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Kingston Gazette, August 18, 1812, p. 4

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f*,-,,,p-ij't32t.w"*?**y^&\**? ■■m^Ji p o i: t r y. t:oa.ACc irf lokd^n—2EcmnE /.—0*/<r $8 PrrficQt* rd'u pair* nWw'afits. 'i^e, wait -j I'll din* it rhfcbnx^ I '*•? 5o.)kM ;.t yom 1 mg bill of farc? A Fyt)iag0rcM it (brictU, *7o vL'a- all the rarities there* t'n n^t ovcrbtirtnen^ with cnfli* (V n,l be* r is the dinner for i>e ; ^Th "i wliy fhonh! T taftecvilip-'fii, Or why fhouUl 1 cat calipee r • T • xont Jfr/u/j no triflce, I worn, To cuflonv.r* prudent ?s l am, Your pcr.fe in December r.rc green, But I'm not fo grecu as to boy 'era* With vctifoii 1 WJ^n am fed, Cro bring me tl\€ fn'loin, you ninnyt Who dines at a guinea a henl* Will ne'er by his head get a guinea *T>" jtisfowfag lines c-'f from tht ptn of tf fort cf Robert Burtf* Thy p$f$ rutch cf the rhmnnhgfmpHcUy tfihefwg oftk* Bxrdof 1}\- Highlands^ and arc d'jlingujfned ly the fmr.f vjturril hnag*ry* T.iY AIN I.ASSTF. IIip yc fee*n in the ftefh d -wy iro-nnj. The w ihl vvarhlinff red tread fie cleat, G»' the !ov dwelling fnnvv bread? I gowao» Sirclir.rg'J wi* mild evening's foft tear ? O tVn y: hae f.en my own l.ifTic, The hiflie ] love heft of a' • Bu?« O ! frac the I»nme of my ladle} I';r. manv 3 long mile awa'« II*! haii is ti» wing rf 3 b'aek bird, TTtr eye h the eye cf th? d ive, ?".. !«V.v«i t\v nvihl hlnfltiiifr rufc bud* Her boibm's the palace of lore. Ahsvhcn I Ktdown to fludy, I no-- cw do hactlitng at a' ; My b.)ok I rndeci krejl ray eyes on, ~J My thought* ate with hci that's awa O T ove ! thouV a 3c»r fi *<tin£ plcafure* The fw*<rcrtefl we Mortals here know ; Alt ! fo.n is thy havrn, mild glcArningj O'ctcafl with the daHcclwd nf \voe. MISCELLANY. jhom t:ie clkakep.4 Fr»« the. Dcfi of poor Robert, ih ocru'w 11 0 dearf ifs a $$&$? WHEN I was a bov 1 confefs I had fome boy 1 In tricks about me. But though mifchievous, I never was very malicious in my fports. It did i'o happen, though, that I was one'e ovcrperfuaded by one of my companions to godow.u to the 1 nth tots in Appicbury, to rob a watermelon patch. It was at a mifcrablc old fellow's who never gave away one, or I believe I mould not have gone. Our inten¬ tion was to tike one apiece and we thought the)" never would be rnilTed. Well, we got fafc into the gar- i never was more fully convinced cf the truth of the old adage, that " honeiiy's the bed policy'." We might have bought a dozen melons at half the expenfc of the moe and breeches. Or with half the labor of dealing the nmafii, we might have earned ay many melons as wc could both have eaten. We had now nothing but *' Otir la'.'orfjr n<:>- pa'uis, u /Iml our liffcsfor our gatrit." But this was "not the worft of it. Our adventure leaked out, and as ill lack would have it, a parcel of worihlefs rafcals had gone after us, ftole all the melons, and cut up the vines. We were found out as having been to the garden, pilfer¬ ing, and all the cunning of Ned Coke, the lawyer, could not fcreen us. In fine, the fellows who did the mifchief got clear, and we had to pay the damage. But the adventure made a lad¬ ing imprciUon on my mind ! and a thouiand occurrences in lite bring it to mind. When I fee mother", bringing up their daughters to look gay and drefsfme, without inllil'ing into their minds the principles of vir¬ tue ; when I lee more pains taken to iurniih the outfuleof the head with laces and combs, than the in fide with ideas, I cannot help thinking that fotfie doting lover will find to their i'orvow, that \n- flead of a melon, " lie has got no¬ thing but. a Syiwjb*' Parents, lillen to old Robert. The education of your daughters is of the very Jirft importance, not only as it regards their own hap- pincfk, but a* it rcipcets the char- aefcer of our country. Your daugh¬ ters are to be the mothers of the next generation. Can a race of heroes and llatefmen, men of vig¬ orous minds ami ftrong conftini- tions, be produced from a pale, weakly, foftly mother. Such were not the mothers of the Grecian heroes of whom our parfon ufed to tell us. Make your girls put on another petticoat ; this will render them healthy. Wake them rife early in the morn¬ ing ; iliis will give them a rofy cheek. Never learn them muhc till i hey have learned to fpiu. Hc- vcr teach them to make cake til), they can make bread ; never learn them to dance till they have learn¬ ed Grammar* Never give them a iilk Gown till they can anfwer readily all the qucilions in Geogra¬ phy. Direct their exercifes and their fiudies fo that their health den ; it was dark and jult as jack In;1>" bc preierved, and their mtel- whifpered to me " I've got one," l^^ual improvement keep pace the doer harked and sromv \v>t>: flrw with their exterior accomniilh- ihe dog barked and away we fiew with the prise.——Over fences, through meadows, and briars, we Wound our way to avoid detec¬ ted, ion. What fools! Jack {poll¬ ed his very beft breeches, worth all the melons in the garden ; and as for me, 1 loll one of my fhoes in the flight, and broke my fhin. I heardly withed tue melon patch fairly at topltet. We arrived however at our quuners with the prize. The peach that's hardeft to be got at, has always the highcit flavor, you know ; fo 1 had no doubt but the Melon which had coif us fo much trouble muil bc of luperior excel¬ lence. We got a candle. Dreadful difappointment' I never fhall for¬ get the awful countenance of lark as he looked alternately at his brrecne*! and his fruit, and exclaim¬ ed in the moil piteous accents— mp mans. One thing more as to children. Mothers are apt to be too indul¬ gent. Children are apt to cry i'^c cakes and fwect-meats, and they have not the difcrction to eat on¬ ly what is fuiHcicnt. Now de¬ pend on't that fluffing your' chil¬ dren with good things injures their health, and very greatly af¬ fects their mental perceptions. Don't (larvc your children, but feed them fparingly on light food ; if you with them to improve, give them their breakfaif early 'and make them exerciie. A boy nev- er will karn his IciTon with a full belly. If you take a contrary courfe, depend on it, at eighteen years you will iincl your fon, in- ilcad of a melon, " nothing but a Squajhr Maxim.—In ilie chnic of a wife, Like the daughter of a good ciioibrr. according to thy fords. i-. So he called the gr::1: '.-.->. Lcdnm together, and":->•[; ^ complaint unto them. 14. And it came to pafs ->•». thole clays, that e::|..crimciit3 :rj vorders abounded ;n :! .h--5"! and a certain cunning -:.-;\ r X ' tale, and fuitcd it nicely to the views and (he projects ' f the Gov. cmor of Columbia, and he br«a*bt it unto him,fayingv.-'e,:^ ■■■■]][>] , give me, and I will t.' Icl 3p',Qt which fiiali difcomfit •".:.; ':1V:. raies forever r 1 . And he cov< .-.;..V. yjfl him for fifty thouT rri f.; :■; rf filver, i"v-r the heart of ' r^y vr- let up«»n i'o wonderful t \hu lb the cunning man told Km: !:<:';-• who liath power alio, and who rY) and it was fweet in l\h rautli, bowcth not down to the glory ot ^'ut in his belly was it bitter aj Frcm the AUandaa fiailj Gazette ClfV.QtllCIVS OF JAMES THE SON OP TEOMAS. 1. And there rofe from the duft, even from the Me of Cornea, a man who made himfelt ruler over Gaul : this man neither feared God nor efchewedevil, but drove furioUily over the necks cf all na¬ tions ; yea, his driving was like the driving of Jehu. 1. This mighty captain of war wrote letters to James, the Gov¬ ernor of the Columbians, in this wife, Greeting *—Be it known un¬ to thee, O James, my fpirit is trou¬ bled, even unto death. $t "What is all my power to me, fo long as there is one in the gate, my Majefty ; whofe tall fnips,iike the cedars of Lebanon for multi¬ tude, draw up in array againtt me, on my own borders ? 4. Now therefore as I know thou lovcft and feared me, ?s did thy father Thomas, thou mull join with me to deftroy this people from the face of the earth, 6c their name be no more known among nations. <;. Thou mull neither receive at their hand the goodly ornaments of tapeftry and fine linen, nor the molten devices of brais or copper, ot iron or itcci; nciiner jr. j'Ai\,gu fend them the fir tree, nor the oak, the fine flour, nor the corn, nor in any wife muft thou deal with them, lcil my wrath wax hot with thee, and thou bc feourged with the fword. 6. And the letters picaied James and his privy counfellors, for they loved the king of Gaul, even as thev hated the kino; of Albion \ hovbeit they dare nor publifli the letters to the multitude. 7. Then James the ion of Tho¬ mas fpakc, and faid unto his privy councilors, let us do even more than our mailer commandeth, per- adventure lie will {'mile upon us ; let us now call the Great Sanhedi im together, and I will cry afrcfn un¬ to them with bitter wailing, how the Icing of Albion doth continue grievouily to vex me. king of Gaul doth vex us more folely than he, inai'much as hewa- cetli aclual war affainft the 1 hiich'cn of Columbians with, their decrees which are done away, will ye not that they are as unalterable, even as the laws of the Medes and Per- ;-> iians r 9. But Gaul have we loved and Albion have we hated.] 10. And a decree {hall bc fcnt forth that our (hips (hall not de¬ part from our coail, and we will get us a fcore and five thouiand and one men of valor, yea, a migh¬ ty holt, of fuch as draw the fword, and we will fay unto the men of great poflellions among us—corne now, lend us of thy goods, even e- leven millions of pieces of gh cr, and we will repay thee again, with the ufury alio will we repay thee. 11. And wc will make 3 league with the king of Gaul, and wage war v ith the 'king or Albion, and take his fenced cities near our bor¬ ders, and help the king of Gaul to deftroy him, as he hath laid : Then ihall we be one people and one fa¬ mily with a great nation. 12. And his couni'el!<.r; listened witij open mouths ; ;i: d when he had done fpeaking, they apptaud*- ed him for his gre.u wiidoni, and • ud with one voice, b; Lr in jamc , gail. 16. j\n::r, was h• ":' ••.; ;. 17. Then the decree WQit.fortJi £iying to all the ofiicers of tit. c& toms, fit bar c-'\ which is, k\% interpreted, 0 *?$& •" \ nod ; • mips could no i^nrc £ eart. if.. And the borks weref^rr I {or the elev.n JVliUion pu'iCcw^ vcr 19. Now te.e /". aid, who was a Con ot Bivilr! '• ing the money lender' w. r; : few, procleimcd tkceirfuii) ";-> vifc if—Oct tg up early, w ': • (.; CoVunabia, and cx.a in m,-..■:.■ ■.. fures, led peradventur.-rye in :! ,; out, for many are tinaVj'who Jiarc come from a far country to c.»(t«i largely, and while it h yet mar- ing, the books may bedofvd ec. So the Columhiras. caftia their mite, and lo ! it was cr.ly .> third of what was afked for: kt : •; !'er thofeJcptfcrsfl rt,*V <•?•:.•. //y> I "'ift no!: what l:- bcoo&c : them ! c i. And when a fc;v:.r.t h ': tliis sews to James, his eotiat& nance changed, and he ! : ek; and he faid, wJ'crcwithsl M! rjve,v /klfcoy the lung of Alio:, fedng there is no mosey? c v, And while ly* was yet lp a- kin.'*, there came nnoihet lcrv;u: unci he faid unto him, behold ill men of the calt have rilVn up* chnofi: them rulers, and 'J:ey!iive u ;;.:.. uncc; one v.i.ii .;.,, [^yl:u mg, wc be grievouily opjaefledby J.meinnd his fbilowers; (elm now choole honorable men mw in our councils, of rach as «$re- hcVe us of our burthens; and their have done fo, and have fbrialu thee. C3. And the fpirit of Jana that was already bumbled totni dufr, could no more bear&dttt dimjs, and he went hito hhch'-n- ber, and refufed to be conuortid, and turned his face a-zaiafttif wallj fovea clay?. .^1 lis To deceive is a baft ttide sw —but to deceive thofe we \o\td value, is a fault (o totally incsei (able, that I dciy all the arts i)f¥ iftry to frame an argument w [Ls'.'.7v;.. ia. or i^GRATITUUF- Ifappoie a man guilty of^! crime before the cwwwtto?;1 that of Ingrttitude—;-^v,ni: wuiddinppolchimcap3bleof,! enormity. r.* >.i ••ic-rr: nti, >-tv: /,!i*«* '^■•*"_"?T- A :'n-drors E:.lt of W.V1 :vr ^'^ iV;,v_ •*.•;■.•;;•.;' f,y ■•.-?'• '" rr //; j- »; ■:;•'•, ..■ "' ' ' '- rr—t!.\:ir/.:v ■" / V '• ^^v

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