Vol. ft] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J , TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1812. [No. 34 SHERIFF'S SALE. M rulkJDiQnaJ |>Y virtue of threefev. totvil: \ .Ocnl Writs of jicri fa* fUn% S0ti« J out ofhls Majefty's Courtof King's Bench, at the fails uf Laurence Herchmcr an J John Kirby, of the 'own of Kingfton, merchants, and Nicholas Hsgerman of the townfhipof Adnlphuiluwn, Efquire, a^ainft thelandsanrl tenements of James Gevolomy of the town (hip of Maryfburgh, yeoman, to me directed ; I have iciV.ed and taken in ex¬ ecution, as belonging to the faid James Ge- rolomy, the well half of lot number feven- tocn, in the firfl couceflion of the townihip of Maryfburgh, containing by adrneafurement one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs, tcjrcihcr with a log honfe theieon erected. J do hereby jjive notice, that the above men¬ tioned lot of Land, with the building and appurtenances tlr.-reunto belonging, will be fold snj afyidned totfae htghefi bidder, at »r.y oilier u the town of Kingfton, on the ftvenieuah day of Maich next, at the hour 0: ten of die clock in the forenoon, at which lime and place the conditions of fale will be tn.vJ'.km>v;n. CHARLES STUART, Sfarrf. Ana every peffon or perfons having claims j»ftrab*w! deferred lot of land and prcmi- »•?. by mortgage or oiher right or incum- b™ce, are hereby advatil'td to give notice Jj'Mfld Sheriff, at his office in the town * Kmjnan^pt-tviGnsto the fale thereof. SHERIFF'S SALE Mini Dipt u% jT)Y virtue of a Writ of Unmnf: § &J Fieri Facias* iflued outot Bill Miijeiiy's Court of King's Bench, at the fiu't v{ Thomas Markland, of the town ol Kinglhm, Eivjuire, a gain ft the lands ttiUwftirctfi of Aftuel Rradfhaw, of the townihip ot Frederickfhurgh, yeoman, to mc dircflcd : I have lei/cd and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid A (had Biad- fta«\L>i wnjlffl twenty-four, in the feventh ttMcdSon (t tlv townihip of Loborough, contain »£ by admtafumncnt Cao hundred acres he the fiime more or Wis. I do here¬ by give notice, that the above mentioned lot of Land wit] be fold and adjudged to the bi'luil bidder, at my office in the town of KingRoiirSiit!je twuuy-fcventh day of Jan- tety ne>:r,at the hour vf ten of the clock hi fttkntnoon, Ht which time and place the coutiiuonsoi faIew*J] be made known, CHARLES STUART, Stori/l And every pcrfon 01 uerfons having claims fti tlic aWe defcrih^d lot of land, by mort- pgeor '»*brr right or incumbrance, arc here* ivaJveiNf^ to give noiim fo Ike faid Sher¬ iff, at I its otttecri'i titetowiioi jvuiguon, jjio fioos to the fale tlu'reofi Shnjfs Office, 1 gth M*#$ 1812. 27 Frefh Goods- D WHITNEY has ja& received Cot- ^* ton Suirlingi Cotton Chumbray Ging¬ hams, Black Camhrick Laces, Cotton Checks, Men's Leaver Gloves, Women's White Cotton Hofe, do. black Worded do. Men's White Cotton do. White and color'd Tlurad?, BfO&n Hollands, Drab Brunfvvick Cord, blew Uib'd Calliincre, OfoHbmjrhs, Rnmal Handkerchiefs—Alfo, Rum, Pep¬ permint Cordial, Biown Su<>ar, Snuff and Tobacco, Pepper & Allfpice—Ivory Combs, Pocket and Penknives, Ladies' Hair Combs Superfine and low prie'd Broad Cloth';, Ye!-* hm Nankeen, Men's cotton Gloves, Bar 5c Shaving Soap, Kitmfcaf i8//j May, l8f-2* 27 Notice. \ NY perfyn making proof i>f being Heir i\ to the EildtC of Chrlllopher Sooper, ofMiTviburgh, dcccafcd, are defired to come forward PETER COLLIER. $kryj&urgh9 igd May, 18 J 2. 27 TAKE NOTICE. A LL pufons indebted to the Suhfcriber "t\ cither iu notes of hand or bonk ac- <oiints,ai; rcqiieilcj to call and make a fet- ««»<:at with him on or before the fivlt of lJ «fiWj*i or in cafe of failure their notts !nd .s.-counu will be put into the hands of attorney, and a profecution commenced Wm them without further notice ,. JAMES PERROT. J^y To-.::,, hi.rd 25,181 z. 20/f NEW GOODS. THE fubfcriber has jnft received from Montreal, a new and exteuftve affort- m^rnt of Dry Goods & Gro¬ ceries. 1 Among which are the following articles : Spirits York Stripe Wine Blue Nankeen Brandy Yellow do. Shrub • Bandanna Handker- Vinegar chiefs Hyfon & Green Ten Cotton & Silk do. Loaf and Mufcovado Thread & cotton Lace Sugar Cnffce Chocolate Pepper, Allfpice Ginger Fig filue Starch India Cottons Printed do, Sewing Stlk.9 Nun»8 Thread Color'd do. B -imbazttte Ruflia and Imitation Sheeting Brown Holland Ladies FaflltorTible Beaver Bonnets Linen & Cotton Cafti*Common do* biic Men's Fur Hats Lcno and Book Muf-Men's and Youth** litis Wool do. Silk & Cotton ShHwlsWiilo.v do. Shambray Jockey Cap-? Silk nnd Cotton Vd- Morocco Slippers v.t Black Mode Black Luteftnntr Fafhionablc VTefting Corduroy Thickfett Jean Leather do. Cotton and Worked Hofe Beaver Gloves Cutlery & Hardware G la fa j Crockery and Tin Ware Fuftian Alfo, A new collcftion rf BOOKS. HUGH C. THOMSON,) Adinj^ for Mr. Q^ St. George.J Kingston, May 29,1812. i o'f Notice, THE fubferiber forbidu any pcrfon or perfo'is purchafin:; lot number two, in the fi»ft conctffion in the townihip of Hope, in the Diftriift of Newcastle, from John H. Covcll, as he h dds a Bond apainll the faid John H- C'VVcll, conditioned that }»e will g:ve him a titlo f.>r the laid lot, and that he theiubferib-tr, intends to hold pofleflion un¬ til he obtains the faid title. SAMUEL POTTER. Hope, Zflh May, i8i2. 29. W'ibfter'r, Spelling-Books, Notice, 9 I * O be let, and pofll-flion given the fecond X day uf April next, from three to fif¬ teen years, as may be agreed upon, w valua¬ ble FARM, m the firll Cooeeffion addition¬ al Frederiekiburgh. There are one hundred ceres of improvement, a good meadow a:>d orchard on it, a good frame Barn and H-uife, the premifes arc well fituatcd «nd calculated for a farmer, merchant or inn keeper, by cn- laij/injr the houfe.—For further particulars apply to the proprietor and fubferiber, at the houfe of Mr. Florence Donnovan, in Fredcrickfburgh, or to Charles Stuart, Efq« in Kingfioa. MICHAEL COYLE. June iff) t8l2. 29tf TO BE LET, AND immediate pofleflion given, that pleafintly fituatcd and commodioua Houfe, near the town of Kingfton, lately the property of Sir John J< hafon—There are attached to the Houfe about twenty acres of excellent land, a good garden and liable, well, &e —A few town Lots to fell 01 leafe. Application to be made to Alexander M'- Donuell, or John Fergulon, both of King¬ fton, Kingston, ! $lb June, 1812. 31//" 5 Dollars Reward. . STRAYED or Stolen from the fubferib¬ er, fume time in the month of May lafl, a white MARE, 12 or 13 years old, about 14. hands high, fquare dock, has been hurt with a collar on the upper part of the left fli ulder. Whoever will take, and frcure faid Mare, (o that the owner may have her again, (hall have the above reward of Five Dollars, and reafonablc charge* paid. JOS- ANDERSON, Kingston, 2id June, 1812. 32 Advertifement. from the united states. SOLOMON JOHNS, one of the mem. beraof the School Committee of Erncft Town, having on feveral occafions affumed the fettlcment of accounts due to the fubferi. ber, and to the late firm of Grant & Johns, by taking Notes of Hnnd in his own name, and that of Solomon Jdhns & Co. and gavfc difcharges for the fame in the name of Sol¬ omon Johns, for Grant & Johns, without ev. er having received any authority from the fubferiber for that purpofe—The fubferiber doth hereby publicly forbid all and every' petfon or pcrfons in any wife indebted to him, or to the late firm of Grant & Johns, to pay their accounts or notes to any other pcrfon than himfelf, or fome one by him le¬ gally authorized to receive the fame. PETER GRANT. Kingston, I yhjunc, 1812. 3 I ONE or two Journeyman Taylors will find conlla." employ and generous wa¬ ges by applying to the fubferiber. SAMUEL MERRILL, Kingston> iph June, 1812 3ltJ" Jitfl retched from England, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & C a fli me r<" s, And arc now offered for fale bv the fubfenh- era at Mr. Wm, Stoi;ghton'j itui, on the mod re ifonabl- terms fnr Cafh. Broadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kings!'ny % m. 13, 1812. 9 Frefh Goods ! S3ARTLET has received a • complete aflortment of Dry Goods, Liquors & .Groceries, Crockery . & Hard Ware, which he will fell, wholcfale or .etail, at his ufual low prices for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alfo for fale, Board? rnd Plank, 0: a few Barrels Flour of a fuperior quality for family ufe. Cj* Cafh paid for Produce, and advanced on property coniigned for fale. Kingston, Dec. 3, 1811. stf Land for Sale. THE following valuable Lors of Land in the townihip of Frederickfburgh, are offered f>r fale by the fubfeiber, viz. I 01 number fix3 in the firll CoucefBcn additional. Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Conceffion. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT^ Dec. 3, j Kit. 3<f NEW BOOKS* JUST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Gazette Office ; Addilon's Works—M'Farland's View of Herefws-----Life of Jofeph-----Alhe's Tra¬ vel*;—Seafona in England—Ira and Isa¬ bella, a new novel—Chara&er of George 3d —Porney'a French Spelling-hook—French Vocabulary------Child's Spellin^-bor-k-----— Worlds dif-jlaved—Porteus's Evidences of the Chtiilian Religion—Bibles--Teliaments __Watt-*' Pfaluiti and Hymns—Pfalter.s— Americai'i Cookery—Children's books—Ca- teehifms, &c« HEREAS the fubferiber has entered into eopartnerfuip with William Pren- vt ..... f dergaO, by the name and firm ot McCUNlFFE fcf PRENDERGAST, he theref re requelb .11 thole indebted to him to make payment as fpcedily a;s poffiblc, and all perlons having any clonus upon him, are requelled to call and have the fame ad- julled WALTER McCONIFFE. Kingdon, iSthJnne, E$12« 32^3 Cafh paid for clean Cotton & Lin eh RAGS at this Office^_______________________ Blank Bills of Lading Far £»ie at the Ga2ttte Ofiic*, e> Wajbinvton, Junt \%. MESSAGE. To the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentolives of the United States. Itranfmit for the information of Congrefs, copies of letters which have paffecl between the Secretary of State and the Envoy Extraor¬ dinary and Minifter Plenipotentia¬ ry of Great Britain. JAMES MADISON. June \$th, 1812. CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. Fofter to Mr. Monroe. IVaJbington, June io, i8t2. Sir—It has' been extremely fat- isfactory to me, to find by your letter dated June 6th, which I had the honor to receive yefterday morning, that it was not the wifli of the American Government to clofe all further difcufiion relative to the important quefiion at ufue, between the two countries, I beg you to be allured, fir, that it nev¬ er was my intention, in alluding to my letters which had remained Witeekwk'e; %. ^Wc0&b, *■? xii'c any expreflion which could, in the moil remote manner, contain any thing pcrfonal. I mall ever be ready, with pleafure, to bear tcftimony to that franknefs, can¬ dor and good temper, which fo eminently diftinguHhes you, and have been acknowledged to be¬ long to you, by all who have ever had the honor to difcufs with you any queflions of public inter- efl. But, fir, although you were not backward in entering into full ex- planations with me verbally,! could not but feel, particularly as I had juft had communications to make to you of the grcateit importance, that I had a right to expect from - you a written reply to them ; and while I remembered that two of my former notes were ftill Unan- fwered, the one written three months ago, containing among o- ther important topics a particular queftion which I was expreisly in- itruclcd to put to you, a3 to whe¬ ther you could point to any pub¬ lic act, on the part ol the French Government, by which they had really revoked their decrees, and the other furnilhing ftrong evi¬ dence of the continued exillence of thofe very decrees ; alfo when I perceived that my note, commu¬ nicating the Duke of Baflano's re¬ port, which you knew was to be lent to you on the ill inft. was not waited for, but that a meflage was tranfmitted by the Executive tu Congrefs, which it feems contain¬ ed a reference to an infulated paf- fagc in the defpatch on which my note was founded, that if taken unconnected with what preceded or followed it might be liable to niifconftruetion, I could not avoid apprehending that no means of fur¬ ther explanation might be iett o« pen to me. 1 beg you to be affured, iir, that if I was cmbarrafied by your de¬ mands of an explanation as to what appeared to you to be a dif¬ ference between Lord CaituTeagli's defpatch communicated to you, and my noic, it aroi'e from the no¬ velty of the demand, that i'eetred