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Kingston Gazette, July 21, 1812, p. 3

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XheMoniteur announces that the jWror would return in July :— he has his Emprcfs with him. Fcretier's buccaneering iquad- ron had experienced a juft retribu¬ tion of* its piracies on the Ameri¬ can commerce, having been run a- fliorc by a Britifh force and Burnt bv the incendiaries themfelvcs near L'Orient. Philadelphia, July 3. Orders in Council.—('apt. Ste- phenfon, a pafiengcr in the Pallas, informed m>> that there was a pa¬ per on board, ot* May 27, contain- in^ the repeal of the Orders in Council, figncd by the Prince Re¬ gent, and that, before he failed, orders had bc:n received to libe¬ rate all American vell'els and car¬ goes, which had been carried in under thofe orders. I.nlc ft from England* Mr. Auftcn, who eagle paffen- gcrin the Mentor from London¬ derry to New-York, arrived here on Sunday, having left that vcil'd off the Capes* lie brings London papers to May .--th, principally occupied with the trial and execution oftheAf- wflin Bdlinjrhsiri; who was hiing 1 A t O 3 ft' ^W ilair'^L'ACi!':;-,;-.^* luts beer, placed at the head of the Treafurv, and Mr. Vanfittart 'to acta* Chancellor of the Exchequer. Marquis V/cllcuey, Mr. Canning, and Lord Moira, have all refufed to enter into any cabinet arrange- rant, embracing the prefent Min- iitry. in addition to a very great prcvifion for Mr. Perceval's rami- iv, Parliament have agreed to erect a Monument to Ms memory. The lateft accounts from the continent fate that both Alexan- dT.ind Bonaparte were on the way lo their armies. Tile Kin^, enjoyed good bodily bit! 1. No change with refpeel to the' Order., in Council. Hevc tli iievc the inhabitants upon both the permiiTion of Lis Excellcr hdes have experienced but little or the Governor to remain for a li no inconvenience from the ap¬ proaching calamities of war, but that which is imaginary, except¬ ing thofe concerned in the boats, &c. heretofore mentioned. On' the borders of Vermont and low¬ er part of New-York, die inhabit¬ ants have agreed with the Cana¬ dian inhabitants to join in preven¬ ting individuals from committing outrages by plunder m other wife, and have refolved to cauie iuch of- fenders to be given over to the of¬ fended party. A gentleman o( rcfpcetability juft arrived trow the States, fiys that at Burlini'ton he learnt as a 4 > fact, that orders had come on from the yuarter-N'ialiev-Gcneva^at Al¬ bany, to luipend building Barracks and Batteaux. f JVcu.' Vajhhtted War. JfgJfJUT) J"'2- on the- .nx'w \'\ of the Declaration of War atKaicport, the inhabitants of that place, went over to St. Andrews and tCJok fa face all the "Britilh Goods they could find.—Then the Britifn me¬ tered, came over the line, and took bfirctaflthfl Flour,&c, they could M, We are happy to find no lives were lot t- 1 Tw Erilifi Merchant Yepls, Pri* Dipt, Carfs of the fchoor.er Waflitngton, from Norfolk, in¬ forms us, that on the day Ca.pL C. failed, the Revenue Cutter bro't in aBfitifitT>rie from the Weft hi- dies, bound to Halifax, with a full cir;;o of Sugars, which vcil'd fl.c Qpturedofthe Capes. Capt, C. ^informed by a Norfolk pilot, rat another Britifii brig had been ppturcd, &tfeat hefiw her ftand- ""g up for Baltimore-with chc Bri- Mm flag under the American. ». Montreal, july 13. Several American Boats which lrrie loaded to this market with Nfyee, on their return, loaded Jith merchandize, were taken by t!!c inhalants of the Upper Pro- Mrcc—i'he act was unauthorized jytne Government, and the Go- *W« has ordered them rcitored. Naval Engagement between the Eel videre and American Squadron. \Ye rejoice at bcina; enabled to communicate to the public the fol¬ lowing as the lirlt act of'Ameriean naval prowei^, which augurs the happieft refult to the preterit un¬ principled war againit G. Britain. It proves that altiiuuffh the callant gans arc not very accute, yet 1 hat lie contrived on this ueealion fjn&p- hov to ascertain that he had not a Utile Belt to deal with. This information is oliiciub be- mg received at Quebec by his Ma¬ jesty's .Ship Tartarus from Halifax with difpatches. « His'jYLajdcy's Ship Bcividcrc of 36 gum', commanded by Capt. Byron, arrived at Halifax on the 28th June, having on the 2 :d fal¬ len in with the American Squad¬ ron conliftint.r of three frigates & two Hoops of war oil' the call end of 1/Ong iflandj which chafed him from 6 A. M. to 4 P. M. and com¬ ing up with him commenced their fire, which they continued for 3 hours, not daring to approach fuf- ficicntly near to receive the Bclvi- 11< ic'i In-u.idiide, ^ Capt. "Byron by cutting away Ins anchors and boats and Viarting bis water calks, fortunately efeap- cd with the lois oi z killed and 18 wounded. Tlie hull of his Majes¬ ty's fhip was alio much cut, but the mails and yards were not ma¬ terially injured. He kept up a conlfant fire upon the American iScpiadron, with all the guns he could bring to bear upon them. The Admiral, who had not heard of the war, and could not even from this tirem?0mcc9h& induced to be¬ lieve it, has fent the Colibri Brig to New 1 or].;, with a flag of Truce, to know the caufe of this active holtility. N. li. It is evident from the r.ir- cumitancc of the American Squad- roji haviiur in chafe been enabled to come up with his Majefty's flop, that lliCy could have run her along fide had they chofen to do io. It is equally evident from the Admi¬ ral's conducl, that hoilility with the U. States was not contempla¬ ted by his Majefty's Government. ency m- itcd time, for the purpofe of fet¬ tling their affairs. Secondly—' 1'hat all American fub- jeefs, having vifible property and of good chuiacterj and who will take the Oath of Alletriance, with the exception of not being obliged to bear aiw.s againit the U. States of America, be allowed to remain without being compelled to bear arms againft th*e i'aid U. States ; but fubject to leave the Province whenever Government mall deem it neceffary. Thirdly—That all Americans, being immediate Grantees of the Crowm, be allowed to remain, but to take the general Oath of Alle¬ giance to his Majeftyj and confe- qucntlv mult bear arms. Fourthly—That all American fub- jects of «jfood character, holding Lands from Granteesof the Crown, Or from Seigneurs, if approved of by a Committee, confiding of not lefe than three Meinbers" of his Majefty's lt.xeeutivc Council, may remain oil taking the general Oath of Allegiance to his Majefty, and consenting to bear arms'; but this Oath ffluft be taken in OucIk-g, Montreal, or Three Riven., t.v.vre the Police Majlt.aics. Fifthly—Any American fubjcels of good character may if approved of by a Committee of the Execu¬ tive Council aforefaid, be allowed to remain on taking the Oath of Allegiance and contenting lo bear arms ; the Oath to be taken be¬ fore the Police Mao-iftrates as afore- iilicl. . . Six/hlv—That the forc^oino; re- emulations flrall lake effect not wit h- flandinff the Proclamation of the 30th of June laft. Govtrtiwrit-Houjc, Montreal, ? io/A July,, 1H12. 3 (Signed) Gi:oiloe Pivr.vosT.. By his Excellency's command, F.. B. Brj:nton, ylfj't. Scc'y,) not fo cafdy replaced. The mrr- quecs of the King's mefs -.vere laid proftrate ; the tables and fideboards upTct, and more than two thirds of a fine let of cut glafs and a newly imported fct of blue China-ware fhivered to atoms. A hundred Guineas would not mal • good the damages fuftained. • .A.*, KINGS! 0 N : Wednei*day7 July 22, i3i2- Many unfavorable rc^ortH arc in circula¬ tion refpeftinp the Utc expcJit.ui againA lli<? Amtrican Brig at Snckcts-Hnrbor ; one fays ht would do th?s thiur a: d ancther riiac thing. It is vcy caiv for a peifon t*j :'t: \vt their chtftinfy corner, and tell what thz~ Would do; but put them 10 the ;clt, and there is ndt one man out bf fifty t!.a: cnuld perform halfot their irr.agir.arv expti iis.— We mult therefore caution the public aeainft nivirirj credit to thele vague r-portd, which they will find in the rud not to have the* leafc foundation, For we arc coniidently sffunrdp that not t!ie lead cenlure ought to be a£- tached to any individual whatever on boarj his Majefty^ fleet. We under Rand that all boats, rafi's, frc- dctamed on the American fide, have beta peuhiLtcd to proceed. The Prfivitttiiri pjriiaxent cf this -P.-v-v.'.'.vej/v HvieHai Ytirk on the ^ih ■.-. .'■ '•/::- th dJUi.d d:i)a:cb cf p,.ui ■'ft-.,'. •«• " cr Can 'tfa met m the i6//> i.ijl. "for thedfpatch rf divers i-c^hy and imr purluiit oj+'airs,1* To be Let. AND poHcffion c-iven the Hxth rf Au- gjft, a Dwelling Houfe and Stiib'--, rormcily oi<?upied by Mr. 1, Nichofe.—In- ^uirc or the fubfcrJbct\ HENRY BAKITv. I Quebec, jidy 7- with rccrrct we learn that rcfl- • • * ■ -»¥ - - - - — — I ;v-"-y rumors liavc been afloat ;^cang depredations on the ,l^rs, which have proved with- *i0'— t>m-iThvfsfar we be- REGULATIONS, EjUbl'focd by his Excellency the Go¬ vernor, refpccling American Sub¬ jects, now refuting in the Province of LG-zoir Canada. Fjrjl-~'nm all American Sub¬ jects who {hall refufc to take the Oath of Allegiance, and alio rcfufe to take up arms, mull leave the Country* urJeis they fhaH cbtain crday evening a thunder guft, from the northward,attc xlcd with hail, which was felt in iome de¬ cree in tills citv did very conhder- able davnacce in tlie neighboring parilbcs. particularly at St. -Joieph, in the parilh of Charlebourg,where no lcls than a range of 14 barns were overfet. The gardens arc al- io laid to have fuflered. The thunder ilorm of ycRcrday evening was felt with peculiar vio¬ lence on the plains of Abraham, where the Iving's Regiment was encamped. It commenced at five o'clock. The rain delcended in mch torrents as could fcarcely have been exceeded by the general del¬ uge, accompanied by hail-uoncs of amagnitude which would ft agger credibility, if ib many living wit- neflcs had not been feelingly con¬ vinced of iuch a lingular fact The vivid lightning, the fucccflive peals of thunder, tremenduouny loud, rendered the fecne awfully imprcf- frVe. A number of tents were o- vcrturncd, including the hofpital marquee j the occupiers of which in common with many others,, were forced to abide " the peltings ofthcpitilcfsftorm." Hats, cap:, drums, haverfacks, canteens, ^cc. were carried in triumph before the blait, and in a tew minutes the <fc general camp, Pioneers and all," were drenched to the fkin ; thefc difaflcrs were eufdy remedied ; " a bottle and kind landlady cured all again ;" but qthers had occurred. Pan'nerjhit) Dif lived. NOTICE is hereby qiven that the T\irt - nerihip of CUM MING ijf ffAU- IL70N"\* this day diflolved by mutual eOn- itnr.—t\!l thofc indebted to {aid concern* eith- r here or at their Store in Evneft To«-i>» aro rcqueflcd re make immediate payment i-> John Cuinmiug., who is duly ai'iu^r/ed to ixceive tin4 fame, and thofe i^rdehtc d to diur Store at Hamilton, ivill &lfouvfii ihemfeh » of diis nolice, to fettle laid debts with Mr. , them to ie.'eiu the fann-. All claims upon the thovt mentioned cc- - cetn«! are requeued to be ft ;.t in aj foot) as pofiiLle. JOHN GUMMING, GAVIN M. HAMfLTC i Kir.plr,n, Jure 1 5, 1S12. 5: THE fubferiberhaving obtained Probate of the lalt Will and Tclbment oi th. late Alexander Cdmpbcll, of Adol[jhufiown> deceafed, fCQtitlla all thofe who l^.vc any claims on the inflate of the faid Alexander Campbell, to render their accounts propcily r.ttefted, <m 01 btforc the lirlt day of Octo¬ ber nexe, in order that iome arrangement rr.av be made with them i and all thou ir;- debted to the faid Eilatc, arc defircd to jiay the fame to the fuhfenber. JAMES NOXON, Afttng Executor. Adolphttftown* %$d June^ 1812. *$lw$ TAKE' NOTICE. 'TIE Copartnership under ihe frrm of KIMMERLT& SslGXR, ifl iliii day diil'olved by mutual confent—All per- fons wIki have any demand njjainlt the faiM firm will bring forward their accounts to» Mr* Sagtt for iettlement, and thofe who are indebted to the faid i;rm, will inftautly come forward and make arrangements with Mr. Sa«r('ff as ihcy are anxious of elofing their Books, it will oblige them to prcPj fv\ a fet- tie men t. ANDREW KIMMERLV, STAUTE SAGER, Tun. Ridmtmtfi Crii June, 1.8 T r?. ; 1 6:;- Stolen cr Strayed, 77ROM the ciicloiurc of James , Harris, afThurloWj a dark bay MdliK. abv.it :; hands high, ivith rather a long tail, about •' or 8 vears r.!d. Tool all round.— Whoever v. ill bring her to the fttbferibcr, or deliver her where lie may obtain hrr, Ih&ll receive T:ve Dollars Reward, nnd all nee' 11 1 ::rr exp«GCes z?:S. ' ' 01LBERTIIARR1S,

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