had brought accounts that, that State would not go to War. And further, that apprchcniions in Waihington appeared very preva¬ lent that fuch was the fentiments 01 New-England and New-York. \Bah. Fed. Gaz. June zl. C.rar.odcre Rogers* Sqmirmi Mpur- fuit of the jam in a I'ieet. CajJt. Letter, of the brig Indian Ckki\ hum Madeira, informs that on the J 8th inil. in lat. 36, ;?o, long- (>/'■> he fell in with ar.d fpokc the Jamaica fleet. The crcsv of the Prcfident gave three, clieers, & swat in purfuit of ! he ileet. it will be olServed that the fleet is only lour days ahead, and from wise of them being dilmaftcd, then: is ftrong probability of our liia.idron coming; up with them. (?;/:/; adielory Arc omits. The Secretary of ~\Var inform- fd the Senate during the conclave fiuiiwjs, that the eiiH&mcn:,i into tiw.mr.y did not exceed mte tl"> <- tt&L Compare thta vvitii the frdh- hpods which have been niihliihed * . ' »ua? papers on the fubject. As •no expedition to Canada, lu mr.eh talked uf, is laid to be poitnoned t!ie lakes arc frozen oyer, tnerc i.s yet time enough to raiis ft* fe- battalions, Il'Jl. Cent. 1 >v-i tl. .h\i!>;T/i">r Iiyl&-r. ainpK i'jppiied with ali forts of drthtnjt J^'coutrensci'its and ap- jv.TiuiiiiM t*i for the new army. Tbev have an abundance even or blanket: '—It U A.iied that the re¬ turns a: the \Var-Oilice, gave the alhiiiiiliiii'; is»i\'2'ate of 17,000 mm alii, idv railed for the new army—bcinle.s, the ranks or the old iirioy (1^,000 meiO are nearly er quite illted up.. " The returns of 1 ecruits in the vnr oflke," favs the Baltimore Federal Republican, '• abfoiutclv hllfhort ®§ one ibmtjmd, both for tkolil -.iiia the ikvv army ! Can- cm-obliges us to fay tha': this is eh than the actual number le- creited, bv.t the inaceuracv recoils upon the war tit^feutuiurt.,sia d moves their arran^einents to be utterly defective, and fuch as lm\ never be relied upon for a feaibn ofwar. When we Itatcd that on¬ ly four thoufand recruits had been railed iincc lad July, we fnokc iioincrood authority." By a return obtained from the iCuftom-houic in Salem, it appears that the property belonging to the citizens or that town, now ae jfca^ or in foreign ports liable to cap¬ ture, amounts to T:vj Millions Four k'ulnJ'.Tlwfrnd Whin ! .v—What tm'Jl not the amount Oua C ...J;.; By tin k ? Cd Burr—once fb celebrated •wMs talents, and latterly fo much talked or lur his lliftlrir.gs—lately arrived in Newburyport from ^'•ncc and England, and palled through this town on Ids way t Nev..v 1. ay to ' . the Editor of the London Mor- ffi Chronicle or May 22, fays— ■ je pledge ouri'elves to the truth ot »c foUowtng important fact : ()n Ti-jfday toft the American \"-!vcr communicated to the U:lllll-i> adupalch which he had Berlin decrees, as far 23 regards A- menca ; and which document of renunciation is dated as far bade as April, 1811. This official noti¬ fication was made by the French Government to the American min- Hlcr, in confetmeuce of our Decla- ~ ration, that whenever thefe de¬ crees fhould be repealed, our or- diirs in council fliould allb ceafe. This paper, which probably did hot cxift, and \vas perhaps ante¬ dated, now comes, however, fub- itantiated to our Government, and therefore the orders in council mull ftand repealed as far as con¬ cerns America. thoufand eight hundred and twelve, and in thejifty-jlcond year of his Majefifs Reign. ISAAC BROCK, Prefident. By Command of Lis Honor, W M. J a r v i s, Secretary. K INGSTON : Tins day, July 14, 1812. Various reports have reached this Portugal—Fight axd CoNQfftfc WrlENEVER. YOUR COUNTRY 13 IK- VADED. J IVdl-wficr to the fthaHfM*, of the Car.ad^s. —^^^^^te * # P___ • » • ^^^^^^^^^ T^ COME*P f-f>«VT - Cj* Tie Reckoner flail be aticndtd to in our next.—Sivctii! Communications have It ~ received. t A mcllengef had arrived at Stockholm from St. Peterfburffh, who it is fasd, was the bearer of a favorable anfwer to ddvantfitseous propolitii^ns frotn Great Britain and Sweden, under which thcie three powers were to unite in a detenfne league for their com- man fecuritv. 4 A letter from the Swediih fide of the Sound fHolmftadt) men- place refpeeling a fracas at Montreal among the Canadians. Ws have a Jtalcment of it in a Montreal paper of July 6, but have not room this week to infer t it. ]Ve hoieevcr a [fit re the public, that injlead of 20 or 30 being hill J, as report fated, only one man teas kilLd and one wounded. Strayed or Stolen, nr-WO white PIGS, e ch marked with par the Gazette. At a time like the prcfenr, when a neighboring Government has lighted the torch of War ac:ainlt the only nation that upholds tiie real interefts of States, in defiance, and oppohtion, to the greatelt ty¬ ranny that ever opprefled the tions that Sir [ames Saumare/, was world ; it behooves every one, who Iiourly expected, and that he was juftly appreciates the l)lelhng othv- totranfmitapropofaltoDemnark, nur under tlie eonihtutiou ot G. to which an unequivocal aniwer was to be reouired. a crop on thr riylit cat. Whoever will return the laul ?'%i to Mrf. McCUR- DAY, of KiiJgftoq, Onll be ^encrouil/ 1.- warded. Juh i/r 34 Strayed ROM Klngflon* a Blac.'i <CQW% Biort leggtd, the n'^lit burn gruwing up¬ wards, snd the lelt down. Whofotver wiil detain the faid Cn\V, and biin^ her t«» ?»Ir. Jofc-ph Vallier, Cooper, in Barrack Street, will be hancjfuiucly rewarded. July 14. 34 F li fieri, Jrr.c 2C. Yefrerdav on the promulgation of the Declaration of War, the feelings of the commercial part of the town were immednrelv c?:- prclled by all the veilels hoiiUng their colors half-maft—wiihtitee:.- ccptioh of four coafling vcUels. *# ffi 1 ^i-Jttii ■ x'.rUfcSESTTl Proclamation. provincj; cr uiTmi Canada. : ISAAC BROCK, Ifnvirc, Prcjdt rrt admin'-jlering the Gcveranient r/f the Provare of Upper Cdfl&iia* and Major General Commanding his Majjlf'i Forces leiihin our fid Province. To all to ivftafii tnefe Ffefent'j mall cme—: GREL TING. WHEREAS on the levcm teentii day of June laft, the Conorefs of the United States of Anterica declared, that WAR uiid their Territories and the uni- led Kincvloni of Great Britain and Ireland, & the Dependencies there¬ of; and whereas in purfuance of fuch Declaration, the Subjects of the United States have actually committed Hoitiliti.-s airainii: the Britain, to ftep forward in its de¬ fence—and it is to you, Canadians, that |his principle more fpeciaily applies; You, I i'^y, who have been wumir'd up to your preient proiperity and enjoyments under its dirfuiive and benign ijiiiuence. Thr.i-n.vn of 1 fiii* Stldrcfe is not iu much to remind you ot your ciu- ty to vour Kiftff and Country, as to put you on your g/Jard agamk inlinuations which the policy or your neighbors appear to lend forth, perhaps, to cnfnaie you. No, my *fricnd.v—every thiag that could'reafonably be defircd ot a faithful and loyal people, has been done. You have come for¬ ward at the call of the Reprefen- fa' ive of your venerable Sovereign* in defence of every thing that is dear to you—year families—your properties—and, above all, the caufe of that Country from-lehom you de¬ rive your eon/forts. It is well known that the War in the United States is very un- . i >pn 111rr,. a a ■ 1.11 l Mi shp/i y reffiincT' of militia have refuted to obey the - mandates of their Government. It appears equally certain that foine of the States of the Union border¬ ing on the Can ad as 5 feel great ap- prchcmi.on at being deprived of their ufual intercourfe, and conle- CAUTION ! THOSE perfotn who receive the Kirg- Hon Gazette from the fubfcriber, aad are Indebted to Mm for t\\t famr, arc intorm- ed thdt payment MUST he made at the end of the quarter, or their papers will grjii'ivclj l>c d;'[continued, SIMEON MOEEV. 'July 14, 11! 2. Partncrfiif* DijfJvt 4* NOTICE is-Uerc!n- &**& that the P."t- Rcrdirpot GUMMING & 8AM* JfrTOyiy if:ij dav dWialvcJ bv mutttal cow- -Ali ttiofe imklitcd to uid coneenu lent-- t'itliCf .. litre oral llieli Sturein EinciiTow ■» '"\\<\l \i UMViilUtl Him'(eih"«:o rjiir-T., ..t. 'u John Gummingi who is duly authorized n> receive the fame, and thofc indebted to their Store:st H.Httiltoivv.-iil al'oav^Il ihemfclva oi iliW notice, to leilie laid debts with Mr* ■ Henry Ruttan-, who id a!fo aucliutizcd by them to receive the fame- All claim* upon the above mentioned enn- ccm-4 arc icqoeftrd to he lent in a^ locu uJ mf&Vkk JOHN GUMMING, GAVIN M. HAMILTON. Kingston* jum 15, i S l i. 31 rr^HE iubieribvrhaving obtairud Pit)hate 1 of the laft Wiil and '.Viidmcn: hf th.; late Alexander Campbell,of Adolphuftovvu. dcceaftd'i rccjuclis till thofc who have any claims on the Eliate of the laid Alrxander Campbell, to render their accounts {trope ly atteilcd, on or before the lirlt dayoTOttQ- bci oextf ifl Qlder that tome arrangement niav be made vyuli them ; and all thofc un ciehtcd to the iaiJ LilAte, are dclltcd to nay tae &w to tiie iVbfcribrr, JAMES NOXON, Afting Executor. TAKE NOnCE. cmcntly would be inclined to be roilefllons of his Mr.jefty, and th Perfons and Propel ty of his Sub- friendly : Such a difpofuion mould jecls in this Province : Now there- be reciprocal, on our part,yet ought fore, by and with the advice of his IVkuefty's Executive Council not to make us relax, in any man¬ ner, the cnersetic meafures which in the Affairs of the Province, I do hereby ilriclly enjoin and re¬ quire all his Majcfty's Liege Sub¬ jects to be obedient to the Lawful our worthy General has thought proper to adopt, to repel any de¬ scent which might be made on thefe ihores. Asrcrcfiion on cur • JO THE Copnitnerlhip under the firm of KIMMEkLr&SAGEllt is ihb q;:v cliiTc-lved by mutual con!en:—All oer- fons u ho have any demand a gain U the l.Jcl firm will hrin-^ forward their accotints '.<> Mr, Sa^cr Jor iettiemcnt, and th<4e who ,-rc indebted to the faid firm, will inllantly corr.^ forward and make airangcrncnts with Mr* Sa^er^ as they are anxious of cloflng ihcir I5t)oks, it Will oblige them to prck for a let- ticmcut. ANDREW KIMMERLY, v STAUTE SAGER, Jun« Richmond^ Oth Jmu% 1S12* 31 6w AutJioritics to forbear all commu- part fhould be avoided, becaufe it nication with the enemy, or per* carries along with it a ncceffary re- ;;*j ^ ^Bi^ '.oiuaininp; the far- : --— lation, by th- French ions refidino- within the Tcrrito- ry of the United States, and to nranifeft their Loyalty by a zeal¬ ous co-operation with his Majef- ty\s Armed Force in defence of the Province, and repuhe of the V.nc- my. And I do further require & command all Officers, Cavil and Military, to be vigilant hi the dii- charge of their duty, especially to prevent all communication with the enemy, and to caufe all perions fufpccled of Traitorous Intercourfe to be apprehended and treated ac¬ cording to Law. Given un er n/y Hand and Seal at taliation, which, without benefit¬ ting either Governments, injures individuals, who, molt probably, live by their induftry, and have no concern in the caules of the War. When I ipcak ot tnfnuations, it is to warn you, that, however un- jufiiy a Government makes War againll another, it can direct its operations without rlie concur¬ rence or any partial portion which might feel obnoxious to the mea- fare. The only w;i\\ therefore, to To be Let, AND pofleifion given immediately, th#3 Shop furmeily occupied by \V- \S- Smyth, adjutti{«»g Mrs. Siaubcr*^—Inquuc of P. SMYTH. K/ngtt4*% ?>tJ* Ynn*\ 1812. ^otf Stolen or Strayed, PROM the endoiure of James Harris, atThuvlow, a dark buy AfsiliJ 0 about 15 hand*high,with rather a to« ,;t.ni, about 7 <•»• o \c.us old, fool all roiiud.'—. Whoever will h.imj her to the fublcnbcr, or deliver her where ho mav obtain her, i!>.,U reciivf Vive Dollars i\<:warj, imU all n«C\U fary c:;j>caccs paid. gilbf.rt Harris. K'n;xtc.i, 2yljn:t.; Ivl . ;> : ward any intended blow, is to be Watchful .met vigilant, at all points, Arms at Vor'k; in the Province of and with that perievcrin^ ipirit Upper Canada, this Si\t/j Day of which has iocmh.m'ly dihmguith- eti tiie Sons of BrlLui:,. in S'-ain is To be he et 0 AND poflcfEaa giv^.11 ii;vnsi,.i s :.nr.!l Howie .1 :'. centra* l ...: ul th i u w n. liJUU.i 1 7uh'-';/; tl:c ~car °S our *'- onc ot" cue -Cubtei tjvi I* x. itot ::.:"Ai •