II has Ikvii mated in a b * duke oi |r'......jj.viuM to t« HUM. Uf ';;:;„:• „ni-rn^ upon Inn. o v • :ui.|K-a an inwr, was tho ,WUSc KN of conduct adopted vj-o-ivi^-on. Yhc^iowii^ris 33 extract or a v4^mvvnt&ccrP*'tJtt: Tigris r;,; lV<cinb.T n>:~Our penis, it, that about a incmth ago< whilft floiinpnir te was iurrouuded by thtf IfRpevial Guard, a perlon h'theermvd Urcd at him with a piilol ; the ball ii is find, (truck him o^ the breall, ami fell to ti»c ground* irom which it was inferred that Be was protected by (light ar¬ mour like his pialeceflbr in uiurpauon, C'omweil. The pi[\*A from which the bull had beer, fired was io'iud in the nolfelTion of x a Spaniard, who was ipiiandy conveyed to pnloii. lr was believe 1 nut to be the iuten- • - ^la\tnirttis on tho iiUiinil'. jure Uirjxi&U gt.Paurs, 'I hrco ... ►. «.*rt kwiti v.*vvi*lv r \r\ Till iW (;„,cs «e nave been neai!}' on move- rttlic French coalt •, iviul in vviUi lion id the French Guvernifttittto bring il.e delinquent to open trial, irrovdc^ that ai lit¬ tle as (Mjiilble nu^ht trail fotrc3 abxocid ui tho ii* * ii au.ur. March i 2. Car/iton-J/o/tftu March 10. \1>h Royal Hi&h«efs the Priuee Kt&citt ha& been gtaciouily ptcaied in the <>amc and on the behalf of hid M»jclly, to make the fol¬ low nig appointments • Vice Chamberlain—-t\v F. nlof Yarmouth. To be Louis <d his M jelly's JivdchatYs- ber—The Molt i Ion. the Maujuis of Htad- f t 1 ; the Rij.ht Hon. the Lord Vifcontit MJhou.n ; cue Right Hon, L*-rd Keath- fvld ; the II;-ht Hon. Lord JamC* Murray ; the Kight Hov. Lord Vil'cuuat Pcterlhaito. Fi.it Oroom uad Mailer of the Robe*— Nai&lU Thomas Fiq. Gro nwd of the D.dch.u:\ber-^Gencr:il ChaT.es Leigh ; Gen. ii. btevi as J Gc.i. T. Slaughter Staftwfe ; Hon, Ken.y htaabope ; Lint. Gv-n. Si-- J. Cutdock; Lieut. Gem \\ dliam Erppti ; Col. WiUoO Bradyll. Clerk M irifcul and Chief Lqucrry—CV.o- .liel Bftiiamin iil< omheld. Equcrr'e^—Zt&Sjof General Hammond ; T ieut. Coh Wm Congrcve ; Mnjor~GtfU i:!: :. to -*v to the d—1 for iwcsP- Buylcy,Gohlllteam Guards; lion. Fr-dcr- i:;;.* OtiV dupe, rVom Ihipwrcck ^ Howard, ich Light.JSnftotiwi Co;. ■ * faid tb have imprOYcJ by tins un¬ common i'pirit tor cnliftment, but although their iucceis has been un¬ commonly good, it docs not in any jfliape e(mal that of the Clengary Regiment. Diiy of FLifting—I \\:> Excellency Gov^eoior Prevoft, has appointed Friday the eighth day of Nay next, to !xj obi'eived throuffhout the l'rovince oi Lower-Canada ; as a day of Public Stalling and Humili- atiun, . . *— -m oiuv four miles otf, out VarJ^. iik!un-erpri\ ateers, catli •uvi^r tiT.m oo to ?'o men ; th'c Cr.tc.Ci -ufi-bile;joined u^jelt as tVvui^ within Inn-* range of ljv:,whn the r.ilVals up-helmed r,j i ni, etlierv'.ite v/e Ihouldhave y^lit v/orkoi it. We ^"erc pkyraJ.; and if ton.nifeft.ee ishaVf tkbr.t'ile^ve ceitaidy kad that oji cur livie. V.'e got a pilot from ih«! hriir and e- :t in here l.iil idffhl, i! j:.', ii':,:.«k kcu up ii'(iin ext jlive fjtUu*!. rcur davsanri ciHiis in I * p % mhiti furious gak, I'm hoarfe v.iih hi.'-V.-.-.c;, l"orev;iili hauling, ta.ii ui.': Itandin^, and 1 believe KINGSTON : TUESUAY, M.IT $, \6\7. (OMMhNlCATlOS* , . w&rtf jc gauuje crowfm fertltt r.ivc 1 col miraculous ; and, as ibon ^th::r vill allow, I will lend von r-'r,.ce!>us—one can icarcely cred- k« t:.:.*.:.r, thciV.aceoftlireemonths, !u i'-i.Mo' (SiScnltisS could have to cacnuntered and iurmoun- ted. A declaration of war on the part pf Sweden, agatnit Krancc i'cems feevhablft Kventsotthc utmoft importance may be daily expected. The wh'ieofthe Vrcnch troops weremarching from the coait. _ W-: i-.iTcreceived theMonitcuirs to tlje Jir!\ Inffc They contain an- o'her mftsnec of treachery in the liirrender of Pcr.iacola, by the Gi.vornor Don Pecho Gideta Na- Varro—who, in giving up the place ofe ills fcrviees to the French; The execrable traitor. Private letters, mention, that Marihal Berthicr has already let of from Paris to take command, "ui intermiii, of the army On the y\,;,.*.ii'rcuv..r..- his again reported, that the SitbiTgo lias been laid in Daniili porfn preparatory as it isfuppoled to the failing of the expedition a- gainit Anholt. Tliere is a report that Bonaparte is on the point of let'.ing out for the North, and that Ney is already arrived at "Warfav. This report b taivl to have beer, brought by a cartel winch arrived at Plymouth from Morlaix with an American mefienger on board. Napoleon had lac.ooo men in the countries adjacent to the Ruf¬ fian empire. Preparations for war •v.erc lnakine; in Rulila. Vividi), 7tu l.i^ht Dia^uon.--..' An intereftiuu letter relative to the arrcRs SBStcily\rHl be found inoiirluft page. Two oi il.epcrlons taken confcllcd that they had heca lent by the French general command¬ ing in Calabria to afTalTinatean Officer \\\ the Bir.iiTi Army.—The number of fpies and iM^fpirutora was Very urcat ; but their name3 K-\ pisns have been difcovered, and the prin- ttpsl aonf^irators have been arretted, to the grcr. by of the Sicilians. Ftltuary 11. ive copy th? following from a Morning - -,. -I . t *■ i af follnwmg ftory \rz give jnft as we •-'J ace ved it ; our readers may believe it '"r "•> '•* thfy feci inclined ; thjevidence be- :-; t: fctinty, we confefa that we lean to ^-Vv* ! iac;edtility ; but the thing is not .- >hv A ^ntlesftsn, it is fai<it jufl ar- * "»^Pvt^ [VritC3 ns a fact whxh may " - -4 *'% triGijjh neither the publicpa- . " "^•"^ J^tT-.n have ^b«d tosotfce PROVmClAli P.\RI.IAM^.KT OF , April 4.—The Hoide tviokup the con- firienuina vi the cngfofTid' hilt lo cacuiaiuc aud amend the militia net, whieh was r.aiLd itt--frx>Mjly and ordered to the Le:l!ativc .ounal. The Bill to continue ail<1 amend tbc mill- tin Aft, was read a third time and palled u- nanimonfly. It is dct-kred in this Bill, that every man bctuvm t!ie u&fi *)flistcen and bit" i* a Mil- itia man. and as Rich isubljfgcc! to t iruli hnn- £.Il in the month of Apvi! each yeav. In rale of r.n invalion or imminent dan¬ ger thcreuf, the Governor baa power t-> call out the whole or any part c\ the militia oi this Province ; and to kevp them for in<h time as he may judge expedient, during taeb invallon; The Governor is atuhoriled to call out, by hallo; tix command,twotuousand BATCH- tLORE between the age of btgliteeu find thir¬ ty* and them to keep during ninety day*, he- twjen the firftof h/k&y atld the Jlfuen of Au- ^ult. undei th.e command iff Inch olH.ers <\6 lie (hall appoint ; and id march, train and cx- <-'eile them, at fuch place or places as he Audi appoiut ; provided it be at a dtlitfrfcc of \vhere Hoops are quartered* except in cafe of war. At the end of one year one half of the 2000 are to be difcharged and to be repla¬ ced by a new draft of icoo ; and (o every year fuccelTively. In cafe of* war in the Pro- vinee, they may be kept in fevice during two yt-ius. rl be Governor may accept any number of volunteers who may offer their lerviees, who fli ill be embodied and be fubjf&to tbc fame inles avid articles of war as the embodied militia nun. But inch volunteers as may be of the age, and defeription fixed i>w the embodied miHtia, (ball not be exempt fiom balloting or being commanded for the faid coros. The embodied militia as well as the volutf- teera are to have the fame pay and allowances as liis Majcfly^ regular troops. No fnbllitutes are to be allowed* In cale of invafion, any man who, after Proclamation from the Governor prohibiting all His Majeily's fttbjetts from leaving the Province, Ihall quit the country without leave f.orn the Governor, upon due coifvie- tion thereof, fltall incur perpetual baniOtment, and have their property conhfeated for the relief of fuch militia men as may have furr¬ ed during the war. The Governor is empowered to apply £ 12C00, yearly fur militia purpofes. Montreal^ April 13, 1812. Recruting—Perhaps norecruting Regiment in this country ever met with io great fuccefs as that of the Gkngary Sharp Shooters.—This r'e- giment lias had enlifting orders a- bout five weeks, and it is faid they have already cnlifted about 500 men. The Newfoundland'and Can¬ adian Fallible Regiments are alio Toi.r impudaice jprotetli youjairly : THE above well kiiowu addreis, altho* witten by Burns o\\ a very ludicrous occa¬ sion, may in numeious inllahees be applied to the human fpecies ; mA theconeludiiijr vei'ic, warrants a luppolkion, that \\l$ author in¬ tended it as a hint to thofe peiluns, who. un- •■ mindful cjf their own numerous Amperfctlionsi 2ie evei ready to cxpofe and exaggerate the faults of others-. It is altouiihino; what a powerful afcendeltcy a habit of this kind ac* tjuires over tlule who do not ule every exer¬ tion to cheek its iucrealing influence ; pr«»- prlety and becoming difudfcfice difappcar bc- foreits overwhclmilig torrrmti and are foot! fwt-pt etitiiely ofii of liyht. This untVrtu- n.ile tendency generally takes root at a very early age, and is always to be aicrlbed toJ fume difrtl in education—of which no one Hawtrioie fatal coiffcquences, than the prc/iiil- iug cullwmof iniriritvr b'. ys with fcit-impor- tauee : this beget % fceuricy v.:"l icndeiG tlum fearM* of entiv'i'in;^ t?J otUetfl, what theiv v;»niiv vyhifpct> tbej are devoid of themielve.i. Ni«thiiig ««^i mute ilron^iy evince the trmh of ibis ohieivaiioo, than ttic ehauxtvi ui Eu- geititiK* introduced into fori'ty dttrhig the tli..u^lnlel5hcfi of youth, !>/ p/'rfous who IJt an ufteem for his parents, hv began ere- lwj;g to forget the mentally and K*fcr\c he- comtng \\h years, nrid to plaee the attention of liis aequai .tanccs to tUe account of his own niert?. Prom this f.dfe Hep, Eugttfims made rapid advancement. The roai of laugHt tcr, and -it* of fell confidence foo'n mark'd his manner : in debate lie grew loud, ever offering his fentiments with aboldnefs, which proved t!r; op'tiion he h:*..i Hi their confe- quence ; wi.'u gentlemen he became familiar^ and with ladies prefuming; Poetry feemM wanting to his oilier 3ecorr.|>lilhments j a few rhymhrg ballads made up this dMicieu* cy, and now tn one bold pullw heaiitis at no¬ toriety by openly attacking the moll refpec- lable characters, without any conluleration for their aj»e of htnation^ vainly fuppoling that it has been felervcd for him to mend tlie wtgi and forgetting lliat his unmanly abufe will only recoil upon himlelf. fiuch a»e the conlequencesof inlpirii^j young perfons with too hi"h an upfukm of their own quaoiica- tiiwus EiH^CHfiiffll^i h>f flitnuJ;v irihuuU* Xcir.lurt \vant of modidly, and a later entrance into Company, might have been elleemed, and his fociety luve bvtcn courted, inllead of fluinned as it now is. 1 llill, however, advife him f.o endeavor to corrctl his manners ; he will learn in fitfihe of Add iron's papers, a true de- hnition of Modeily and AfTurauce, and will there find, that coafcious inregrity ought to have rendered him fuperior to the milreprc- feutations of malice, if thole which he men¬ tions, are not, (an I fufpeel,) quite imaginary. 0 rauul fomc power thegiftie gic wo', To fee ourfches tts others fee ust It WQllfrti motif a blunder free us AndJb'j/i/h notion. VINDEX. England before n'cyt Oefober, ei¬ ther as Envoy or one of three Com- millioners. ------• From t'jc London Evening Mod of Jan. 3. Tranfports arc to fail in the lat¬ ter end of March with two reel- ments, ordered to Canada, to re¬ lieve the 41ft ahd 49th regiments, whieh have been fomc years in that country, and are now under orders to proceed to Portugal. The lute Governor Cfaio; has thus bequeathed hi:; properly.—To the Earl of Harrington,/ 80,000 ; to Colonel Stanhope (the Earl ot" Harrington's brother,) £ 5000 ; and to the Duchefs of Ncwcafde (litter to the foregoing Legatees,) £ 5000. It is underftood that lie has alfo left his line collection of pictures to Lord Harrington. New- exhibition. Theatrical Entertainment. ON Wednefday Evening, May 6, 1812, (it Mr. Poncct'a lame Room, which ia lit- ted up for the pnrpofe, with new arrange¬ ments, the celebrated and much admired Comic Farce in three arts will be atted, ne¬ ver pc formed in Khigiloa before, called The Doctor's Courtiliip; to be interfperfed with Vocal and Inllru- mcntal Mulic,—To commence ut half paft 7 o'clo;?:.. N. C Paruculari in the bills ot" the day. ^Cauiwn to fh Pithtk* , T">Y the act of the Provincial Legitlatur£, 3 paifed c)th Match, 1804, any perfoa dh'etily or indirectly prevailing upon, procu- iitljj., perfuaditig or encouraging any foldier to deicrt, is to be committed to jail for fix tnou-ths, r.nd may alio be adjudged to pay for* ty pounds, and if not paid, to be pubhck3y xvA'^vpvdWJ-v.'i^v-r iV-;f^sv;iiu;. aa$ati^ receiving or aiTifling any d^ferter, fitall for¬ feit twenty pounds, and if not immediately paid ihall be obmmitcrd to goal for three (Months. *S 4VV Loft, IN the mfonth of Mareh Lll,s!n the town- fliipof Cramahr, a negotiated NOTE, tKccuudby Jofeph Caldwell to Levi Heath, fometime in the month of February or Marck in the year 1809, for the fum at fifteen pounds, Halifax Currency, with inters'!, and payable ho demand. Said Note had endorfed on. the hack of it thirty gallons xjt Whflkey* U thu month of June, 1 811. All peifons are here¬ by cautioned againll pureluifing faid Note, as* I have purchaied it and received pavment ip lull for it. JAMKS LEWIS. Cnuriahcy 6th Apr it, 1S1 2. 25 To be Let, good Tan Yard and Currying Shop complete, with its Tools, as alfo a Dwelling Houfe o« thepremifesof the lubferiber. ANDREW KtMMERLY. l$thAprit9 I«S I 2. ^j Wanted, A JOURNEYMAN COOPER ; one f~\ who nndcrllands hishulincfs pcrftdtly. Liberal wages will be given.— Inquire ot" KENJAMIN SHAW* at the Napaoe Mills. f • ^ Infurrcttion in Eajl-Floridj. . We have been politely favoured with the following cxtra& of a letter, from a gentle¬ man at St. Mary's to his friend in this citv— dated March 20th, tSia :— [iV. T.pap. fe Before this fiiall come to hand, you will probably hear of the infurteclion in Eait Flo¬ rida.—The infmgents (or patriots, us they call themlVlvcs) took Amelia-1ihuui on the 17th in(l. andth.e uc::t day called on the Am¬ erican troops to take poifetTioii of it. The lat¬ ter acceded to the pvopolal, vmd the American flag is now fiyiug on that idiuid. The iuiur- gfiitts are now marching to St.Augti [line, with ixhoMtfour or Jive hundrrJme:;. What will be thcrelult, 1 cannot tell. You will undoubt- edlv hear much noile o:: th<foccallon. Yours in gieat halle, 6cc. CHARLES SMYTH, OFFERS for fale on moderate terms, X very capital lot of Lana in the leeond eoncefTton of Ivingfton, 2J niiles from town, contaiumg one hundred acres, about twenty of which are cleared, and well fenced.—A(/om feveral other tracts of two hundred acres each, in the tbwnlhips of Rawdon, Portland and Elmfley.—Llhwjfei an excellent porta¬ ble Copying Machine, with brafs Cylinders, in a Mahogony Cafe, well fecured with braia bands. Ringst&i) uyh April\ \u. 12. 23 6w For Sale The Baltimore Federal Repub¬ lican fays, Mr. Fofler has dmanded that a Minifter be fent to England, and that the promife of one has been mads by our government. Crefar Rodney svilLceruinly go to HE South half of Lot number twelve in the tirlt Conceflion ot" thi town- Ihip of Loughborough, containing one hun- died acres, Inquire of the lubicribcr. RICH A RD C A R.T W R i C HT. Eimslon, April IC, l8t2. 22tf Wanted/ A PEW Ship Carper.ter.i in His Maje'f- ty's Dock Yard, at Kingflon. Ap- pliicaton to be made tcs» Mr, JOHN DEN¬ NIS, Matter Builder. March 3<\ 1S1:. 1 20