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Kingston Gazette, June 2, 1812, p. 1

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i GAZETTE. TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1812 L [No. 29 y.v/? received from England, A NEIV ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Gaflimeres, fan] are now offered for fale by the fubferih- m ft! Mr. Wh. Srot^GH con's Inn, on the noltreironnMr terms for Gafth Rroudbent, Whitehead & Son. Kingston* Jan. 13, I $ i ? • 9 A few barrels excellent Newcaftlc Salmon, GUMMING 8c HAMILTON. lanr.a-v l& totf 7 Frefli Goods ! SBARTLET has received a • complete ufiortment of Dry Goods. Liquors & Groceries Crockery 4'6° Ifard Ware, Wncfehj will fell, v.'ho'cfak or .t-tnll, at his vitu' :««' »•: ^'-' •■'>'l-1 &"» ""J-:} A" -:'.-!r-. •-• j„c,..__Alio fo* fait*, Board* ;uid Plank, cC a lev Barrels FteV o^a fuperior quality for family ule. £/» Cnlh paid for Produce, sncl advanced en property confined for fale. Kiny'.cn.DiC. %t l8ljt. otf Lm/ or o^z *-&. THE fnlltnving valuable Lof<* of Land in the twnlhtp ci Freicricltfburgh| arc bfftrcd tor fcfe by the fubferihrr, viz. Lot immlcr fix, in the fir 11 ConceHioTi addition1!. Let nuir.bor tv/cnty-fivf, in the fourth Conctffuin. RICIURD CARTWRIGHT. It)Jinonahk Hats 0 Trimmings. TIIC fubfciibcrs have opened and now offer for falej next door to Rcl/ct Ura&w's [fctcrt, ■ AN" LT.FCANT ASSORTMENT Hats & Trimmings fliicfi tliev a;e determined to fell on rhfi Bi4ivarrtwabk terms, cither ivhokiale or re- uii, for Cafh, Country Produce, or approved * SMITH £t BUTTERWORTH. N. B. Old Hats ncaily Drcjfcd en kjkrit/l /;.-."/>:.—c3*Caih paid for Fur & Lamh's Wool. %*.'**, i fh Beamier, 1811. 5'/ new'books. TUST received from Montreal, J and for i.iV at the Gazette Office s AdJiforTs Works—M'Farland's View of Heretics—Life of Jofeph-----Aihe's Tra¬ vels— Scifond in England—Irr* and lfci- Ubj a nm novel—Chara&er of George 3d •—Forney's French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary------Child's Sfv:lhng-booIc— WotUs displayed—Portc.to's Evidence of fte CmiS-iati Rdicrion—Dibles—-Tefta-ments -Waits' Pl.ilais and Hymns—Pfaltcrs— American Cooker)'—Cliilui en's books—Ca- tttUfew fcc To be Let, AM) poffcCiati given immediately, a goo&Tatl Yard and Currying- Shop gnpke, v-ill, its Tools, as aifo a Dwelling *«wfc on the preroiiVs of the fabferiber, ANDREW KIMMEI^LY. jJ^Hy lRl2. 25 Wanted, A JOURNEYMAN COOPER j one |j\ fc'.JounJerftaads hisbufincft perfectly. £wJfl wM 05 given.— Inquire of gjj**4«# o//,;/r, at thc Napanc vPah SHERIFF'S SALE. MJJ/mJ B0ri8,i |)Y virtue nf thr»efcv. town: y X5eral Writst&Jkrlffo cWyiiruedont of his M;ijefty's Court of King's Bench, nt the* finis of Laurence Hcrchmer arid John Kiiby, of the town of Kingftoa, merchants, and Nicholas Kn^erman of the townlhip of Adolphuliown, Efquire, againft the lands nnd tenements of James Ocrolomy. of the fnwnfhip of Mciryfhurgh, yeoman, to ir.e dnxdlcd ; I have fcixed and taken in e>c- ecution, as beldiiging to i!ie laid James Ge- rolomy, the wail half of lot number feven- t«n-i in the full concefhon of the townflifpof Maryfbunjh, containing by admeafuremep.t one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs, tojre;her witli a log honfe thereon creftcd. I do hereby give notice, that the above men¬ tioned lot of Land, with the building- and appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fuld and a.ljud^ed to the highefl bidder, at my office in the town of Kingllon, on the feventeemh day of Maich next, at thc hour often ol the I'lock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of {ale will be made known. CMARLES STUART, sUif And every perfdn drperfaus Iiaving claiitlS on the above deicrioed Jot of land and prciM- fes, by mort-ja^e or Other nVht or incnm- bt.uuv* .• 1 «.■ iiviv.i)y auvtrnfctl to gfvf notice to the f iid Sheriff, at his office in thc town. of Kingilon, orevionsto the fale thereof. M'uVuiml Dirirln, 1 p Y vii tuc of a Writ of tazv't: J 6 9 Fieri Foe jo s. iflired out of Bis MijeOy's Court of Kinoes Bench, nt the fafe of Thomas M:*ikland, of the town of Kingllon, Efqulre, a|rain0 the lands And tenunei.ts of Afluul PraJlliaw, of the townfmp m Fr^eriekfbiirgh, vcoman, to mc dire^ed * I have fcized nnd taken in cxecu- tio'fli ?i beloncnng to the fttd Afliael B;ad- T 1 inaw, Lol number twenty-four, iu the fevcnlh concelHon of the tmvnflifp of Loi'.uot'gh, cor.tamin^; ly cdthenfurcment two iiundnd aerc^, be thc fame m$vc or lefs- I du here- bv trlve notfee, thr.t thc above rrivntioncd lot of Land will be !eld and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office i;i 'he I nvn of Kingfton, on thc twehty.fever.th day of Jan¬ uary next, at t!ie hour if ten of the clock in tile forenoon, at wkich time nnd place flic conditions of fale will be *nadc l£nown« CHARLES STUART, Slrrif A^d VVtVr pk*f«' M- p\'tTm!Y> Ir-tvifjt rh-Mrrji on the above aefcribed lot of laud, by mort¬ gage or otlier right or incumbrance, a*v here¬ by adveriifed to give notice to the faid Sher- iil, at his offirc in the town of Kingflon, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof, . Sheriff's Ojpce, 19//1 Mny, 1^12. ?,j MISCELLANY. For the Kingston Gazette 2X Frefli Goods. * T2 WHITNEY has jua received Cot- ° ton Shirting, Cotton Chambray Ging¬ hams, BlacT* Cambrick LaeC-^, Cotton Checks, Men's Dcavcr Gloves, Women's White Cotton Hole, do, black Worded do. Men's White Cotton do. White and color'd 1 bread?, Brown Hollands, Drab Brutrfwrek Cord, Blew Rib'd Csffimerc, Ofnal tirgi?s, Rorral Handkerchiefs—Aifo, Rum, pep¬ permint Cordial, lit own Sugar, Snuff and Tobacco, Pepper & Allfpice—Ivory Combs, Pocket a;'id Penknives,. Ladies' Hair Combs, Superfine and low priced Broad Cloths Yel¬ low Nankeen, Men's cotton Cloves, Bur &. Shaving Soap, Kiw'Ston, \%ih May, 18 I 2. 27 Notice. ANY perfon making; proof of being Heir to tiie Eftatc of Chrillophcr Sooper, of Maryfburgh, dcctafcfl, are c)c-fircd t>» conic forward. PETER COLLIER. Mart/burgh, i yh May, 1812. 27 UfrORTVi OF.OGRAPTIY, TAKE NOTICE. ALL petfons indebted l.o the SubfcriuT either in notes of hand or book ar- cotmt«, are requeued to call and make a iet- tlcmenC with him on or before the firit of May enfuing, or in cafe of failure iheir notes and accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney, and a profecution commenced acainfl them without further notice fa JAMES PERROT. Mrmjl Tewr, March 25,1812. jotf^ "Wcbftcr's Spelling-Books, RECKONER------No. 64. Nee levis in verbis eft medicina meis. CATULLUS* Gananoqne, 6th May, 1S12. Sir—Tour 52c! paper has excit¬ ed no fmall attention among the people of this neighborhood, and given much offence to many fage profeflbrs of thc medical art. Three of them were difputing in a fmall Tavern where I happened to be laft evening, on the propriety of the prescriptions of your corref- pendent, and they refolved that they were all exceedingly perni¬ cious, and that thc febrifugers, &c. ordered by thcDoetors, were much fupcrior.—In order that you may form a correct opinion of the tal¬ ents' and information of thcie Gen¬ tlemen, I fend you a genuine copy of an account which the mod lo- auaclou.i anions them fat in a Jew L O months agd to Mrs, Gold, the wido-.v of hi": patient, ( hope yor.r Printer will*prefervc the Ipellin:;, nnd even the correction, lor the edification of your readers. I have been much dUappointcd in not pro¬ curing the letter which accompan¬ ied this account, as it would have proved beyond contradict ion the great injaltice of tl;c ilriclures which have found entrance in your rcfpcctablc paper on the fclf-ta'aght Phyficians of this Province. The ly.He of Mr. John Gould Dr. To Dr.-------, Tor mm/in ana attendants nvherie /.'t' t'j(7s cbol'l with a large peas of Butter no, of meat -. o o d Some wacrs to whom I fliewed this bill infiftcd that the correction was in truth no correction, and that the original word Butter was fcettei — for lai'l one, s:> Mt, G<M was known to delight in ilrong mornmg potations by which his throat always preferv-?d a fever heat, and it having bern proved that ho had contrary to his ufual cuftom drank that day before brcakfaft, a tumbler of cold water, there being unluckily for him no rum in the houfe, the laid water had chilled thc paflage, and perhaps incruilcd thc feme with fome thin lamina of ice. The butter enter¬ ing under fuch difadvantages, {hick, and in all probability froze as it covered the larynx in its paf- fage to the itomach, whereas a piece of meat, alias beef, would have palled fmoothly along, for there being no fympathy between beef and ice, it could not have been flopped. It was objecTcd to this reafoningthat neither beef nor butter were ncceflary to choke poor Gold if his throat, was cover¬ ed with ice, finee that was perfect¬ ly iufiicicnt of iticlf to put a final flop to refpiration without thc af- fdlar.ee oi' any other fubftancc.— It is not cafy to determine, faid a third, what the wife Doctor means by thc word meat—it is moft com¬ monly interpreted food in general, and even when confined to animal fubrtanccs, it is tranflated flcfli, which may be beef, venifon, pork, &c. I am therefore inclined to think that beef is not a good tranf- lation in this place, but that it ra¬ ther means fapan, a dilh very much ufed for breakfaft by our country¬ men, & as Mr. Gold was no doubt eating it with butter, as milk is fcarce in winter, the mention of the word butter produced the mif- take. Indeed on this prefumption I can eafily conceive the. whole pro- cefs. The poor man fits down to a plate of fapan with a large lump of butter m the middle—he fills, his ipoon with fome difficulty on account of a few hairs which had fallen into the pot in the hurry of making it,and throwing the fpoon- ful carelefsly into his throat, it ftuck by the way, and produced the dreadful catailrophe which re¬ quired the afliltance of the Doctor. This gentleman finding on his ar¬ rival that he could do nothing, was anxious to make out his bill, and in his haitc infertcd butter in- tkad of fapan.—It is not for me, Mr. Reckoner to decide upon fo weighty an aiTair, when arguments io cogent appear in jLvor of eacm of the opinions—but as the learn¬ ed Doctor is not far diftant, he may perhaps indulge us with the true interpretation. I am yours, CANDIDUS. Sir—I was lorry to read your v unqualified objections againfk cer¬ tain medical Gentlemen who have but of pure chanty come into this country from the neighboring States to cure us of all our mala¬ dies. You fecm to be ftrangely mifmformed on this fubject, and rail againft them for ufin£, opium ?.nd mercury upon all occafions.-— Now fif, fo tar is this from being true, that thc Gentleman who has fettled in this neighborhood never ufes any medicine at all; he rc- fcorcs all his patients by certain poircx&ii sSsucw*. Ha 3^claces that almoft all difeafes ^rc brought on by the Devil and Lis agents, Who envy the felicity of man and rejoice in rendering him mifera- bk—he therefore never troubles hispatients with haufeous draughts ■—he knows much better how to proceed, and he feldom fails of ma¬ king a complete cure. A few weeks asro a neighbor of mine had a prodigious fweiling on his fide, which all his friends thought very dangerous, and likely to kill him when it broke. It fecmed to be drawing to a point, and afflicted him with torturing pain. In this extremity Dr. Thunder was called. He looked at the abfeefs, ftroked it backward and forward with his hand feveral times, and then com¬ manded them to put thc large pot on the fire. He next enquired whether there was any of his pa¬ tient's chamber-lye in the houfe— Having procured a conliderable quantity, he added twice as much from a cow with a white face— muttered certain words over*thd mixture, poured it into the pot, and commanded ir to be continu¬ ally ft irred—at the end of every half hour he muttered certain myfc terious words and poured in two tea fpoon lulls of liquid from a. phial he held in his hand. Every hour, lie threw in twenty-icven pins. After ftirring it" for feveral hours to thc great offence of cer¬ tain delicate naves, he command-

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