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Kingston Gazette, March 24, 1812, p. 1

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NGSTON Vt),. 11.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J GAZE ■ TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1S12 [No. 19. Jitft rccckrdfram Enrfatiu* ji$Br ASSORTMENT OF Cloths &Ca(limeres, And srf now nfiVrvd f.>r fale by the fuliferlli- tpatMr. Wm. Srouoirros'a Inn, on the flfltrctionable Serins fiw Caflij Broiubont, Whitehead & Son. Sales at Auction. TOV fo'dat Pi&lSe Au&Jofl, nt the St^rr of tlie fubfcriNei, tlie whole of H$ Stock h irale ; cunlrftfng of a very cs- k&fivtand uvll chofen nflortment of hni/ii, India., We'fl¬ inch a Goods & Gro¬ ceries, Crockery & b/afs Ware, /-> 7 rr iMfong (riaffes ? &c. Sue t<v'tfnuaescc on Monday* the 27th of Ja:i;i.vy no.t, at ic o'clock, audi ro bc con- *.,-.< ' '..vc ^v ;;!•*•".•'-/ •' tl« fn-.c hojr, untfl &* whole is tlifpofcu of. In the rx.n ihW fa v:ll 'ell at private fale, whole- (a^oru't.n'h at wft r.nd charges, without a- rv advance. *v!vtc!l will l>'a from 20 to 50 w cent* left than his afititl price*. Thole v;b nuy wim to purchafe at private fale, wilictawtfltQ mil and examine for them- fd«ei'{ ns n omfiJcrahle part of the Goods Ii3.-:lv?cii parehafed with eafl) at a very low ntr. there cc tainly will be feme bargains irnrthv of r/tc::!:.^ ; n^.d on A"&Ion days (a> the {""bfe'iber is about to clofc his hifii- ne6 in tfl« pfac* and remove to Montreal) Good* will he fold to the higheft bidder without rekrve. >!. Ti. Tfenfc who have accounts un fet¬ tled, \v:Il bc pleated tocdl and a£• 11til therm B. WHITNEY- Ktn&im* *&$ Dcr. 1 P» 17. r-f 9 Fr.fcknribU lLfs 'iff Trimmings. THE fuMcMbers have opened and now clTe:- for Lie, next door to Robert Whrs Hotel, AN KLLCANT ASSORTMENT 0/r ihc Mofi Fafhionahle Hats & Trimmings; \i';t\:\i\ sst d.tcminci iti r. 11 o.i ihc ttircafonableterms, either whofefalc or re- tail," for Caih, Country Produce, or approved Credit. SMITH 5: BUTTERWORTIL i N. B. Old Hats neatly Dreffld on thfhti$ **«*•—cO'Calh paid for Fur & Land's Wool. Khptofh 13$ Becemkr% \ 811. 5//" n^'booksT- TOST received from Montreal, J 2nd for fale at the Gazette Office : I Addifoa's Works— MTarland's View of Bodies—Life of Jbfeph-----Pleafures of foafon—Scafons in England—Ira and lfa- bella, a ww .*m\*/—Character of George 3d ~Porr,cy*s French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary------Child's Spelling-book------- Worlds difplayed—Portens's Evidence* of the Chriilian Religion—Bib!e<:-"Teltnmen;s -Watts' Plalms and Hyx::wPfaltcrs— Children's books—Catechifn;:, tic. Notice. I -HE fubferiber be^s leave to inform K the Tublic, that attendance will be giv¬ en every Saturday doting the approaching ScfHon of the Provincial LegiflAurCf from Eleven o'clock till Tliree, at the Library of William Firth, Efquire* at the lionfe in which he refided at York ; when hi? elegflnt and exlenfive Colledion of Boohs, will bc expofed to fale by private contract on the mofl reafonrihle terms. It is needlcfs to re¬ mark that, thfsverv extenfivc Library offers ample gratification to the Hiltorian, the Pol¬ itician, the Divine, the Poet, the Lawyer, the Naturalift and Novelill ; there is.alfo a rich collc&ion of all the moil celebrated Greek and Latin Clafiic*. It \% The inten¬ tion of the fnbfcriher to fend all the Books remaining unfold in the Spring", to Lower Canada. W. W. BALDWIN. Agent for W. Firth. Tori:, T4M Jiin. lSl2. \llf N. B. Two elegant Bedfleads with Beds* Maftrcfn%". Bm'flets, Hani»ing^» Sec. *:otr\* plete : wi'h fome othei article of Hotile- h*»ld Furrv'tnre, and a large double Cariolc and Harnefs, are nlfo for fale at the fame THE fubferiber having obtained LetteM of Admlniftration for the Eftate of the late Doftar John Gamble of Kinglon, leafed, reqneft<i all thofe who have any claims on the fa id Edate, to render their ac- taant?, properly attelled, on or hefore wefird of June next, in order that fome ar- Ittguit&t may be made with them : And all w)!e indebted to faid Eftate are reqnefted to P-J lac fare to the fubferiber, that fhe may k prtp-uou to lay a flatement of the Eftate KsdT'i the ercditor^. . lobelia Elizabeth Gasiblc, Admiv.lflratr'ix. • ■ v ':r'~> Uvicmler 2 j, 1811. irf m ' VFFORD's GEOGRAPHY, F'r fair r.i this Oficr. p.ac?, \V. W. B. S Frcfh Goods ! BARTLF.T lias received a complete afibrtment of Dry Goods) Liquors & Groceries, Crockery & Hard Ware, * 1 * \vhich nt will fell, wholefalc or .fail, at his ufual low prices for Cadi, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alfo for fale, Boards and Plank, & a few Barrels Flour of a fuperiofr quality for family ufe. C^* Caih paid for Produce, and advanced on property conligned for fale. Kingstnh % Dec. 3, -1S11. gtf W UNIFORMS. '"PHE fubferiber r^fpe^fully informs thr * Ladies and Gentlemen of Kingllon, that he has commenced the abi>ve bufincfe in al! its Various branches, at the llotlfc of Mr- JOHN BAYNE» near Mr. Poncet'a Tavern, where all orders will bc ftridlv attended to, and ev- erv favor gratefully acknowledged. THOMAS BECKETT. Kingston% f]tb Frbruary, IS1 2. 14{/" Land for Sale.. THE following valuable Lots of Land in the town (hip of Frederlckfburgh, arc ofTered for fale by the fubferiber, viz. Lot number fix, in the lirlt Concefllon additional. - ' Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Conception. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Dec 3, 1811. 3tf Notice ! AS the fubferiber intends removing from this place fo foon as he can arrange his bufmefs for that purpofe, he earnellly reqnefts every perfon or perfons indebted to him, to make immediate payment, as he w determined to put every account which will remain unfettled on the firft day of February next, into the hands of his Attorney. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kraster, R/Zr January\ 10 12. <)ff 50 Dollars Reward. QTGLEWfrom the Shcep-Koufe of the O Subfcriber, on Sunday night lad, Si* EWES, heavy with Lamb. Whoever will crive information fo that the offender or of¬ fenders he con viol rfd of the fame, fhall re¬ ceive the above Reward. J. SMALL. TV/', lOlu r>7i-rtro, 10:2. 18 3a' Cafh paid for clean Cotton a I^inem RAGS at this Oihcc THE copnrtnerfliip under the firm of C WJLL1STQN& Co. Saddlers, is this day diffolved by agreement of the par¬ ties. All pcrfons indebted are requeued to make payment to Apollos Metcalf, he beina duly aiuhorifed to adjuft all unfettled accounts. Any perfon rcfiding in the Prov¬ ince wlio has demands againll the firm, by piefentlng them to him will receive pay¬ ment aecordinn-to contrail. DAVID TUCKER, APOLLOS METCALF, CONSIDER WILLISTON. Khgftottf March 7,1812. 17 THK bnfinefs of SADDLE & HAR- 1 NESS MAKING will be continued hi their feveral branches by the fubferiber— who, having fuperintended the whole bnfi¬ nefs of the late firm, returns hU afcknowledg- nunrs for pall favors, and will venture to fay that his cullomers will find him equally at¬ tentive to buiinefs as heretofore. He has now on hand and for fale, ftn af* fortment of Saddles. A. METCALF. March 9,181a. »? To whom it may concern. SOMETIME in the year of 1811, I ^avc my Note oi hand to Thomas Ward, Efo- of the rownftip of Hope fur about eighty (folia**—which Note I will never pay, ns I lhall endeavor to make it appear that it was fraudulently obtained. BENJAMIN MARSH. • ffofif, ?~'h lrcl>r;ntryy l8fj* 17 OMETIME in the year iPlt, [ gave 0> a Bond to Samuel \V". Marlh, for one hundred acres of land, it bem£ the fouth half of lot No. i3, in the third concefilon of the towttlhfp of Hope—A deed for {kid land to Samuel W. Marfli 1 will never give, as I fhall endeavor to make it appear that it was obtained by defraud. BENJAMIN MARSH. //9/V, 2$th February, i8l2. 17 A few barrels excellent Newxaitle Salmon, for file by CUMMINU& HAMILTON. Take Notice. ALL thofe indebted to the fubferiber arr requelled to call and make payment immediately, or they will be fued without furth-r notice; & all thofe who hold Notea ward RICHARD SMITH. February 17* -.^v Dollars Reward to any perfon who £) will prove to conviction the perfon or perfons, who liill reported that I had ab- leonded. * 14 7\v SHERIFF'S SALE, MidlandDifirial KTOTICE is hereby fotvit. j 1_^J given, that the fale cf the Lands and Fen'ementa of Samuel Rofe, late of Matylburgh, yeoman, taken in Exe¬ cution at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingtton, merchant, heretofore ad- veitifed for fale by me, on Tuefday the third day of March patt, will be fold and adjudged to thehighed bidder, at my Office, id the town of Kingilon, on Weducfday, the firll day of April next, at the hour ol ten of the clock in the forenoon. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, 6th March, 181 z. 17 SHERIFF'S SALE. - M landDlf.rlaJ TvTOTICE is hereby to tvit. y ]?% given, that the fale of the Lands and Tenements of Amos Aus- lev, of the townfiiip of Kingilon, yeoman, taken in Execution at the full of James Rob¬ ing of the town of Kingilon, Efq. hereto¬ fore advertifed for fale by me, on Tuelday the third day of March pnft, will be fold and adjudged to the h.Jghelt bidder, a: my Otflce in the town of Kingilon, on Wednelday ihc firft day of April next, at the hour often of the clock in the forenoon. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Sheriff'* Office, 6th March, 1812, 17 Webftcr's Spelling-Books, Forjale at this Office. PROVINCIAL FARI.IAMLNT OF LOWER CANADA. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Monday, zqtfc February, r S12. This day, at two o'clock, the Houfe went up to the Caftle of St. Lewis with the following Addreis: To Hh Fsrcllevn Sir GEORGE PR EM ST, Baronet, Preftdcnt of of Lower Canada, andAdmmiftra* tor cf the Government thereofI Ssfa.1 May it plcnfe yowr Excellency, We his Majcfty's moll: dutiful and loyal Subje&s the Lcgiflative Council of Lower-Canada, in Pro¬ vincial Parliament aficmblcd, beg leave to return your Excellency our Tinccrc thanks for your fpcccli from the Throne. Your Excellency's appointment to bc Governor in Chief of the Britiih American Provinces, bv the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of hl«; Maielly, we have learnt witia pei'tcct iatistachon, and wc beer leave to allure your Excel- lency, that we consider it as a great proof of his Royal High nets peculiar attention and iblicicudctor the wel¬ fare and protection of his Majefty's Subjects in this part of the Empire, that he has been thus graciously plcafcd to commit to your Excel¬ lency the Government in Chief of Britim America, and the Admin- lllration of the Government of this Province in particular. "With, vour Excellency wc deeplv lament 4 J I 4 the prclcnt Situation of our Sover¬ eign, moft trulv venerable and mod affectionately beloved by all ciafles nf his aiHicled fubjccls wher¬ ever difperfed, but under the pref- furc of tills fevcrc calamity, with hearts filled with gratitude towards his Majcfly for the innumerable inftanccs which we have experien¬ ced of that paternal care which he was jnuft .eracmully .p!c.a.f^fl.tP^x- tend to every part or his domin¬ ions, we thankfully recognize and acknowledge a continuation of the. fame paternal care in the conduce of his Royal Highncfs the Prince Regent. Thebrilliant achievements which have taken place in the deliverance of Portugal and for the rclcue of Spain from the tyranny of the chief Ruler in France arc fubjccls of pride and fatisfaction, in which we warmly participate with your Excellency, acknowledging with humble thankfulncfsinthcfc events the interpolation of the Great Sov¬ ereign of the Univcfc, who has thus permitted Britifh valor to bc the means of difpcniinghis benefits to thofe unhappy nations. The aftonilhing changes which mark the ajje in whichwclivc, have had no influence, either upon the tranquility, or upon the gratitude or loyalty of his fubjccls to affilfc in repelling any fudden attack which maybe made by a tumultu¬ ary force j and effectually to parti¬ cipate in the defence of their coun¬ try againft a regular invaCoii at any future period. tion of fucK {leps a? flnll-Und to the amelioration of the internal communications throughout the province, to the incrcafe of coni- .. -

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