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Kingston Gazette, March 10, 1812, p. 2

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*-." i.ii Rcy?r.r«: o. SOOtU iV, * feom " (« «^mi tftht iUift f.]//i"d'y, c;'Ihe evidence of every day. proves, our tcHow fiibjccb; in Grc.it Britain to have firmly iecurcd the Knmirc a&fttnft the machinations of .m implacable and a pCvverial t! foe, bv the cxevciie of the mod 1'pLiuiki political and moll exalted moral virtue-;. I cannot doubt yoitr ditpofition to follow their sample, by diiplaymg an equal real, snd as cordial an unanimity, in iV.p.pi rting anil ftrengihening Rh; Majcftr's government at this eventful period, by a confcticraiion ot the v. iiUrnn arid talents you pofleft, for theprefcrvation of that excellent and moft perfect form of cannot do us much hurt." Do not you know ihif a ftnglc man haji carried a vote? And bolides, ifoUier places were to fay and do he fame, the hotiie \yould be all or a peace; and \vc fhould trull our religion, lives and country, in the hands of men who care for no¬ thing; but their own pcrfonal in- ti-reft. J\ • refbivui to kl con- .- 1 'I A- Government, ym have receive from a ctgu, a free and .111 oafish* jfyr r/!v GaZETTS t v Mr. Trsywi -\S the time of electioneering is at h.md. I would wifii to commn- lus u to tile ptuic, tiirougti the ntejilim ot' your paper, fome di¬ rections concerning-tlie choice of men to fervc in -be important lia- *ion ot Representative. ifr. Avoid all fuch as hold any oilier oi conlidcrabie value during ^icafure, for they arc fubiecl ro be overawed. Such men mud of nc- - eiikv be under a great lempta- tion and detraction, when the'v confdcn'ces and inlereit look dif¬ ferent ways ; and I think we are round in charity, nor can we do them a greater eourtcfv, than to ir.fw._i- their petition in the Lord's prayer, not to lead mem into temptation. 2d. Be cautious how vou choofe- 4 J and not vote for fuch as have any '•ependenev upon the Govern- rn-r.*. fefreciallv if they be men * i ill rcvuti) U r they are apt to v. v ri;h: or \ i. r.c,', as tliev think will r.:.\\ \-}.\i:c the prerogative party ; and if they undertake to r'c.:ie two parties, they become fuch. uncertain weathercock , they ieidom obliere chher. ;d. Meddle not with men of -.cccilitous fortunes, or much in iebr. Reprcfentatives ought to c .r.iiil of the moil wile, lober, & Courageous men, not mean fpirits, nor fordid paflions, that would fell the intereft of the people that drcofe them, to advance their own; or be at the beck of fome creat » > my ncicjnbor, and that will be a damage to mc, for .1 am very ranch beholden to him j" tell them ir> this matter to hold you excufed, for the weight of the matter will well bear it. Men do not ufe to lend their wives, or give their children to fatisfy perlonal kind- nclles, nor ouffht we to make a hvapotOJir birthright (and that* of* our poiterity too) far a nicfs of potra^o, a l^ait, or ^ Lilly drink-. inc biiiM ; iherccan be nopropor- f jon |ti \'t\ :iiii I l.it n rnrr.- no'P-O mini take it ilk that we ufj our free¬ dom about that, which in its con- liiruLion i-i the crreat bulwark ot* all our liberties. Hitherto fome h:*vc bren l\^T- cribed who are unfit for fuch a trult; it remains to (hew, or point out, fome who may be more likely to prove true to their conftitucnts. ] '4. Take care to choofe men, well known to be of tr; ,()t] eonicien- ccs, fearing God, Such as will not iaciiec-j their neighbor's civil rights to the forwardness of their *■?. n party in religion—narrow ouls, thai will own in ne but thole men, in hopes of a lift to a good employ. .4th. Neither throw away your votes to interlopers, o» degenerat¬ ed Canadians or Engllmmcn ; for itjs more than probable that feme _ ^Td!"atTr h'"'SC, ,Ci??,t!? ?• ^'° ^'ffwrtTwd"ad"v^uSrof ..-.., IB, who wouMfdl their their country, w«l be very tender i that bear their own image and fu- pcYiCription, will foonet raifs per- iecuiion, than eftablilh, or tolerate fome of the deccnti.03 churelvjs— but i think the mtcreft of Canada is, at this 'l*y> to to'erue the i •'- crabie, to bear with the weak, to encourage the confuentious, and to rellrain none, but fuch as would reitrain all bchcics t'lemielves. ad. We ought (as near as wc can poiiibly judge) to cleft good protellants towards God, andjuil Bowards men. 3d. Endeavor to choofe men of wifdom and courage, who will not be hee'tored out of their duties bv the frowns and {'cowls of men; neither overcome by flattery. 4th. Make it your bu'inefs to chooie fuch as are rcfolyed to Hand by and maintain, the power and privileges of a well founded con - ititution. kafth', Take particular notice q{ t'lote who arc men of induilry and improvement; for fuch as are ingenious and laborious to propa- FOREIGN INTKLLIGI'-NCE. ' " ~f^vw-York, February H- hatcfl [rem En^imuL ^ Lafl evening arrived ar this port the faft failing ft»p Oolconda, Cmcker, in 42 clays from Ply¬ mouth. (iapt. C. hasfurnidied thecditors of the Mercantile Advertifer with a file of London papers to the even¬ ing of the 9th of January, front which we have made the follow ing extracts. Parliament met on the 7th of January, as will be lecn by the prince Regent's Speech. 'The Kino; was Hill alive, and re- m.'ined as ufual. The Hornet Hoop of war arri¬ ved at Cowes on the 28th Decem¬ ber. London 23cr. 28. TrenchConf:ripticn.—The French papers have arrived, in a feries, from the nth to the 24th infr. The moll important article which they contain is a decree, expedited in an extraordinary fitting of the Conccrvalivc .Senate on the 20th, for calling out 1:0,000 men of the eonfeription of the year 18 \ 2 ; applicable to the young men born between the ift of January 1792, and the 1 It of December in the fame year. No i'pecial caule is tion of the French ftandinscarmy: but behdes-the ordinary fuccefiion of oncclafsof conferipis to another^ and the immrnfe wallc of the Spanifh war,tJicrc areagain rumors Or deligns again it Ruilia, which will, no doubt, acquire fome degree crc(l Prrl"on during hiss illnefs, I he chancellor, his Grace the Archbifr op of Canterbury, the MarquU Welleiiey, the Earls of \Vcumorc. land and Camden, being attired\n their robes of (late, took their feats on the bench in from oft he throne' as his royal Highnefs's Commit iioners. Mr. Ouarme, acting TJflicr n[ the black Rod was then difpatduri to order the attendance of the Commons, who forth with appeared at the bar to a conlidcrabie number with the fpeaker at their head. The Lord Chancellor then .1- organ of the Commiflioners, deliv¬ ered the following Speech on the part of his highnefs the lVince Regent, •* My Lr,,U (i-'i Gentlcism. " Wc are commaitded by hi; Royal Hisrhnc& the Prince Rczcrt to exprefs to you the ck;? lorrow which he feels in announciii'T to you the continuance of his Majef- ty's lamented mdifpofition, and the unhappy oifappointnvnt ot' thofe hopes of his Majeftv's ^:,rr recovery,which had been clterilbd bv the dutiful aflecUon ofhisiam- ilv cv the loyal attachment of lib people. ct '1 he Prince Regent has direc¬ ted copies of the lalt Reports <& her Maicftv the Qneen's Couiili! to be laid before you, and heti C. '.'..A\.iA 4.1.... ,, -v,. , ,;j' .,"•• 1 (' meafure; as the prelent naclaivchf.lv exigency may appear to rerjuh-e. ' " In fecuring a fui.tqbic ample provilion for the fupport of his iMajclly's Royal dignity, and rhc attendance r.pon his Majeltv'su, f ot confirmation from this levy. January 4. The Secretary's report of the f nancial & commercial Hate of Am¬ erica, which wc gave ycfterday, is an article of great importance, as clearly developing the effect, of the prcfent fyftcm, and the means of that country. Our extracts yeflcrday did not however, cxh;tuit the New-York papers, which in the couric of the day, wc received up to the 5th ult. To them we now add the report of the committee, Co Wriom was rc:'e:rvu' fcifeil! pari of Prince Regent rcfts aflured that you will alio bear in mind the in- clifpenfible duty of continuing to preferve for his MajeHy tliefaeilitr of reluming the pcrfonal cxercile of his Royal authority, in the hap¬ py "event of his recovery, l'o earn- eMlly defirecf by the -,\ ifhes and the prayers of'his family and his fob- j eels. " The Prince Regent directs tw to fignify to you the fatkfacli'ofl with which his Royal lligluicis has obferved that the meafures ^iVv!1 ftwtnpilmtiT pir/ifieci' sfvFtile tl%e Prei'ident's mcflhgc refpecting ^cfenccand (ccurity of the kingi foreign affairs. It breathes-an I10S ('l(H1r oi ^ortujjral have proved com¬ pletely effectual, and chat on the .4 tile /pint, but it is little moie than an echo of the President's meifoe and the additional meafures of de¬ fence which it propofes, are the fame that were fuggefted in that document. A report is in circulation tint a letter from PctcHburgh, dated the 4th ult. has been received Ha¬ ling, that on that day news had intelligence had been forwarded by cxprefs to Stockholm. country, to an outkndifh people ; for it is ppffible (at this critical time) fuch 3 caution may not be ur.neceffiry. 5*h. Neither prcmifeyour votes *o men, wh« are fond'of bribino- you with Uvifh rreats and enter? tamments, for they know where to make theb markets. Let your choice be the worthy unwilling, nun, before "the unworthy coin- phmcntil perfon, v.hofe forward* • Ts indicates be feeks not your of yielding to any thing t'hat.mjy weaken or empoverifli it. _______ CARE. Communication. SLANDERER, Can ft thou the bright nefs of thy rniatf amfi/fre To mo'.n-li«ht writing, nmfiqfit and fat, are ? The object of my writing is tojhotu To others J can teach the art to hnoio ; si fair hand in Englfijlylc to perform Carrie dentin days fifteen without aftorm, j Wjiorm offland-r, which awakes my mind ■ To tench Potman/hip of a vftful kind' .1 f.lTRONtZlR of >;e:;!v;. January 5. The Britain fhipofwar Hero, Capt. Newman, of n.\ guns, is to¬ tally loil off the Texcl 'and all the crew periled. Monday night his Majcfty's Hoop the Royalilt captured of?Do¬ ver, the French privateer 1'aPuret, No. 2, belonging to Boulongc, be¬ ing the privateer which took a few months ago, one of his Majcfty's cutters & carried her into Calais. Hqu/c rf Lords, Jant/ary 7. soon after 3 o'clock this day, a considerable number of Peers at ten- ded in their places,in cooiequence of his Royrl Highnefs the Prince Regent's Proclamation for the aHemblingof Parliament for the difpatcn of bufi.nelj. 'Ihe Lord c 1 ***** feveral occafions in which the l>rit- ifh and Portugnefe troops have been engaged with the enemy, the reputation already acquired by them has been fully maintained. •* The fuccefsful and (>rtllintrt znt&nrhz winch tt'rminatffd in the furpri;'.c. in Spautfh Eih-cinadiira,. ut a French cor()s, by a dc« tachment <>f the nllicd army under Lict. Genera] Hill, h KlgWy crcdftihle to tint didinj^tii'hed ofliceraiiJ to the troops under hh crvrnuuind, and li.is contrihutrd mnteruil- ly to obdruft tire d'rffgro of the euciwid that part of the Ptnmfula, <l The PwiCC" Regent is nfTnred, tliat while you refieft with pride and tittijffl&ton on the c >nducl of hh Majelly'fi troops and rf the a! ics, in ilu-fe varions and important lerviees, you will render iuftice, t^> the con- fumma'c 1tirigfnei>t and flctll difplavrd l)\' General l.oul Vilconnt Wellington ifl flitf dire^ion of tlie campaign. £i In Spain the IpiWt of [lie people refflSlirtl unfuhdtved, and the lyltem of the war&re P) peculiarly adapted tn the adual condition of the Spanish rntion, Ikic been recently extend* ed and improved under the?adwantajjes-fl'hidi refnlt from the operations of f hr allied nr- mfei on the frontkr, and from the conntf nance and aiUltance of h's Majeily's navy on thecoaft. fc< Althonrjh thegre^t fcertjhM of the w emv have in fome qiiarttfra been atten-K-J with fnc^eft, his Royal Highnefs U pcrfua- (led you v;iil admire the peHV-veranee ami gallantry mawifefted by the Spanilh artnie*. 1'ven in th >|V provinces wfttotpai'V.necftjiirf by the Frericfe forces, new eiivrgy lia* a*»tfn amonir tin- people, and the increde ofJlW" cully .ind dcirttfer ha* p^dncvd more ci»iuic- tcd efT.n-u yf gencial iefiftaiice-

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