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Kingston Gazette, April 7, 1812, p. 3

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if indeed rehasce ou^Iit to be placed oa any meafure depending upon the vvillof the ;abble, which U ever changing and mtfu ever be marked with ignorance, caprice and in- conftancy. As the criiis approaches, the difficulty of deciding upon an hazardous al¬ ternative will increafe ; and unfortunately there is not in Vermont any man of comman¬ ding talent, capable of attracting general con¬ fidence ; of [nfufiilfi into the prop!e fuch a fpirit } and, amidft the confuliou of contridic- ting opinions, dangers and commotion*; com¬ petent to lead in the path of duty or iaft.'ty. The Governor is an iodttffiriousj pi ndent man, rnd has more pcrfotial influence than any o- Uier; but his abilities rre not fuitcd to the fituatian in which a civil war wcu! phce him. 1 am, &c. A. B. i (No. 5.) jlnihetf) Ni-zi'-ffaw/>jhire, i el* ?Jf 1^09. •Sir—A Q[CrttlcnYaneonrgtoGanadH,afliird8 a fafe and favourable opportunity of giving von [here this part of the copy before us h train fo as to rendei h uuirrelligibie, but it alludes to the fuppofed tn'cks of democratic port mailers, ] in cyphrr ^rrftinjj ; and the contempt of decency and principle, which foims part of the moials of the fufealtern of¬ ficers of a demr.eracy, wobld incline them to break a fed with the f;nne indifference, thstt they break their words, when either curiofity or ntercfl is to be indulged. 1 have not fnfiivirnt time norev'dence to nuiMt n*e tr» fof#yi jitiy opinion for myfelf of the lengths to which the federal party will carry their<Ji¥jK)tftHHi to the national gov * :. mrr.t in the iv.M of war. Much may be fa&rrd fiwa tfw rcfalt of \\w elv&t m of gmW»-n, whi.:h wfthi-i two months wiil be WwW m the fUe of Mafachufcts, NV.v H;'mp!!ii.-c, &uJ Rlmdc lib.nd. From nil I km\\\ und all 1 can learn of the of?.:i immediate war. Tli'.' e<rbr>igo U the favorite meafu'e ; and J; U niohohle flint other means will be em- p]ovd lo excite England to commit fon)e n£k nfWiiHty.for thefok porpokof placing tlie rnp?vfibil!ty of the war on that country; tliis I moft pirifculaily recommend to the coufuU'ratnin of rewfttiw. The dread of op-.l'.tiivs and the lofs of popularity, will cer»,aiulykicpthenilit>g party at \,Vaflvhgton innchve. The\ will rill; any tiling but the JoUof power 5 hiuI they arc well aware that then pouvr will pals av ay with the firft cni- ajnitvffwimwhuiii ihall power mianates) un- fefsWccd they could find £ fufScfciff excnle iflrfic ccndutTt of Greai Britain. This im- (ft% fiSon-cftHiot \k too deeply felt by his Ma- j'lty'.s Miniiln*, nor too widely fp'cad tluauglwuK the Britifli nation, ]f will fur- Tii'ii <i hire {jnide, in every policy th it may be adapted toward* the United States I have Hie honor to be, &c. &c, Al It. JUjlm. Match C>> 1-09. Sir—f smfavoiei with another opportu* t/nvof writing to you by n private convey- aneejwid tiiinkb pM»We, at this leafou, ttettttf frequency of thefe will render it tin- BecclFary to write to-you in cypher. It does rot yet appear nec'elbry* that I fhoulddifcovet to ^ y pcrfon the purpofe of mv\ifit to Bolton ; nor is it probable thnt 1 fliallhc compelled, for the fake of gaining marc knowledge of the arrangements of the Mewl party in thefe ftates, to avow myfelf as a regular authorized agent oFtlieBrhifb government, tvento thofe individuals who would feel equally bound with myfelf to pre- fervc with the utmofl infcrutability fo impor¬ tant a fecret form the public eye. J Ihivc fttffkknt vwatis oj information to ena- U?mctoj!tl;c (rf (fa proper perlidfor offering the co-operation of Great Britainf aridI Opening acjrrcfpwihnct' bdtveai the Governor-General of'Briii/h Anurieaand thofe individuals who, fr;m the part thry tale in the opp'fit'ion to the notional "overnmenJ. or the influence they may pjifsin any new order of things f that way grow wi of thepnfnt ttiffi retires^ fliould be qualified to aft on behalf of the northern ftates. An apphenfion of any fuch ftate of things as is pidunpofed by the majority begins tofubfide, Hncc it lias appeared, by the eonduft of the general ge.vcrnmcnt, that it is ferioufly al irm- cd at the menacing attitude of the northern fcucs. But although it is believed that there is no probability of an immediate war, y't 110 donbts are entertained that Mr. Mad- ilon will fall upon fome new expedients to biingabout hoftilities. What thefe may be can only be deduced from wlnt appears to be prafticahle. A nrntwiercmirfc with England :t,'d Fiance will probaWly fuprrfnh- the cm- tafgo ; which, by openmg with the relt of reopen partail tcgttim'atc commerce, and wordinjr ftron^ temptations to that which is »'M, will expolc the veflcln to chjH ore, de- t4ntion,an<J embarraiTrntnt ;will]uiiify rli« P'clcnt policy ; and produce a degree of irri- totujnaud rffentriicnt as will cnr.blc the gov- JW«« of this country to throw the whole Wand refpouttfeflit* of warf.um iisown ■WWoitiponthofe of th<: Bii-.ilh miriftrv. 1 If in this, the party attached to France ftbiild calculate with corrcftnrfs, alid the commerce of New England would greatly fuffer,—tlie merchant, bring injured and difcouraged, w^oold nat oniy ;iCqui-fce In the refcriftive fyftem but even fubmit to war. . On the other hand, fliould the final! traffic permitted by a nonintercoiMfelawbelucrative and uninterrupted, the people would be cla- mnrons for more, and foon compel tlie Gov¬ ernment to relloie the frieiully relations be¬ tween the t\TO countries. While I offer my opinion upon this f«bj««, I cannot exorefs but n Ilrong hope that if any terms fliould be propoled by either government, to which the other might think proper to accede, that s? principal motive to the adjyftment of dif¬ ferences fliould be underfiood to arffe f-orh the amicable difpofition of the Eaftern^Maes, particularly of the flalc of ; Maffach'nfetts. Tin's, as it would increafe the popularity of the friends of G. Britain, could not fail id promote her inter/It. If it could be done formally ?jtd ofHcially, nor in a correfpon- dencc between miuiller*, ftill perhaps the ad- mi'iflration in the Parliament: of G. Britain might U-A-e thnt gDund, and the fuggedion would find irs way into the papers both in Enghiud and America. Jtcann.>t- be too frequently repeated, that this country can only be c*>vcrrfed and di- reeled by the influence of opinions : as there is nothing permanent in its political ihflittf- tions, nor ;o-c the populace under any cfrcum- ftanees to be relied on, whrn mtafurefl become inoonv^meiit and burdenfume. 1 will foou \v;ite agajn, and am, $*& A. B. To le continued* - - KINGSTON : rt'FSI)\V, tfi'Ktl 7, 1^12. 4'rata a Qlbr&harpaper—'/ji: t f. v.'c tlaji the pivfSi la iiu-uiuxi, that aivthentic intelligence lias juil been re reived from Oenia.ofthc id of J.i.nri.iry,- by,xliich it appears, that Blake, v/ith part <.:f lii-: anny, bad retreated to Valencia after the action of Dee, sUtti ; that on the eSt!i, the cneivy were rcpttffird in an attack en I be toum t that provifions for one montli had been thrown in¬ to the place, and great bones were entertained that the enemy would 1 be obliged to raifethe iicsrc. as iVijna. and cl rar.pecinado were advancing againft them, by the Segorbc road; :\nd would aft in conjunclion with tlie army under General Frcrrc. . No account ot the fall of Valencia had readied Gibraltar on the i8th of January : but at the bit dues it was clot el y beficged- The ]>rit ifli Ambahador had re¬ turned to Sicily from England, and it was faid had been favourably received. JV<*w Tori, AT, xrsh 11 • PROM LISBON. Capt. Burke, of the ihip Fanny, left Liibon the 28th January, and confirms the account of the capture of Ciudad Rodrigo by the Englifli on the evening of the 19th. As before ftated, the attack was made on three points, under Generals Crawford, Pickton, and M'Kinn Gen, M'Kim was killed, and Gen¬ eral Crawford dangcroufly Woun¬ ded. On entering the fort the French fprung a mine, which def- troyed near 700 men. Tlie French fought defparatcly, and the ilaugh- ter was great, for every man in tlie forts was bayonetted or taken prif- oner. About 1700 prifoncrs were fcnttoLifbon. The Knglifhlol's was about 1100 men. Lord Welling¬ ton's official account liad not been received at Liibon when the Fanny failed. The following (latement is tlie amount and difpofition of the Britilh navy up to January 1—At sea 115 of the line, % from 4+ to 50, 136 f.igutos, 97 Hoops, 5 bomhs, 121 brigs, 32 cutters, C2 fchooners ; total 527.—In port and fitting, 52 of the line, K from 44 to 50, 28 frigates, $8 fioop9, I btfmb, 28 brigs, C, cutters, 2! fchooners ; total 162.—Guard ftipt, A«f tliclinc, 1 lifty, 4 frigates, 9 floopej total f4. —Hofpital (Trips, &c. 31 of thehnc, 3 of 50, 3 frigatea ; total 37—Total in cc»m- inilTion, iK7oftl.cliiu,2ofrom44to50 161 ffig&tek ifi'tifrph 6 bomhs» l5° br,Ss'57 cutteres; 7^ fciiooncrs ; tola! 740. Ordinary & repairing for fefvice, 79 of the line, 14 from 44 to jp, 59 frigates, 38 floops, fix bombs, J 3 brigs, 2 Ichooners ; total 202. Building 3 1 of the line, 2 of 50, 14 frigates, 5 fioops; total 52, forming the grand total of 994 Brit- ■ mighty babble, and expofed the the vanity of its invention. Repertory. Savannah, (&■;.) January 30. Singular Occurrence. The (hip Georgia, captain Stokes, foci Liibon to Savannah, on the 2 ill November laft, in lat. 30, N. long. 23, W. about 3 P. murdered our feamen, no^SSaid^wS S^fflf ST,^ TV^^ ^ fom« weeks lince. in pofiVflton of the faft, th.1t SSul T \k I u ^^'^l ■ -• - r ' while failing with a fine breeze from the eait 1 1 - ifli veffels of war. Trench Murder of American Seamen. t The CKmnicJct denies tliatthe French have the fliip Mary. Jane, of Porland, loaded with Ameri^n produceon American account, from Charlefton for England, was captured by a French privateer, and ordered for Fiance: When the American captain and pa-t of her crew rofe upon the cantors, regained the fhip, but finding themftlves purfued abandoned the mip, toof< to the boat and efcaped to England, leaving on board that part the ofAmerican crew which had taken nc part in the recapture, but all of whom foon after the fliip vras taken into France, wa-eSHOT!—U not this murder and French murder to'**?—Thishasneverbeencon* tiadirted.—Bo/lon Ga%. w \ lMPRESSMI-NTSo Tlie Secretary of State lias rnade { a uatement rcfpccling American feamen imprciled by the Britifli ; by which it appears, that very ma¬ ny cafes reported have turned out to be of pcrlbus not Americans, but claiming to be iuch ; and that iii factntfne arc detained who have proved to be real Americans, ami that few uniettlcd cales remain; At the fame time, we know that very fn-.uiy Ainot'iffan*' Kre ht'Irl in actual bondage by tlie French, wJio had iirft plundered thein of their property.—Sftlcni Gtizcttt'i • ' The Bhfftng tfMarlm's Miffimik A French ft]uadron wlucli failed from France in fanuarv is cruilinc in the track of our iliips to Spain and Portugal—thev takepofleffiori of and cIRroyall they fmdearryin fuppliev. to tbofe places. Thus by the new. treiity which Barlow is fuppofed to have made with Bona¬ parte, it appears thai even our own produce is to bedeftroyed, without trial, on the hiffh feas^ if found on the way to the poor Spaniards and Portuguese who arc conlidereii as Rebels to the Great Emperor.—- Repertory* Embargo—Some of our nrctiicrn of the quill and type at the fouth- ard, are recommending an Embargo. Tliefe rcntlemcn little know how they make their friends in Congrefs fulfcr, wlien they hint at fuch a meafure- Why, you might as well talk of a sallows to a widow whole hulband has been hanged as to talk of an embargo at WatJ)ington. Ev. PojL Mr. Pcrlcr, tlie congrefiional aeronaut, has experienced the fate of his prcdeccilors who have at¬ tempted balloon navigation. He rofe, it is true, with aj*M id rarili- cd, that liis afcent was fingularly rapid, and foon conveyed him be¬ yond the reach of common optics. But the keen-eyed Secretary of the Treafury malicioufly elevated his thirty-two-pounder, Huffed with taxes and loans to the muzzle : aimed it directly at Porters' balloon, floating as it was in the region of ftorms'and tempefts ; and nofoon- cr did the explolion take place, than the balloon was feen to have burit, and poor Porter tumbling headlong from his prodigious height. It is fufpected that lie fell into the fca of oblivion, and will be heard of no more. Thofe who had anticipated great utility from his buoyant machine, are not a lit¬ tle mortified at the ridiculous re- fult, and not a little angry at the Secretary, for having broke tl>c about eight knots, a black cloud arofe from the fouth-weft, and the fliip was all at once becalmed. A light air afterwards fprnn^np, then from the north-eatr, at which time there fell from the cloud an innumerable quantity of large Grasfhoppers, fo a* to cover tfee deck, the lops, and every patt of the fhip they could alight upon. They did not ap¬ pear in the leall exhaulled ; on the contrarv, when an attempt was made to take hold of them, they inftantly jumped and endeavored to elude being taken. The calm or a very light air, laded fully an hour, and during the whole of the time thefe infefts continued tr> fall upon the fliip and around her. Such as were within reach of the veflel alighted uvoa her, but immeiife numbers fell into the lea, and were feed floating in maffes by the lid«. During the next day many (Iill remained z- bout the ugging and decks, and were fern In quantities jumping and flying from one place to another. During the reign of Bonaparte, tlie ladies of England have patri¬ otically determined to wear no French lace; and they recom¬ mend to the gentlemen to ulc no French' wine during tlie fame pe- QorrcJprMmt—' John Bull. Jun.' under contidcration. MEDi , AtKragarS, f-iclrlrnly, the "th nit. 7,1,3. Heroa, wife of Mr. A. Heron, merchant of thnt town — Jo this town, Mr. C. Trump. r Tungsten^ bth Afrit% \ S i:. WO or threfpairsof SAWYERS will i:;id emo!o\ (.icnt by applying to WILL. ROSS, ' Dcp'y. AfT't. CooYr. Gen. 20 Dollars Bounty Wili be paid to Able SEJAIEN------and 1 2 Dollars Bounty To Ordinary SEJfifENi On entering tor the Marine Service for 3 years. Apply to Lieut. EARL, Smior Ojf.ccr AT. D. Kingston, ^oth March, 1812. 21 Wanted, A FEW Ship Carpenter? in HU Majcf- ty*a Duck Yard, at Ktu^Oon. Ap¬ plication to be made to Mr. JOHN DEN¬ NIS, Matter Builder. March 30, 1^12. 20 A TAKE NOTICE. LL ptrrfons xnJcbted to the SwMcribcr either in notcj of hand or book ac¬ counts, are wpefleJ to call and make a fct- tlement wuh him oil ut In-fore the tirlt of May enfuing, or in cafe of failure their note* and account.; will bo put into the hands en an attorney, and a profecation commenced agaiull them witkoutfurther notice JAMES PER ROT. Ernf) Tntotii March i$% iSI 2. 20//" _____________________________ T ---■__- ■ - ,. ■ Land for Sale. LOT No. t4» in the fifth conceffion m the town fliip of Ktagfton, one mile dillancf.om Rider's Mill. Lot No. 7. in the iifih eoncefllon of the townlliip of Portland, one mile from Slant's Mills. Inquire of the fubferiber. LEWIS DAY. Kingston, Afrit 6, T R \ 2. ____21 tf .t t Take Notice. ALL thofe indebted to the fubl'cr.'h.r are requelled to call and make payment immediately, or they will be fued without further notice ; and all thofe who hold note's or accounts aie defired to bring them for¬ ward. RICHARD SMITH. February 17, 1H12. *Uf * 9 A few barrels excellent Ncwcaitle Salmon, for fale b)' CUMMWGZl HAMILTON. January 18. l ^

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