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Kingston Gazette, March 10, 1812, p. 3

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UtoTite! %*&*& ft* naift? am? on "ll -i' -ifv * ';°'H'{*"r vo" w,frn:i" K ■!,« ' al'..I'"-' f"tii." riipnwt of the -I .vhi.h-'lu-l^.viu-i x.s.-f :hclVnm- f? foltnamtairtwilj Ml ufctorird ztal i r..|i,;u(ii">' .,. V,,\ <-,>."" :i'"i:itioi>-: OR thr itieccls ot Sn:;':;i...-^i.-i^l!)anll.fjnva. ** "V laiii'V Rc'^CUt trult« tiftij you wui Jriiwfch ti« &>pl Hipbjwf* in approv- °. ^MvilJn'ii -ri<i ability With which tin's '^nn^a^wcHns rhvHprnrt- of the lil- *",v.'!.f |il(,i,hot> and tht Mauritu*, his been rr',Wu\i ti'i'hr tin' i nmcdiite direction of Xo^vrrnor General of hulh J and that ..^xuilapDbi^tl.^K'c-ilian, gallantly and L*tmniplc' » flv delayed !H the late op- iin*iif 'he Kiveartny under the com- |r^j ,?r tfert ctiili-^riihcd Officer, Lieut. (]l: >•- S:\-thh:! Aiiehainty, fo po.veifully IrtUMy nipportcJ by his Majelly's naval .. r. t\ cvnpvti<n rvl tins lyllemot op¬ ens -. £rrar r.'l'!itio »al fmirity will have |v.-: erwii tt) the Bniifli commerce ami p d- jV-;.:. i-i the Ball Indies and the Colonial n ■■■v rvf France will have bocn entirely ex- M Wi« P.""-'! Hi£!vnefs thinks it espc.U- pnffvr^Qmfncnd to your attention the pro- T--i',.'ve*" t'-tyvi/h'i-" fifth |TM?afuTCR ftlf ihc iu- u>rr*i>>c"r\r:cv>':. of die Bntifti pcitiVfFtttfft b Jft-IKrs ftaft smtwir f-nm rKpvnence, and i......fcX"*v ilvliht •*.ti."n, to he calculated to fti.....* tS'.-'r ;"»f-rr.1 r>rotpcr.ty. and to de- r'*" f'/i tiwfo Cow-Sun** dominions the lit- rrn!' (I*-jr-e o**:idvtfti*agg to *h? Commcicc a;:' RvH'WCJtf the United lviiijydont« " W« r.'e rtiTtnrjidcd bv the Prince Re- a p-nl toacquaint v*vn, that while his Royal iJJj&nels n t*T«ts that various important lub- fttft/Ol iliSVn'irr w?th the government of ••h V .t .-i r*» ;■ • « Am ■ m}. »v>7~: * .^Jifftei the MilL-n'ties viitch the affair of thi-0h::V'--' ,v,^:,tr °^Hr'onH hftve l^i tv-.llv removed ; nnd we are dircded fofflf-rc *<"h thrt in t!lc ,llrt!,cr pwgrtffe-of llu- iRfciiiRiiii %V»t*i ti»e Uniud f>tatf j the I'nuc*: KfTitfft? uiM eontimiv* to employ filch rr^p^'f evc'ii.'.tion ?a ISI?y he confident with t!u* ibVnitv ;.nd honor of his Ma;e(h'^ Crowrttand vith the due muintainance ot ihe rtfcrilime and e^imereial rights and rater- efts of the r.'itnh Empire, " G.t')■>»('!> fifth ffmf: ofConmout* «'Hh Rn>-d Hi^hnelV has direttcd the Eilfmr.^ fW tHc fvwice of the ciTrrait ycaf in be laid brf w voUi He trUlla that yon Mill fnrn:ia him m\\\ ftich fnn|>lies a«? mav be nrrtiT-irv to cnihc< him to continue the wit:*;!? fn 'v!i'c!i his Mnjtffty is engaged with that h'-'r and exertion which will afford the be I r--'*'V<*T «f ir^ fuccefsFul lamination. " Hi- Rnyal Higlju^fa enmmanda us to refrr.mcnd that yon fiiould rrfitiw the enn- fi;le.-3tton oftb'j iiate of the finances ot" Ire- hrA, v.Vch von had co-n^icnccd i" the Ia.it feffi'ij of Parliament. He has the fau'sfao tim to inform von, tint the improved re- i„t -:f the revenue ol irdiind m i'"- am,as ,jUfd with the pncedji»p year, confirms llf belief, tliat the deprefiioq whfch tliat Kveni'c had e>:i>cienccd is to be attributed to accident ami temponry caufes. " fifvLttrds ami Genttcmm% "The Prince Regent is fittisfied tint you entertain a juil ienie of t'ac arduous duties which his Royal Higtinefe has been called upon to fulfil, in confco^uencc of his Majcfty's inrlifpolition. "Under this {everc calamity, hb Roy:ilHip;]inci's derives the greateft coniolation froin his reliance on vour experienced wifdom, loyalty and public fpirit, to which in every diiTicuhy, he will reibrt, with a firm confidences that thro' your alTiftince and fupport, he (liall be rubied under the blcflinD- ofDi- CO the cn vine Providence, fuccefsfully to tliicharge the important functions of the high trull repofed in him, and in the name and on behalf ot his beloved Father and revered Sovereign, maintain unimpaired 'he profperity and honor of the nation." ------- Kiev 7'ori, Felntary I 5. Latcfifrwi France—-By the arri- ":lof the Flam this morning, in 40 day? from Bordeaux letters have heeri received in town, as late as the bft or Dec. We have been oblijpngly favored with the cx- l""iCts below. Prom thefc it appears ':•' hh Imperial Majrfty has con- liefcendcd to Teleafc a few" mere A- mericari vcfiels ; and that it was rinn0:1 red in Bordeaux that Mr. Barlow was in a train of fuccefsful negotiation at Paris.—When Bo¬ naparte ihall ifsue a formal proc¬ lamation revoking the Berlin and Milan decrees, ami ihall releafe all American veilels and cargoeswhicli had not manifeftly violated tlie laws of nations, then we ihall be¬ lieve him difpofed to deal juftly with our government.—Until we fee him adopt fueh mcafures, we mud be permitted to fufpecr. at leait, that his whole objecl in re- linquiflitng Ins hold from any por¬ tion of our property is, to allure a greater quantity within his power, and to draw our p-overnment into a war with his enemy, Bordeaux, December 21. If wc may believe general reports fomc definite commercial arange* mentis neffoeiatinsr. in Paris with Joel Barlow, Ksq—and it is laid t he rcfult will be very fatisfactory. The frigate Conftitution, expected to tail in all this month or early in January, will probably be bearer of intereftincr news for America. Tills moment, we learn, that the Rnily, from Baltimore, is in the river. t T-w MA P.rom the Lrnt'on St'ittsmnn* Dec. TO. Imp^rtanL—(Government have received itucUigence Irani France, from which it appears to be one of .Bonaparte's principal objects, at this moment tc gfeta fquadron of French ihins into an American port, as an inducement for the United States to declare waragainft England. I Ie has live (hips of the line equipped and manned at L'- Orient, fupooled to be defdned Immediately for this important fervice : he has alfp fifteen of the line in the fame condition, at Tou¬ lon, while ourblockading fquadron olfthat port conlitts only of cL-vcn; a reinforcement of it however, wc undcrftand, may be expected dai- Pans riirjeV*? fay, that the accou¬ nts of their different commanders, as to the |pfs of two frigates oft" Madao-afcar, are fo contradicrory, they know not what to believe. The captain of La Clorinde is to be tried " for preferring his life to his honour." Mr. Dutachc" who had been for fomc time on porole in England, on return to Prance, was imme¬ diately taken up and fhot, for fomc alledsed aft committed atrainir. the French Government. The beginning of Dec. there was lying at Morlaix, the French pri¬ vateer fchooncr Le Furet, laid to be principally manned with Amer¬ icans, Irifh and Englifh. A Mr. Walfli member of the' Britifli Houfe of commons, has been guilty of a breach of truft, in appropriating to his own ufe 15,000k put into his hands. He bought American ftock and intcn- den coming to the U. States. MARRIED, At QtRbec, Mr. Jofeph Wife, of this town, to Mil's Margaret Robinfon, daugh¬ ter of the late Mr. J. Robinfon, of that city. Midi SHERIFF'S SALE. hndDl/lrial jV-rOTICE h hereby to wit. j [ %»J given, that the fale of the Lands nnd TenemenTr. or' Samuel Roic, late of M;iryfbiirgh, yt-oman, taken in Exe¬ cution at the Am of Peter Oram, of the town of Kinjrflon, merchant, heretofore rvf- vatifed for i.ile bv me. on TurUtav the third dnyot March palf, will he fold, at Public Auclion, at my 0(Hcet in the town of King- (ton, on Wcditcfday, the iirlt day of April ntxt, at the hour ot" ten of tlie clock in the forenoon CHARLES STVATltiSkrjfi Sheriff's Office, Cub March, 1812. 17 « SHERIFF'S SALE, Mtltiind Difiria,\ -J^rOTtCE is ficrtby io wit* J J_\J given, that the fale of the Lands and Tcnerrfnts v( Am*>s Ans- ley, of the townfhip of Kinfrlton, yeoman, taken in Execution at the luit <jfjan.es Rob¬ ins, of tlid town of KingHoilj Lib. hcrero- iore advertifed for Idle by mef on Tutfday the third da-> of March pdr, will be fold at Public Auction at mv Office, in the town of Ktngflon, on WVdrtefday, the firil dry of April nexr, at the hour of ten of the clock in the Forenoon. CHARLES HTUART, Shcrlf Sheriff's Office fyk Mctrdx 1812. j 7 The fahfcrihcr has jilfi received from Neiu-Torh the folhwmg BOOKS. ?rottifii Chiefs-^ R.<miance Dal/all, Thune of Lanark—a Tj!c Wintrr Evenings Self Conrroiil—a Novel Simple Tale?, 2 vol?. MarmiVn—a Tate of Flouden Fitld Marmontel and Grr-lfett Anilin*s Letters LilFtf of Walhin^ton ri.ilvo ■> 1 ravcis The Lawyer—a Ta*.e Lovers ol Lavandee sllj'vx on nff-trtmerit of SHOES, GARDEN SF.F.DS, FIFES & GERMAN FLUFFS. H. C. THOMSON. Kingston, Mdrch 7, 1S12. »?t"5 20 Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fubferiber on Sat¬ urday Evening, the 7th Itift. an in¬ dented Apprentice to fhe Coopering bull* nefs, by i\v; name of THOMAS PAX- TON ; aboiif 5 feift S inches high, about 19 years of age, light completion—had on when he wtnt away k mix'd grary flioit coat v>ith metal buttons, velvet pantaloons, laccd boots, bhek hat, black (ilk handkerchief, and took with him Icveral articles of clothing.— And I do hereby forbid any perfoii or pkf- ions whomlnever harboring or employing the f.ud apprentice, under the penalty of bo ir^rprofecuted to the ttSmoft extent of the law.—The above reward vill be given, and ^Oil vcol&'iuvjidtjir* «flHttg<r* p'TiC' 9m ;;ny punlUU1 who will deliver him to the fubferiber. JAMfiS ROBINSON, Cooper. f£kgSton9 March 9, 181 2. iy />/£/), At Cramahc, (U. C.) the roth ultimo, Mrs. Mary Ann Peters, wife of Mr. John Peters, late Sheiiff of ihe Dill rid of New- c-ditle. " Si quid novijli re&im [fits " Candidas imperii ft non, his utere mceum." Ho*. THE fubferiber returns his mod grateful thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of thUtown, for the encouragement he has met With in the full courfe of LefTons in Pen- mandiip, as taught by a Mr. Dean on ana¬ lytical principle*; he hopes a continuance of their favors will be conferred on him.—* The fecond courfe of LefTons will commence at Mr. Baker's on the 10th of March, 1812, atone o'clock and at feven in tlie evening; any gentieman that feels himfelf diflatisfred orpiejudiced again ft thU fyftematic plaii of writing, (which can be acquired in ^5 lef- fons) arc referred to my foirtier pupils, and likewife to attend any one of the leflbm, which continues one honr and a half ; twelve making a cla'fs, which can be as eaiily atten¬ ded to as one perfon : And alfo it will give ample fatlsfaStion to any gentleman that chooles to attend with ocular demon ft rat 1011. (£/*The 13road Sword Excrcife taught by charles McDonnell. 17 InHrudor of Writing. Loft or Stolen, A BOUT the 25th of February ]a(r, near 4 Boxes Garden Seeds, raifed at Lcbsron, State of NewYork, for fale at the Store of JOHNMACAULAY. March V l6 JiX. Smith's Creek, a negotiated NOT£9 executed by Caleb Piatt to the fubfeiiber, on the 5th diy of March, iSil, for the fum of 180 dollars, with intereft, witnefl'ed by Arthur AiU'worth, and payable on the lit day of January, 1812. All ptrlonsarc here¬ by 7cautioned againlt pmchafing faid Note, as I have uccived 123 dollars of iaid I urn above meniioiad. SAMyEE LORD. March 3, 1812. * 17 3'Zv THE eApftrtnetuip under Hie firm of C. WfLLISTON& Co. S.Hhilin,^ this day di(Ti>Ived by agreement ofthepar- tie*. All perfons indebted are rcquefled to make payment to Apollas Mf.tcai.f, lie being duly authorifed tpadjullall nuft.ttled accounts. Any perfon refidfng in the Prov. ince who has demands againlt the linn, by ptefenting them to him will receive pay- mcr.t according to contrai5>. DAVID TUCKER, A POLL AS METGALF, CONSIDER WILLISTON. Kingston, March 7, 1812. 17 THE bufmefs of S/1DDLE <sf IIAR- 1 NESS MAKING will be continued in their feveral branches by the faofcrihef*-** who, having fuperintended the wbo'e hull* nefsof the late firm, returns his acknowledg¬ ments for pad favors, and will ventuie to f^y that his cuftomers will find him equally at¬ tentive to bufmefs as heretofore. He has now on hand and for fale, an af- fortment of Saddles. A, METCALF. March 9, ifii2\ 17 Loft ? ON the (Sill inft, between Mversv Crcrfc and Kingllon, a fmall Morocco Poclt- et-Book, containing two half guineas, otie bill of three dollars on Jerfey Bank, one on Albany Hank of one dollar, one note of hand again!! Nenl M'Carta of two pound? fifteen ftiDings, given to Afahel A. Hnrd, a receipt given by Reuben Cone to faid Hurd. two notes given by Jeremiah Goodridgc of nineteen dollars, each dated in February, tSro, ^f\vi:x\ to faid Hurd, one no^e given by Jerus Remington of twenty-three dollars, with ten dollars indorfement oil the fame, given in January or Februarv, l8lj, one given by Nathan WentWorth of twelve dol- km anvil i»c?<nnnt^ w.i.; ifwu^uIuva'ud'atlMMt' forty cert* indorfement on the fame—togeth¬ er with feveral other papers, memorandum?, ^c.—Whoever will leave laid Pocket-Book, with its contents, at the Printing Oflicct Kingllon, fliall be handfomclv rewarded. ASAIIEL A. HURD. March C). I 7^ fo %omm ii may concert?. SOMETIME in the year of ibl!, I giMC my Note of hand to Thomas Wardf Elq. of the townfhip of Hope, for about eighty dollars-—which Note I will never pay, as 1 Ihall endeavor to make it appear that it was fraudulently obtained. ■ HENJAMTN MARSH. Itofe* $$tl February, iSt;?. 17 SOMETIME in the year 1B11, I gave a Bond to Samuel W. Mai Hi, for one hundred acres of land, it being the fouth half of lot No. lS, in the third concclTion oi thr townfhip of Hope—A deed for feid land to Samuel W. Marlli 1 will never give» as I flioll endeavor to m^ike it appear that it was obtained by demand. BENJAMIN MARSH- Ihf'e* ±pb l'\l>ruciryi 1812. ^7 Advertifemcnt. THE fubferiber earneftly requefls thoL* who are indebted to him to pay or o- therwife fettle their accounts before the com/ mencement, of the enfuing term of the Dif- trirt Couit, as he will then be under the ne- ceffity of placing fnch of his accounts as can be fued in that Court, in the hands of an Attorney, CHARLES SMYTH. Kingston, %f& Feb. 18 I 2. 16 J« --. A few barrels excellent Ncwcaftle Salmon, for fale by GUMMING & HAMILTON. January 18. xotf WILLIAM BAKKR, RESPECTFULLY informs the gen, tlemcn of Kingfton, and the Public Jn general, that he intends commencing the Joiner and Cabinet Bttfincfs, at Point Frederick ; where thole who may favor him with their cuftom, may be alTured that their work fhall be done in the bell man¬ ner, and on the (horiell notice. February 12. 14 Take Notice. ALL thofe indebted to the fubfcnhcr n.r* rcquclted to call and make payment immediately, or tbey will be fued without further notice; & alLthofti who hold Notes or Accounts are deGred to bring them for¬ ward. * RICHARD SM1TI-L February \m» ff\ Dollars Reward ro nry p^rfoti who tj will prove to conviction the perlon or perfons, who fiitt reported cbat 1 hnd aB- icondccL i-V 3*7

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