehided at Gticnt, betweer: ^ Majesty and the fud United States on lilUth 4 December hist ^OM fHE iTNI-TED STATE*. Nezv-Tork, May S. Lie beautiful ilpradron of ves- sels of war, now ailembled in this P01^ deftined for the McdUerra- nean, are ready fo>- lea, and only *** ihe final orders of Govern¬ ment. occurred d the gen- , So'ne difficulty has Jween fr0vernmem an ticm^n who contr?fted to build certain vciie s ..n the Lakes, and it Is (aid the veflels are to be finifh- ed, launched, and funk, as the beft mode of pteferving them. _, May 17. The fquadroti under the cont- riiand of Commodore Decatur, are now under failing orders, and will pieced the fiiil wind for the Me¬ diterranean. Extract of a letter from a refpecl- able gentleman in Bourdeaux* to.a mercantile houfe in this ci¬ ty, dated April 6, 1815. " Bordeaux has been iince the firll of this month in the mod dreadful crifis 1^7'mg been obli¬ ged to fdrfender that day. ' The Dutchefs 1)'Angduleme left the city at 8 o'clock in the evening, accompanied by one hundred young men on horfeback, part of a ffuaid which had been farmed fv>r Ijcr when fhe arrived the fifth or latt month. She embirked at Pauillae oil Sundiy the 2d in^t. on board a Bi iu& frigate It is impoilible to ikr.\v m >re courage and firmneis than this unhappy princefs.—Shs is univerfaiiv regretted*" BOS.ON, May 17, 1S15, Iran Em ope via Halifax, Advices train Halifax announce the arrival tliere on the 61 h Lnih of a Lhio frotn Greenock, brincrinjr Lmdiih he>vs'to the 12th or 13th fiprii 5 J he particulars of which had not beee, pjolimed when thole advices came avdy, but were tin- derlldod to be iaiDdrtaot. — Re- it p-).»ts were, rhat Eti^l-vid nad tou maliv deuarcd var ammft tresnee - mail)- declared war agmnfi France f that Louii trie iStli was u\ Lon¬ don ; and that the aided troops were marc fun ?t in great numbers aiiainlt Hcruapaite. We may boafj h* r-^-prt ^■riv'.ls froth lld'ihx with the particulars ieceived there. .SUPPOSED MURDER. ' On Fnddy rvtinrg, tne drl;cr of tlic mail conv. y:nuxjl'nvi»>jr l;on^ht a liorfe at D im-' inc* in Virginia, and wifhiog to rJdc!iim to Alexaniiua, coir:*r [%trt] the char-rc i>f (lie mail 6 * man who Nad formerly d'fvrn on the Urre Befnrr detai*ird, he did not :ome i^p with the cairia^f.until ab^ot 6 miles fp^n Accdquan. I^i'*^; -u>oiir c;o yards l>ehir»c* V: heaiing a call of the per'on v.\ charge of it to his hoifes, and then t-Tw fall of fonie- thing which he fa(jo6Te'J in l>e the maih he vxic.* up and found the diiver vva^ not in. Re- t'lrninsj back, f»e dMcovrr\d him by ^he fide * ** of the roid, d.ari ! his head fiom thtr te«n- pls down t' the fi'le, hav.Vig beer.' fr>)it 'ipcn' luvjarentlv with n heaw<-ltirk. N» robbery of the mail Was coirfnuU ra or aTemprea. FdlnM • • • • i • Vnh.iablr nrnva I 11'all;more, Apr]} I £ Arrived the Bntifh (nip Clarendon froM Batavjci. pri/c to the pri¬ vate armed fltfp Voting Wafp', of Pailidel- ])};'*. Tfoe C.waN cauv.tned ?>z days a^o,' off the Cape >-f Good Rope, and has put in being fliort of provifions, S:c. She has,on board a car^ro of One Million One Hundied and Fifty Tnonfand pounds (>f Ct)(fee. Theie is, eighty liiree thouufid do'lars fiif«« red onhcr in this city. Fn lat 32, f}>oke a Northern fch noner, from which they heard of Peace, previous to whichhaJ fcen noihing. We underftand that General Miller now commands all toe pods and garrison* [a Ma Pitchufetts Proper. General Chandler, 111 Maine ; and Col. Uphara in New-Hamp- fnire. Bast. Cen. Hi. Excellency JOHN COTTON SMITH, and His Honor ChaunckY Goodrich. are rc-tlefted' Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Connfc-ticut. De¬ mocracy exhibited rmcthet fcene of its e'ec- lioi.eering farce, and *as again hifTed from the fbge. Quebec, May 25. Araive<7the Ann tranfport, Co- wev, Mafter, from Gaspe, having on1 board Capt. Galloway, of His Majefty \ late (hipPenelopc, wreck- ed on the nidu of the 30th Apr if about 3 leagues to the eaflward of Magdalan River, when upwards of forty of the rrew periflied. Mr Auderilm thePurfer. Captain Mo¬ ray, A. D. C. to Lieut. General Sir George Murray, with one Mid- fhipman and ten f>f the (hip's com¬ pany are alf > in the Ann. Ihe ci¬ ther offi ers and remaining part of the crew are on board the Beivi- dere and tymnet Transports, which failed from Gafpe at the lame time and are alfo arrived. We arc lorry to fay, the lofa h, this cafe has been very ibverfe. —The public defpatches being the only thin9: laved from the wreck. '■ \ » MONfREAL, May so- Me'anc/foly Accid'?ni—l\x\ .Am¬ erican boat corking from Platts- burgh to.St0 John's ch Sunday lad with eighteen pafiengers on board, vyas upfet by a Saw of wind near ACi liiarid and nine of the crevv drotvned. 'ihe following names of the perfons drowned was hand¬ ed us by one of the paflTengers who had the good fortune to elcape. John Adams, of Hardwick, Vt. C. O. Miller, Balhown Springs, Sur¬ geon Dunn, Britifh Navy, George Ked^e, Middiebury, Vt. James Webiter^ Merchant, Montreal. A Canadian man and his wife, z Canadian woman and child. *o. YORK, May 2 His Excellency the ProviKonal Lieuteiiint Governor has been ple.ifcd to appoint Edward Mac- Midion, Efq. io aa as Private Sec- rctary. , His Excdlentv has alfo been plealed to appoint John Warren, Lfq. to be Colieclor of Cultoms at Fort Eric, by comm'ffion dat- td the 16th inft. vice'John War- reii, fenior, El'suire, deceafed. And David McGregor Roger*,* -Efq to be Judge ot the Dittncl 'Court of Newca-lle, by commit- wm dated the 16th May, vied Richard Cockrell, fuperceci.ech Kingston, Iunt. c, »Sic. * ♦ • ♦ . • • • • • Tlie EJirnf i*» Inppy m again tsrefentiiirf to' Ms patrons the Kingston OXzktte on its dri^inaf lizi*; an»l finttcrs blmkif, fvora the an^n^emenr Fie has made in pftoctifiiicj New-Yark ami Albany papers, that ht: will be able t6 publah Foreign and Dcmeltic fn- t'llliVcnce earlier than it can be Kca'vccl from any t>ther Quarter. , On account of the srfrivrf] of the Mn\\ rt S?i ketB Hmbor on Satuiday montiiig", lift G;V/.e:te will be pubiiHicd on Klonday-aftet- iiuonv . . . Opiated1 Ne\T-York papers,received tills mouiin^, aie quite l>aV»ren of intelli^t*nce.— No* men! ion is m<£dc <;f a' battle having tafc- ( n j)lace between th;e British troop-f Wilder the Duke of WeHin'4;t"jn> and rhe French, a: Belfftum, as ha& been reooi ted- Yederdav beine tlie Krn^^ Krth rja^, a Royal Saline was fired by the Field Aitillc- ry, and fro'ii: the Shipping. • > ■ • His Ercellency Lieutenant General Sir George Murray left this place on iTatur- day, for Lowei Canada. Of the The Quebec Gazette 2cth ult* mentions ci arrivals at that port between the 17th and arc the May. Elitt^ei from the Regimental Orderly Book of the 9th Regiment, of ihe 3 ill May, 1815 " Colonel Lambert, 4- 1 have detained the 9th Re¬ giment a lie tie after the other troops, that I might have an op- partunitv of thanking them tor their good conduct iince they have been in this Province^ ( Sir Frederick Robinsmj who had an opportunity before of witness¬ ing tne gallantry of the Regim¬ ent in the field, has been in <* fit^ uatfcm to beer fellinaony alio to their exemplary conduct in quar¬ ters, and B s made ro me the moJt f-avtarable reoort of it. You have not i een, I an forry to fay, without bad exjm:»!e:, m your ncighb.)rhc)od ; and I e?.ret it more, becauf • they h ve taken p!a e chiefly in a Regimen* which had borne before a high chi-ac- ter T L • ' It has given me very rreat plea- lure, however, that the 9 h Re¬ giment has preferved itlidr entire¬ ly free from anv {lain fti h as I alluJeto, that the men have fhewn that they are juftiy Icnpi effed w th the facrcdnef, of the obligation which binds the n to tne fervice or their Kin?;, and hat they have Ue regard to tludr ovri char- Meters.; and to the unfullied rep¬ utation of their Regiment. The praife of fuch conducl is equally due to all the individuals compofmg the Corps— To your abfent Lieut. Colonel Sir John Cameron, whofe zeal and ability in the fervice have long* been con- « O fpicuous to yourielf, and the o:h- er Omcers now prefeut—To that lifeful and rcfi,ecraide body of men; the Nbh-Commiffioried Of¬ ficers of the Regiment, and to the Private Soldiers themfelves, whofe good conduct is the bed return that their Officers can receive, for the pains they hive bellowed up¬ on the difcipiine of the Corps. I have only now to take my leave of you with my beil withes for your lion or and fuccefs where- ever you may g'», dnd to allure faiisficYton to me, if I mould find my^ifiri company with the 9th Regiment." MARRIED d a Gene ai; Xn M'fs An r, tUtis'hter M Aiiam M?,cLean, Efq. Spe.ker of the Houfe AfilaiMy of this PiOvlnc^. -— —»----------------------------------------- 1 • ____ In this town, on Th-lf- day eve-'itig )n:K Hv ihe Rev. G O. Stu- a.r. William ftofs, Erq. P'y Afst C^i'y. of . . Sioi 71 or Straved, ONthc^ift vl ay. Four O'K^N', yok<-d together, two d rfc red witn Urirp hums—>i»f d<<ik Hroi?rH--dn<j b'ack, witti a wl.ii.'- f.icr and one Vrhite lej?..—"Whoever dn give any ioformaJ.)■• rfpec\ 1.117 'hem, flia)l be If an df.m el v rewarded fwith a paii oi: water ana a br.irjTi'tick) oy a'pieeiti^Q to D'AVID B.URN9I0S. Kingfcon. 5th June, 1815 One. Dollar 1 *»* erva t d< % RAN away from the fubfcribeiv on Sunday, the 3^tTi M^y, an indented itt/- jjientrce boy, named Francis Adams — He is about 17 yeara «»f age, li/Hr hair, li^pt eyes, and fair complexion.------1 Whoever will ietu»-. f^id runaway %o the Aibfcrilie., fh'aU receive ih.? ab ve rewatd, but no charges paid. AT. perlon? are fur- b.:dharboring or nulling nlaS on my s'ceoui.t on jjaii' ofbeiagj profe'euted. JOHN ELLliRBECK. IvirgRon, June 2, 1815. nvj Broke azedy FROM the Houfe of Dr. A. ¥i Khirs in the town of Kjagfton, on the 22(1 of May Isfft, a dark brown Horfe, abVtu R years oWj hind feet white—Whoever will fffve information where faid Horie m:,v he found, Hull be handsomely re\vauied hy the fiiblcriler, living1 in JL.oborough. , LUKE BARRET. Loborouab, June 5, 18 1 f. l W3 BROKE into the enclofure of the fubkrib.r on VVcdnei'day, l\}€ jlil May, a1 d.n'k Day Horfe a ttaf in his Forehead. — Theownei if requelied to prove p ope>ty* pay charges,' and take him awn-fr EHIN- BENN Efneft Town, June 3, 1^15. ltf : WANTED', . TO Rent immediately,'a HOUSE ot upper part u{ a H >ufe loqi ire of »he ptinter Kingston. April 26, 1815 52 '* Tiefc'-^y "'.o- in^.—IruRsfosJiion ft mf- * ed :hc ksuHi$ of the Gemote gvufiky ajierm**

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