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Kingston Gazette, March 24, 1812, p. 4

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, * ['Oh i U V. ^, .,. -.. v* V : /V «fc Ga;,;-tte. # * to i B\tf6*ft*l'S v.>v'.-. Mv at in::. „ ....... ilxju ..'." " '/:'r- llXO 1 • hundred inontta aw huwl«J \ |)fj -.1 ni hrtfc tofp«.*1 wfeh »tcn lungs; Morc<l-Wcf. 1 Cnnia not n'L'c-.U, '", .:. tin rVnnlvpc gwi l< w»ift nftccr. AM wo telle*** ttilafmoft all we know : J'IY. SmU p«tv»Vtu? and religion Ma A^cncr^i^ v*'n5 J>rc:'!« iVjm fllorc : Hi ie. C<rtfJ tin great p™tu$, owe ajjatn **$????* \Vln firfl invented, the alphabetic i\ife?W ; _\,!msif-.\l nntme, ivMiM lw tun rxcU'm ? With tvrp?tu<kj i-i ffrtul iUdn y.»u defame ; Revfi^d in ovJw. ml" i~»a [men's ilri.fr, _ J>«i nnrtoU'stp ftigh^on cntfcfi n's wing* A Gkiiatw ! true, asj untheathM thy night, ..." Tn contact worM*, and fields of light ; . vi:i thy wr.-it'i. tltc fck'nrcs t'> light ; The Icarri'J you'll ne'tr involve m night* TVtere rnn^ egoufwi infinnatc thy fare ? There, mu.t ihv aflyltith be. anj only vhcrc. Tis CO writing, v.v oqr deliverance owe, F^otr. ignorance, error, and ttctttal woe. Pckncis n k-v, ';:> revbe and g^v, )n •'-■'. from n-gft to age, they ft.-w ; ?>v ink* the t1'ici«>at:oM= <?f leptiWte^trflce, Or $3«»r richer, ^'<•>*• twpftude, .-c grace. ~Ti> regretted, ih * rvonriualsdo include, Ii'sriv^ntci's praife*. al'an 1 they aJl elude ; To M\%% t?n tha-ufa -i praifcs, fhrtuld repeal, To hiir., 'tfcdut hi* menviy t;> perpetuate ; 1T-• -I ths wcity, but his remaiVis, n na*ne, '....... ,-j i » C'sh?.l'nM hi Ini!poit.\l fame. Thou Crtn\« from England, to emulate its y w ■■■'• \*>f jhc King, from fii ore M Ihnrc. \ _ cr.-nr:. g'.aoutcr, :o make th; north o- Hey, Rtfin^'d-fn ipftgiCv of benighted plsiyj Lecru'd by Dcjn, who ill En-l,;nJ they ro vcr?> HrCT Dean.cin \rtit£«tho* vvas nevdr there. Slander ha1?, in fcrofiny hetrny'd, ?M„.1;:d Kectok ^Ox the dirt an \w bend ; C 'n h? be li3Jid«'d,wlm DetnorAlKse»;j.Oitt)|? Dilates in error, flrike« at liberty and truth. Orfi tiTeeled truth, rr.ay all thy hluller rruflu Xot handle th$ pen alone, but the paint and btuili i Jl'.cn days, may not be t!n-e fur yon to vrrite, J-uns thoughi may difpenfe a li«_:','i Uft the pot and brufli, take thy (light* SYMMETiUST. pvc> re!"- iV.rri-ui' vn"-'- Had I tvea- !cd you crtHt-mitJy, foid m-v fAtheif, vl>u'%N-ould Uavc rcm;ui)ed ignoTj ant of the arf, astl driacquatntcd -vhh the value m ir.du.riry—your Lr-H-mee would have expoted yoti in inipoiltjon and vout idkneia to vice. Voii have ml\v luiHWcdyour t:ruj,--take tl & (ura of moiicy and look round yow > litllc before yon fettle to feiiona buiind's. I could not make the tour of Knropc on account of the war, and 1 »«Hiked a long tea voyage—I confined my- felf therefore to a jr.unt throunji Great Britain nnd Ireland. On my return to London, I got con- BeScd with a club of jolly fellows, who were in ray opinion cscccd- bffly happy—Bttt L loon perceiv¬ ed that their tu'lrth nnd jollity fprang from vacancy of thonght, .-cd required the riimulaiion o| the botUe to keep it up. They 1'ecmcd to wifh to efcape from thcmfelves, and hated nothing fo much a> beinit -.done My morn- adn icr my afiirtance. Vrom convex I-JL-CELT,ANV. Forth Kingston Gazette, I FEAR 1 2m tedious, but in- deJd 1 have nothing to lay except 1 (peak of rny parents, and 1 owe them fo much that I fhould be a ravage to love them lets than 1 do. —A man muft havefoiuc trade or protefiion, faid my father to me as I lirufiud mv lixtcontli year, in or- der to be h.vppy ; if you arc incli¬ ned to continue my bufmefs, it is now time for you to learn the art. W i was accordinffh* bound five rears. —Next day I was very much fur- prifed and chagrined to find that I mud attend in the workfhop with the iamc punctuality as the workmen. Being fon and heir I was proceeding to take fome liber¬ ties with the artintns, but the fore¬ man checked me and ordered me * do the drudgery of the young- elc apprentice. I complained bit¬ terly of this indignity to my fa¬ ther, but to no purpofe. He told me that there uhould be no partial¬ ity in his workfhop, that in it I ap¬ peared not as his ion but as a lear¬ ner of the art. This fecmed to be ftrangc language from a father to his child, but I was obliged to acquiefce. No relaxation was ad¬ mitted in my favor, and 1 ferved my time as feverely as any other apprentice. Bu: to this ftridnds I attribute not merely a knowledge of my buunefs, but thnfe habits of iober attention which I have ac- .iir^-d and fenmj fo uf^f-al in my we buried her mother in a few days after I fir ft faW them. Ky t he death of her parents the young lady is left deftitute, and luch is her noble fpirit that, when I Uvit propofed taking her homc,ihe hel- itaicd to comply. I will procure a foliation as an attendant upon feme lady of quality, faid fhc, Ma¬ dam, for I willi not to be a bur¬ den upon my friends. The tear which this declaration ftaltcd in my eye, Pncwcd her my affection. She wept with joy at fuch a mark of tendernefs, and accepted my in¬ vitation. This defeription came other, the kind- varnim'mg Jonah's face, and men. dine: his lert arm. To cleaning the picture of Samp. fon in the character of a fox hun. tcr, and fubftitut'mg the whip for the fire brand. To a new broom and bonnet for the witch of Endor. To painting twenty new Hcp3 to Jacob's ladder. To adding fomc Scotch cattle to Pharo's lean kine. To mending the net in the mir¬ aculous draught of iiflics. To painting a new city in the land of Nod, To cleaning the garden of Eden after Adam's cxpullion. To painting a moulder of mtit. ton and a flun of beef in the mouths of two raven's feeding Eli- jail. To an exact reprcfentation of Noah in the character of a general reviewing his troops, preparatory to their march, and the dove drcf- up to the ideas which 1 had form- fed as aide-de-camp. <s head aches were a terrible cd of the perfon,_ whom I would To painting Noah orcfled in an m„ price for the mallow pleufurc 1 en¬ joyed in their company, and I re- "foi'ved to defert. i had alfo many kruples of confeicncc, their pro¬ fane convcrfaUon, the mifpending of my time, and difappointing the rcafo'nable expectations of my dear parents. This laft was irrelillible, and 1 left their locicty ; indeed the !eai of being \WieuM ["'< v&mad me from leaving them longer than anything clfc, for being of a 1c- date turn of mind I never reaped any plcafurc after the iirit evening in their focicty. I was much iur- priied that neither my father nor mother interfered with me during this feafon of wildncfs, and I tho't them entirely ign ^rant of the man¬ ners and characters of my compan¬ ions ; but I found afterwards that they knew every thing.—Wc mult not thwart him, fold my father, he mult be allowed to proceed, his fceady habits and religious princi¬ ples wili reclaim him, but were he to difcovcr that he is watched it might prove his ruin. Nothing d, ■■j-.tde- a nrilvfe mind fo food as to find itfelf i'ufpeeted. When I had left my gay atlbciatcs my fa¬ ther told me one morning that he intended to take me in as a part¬ ner in his bufmefs, lincc I had bro¬ ken off all connexion with my fooliih companions. Accordingly I became his partner—took the general direction of the bulincfs, and lived very happily for feveral years. At lenffth 1 becran to think that nobody fecmed to live happi¬ er than my parents, and that if I could get an amiable partner, I might enjoy an equal decree of liappmcis. Not being ambitious, and pollcfling a competency, 1 de¬ termined to marry for love. I was now impatient to find a young lady of an amiable difpofition, and obliging manners, who would de¬ light in directing her family and making her hulhand happy. I de¬ manded very much from my wife, much more I fear than I defervc, but it pleafcd heaven to direct: me right. Going to vifit my aunt one morning, I found a young la¬ dy with her,drefred in deep mour¬ ning, the moft beautiful that I had ever fecn. Melancholy made her the more interefting. When (he retired, I inquired with much ea- gernefs who flic was—The daugh- tcrof a fchoolfellow of mine, whom I found by the flrangeft accident, in a houfc where one of my pen- fioners refides in the lad ftagc of ^ omfumptiori. The tendernefi choofc for my wile. My vifits to my aunt's became more frequent, and I had the happinefs to difcov¬ cr that my attentions were not in¬ different to her fair ward—My pa-; admiral's unilorm. To Sampson making a preterit of his jawbone to the proprietors of the Britifli mufeum. To repairing Solomon's nofc, die fin rr/*r H The fubferiber has jufl receivedJrm jtfcix>- Tarh the pithy. m* rents approved of the match, for and making a new nail to the mid* they wiihed a virtuous not a rich daughter-in-law. We have been married three years, and our hap- pimfe teem .s3»a^ it«0> inoreaii-— wc arc united by the fame intcrefts and affcclions—wc delight in the fame purfuits, and our two little babes give a new tendernefs to our union—Wc ftill live with my fa¬ ther and mother, who feern alfo to be happier. Indeed they de¬ clare that they enjoy themfeives more now than ever they did be¬ fore. The moft delightful harmo¬ ny prevails among us, and if felici¬ ty is to be found wc certainly pof- fefs it. To my parents I owe ev¬ ery thing, for had it not been for their attention to my education, I might have acquired bad habits, become the fport of my paflions, and incapable of rciiiliing true and ratio;ial enjoyment.—Perhaps you. may think that this narrative leads to no ufeful conclullon, but fuch was not the opinion of the com¬ pany who heard it—They consid¬ ered it pregnant with judicious ob- icrvations on education, and prov¬ ing that happinefs is only the at- tendant of thole who are moder¬ ate in their defires and the friends ot virtue* Yours, ATTLNTUS. Scottrfli Chiefs—:\ Romar.ce Dal/.all, Thane of Lanaik—r. Ts)c Winter Evenings Self Contronl—a Novel Simple Tales, 2 vols. Marmjon—a Tale tvf F!nuo«,n TliA Marmontel and Grcffeu Auftui'a Lcitcrs LJfo of WaflimgtGH Silvox Travels The Lawyer-^a ia!<J Lovers of Lava;.die S<!fo, aft ajfortiueit of SHOES, GARDEN SEEDS, FIFES tV GERMAN FLUTES. % C. THOMSON. Kingston, March ":* iSis. 17^3 20 Dollars Reward on Sat* CURIOUS iwintsr's BILL. The following are verbatim, the items of a painter's bill, lately font for payment to a noble lord, m ho conliders himfelf one of tl^e grea- teft connoiieurs of th.^prcfent age^ and who has a very large collec¬ tion of lacrcd and profane piclures. To filling up the chink in the Red Sea, and repairing the dam¬ age done to Pharo's holt. To a new thief on the crofs. To cleaning fix of the apofdes and adding an entire new Judas lfcariot. _ To a pair of new hands for Da¬ niel in the lion's den, and a let of teeth for the lionefs- To ngw varniihing Mofcs' rod. To repairing NebuchadnezzarV; beard. To mending the pitcher of Ja¬ cob's daughter. To a pair of cars for Balaam & a new tongue for his afs. AN away from tlie fnhfcriliei J "V i"."day Evening, the yth inft. aii in- .'..<•'. . .:fij>i>renuc«j to ttlr {CboytT^g ,1,-. jicfs by tlie name of THOMAS PAX, TOM; about 5 feet 8 inches high, al-om 19 yean of age, li^lit coaptation—had nn when he went away a mix'd gray fhort coat with metal buttons, velvet pantaloons lacetj boots, black hat, black filk haadke-chief, ami took with him feveral articles of clothing — Anil I do hereby forbid any perforT meter* forts whomsoever harboring or employing the faid apprentice, under the penalty ofbf- Ji:gpml".'cuted to the utmoft extent of the law.—The above reward will be given, and '.ill reafon<ible charges paid to any pcrfun, who will deliver him to the fubfciiher. JAMES ROBINSON, Cooper. A'hioston, March 0,1812. 17 Loft or Stolen, A LOUT the 25th of February Intl. near jt\. Smith's Creek, n negotiated X07Et exeaited by Caleb Plait to the fiibfctitxr, on the 5th day of March, 1S11, for thefnm ot 1 So dollars, with interelt, witneffed bjf Arthur Ailfwortb, and payable on the lit day of January, 1 f! 12. All perfons arc here¬ by cautioned againft purchafmg faid Note, as I have received 123 dollars of faid fitHl above mentioned. SAMUEL LORD. ftmrch 3, i3u. 17 ««i 1 zj Boxes Garden Seeilfi, ratfedat Lebanon, State of NewYork, for t»le at the Store of JOHN MACAULAV. 16 March 3. Printed (intf Published By STEPHEN MILES, A few doors Eaft of YV,< lkkr's Hotel. PriceJ] ftern fallings per ar.n*—re. In anvane?* $x infix months, and £.r. at the ttid rfthc Loacanurc tnc whale's belK-; -______ "..."' 4 - ------------------------____

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