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Kingston Gazette, July 18, 1814, p. 3

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. im\ Wellington created ar>tf#*, s'irs \o\\n Hope, l\ "Grain m, |R. Pi'jj, \\r. C. Ber«rfbrd, and Siap ton Cotton, Peers. [ The Continental Powers had cjsiw ;; announce that the Mariluh 6 -ult, Duke of Dalmatic Bucket, Du]n»o£ Alba** a; d Aog«r*eao, Bojce ofCft»tiglioi>e> kft*«Md a i; comcrtnctf with Lord Wellington, at the- m iV1cn.,..«uccu-«»«™ «, kj. r:,t^;v;l':vn'li.tli7vkt,ms,f,o,r"R,',£;" J'1 lu _, - ,., ,- , n"'-a^6 to ttie JJ.ik. a /\ng..uLnv- a: Bonr- nada, and 1 went y-hve I houiand desux, where they will arrive 0« tke 18th uu to the coaft. of America. Placards on all (he Walls in Lojfc. jmi____" NO 1'j;a.C£ WI'IH M.\DOISO?nJ.m l# TTie *>eac!-quartrrt trcrereoinvef on the 2I;.t,u. i u; i. Pi- i..,'Mg jr iv. , . the 22 J, at Fjj-ueras whete he w& laluUd by toe cannon ofjthc foi-twfe/* xlu- A i ii d troops have taken cantonments in Nownaodv. We au- allured, that Bonaparte yefterday kf F.'iuai bleau after having under various QUEBEC. Ji.ne i-6, -*- Messrs. Hall and Newton, of this City, ar¬ rived lafl evening from o i b art! the Stirling, ^iki'ift'i), wlii.lt they left at Green liTn.;. 'The Stirling foicd fiom Torbay on the ad.Mayi iu ler convoy of the B* I ropho.i,. Adtniral Kca.s and Othe v fTcls .i*w;r. She pat ted on^ the 4th mil weft of the Bank . There\va*ahoic tf-^ veflc'< in all ilk c ,.- iwy, 26 bound w thin ifor G >h h, 3 nu nbe,i- e<] tiaufjo'tj, and 3 or 4 with Go^craciiciH &ores« Thcyy! itfci*trnei«t u w.ta said, it tti d >c.f lut !; <■* fctcwf u d and The Sti?]i«i'K v«*s b.vi\hd in the Gnlph by a LieuMnot of the G'o-ie**, 74, and in- formed that that ("hip had undc convoy y traofport* and 1100 men fbi Q_bec, frotn the \V\'ii Indie- laid to be the pOih Regioi ent. 1 We have been favored with London par pnsto the evening s f 1 ic 25 h April, £u* IFiiich the fallowing au extract*. pr.c^.cc: tic'-ive-i hie depart me. 1 uc A'en Duchsfa Man" i Louisa is fcn leave R mu twUet, wbe~e (he is at prefect, on Saturday next, topr ee-dto Venn,!. Apri! 2k—.Mar'ffiai ifee Duke of Castfg- i-onei- ex; t^dto «lay o- to rn-r-o-.v in-Pwri^.- lie -hac-jaia-ed the -:a ne fab Frenchrnin- \\V\\ 19.— The Se rale was pn fentcd to¬ day to tfi- Emperor u/Au(!ri;i by the Prince ol Benrvertte, who m de a fpeeci! cxp-cfTive of he gratitude due to his M^j&tly fJr all be had done f*n France. London, April 25—Travelling, ve ittfi d«rft md i$ nor quite i fe in Fi incc owi.ig Li the cLlch'^rge. f the miirtaiy. Tik Mavquii of Sligo, It is> (aid was \* ay laid by a gang of confcr.pi, a;.d ftrippefi 1 ftftfery thing he had m his carr;a^e and cvm l:i., clorhea. Werire happy tafay .'hat His M^fty .he King of Ffauce amved lately aL Calais in :\vo- hmxs an-.l ive minutes after he quieted Duvce harbour. Lord vJ4ville, and the Lords of the Ad- nsirn ty -.rr * -ar:"oin.anicd hi n to Dover, to teftify thcij re'pect ro-the King ot France icti'r -e J tfi.3 morn ng. It wi'l L-^&en by • -ur <*xJr-ft> frnn the Ga- z^tir, ihafCnrdBathurSl Im- notified to the Minillers oftlie dffcrcnt PbVcrs at our C-iurt, that .he leliiiA'ins on tin. potts of Italy have been taken off.—The G^/xuc a'fo contains tbf official acc-unt ot" the ftirrendef pfKaguia inTCaptara Hoite, oftlie Bacehaih tc. an-1 the .A nit ia-i Gcncxal Milutinovich, on th<- 2.Stk.of fanuarr.. _ _ — _^ r— _ ■ ---- ------ » ^ Foutafnbkai^ April 2.8—Though- the M. Marr».ni is the Marfhat appointed to ris P/j>e-;s have announced the ^epartntC receive and rpnduCi the French King to IJa- The Courier, Friday, ^p; /?, 15. ttis unde:fluod that part of our army in Franc- wl\ be i n ncriiattljr transfer d to A- bn;c.i.t' Ii I'll-, i.hr ivj. thore. The troops ■ret-j c r»b»rk hoti ihe Garonne, to the nnm- wt\ itissafd o 2a ceo men. This is a' otb- e: n vclty in 'Li- extraordinary age. Brit ilh u. o- h embarking from a Frebcb po>t to Ca iv'ou the wat agatnft P-ciident Madifon, •fe i i-riduiH ally of' Benapaite ! We beg prdon ufMrMteiifon for not having, d.i- rillR a!l tl tic recent events, bellowed oi.e Jine »ceven cute thought upon him. W« (hall f"d-.avor,n a ffeort tiire to atofie for our neg- 1;cnc> a '-! iaijvolftc cs-To ufe u common »'■ p«>t inerireffive foyingj He has made a »••< kettle iffifJi fit. ■>A-p ;1 16—Odev, we undi-rftand B««C ' • ..i-ci Sy Government for the fhipment 01 5- oog UanJ of arms from the Tower, for Aineuca. AP'-il 2Z --A Mai] from Halifax arrived . " horning with account, to the «©tk ult. I) ■ tw i')': ' C'"i,t,-',',n Frederick has pu!;li/Tifd .w r'oelait>i tioiis to the Norwegian people, '" 'chbetake u:.0,»hiWeIfihe*:^ceRe- jj' ;u' ! ufunjt.onan affcmbly, for the CCJ i« vj..:lc wuli bean j^d (wlc iv the com- of Bott^pttrte he i% ilill here. He wa^ to Je- petrt on the i >th at three ia the mo nlug ; all uas ready, the horSrs bffpofce fv< him a* iofie ; but hw departure has been put off he has nothing to uo, yet he cannot give up the babit oi wvaryh g a»i thofc who. art ft ill about Ivn ; as Ik fometimes hears mais to divert his thoughts, he often c-rvVir.^ his Alreo- ner not to dine tilt 4. o'clock, ft-eing that he makes him fay mafa at 3. It is fuppoied thai hwsuitjfi will be vciy ia-j'»niiderable ; the number of the per&o-s who were pnepariag to attend him diminf/h daily- jpth—No change in the fituation of Bo- sap arte ; l>c » (U1I at the pa.'acc- Parifi April su.~* The Empetur of Ras- in wasyeHerday at Ramhouillet to viiit the Arehducbtfs Maria Louifa, who departs to- raormw for Vienna, accompanied by Mad. de M(>nte3^LU"U governed, aod Mad, Souffe- at, fuh-go-veriieia to her ion. The events that have taloa p'ace at Par¬ is, were not knov/-aat Milaa on the I ith. Kfaubeugej which has fuffered terribly fo'Ti the bombardmcrft, wa^ one of the firii towns to hoid the white cockade; Two hundred French pripners, fent from England, were landed at Calais on the J 3th fGu%- (U France.) Corunna April 6—The Regi cy of Spaia has named Don Jo&pb PaJafox, to be Capra.u General of the Natinaal a'mie^a'id to be Lt. Genenla the Field Marshals IX Thamti Moreno and Don Jofeph D< Znyas ^ the lat¬ ter was sane fr<>m Madrid to attend his Ma- nr-ftyjv who was excited at Gerona oi\ the Extras of an account of the reception of the lvii»u "*n ^' entrance into Spain, publilh- cd by the General oftbe Fall army ;— TIS. ? The Elk I ;o~* of war is under orders to proceed i :-rtvjiat-e!j to [r.di? with d:fta'-.h- es announc^b the rellor^tiojl of Ldau XVIII t^ h Th'o »- of Fra*a*e> a d :hp termination ffaollilitirs in Europe. lth'is Dee '.-iM.-ou 'cal, that the Emptor of Atffftifd 1*"1** a^ trie Emperor of K'.llia an.l Kf icr i.f piufijaj are to honor the Court •*f the Prince Rege it with i viiit We undi'iftahd that Commifli^ner Boyle has made a foie&ion of about 860 prifon^rs fick and infirm, who wtil be fent to Frauce immediately. M. Talleyrand-gave a grand Ball at Parii lair, week, when the Emperor Alexander dan¬ ced with. Lady Burgher flu Military Outrage. A Burlington paper, of the 19th ioftant has the following article ::—• ** Some of the Soldiery have attempted to dellroy a dwelling ho ufe here ; but the owner defended his callle the iirll night, mor¬ tally wounding two of the afTaiiantSy and in. jiuing another* But hib houfe was burnt rhc next night, by a pnty from the camp. Oth¬ er dwe'lings-iue been threatened/' A new Ich.-oner was launched at Ver- genne« on Tburfday lad. She will mo'int 20. (^r 22 heavy gun*, a;id will very foon be rea- dv for the Lake, ■ Circumftances beyond our controul prevented our publiiliinj the Gazette on Wcduefday. Correfpondcnt tended to. ■X. ill all be at-

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