KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J TUESDAY, JULY ii, i8i«: Ot°- 35 SHERIFF'S sale. ZlttlurJ DflnclJ T^Y vntue of threefev- towh: \ JlJcrdl Writs of fen fa- ffttf.lffwcdoirt offal* M^jcivy's Court of Kind's Bench, at the fmr$ of Laurence Hrrchmer 3nd John Kirhy, of the to'vn of Rin^Iion, merchants, nnH N;cholas Hhirerman of the tawflftrio of ArlolphufW. a, F.fquire, *5jat»*l thcbndsanl tcr.rmcnts of Jumes Gerolomy oflhclpwnfhfp o{ Ma»'y&Nr&fa» veoman, to me dirked ; I h.ivc Itv.v.ii and taken in ex- fcutfon, ns bclonn'PT to the faid Gc- rolntny, the wel 'half of lot number feven- rxn. in the u; tc cooccflion of the townfhio of MniWlmr^h, comoinintf by admeasurement o-ic hunarcvl aavs, be the laraO more or Ufa, tooeihcr wall n lo? houfe thneon erected. I do hereby i;ivc notice, that the ahove men- t:o;*td lot of Lnnd, with the building and app»'!e»;.nees thereunto belonging, will be lild and ;;.1;'iJoed to ihc hichfR bidder, at mv i {ftfci1 i<i the town of Kingfton, on the r^ciitccnth dry of Maich PCXtj at the hour oUciot the clock in the forenoon, at which tiirc aiui place tbc conditions of Me will be CHARLES STUART, S&rtf! A % * * ("icvciy pcrion or pcrfon* having cmiftS «»1& ;ibo>e £eferil ed lot of tend and preffit- fcs fofliiV 7 ir.i)Tt-a?? or other right or fncufn- W"5c,are 6erehy.*d*mlfcd to K.\- notice 1 »»cf.-a SMI at his oicrin the town SHERIFF'S SALE. /;•••;.•;./ i^vtf, ? 1"J Y vfrttitf of a Writ of »«afJ { -"• • Fi-'ri Feins, i.T-jci oatof His H.'^ iy's Court of Kiwg'a Bench, st nit- iVt i.f TWrtai M.nklancl, of the Iowa <-f ivlfl&.'ton, J-iquVf.-, stjainit the Ijtnds sad. trot-met'!* of Afli'cl l'-suJihaw, of the towafeip : l" Fredci.icki*'Ut,Q»»j yeoman, to me ftoS&l I IriVc Iri/.rd and taken in e>;eeu- llon.a? belonging to the foul (K\\ ael Brad* ilia^'.L"t number tvcj.ivhiur, in the feventh cortctfi*n <f iifc to.vtdU'p of Loborongh, PAtat^iff ^y rdrjualurcmerit two hundred toftbe iKe !a;r»c n-.'-.c or UU. I d > here- tr^'v. ivtiee. t"v*l ill*! above mentioned W#f L-ind will be fold 'isul adjudged to the l;!vii bidd r, afe my office fn the town of Ki.igllon, on the twenty-fevcoth day of Jan- toj restf;it thr- hour of ten of the clock in liu-fotfj!ooi% at which time and phice the itiO'Ki^f f.t!c will ba made known, CHARLES STUART* Sh:n/L And every perfoii or peifons having ellims k-tljeaWc defciibed lot of land, by mort- P$or other vi_«i.t or iivn.nbrauee, arc here* i!ft at his cffl« i;' >he town of Kino (Ion, pie- iioa>tn the1 f;i.le thrirnf. Frcib Goods. t) WHITNEY hes julT received Cot- *^% ton Sliirliii^, Cotton Ciicimbiay Ginjf* fcaow, Bkck Cambriek Lace-^, Cotton Checks Mcn^ Beav*;r Gloves, Wivmt*n*$ Wi.iic O'ttnn lloe, do. 1 lack WordeJ do. >ten% AVU:to Cott m do. White and eolor'd 1 lv ad:. Brown Hollands, Diab Brutiftt:ek Ciiu, l'lcw Kib'd Calfimere, (Jfnahui^h*?, Handkcreliiefi;—-iiiib, Ronu Pcp- pt-'imint Cordial, Brown Sugar, Snuff and Tobacco, Pepper ^ Allfpice—Ivory Cpatbr»f Pocket a;;d Pctiknivcs, Ladies' Hair Combs, Si:p; kit Gi;d low prie'd Bread Clothe, Vel- hwNanksn, Mco's cotton Gloves, Bar & SL\np gjap, %&VC!iS/i May, 1S12. 27 Noiice. AM pevf »n making proof of being Heir toihe Eftate of Chvilbpher Soopcr, "•'Jwylo-ifgh, ieeafef, are ckfued t■ come i^a,d. PETER COLLIER. mrfarfa ,cr.';/i%. .812. 27 A NEW GOODS. Strayed or Stolen. fJL°m™e united states. THE fubferiber has juft received from Montreal, a new and extenfive aUbrt- menr of Strayed / TWO white P/GS, each marked with a crop on the right ear. Whoever f will return the faid Pigs to Mrs. McCU R- UrV GOOGS CC GrO- DAY» ot"KingHon, fh^ll he generoufly re- / . warded. July 14. 34 ceries. Among which are the following articles : Spirits York Stripe Wine Blue Nankeen * Brandy Yellow do. Shrub Bandanna Handker- Vinegar chiefs Hyfon&Grcrn Tea Obhod & Silk do. Loaf and Mulcovado ThroH & cotton Lace Sewing Silks Nun's Thiectd Color yd do. Bombazette Rn'fici and Imitation Sheeting Brown Holland Ladies Fafluonable Beaver Bonnets Linen & Cotton Cam Common do. brie Men's For H its Lenoand Book Mat* Men's and Youth's I ins Wool do. Silk & Cotton StuwhWillovdo. Shambray Jockey Gaps Sugar Chocolate Pti per, AUfpice rrnjjer 1 if4 Bine Starch India Cottons Printed dr. 9 t S !!c and Cotton Vcl- Wbtoccrt Clippers Black Mode Black LuiefttiiTff Falh'onable Vcftir.e o Cordurov Thickfca J;:an Leather do. .Cotton and Worded Bofe Beit^er Qlovea Cuih-ry & tlrudwnre GtftU, Ct 'ckeiy and Tin Ware Fuflian /Ufa A new colletfion of BOOKS. HUGH C. THOMSON,] A&iiig for Mr. Q^ St. George. J ikitigJforty May 29*1812. tojtf Notice. THE fubferiber forbids any prrfon or perfons pnrcli'dino lot nntubei t'wo, in the fiift concefiioM in the townlhip of I lope, in the Diftrift of NewcalUe, from John H. Coveil, a^ he h *lds a Bond agAiivft the faid John H. Coveil, conditioned that he will give him a title for the ia:d lot, and that he t!i: iublcriher, intends to hold poirefiion un¬ til he obtains th'.* lVu\ title. SAMUEL POTTER. Hoy, z*jih May9 1812* 29 Notice. FROM Kincrfton, a Black COJl% fhort legged, the right horn growing up¬ wards, snd the left down. Whofoever will detain the faid Cow, and bring her to Mr. Jofeph Vallier, Cooper, in Barrack Street, v/ili be handfumely rewarded. J«ft !4- 34 CAUTION! THOSE perfons who receive the King¬ Hon Gazette froni the fubferibe-, and arc indebted to him for the fame, are inform¬ ed that payment MUST be made at (he end of the quarter, or their papers will pofttivtly $e dtfeontmued* SIMEON MOREY. July T4, I$ti, Adverrifement. SOLOMON JOHNS, one of the mem¬ bers of the School Committee of Pined Town, havv»£m v-ivcv^i ro%!S$tm$ xlutfbtih tlie feitktne'it of areoiiiits due Co the fuhleii- ber, and to the late iVm of Grant C: J.duis, by t d'.ipg Notes of Hand in liis own name, z-d that of .Solomon Johns & Co. and give di(charges for the famt in the nam." of Sol¬ omon Johns, for Grant Sc John?, without ev¬ er having received any authority from the fubferiber for that purpofe—The fubferiber doth hereby publicly forbid all and every per foil or perfons in any wife indebted to htm, or to the late firm of Grant & Johns, to pay their accounts or notes to any other penon than himfelf, or fome one by him le¬ gally authorized to receive the fame. PETER GRANT. Kingston 15//; Jam, 1312. 31 rmm**t TO be let, and poflrffion ;;iven the fecond day of April next, from tinee to fif¬ teen years, as m?y be agreed upon, a valua¬ ble FARM, in the firft couccflton addition¬ al Faderickibuigh. There arc one hundred acrei of improvement, 3 pood meadow and orchard on it, a good frame Bam and lionfc, the premifes are well lituaU'd and calculated for a farmer, merchant or inn keeper, by en- larfring the bonfe.—For further particulars apply to the proprietor and fubferiber, at TjKV CjOOuS the houle of Mr. Florence Doaupvan, in Frvdcrlckfburs'h, or to Charles Stuart, Efq* in Kiugfton. " MICHAEL COYLE. jfme ijh i S12. 2ytf ONE or two Journeyman Taylors will find COn ft ant employ and generous wa¬ ges by applying to the fubferibe.. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 15//; June, I 3 12 31//' *fiift received from England, A NEW ASSORTMENT GF Cloths & Cadimeres, A nd are now offered for fale by ihc fubferib- ers at Mr. Wm. Stouohton^ Inn, on the moll reafonahle terms for Cafii. Bro.idbent? Whitehead & Son. Kmg Hon, Jan • 13, 18i 2 * 9 1 . r* _*4j Frefh Goods ! C BARTLET has received a kJ • complete afToTtment of & y vji'vu.)) LilQUOTS Groceries j Crockery & Hard IWare, TAKE NOTICE. LI- perior.-. indebted to the Suhfcn'ber ^"hcr in no'c^ of band or bonk ac- ^Saien-qncfted to call and make a fct- ibrWf*^ '"m. on or ^ore thc 6*fl of :.,SV ' "'"^ or in cafe oTailurtfihcJi notes w 'l,r";"' v"ll b" Ptu ilUo the hands of ' ■"-;.'» and a prulccution commenced '.......?u^ without further notice ■ , JAMES PERROT. ' i '1 ' I Spelling-Bocks, tor file at tbk Office. TO BE LET, AND immediate podefliou given, that . pleafmily fituatrd and commodi"ns Houfe. neir the town of Kintrfton, lately the property of Sir Juhtl Jnhrilon—'i'hete are attached to rhe Houfe about twenty acres of excellent land, a jjood garden and ft a hie, well, &c-—A few town Lots to leil or leafe. Application to be made to Alexander M*- Donnell, or John Fergufon, both ui* King- (lon. ■ Kmgsthli% I yw June, 1812. 31//" "^EW^BOOKST- JUST received from Montreal, and fjr lale at the Gazette Office : Addifon's Works—M'Farlmid's View of Hrrefies-----Liie of Jofeph-----Aflie'a Tra¬ vels—Seafona in England—Ira and lia- bella, a nrw novel—Cltara&erof George 3d — Por.iey'^ French Spdling^book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-book------- Worlds delayed—Porteus'a Evidences of the Chi Kirn Religion—Bibles—Tellunients __WaitV Plul n and Hyn-nj—Pialtcrs— Ameiiea:- C' ukeiy—Children^ books—Ca- techiln.s^ <^C* wl)ic!the will fell, wholefale or retail, at his uhial low prices for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce,—Alio for fale, Board? and Plank, & a few Barrels Flour of a fuperior quality for family nfc. * Cfj* Cafh paid for Produce, and advanced on property confined for fale* Kingstont Dec. 3, 1S11. 3tf Land for Sale. HE foliowiht; valuable Lots of Land in the townfhip ofFredcrieklhurgh, are ofTerr (1 for lah by the fubferiber, viy.. Lot number iix, in the fall Conccfllon additionali Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth ConcdGon. RICHARD CARTWRIGMT. Dec. 3, 181 t. 3ti Caih paid for clean Cotton & Linen RAGS at this Office* Blank Bills of Lading ir'or f.ile at the Gazelle Office. O PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. [_ Continued from our lafl"] Not content with thofe occafion- al expedients for laying wafte our neutral trade, the Cabinet of G. Britain reforted, at length, to the weeping iyftem of blockades, un¬ der the name of Orders in Coun¬ cil, which has been moulded and managed, as might beft fuit polit¬ ical views, its commercial jealouf- ies, or the avidity of Britifh crui- fers. To our remonftrances ao-ainft the complicated and tranfeendant injuftice of this innovation, the firft reply was, that the orders were reluctantly adopted by G. Britain as a necellary retaliation on decrees of her enemy proclaim¬ ing a general blockade of the Brit- ilh Iiles, at a time when the naval fore of that enemy dared not to if- fue from his own ports. She was reminded, without effect, that her m% p^o'i Wc&iite, umuf;p yif&k by an adequate naval force actuai- Jy applied and continued, were a bar to this plea : that executed C- dicteagainil millions of our prop¬ erty could not be retaliation on e- dicts, confelfedly impoiUble to be executed : that retaliation, to be jull, mould fall on the party fet- ting the guilty example, not on an innocent party, which was not e- ven chargeable with an acquiefccnce in ir. When deprived of this flimfy veil for a prohibition of our trade with her enemy, by the repeal of his prohibition of our trade with G. Britain, her cabinet, ihitcad of a correfponding repeal or a practic¬ al discontinuation of its orders, for¬ merly avowed a determination to pcriift in them againii the United > States, until the markets of her en- emy ih^uldbe hid open to Britilh produciSj thus ailerting an obliga¬ tion of a neutral power to require one belligerent to encourage, by- its internal regulations, the trade of another belligerent ; contradic¬ ting her own practice towards all nations in peace as well as war : and betrayi g the infmcerity of thole proicflions which inculcated a belief that, having reforted to> her orders with regret, £he was anxious to find an occafion for put¬ ting an end to them. Abandoning ft ill more all refpecc for the neutral rights of the Unit¬ ed States, and for its own conlilt- ency, the Britifh Government now demands as prcrequilitcs to a repe.ii of its orders, as they relate to the U. States, that a formality fhould be obierved in the repeal of the French decrees no wife neccflary to their termination, nor exem¬ plified by Britifh uiage; and that the French repeal, beiides includ¬ ing that portion of the decree: which operates within a territori¬ al juriidiction as well as that which operates on the high leas againii the commerce of the U. States, mould not be a lingle fpecial re¬ peal in relation to the U. States, but ihouidbe extended to whatev¬ er other neutral nations Uncon¬ nected with them may be ahectcd by thofe decrees. And as an ad¬ ditional iriult, they ar: walled on