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Kingston Gazette, March 3, 1812, p. 3

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LF.about t**. topk three Gen- eA and #x» prttomrw, and arc ,W i'1 J^*']ion ot thc xvholc country xi-cli or &**&"£ 1 haw directed my Military Scc- .,nrv,(jpt.iin'i'yldcn, to wait on vour'l/^lihir *** f!]is ^patch, rul 1 foeg Iciyc to refer you to him torliu-h turllier particulars as your Lorciihiniuaybeclelirous or being acqu-iinteel with. I haw the honor to be, KG S. Ai'cii.muty, Lieut. Gen. fr!\:r!(f]Jvirpoo\ &fr. fc>V. N. B. The incioiure alluded to in this letter is the deipatch from ,sirS. Aiulunuty to Lord Minto, printed with the fubi'equent inclo- lures. Mv Lord Bmv'ui. 2.! SipietrSer, l&l i. -1 have the honor to fubmit to yourLordihip a copy of jnv letter to the Honorable the Court o!" Directors, or" the lit Sep¬ tember, inclosing his Excellency HrS, Aucl'.muty's report of milita¬ ry proceedings in Java to the 3 lit /iui;ull. Touf Lordfhipwillobscrve, with f.uLf.iciion, that the conqucft of hvaisalreadv iubitantiallv accom- * 4 * plifeu, although the operations at the arciy have not hitherto been niredcu to the eastern parts of the 1*1 ;yh< ]> .<- ., .,.....,.'...1 1, •-,- • J j.sl.aid. But a pov.\:rriu force is mjvv vsubarJtin 15 agj»mtt Sounxbaya, where, with the exception of the crews of two French frigates, the enemy have only a iinall body of native troops. The armament, which is now proieedinqundcr the personal com- mandofhis Excellency commander in Chief, and which may reach its destination in ten days, cannot fail qf overpowering any resilience thc enemy may make, ir any ihould be attempted, andlinally terminating theconteft in Java, An Empire which, for two cen¬ turies, has contributed greatly to the power, proipcrity, and grand- cur of one of the principal and molt respected States c; Ktirope, HXcnh^ wivmc;A tern tte jhert usurpation ol the French c^enunent, added to the donnn- ion oftlic Britifli crown, and con¬ verted from a feat of hoilile inach- jn.uion and commercial competi¬ tion into an augmentation of Brit- i(h power and prolpcrity. For this fignul, and as your Lonllhip will collect from the en¬ closed document, this molt fplen- did and illustrious fervice, Great Britain is indebted to the truly Britifli intripidity of as brave an army as ever did honor to our country ; to the professional fkill and fpirit of their officers, and to thc wisdom, decision, and firmnefs f the eminent man who directed leir courage and led them to ictory. Your Lordfiiip will, I am fure, are with me, the gratifying re- •cfion, that by the fuccessive re¬ actions of the French islands and lava, the Britifli nation has neither in enemy nor a rival left from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Horn. I have, &c. (Signed) MINTO. Rf)Jlm% Fetmary 12. Lateft from England. Captain Taher has arrived in Newport, w Liverpool, and brought London news the 26th December. I he Prefident'& meflarre and documents O boucd a theme of commonplace remarks comments in all the London papers. "»ofc fupp.fcd (ofien however errone- f) to be i,i the feeret* of the cabinet, do ttturfl ,i^ ^ca^ pTft(p.£i ()j* any repeal or ^wsficallou of the orders to council.— On thc contrary they Ante (hem as a wll powerful cnrrine 8 gam ft Franco ; which it would be fclf-dcftrutftioli to abandon 5 arid thai France, having fet thc example of fevftr- ity, mull give the example of relaxation in thsdsf as well as words :—and thnt to long as tilts Britifli government knows the decrees to be unrepealed, die orders mult of nceelfitV be continued in force. It is true, the" Liv¬ erpool merchants in their letters exprefs an opinion, that immediately after the meeting of parliament in January, thc orders will be abrogated, «r fo modified n< to be agreeable to the United States. Much as we wilh fuch an event, we fee no other foundation for the opinion than the hopes of the Liverpool merchants. On the I foil December the cor- Duration ot London gave the Prince Regent a very fair opportunity—if he wanted one— to exprels his opinion, wiflies or intention on the fuhjett : But Ml anfwer to that part of the nddrefs of the corporation, which, allu¬ ding to the orders, requeits that the channels of iutercouHe with foreign and neutral na¬ tion* m-iy be opened, the Regent only replies, •' That nothing (hall be wanting on his part to contribute towards the reftoiation of com¬ mercial inter cod He, whenever cireuufiances flail wall' it pratlicable" This language can- nor he miluiiflerllood. The Dtitilh King was nigh the clofe of life at the bit dates—He had rcfufed food for feveral days*. French p'ipcrstothe 12th December have been received. The Moniteur gives difpatcit¬ es from Spain—But excepting the rc-occu- pitiou of the Allurias, they do not detail any events of importance. It is remarkable, that in oiu- Moniteur there (llould be ccufures ou tifftt of the Fieuch Generals in Spit in :— On GIrartfi for groft negledl ; on RavnarJ9 for prefumptiuii ; and on Godinvt% for fili¬ cide. We do not hear of anv frelh reinforce- ments pointr to Spain. 1* ,; '• ^ »• o itj lJ4l. f , We live f.iibiif) accounts oftlic 2 5?th Y>c~ cemher,—^Ulakc was gullsuitl) dc£cucling Va¬ lencia,. num THE UNITED STATES. IL'iUJi of Rcprcfcntalhwu jnnuary $0. A reloluaon of the following tenor was offered by Mr. Digelow. RcTolved that the PafjJcnt of the United States be requefted to caufe to be Ir.id before this houfe, fnch in¬ formation as he may poflels, refpefting fei- 7ine«, captures, and condemnations, ot the ihips and merchandi/e of the citizens of the Prefident had difebvered.—[Mr. B. h'tfTC read a part of the President's meflage of No¬ vember 5, i8ii]~Nor had he felcdcd his enemy fo as to be blind to the faults of his friend. Mr. Harper withdrew hio motion for ly¬ ing on the table. Mr. Blackledge propofed an amendment, to know under what regulations, Orders or decrees, the captures had taken place, how long perfevcred in, when abandoned, &c. Tw this Mr Bigelow confented as a part of the refolution. -, The ycM and nays, as they could not fltbve it afide, were at length called, yeas 101,'noc.H 6.. Nothing but the demand of the yeas aad nays carried it. Yet I doubt whether the Prefident gives the information tf?i " ulterior meafurcs" are decided. Ev. Pofl. Thurfday^ February 6. Mr. Williams, from the committee on military afiairs, reported a bill for detaching 100,000 of the militia. The bill authori¬ zes the Prefident to call for tihe whole, or a part, who are to be ready at a moment's war¬ ning, for a term not exceeding fix months ; if called into fervice the pay and rations are to be iimilar to thofe of the regular army : and appropriates one million of dollars— Twice read, and referred to thc committee of thc whole. The bill for thc fupport of the fix co*m- pjtnies of rangers ; that for the fupport of the military eftabli'hmcnt ; that for thc fup¬ port of the addition;:'! military force, and that for the fupport of lite navy, al! in' the year 181 J, were fcverally read a third time and paffed. Mr. Condit offered a refolution, direcliilg the committee on military afiairs tobriiv* in ?i bill for arming the militia. Thc refolu¬ tion was adopted without a divifion. February ?o. J'thruary 10. "T*lit-* lull .'int^orJiuiij a c!<-t:ich'ueiit of i oo»- 000 miiiria w-.vs 1 t-.iil i !»»,• 3O time und paOcil. The fenate were engaged iv. debate to-day on a refolution offered by Gen. Smith, cal¬ ling for further information as regards the Berlin and Milan decrees; it was opoofed as unnecefTary by the adminiilration mem¬ bers. KINGS T C) N : ToFsn.w, Maxcb%% i3i2. United States, under the authority of the govennnnts of Europe, or cither of them, which has not been heretofore communicat¬ ed. Thifl refolution, Mr. Bigelow obferved, was aiopted laft feffion by the houfe, the latter part of January. The clerks in the department of ilatc, he had underllood, had made out the lilts of molt of the captures, &c. previous to the clofe of the feffiou ; but not having had time to complete them, they §yVhe mails from Montreal and Torkj had not arrived when this pa- per ivent to prefs. * From the Arcy York Public Adveri\fir% of February 12. ' The reports which are ill circulation, that the Scererary of State and Mr. Follcr, are ticgQciatittg on the fubjedt of thc treaty pro¬ pofed by Lords Holland and Auckland, and which treaty Mr. JefFerlon refilled to fubrnit it HI our power to afTert, frfim the mott ref- peclable authority, arc totally dcitiiute of fjundation. m w>t tew $m to \\$ |mnfp: \][: pip r-j ii)c- fmw $ th Smt §m^ $$ te intned tbu had the information been called for tin* feflioiif the lionfe before this time might have been in pofleffion nf it. The in¬ fo* nvuion was certainly highly important, and he hoped the houfe would now adopt the refolution* There was a vifible uneafinefs immediately difcoverable. What, tell the people how much we have fullered by France, and per¬ mit them to compare French and Britiih out¬ rages ? It won't do : but how to be rid of it was the qncllion. The queftion was put ; For it 28—a- gainll it 28. There was no quorum. Mr. Harper moved to poflpone the con- fideration of it till thelirft Monday in March next- Mr. Bigelow called for the ayes and nays on the motion—Granted. He had no idea of exciting debate or the feelings of the houfe. The information aflced was certainly of high importance, and he could fee no reafon why the houfe ihould hefitate in requiring it. Mr. Milnor fpoke fome time in favor of the refolution. Why not agree at once to the proportion* At the prefent crifis, when we are informed that ulterior meafures are fhortly to be laid before the houfe, it is pro¬ per, it is indifpenfable that we fhould receive all poflible information on fubjecfts fo impor* taut ; nor could he fee any poflible motive for refilling it. If any gentleman will (how that the information will be attended with a- - fly ill confequences, perhaps he might doubt ; but he prefumed no fuch were feared. He hoped the houfe were not afraid to let the people fee our fitnation. Since beginmg this, I have received a Qflel)«fl Paper, and I perceive that nothing of which 1 have been describing ha« been perceived there Its direction therefore mud not have been in that of the course of the River, but acrofs it in a line connecting this place with Berthier." DIJLDy In this town, on the morning of the ?jth ult. Mrs. Sufannah Patrick, aged about yo. Advertifemcnt. THE fubferfber earncftly rcquefls thofe who are indebted to him to pay or o- therwife fettle their accounts before the com¬ mencement of the enfuing term of the Dis¬ trict Court, as he will then be under the ne- ceffity of placing fuch of his accounts a-* can be fuedtn that Court, in the hancfa of an Attorney. CHARLES SMYTH. Kingston, Z'jth Feb. 1812. \6 ytu m^m^^mm ** ■■■ ■ ■ ■ n _ ^ m lft ■■■■■ , — ,>^. 4 Boxes Garden Seeds raifed at [.ebanon, State of New York, for fale at the Store of JOHN MACAULAY. March 3. 16 By Au&ion. TTTILL be fold at the Store of the fub- VV fcriber, adjacent to Mr. Alex'r. M'- Donell, on Monday the 2d March next, and to coiuiiiiie through the week if purehafera come forward, a valuable alio, tment cf GOODS, vi/. Cotton Checks, 34 and 6-fr wide Stripes, do. 54, 4-4, 6 4 and 7-4, Shawls and Hand¬ kerchiefs, comprising a very general aflTort- Utgh I'-s. Kn^liU\ • w*f c white Cottons, C.t:rit, I Ion-, Plain & l.uc'd Clocks Robe Patterns and Trimmings, rt-4 Seeded Muflin, 4-4 TamboreJ Gauze, 6-4 Qneen*3 Spot, do. fancy Purl, 4-4 Tumbor- cd Whip Nett, 44 Drop Nctt, 6-.; Jubilee Shawls, 7-4 Crape do. ounce Threads and Brown Hollands.—The Goods are frelh from Montreal, and well worth the atten¬ tion of purclnfers, as they will be fold low for Culh, good Wheal »r Flour. Sale to begin each cay at 11 o'clock- JOHN YOUNG. N. B. Private Sale—Jamaica Spi'it«, Su¬ gar, Ten and Tobacco, with a variety ofo- thcr articles* Kingstont ZtdF In/dry, fSl2. IS Qitebec. Feb. 6. ExtraS of a Letter from IVilliam Henry, zqtb January 9 1812. -iL, ii As I see no notice taken inahe Montreal papers of the Earthquake that was felt here on Thursday morning laft, it is probable its effedls have not extended far beyond this neigh¬ bourhood ; an account of it therefore may not be unacceptable,' and this will perhaps be, bell given by adverting to a few inftances in which Its efle&s were principally observable —On Thursday laft a Gentleman from Mis- fiskouy Bay, while (landing before the glafs to (have himself, felt an inability to keep him- felf Heady, a;»d looking round towards his Brother who was fitting by him in the room, and who from a like feneation was at that moment quitting his chair,and observing that the Clock flopped and the weights knocked again ft the fides of the Case, ( a circumftance this, that has been fince observed to have pre¬ vailed pretty generally among the Clocks both here and at Berthier) he concluded that the cause muft have been fomcthing foreign to themfelves. Amongft those moft particular of its ef¬ fects were fome Ladseswho being in an upper Room together, were from that circumftance more affected by it than were others in a lefs elevated fituation ; for the motion was not tremulous but vibratory and not accompanied with any noife. It was, judging from my own feelings like that experienced at Sea Mr. Harper withdrew his motion for poft* when a perfon firft feels the rolling of a fhip Dved that it lie. on the table, in a (well. It returned after an interval of a WILLIAM BAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs the gen¬ tlemen of Kingfton, and the Public in general, that he intends commencing the - Joiner and Cabinet Bttjincfs^ at Point Frederick ; where thole who may \' f • ^.. \k .isi.-, '.iif.il. iiiuit v?ho pnayi tavor him vvilh their cuitom, may be alTurett tliat their work [hall be done in the- beft man- ner, and on the (horteil notice, February 12. 14 " Genius, unpatronized by the great* too often withers into obfeurity.'* PENNMANSHIP YAUGHT by the Subfcribcr up¬ on a New, Improved and SyHematic Plan, being a fhort and eafy way to acquire a lair and plain hand writing in a Ihort ami fimple manner. There being many who aie dcllitnte of writing, and arc grown to thc (late of manhood, an opportunity is now prc- fented to them to improve themfelves in Pennmanlhip, in a courfe of fifteen Exerci- fes, only (me hour and a half at each. Spe¬ cimens and Improvements of thole who have been inllrudled to their perfect fatisfadtion. may be feen at his School Room, where gen¬ tlemen are invited to call and tittsfy their# curiollty. The fubferiber has opened his Writing School this day, at the Houfe of Mr. HENRY BAKER, Kingfton, Febru¬ ary 18th, 1812. N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen defirous of improving their hand Writing, the lublcrib- er will attend them at their Apartments for a reafonable eompenfatiou. CHARLES MacDONELL, I4tf « InftruAor of Writing. Take Notice. ponement,and mov Mr. Wright thought ill confequences might arile. We have chofen our enemy ; why by a lift of wrongs publilhcd to the woild at this time, do what may irritate a friend, especially when our minifter is in friendly negociation for the reftoration ot vefl'eL taken by F*ance ? Mr. Bacon was furpiifcd at the fqneam few moments, but with dimiuifhed violence and then ceased. The limits of its duration from firft to laft, 1 (hould from recollection eftimate at about three quarters of a minute. The Ladies juft mentioned, complained to mc fome days afterwards that they liill felt an uneasy feusation in their heads, and another yong Lady ken her'bed, I rnderfland, for iflmeft difcovered by the houfe on the fubjeS fome days afterwards from, indisposition ars of French fpoliations, much gieater than the fmg from affright. ALL thofe indebted to the fubferiber are reqnetted to -call and make payment immediately, or they will be fued without further notice; & all thofe who hold Notes or Accounts are dcfirecl to bring them for¬ ward. RICHARD SMITH. February \ 7. ---------------- IT w — Dollars Reward to any perfon who Q will prove toconvi&ion the peilon or pcrfous, who fiift reported that X had ab- ioouded. J4 3V/ f

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