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Kingston Gazette, May 28, 1811, p. 4

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T •.\ *?< A J* v- *' <■!* -4--I' Jc-A^-j^-^ -h> POE T R Y. /V fita Kingston Gazette* THE fcafon now is f.it advancing ; Behold the tiecs how white they are See the lambkins gaily prancing Behold the fry, how fine, how clear. Behold yon mead, what various colors, What a fragrance iioac.3 thi< way ; A cloud aitfes, looks like fhow'rs- See, 'tis near the cLfe of day— The clouds are gone, the fun filing* clear- Come, 'Liza come, let's take a walk ; There's nought in life to me fo dear As ratal feencsanu rural talk. Let's walk this way, let".-• climb that hill ; And iee the fun's lalt felting ray ; And liilen to the woodbnd knell That chants the lafi fad notes of cay. The fun now finks beneath the hills Win. a ftillncfs m<w prevails, Hark ! I hear a v/bipperwiH Its notes how clear, now wfe, now fall, * Yes, 'Liza, yes, let's moralize- Nor let this fcenepafs unimprov'd ; Let's talk of friendfhip, what it is, And iu.w its laws have been abus'd. *"And thus it fares with the haplefs youth that falls under the power of any vicious habit. At firft he indulges with caution a«o timidity, and druggies againft the ft ream & vicious inclinations. But every relapfe car¬ ries him further down the current (the vio¬ lence of which increafes) and brings him ftlU nearer to the fatal rock in the midll of the whhlpool ; till, at length ftupified and fub- dued, he yields without 3 ftniggje, and makes fhipwreck of conference, of intereiU of reputation, and of every thing that is de?>r and valuable in the human character. It mould alfo be obferved, on the oth-r hand, that good habits are powerful as well as bad ones : therefore no better advice ca11 be given to youth than the following : 11 Choofe the moil rational and bed way of living, and habit will foon make it tfce mo it agreeable." * re/ct/ive wn Rules and Regulations, to the MARKET eflablfied in the m of Kingston. ARTICLE I. THAT the fquare between St.George's church and the river, in the town ot Kingfton, (hall be the market-place, where all butcher's meat, butter, eggs, poultry, fifh and vegetables, (hall be espofed to ide. 2. That every day in the year mail be a arket day, except Chrillmas, Good Friday A BREAST PIN ^OUND, ~...... " ' Kingfton, which FEW days fince AFJE m ....... the owner can obtain by defcribin* it and paying for this advert foment Apply to the Printer. May 14. C. WILLISTON & Co. Ham lately received a new Supply of Stock,and now offer for Jale, on good terms, ma and Sundays. 3. That no perfon (hall fell butcher s meat, butter, eggs, poultry, fifh or vegeta¬ bles, from the hour of lis in the mornmgtiU the hour of four in the afternoon, except in the market, under the penalty of five fml- lings. REFLECTIONS ON NATURE. 4.. That no perfon mall kill calves or oth- animalsin the market place, orgutfifh, or empty bellies or guts of animals there der the penalty of five (hillings. THE ftudy of nature has been univerfaliy 5. That no perfon mall expofe for fale any -j« esteemed and is certainly a delightful then^ tainted meat or fifh, in the maiket place, un- JfJ a theme which unfetters the foul fro# See, yonder, fee—what fire is that : Seme p afantVeot, I'm led to fear ; ];..t look again, how falfe our fight— It is the Moon—bow bright, how clear Ah ! lovely orb what charms thou haft, Thou reno■•ateft frieiclfliip's tie ; Th'»u mak'li the 1 rabid pafBons red ; And lift'il the n< bier paffioas high. TIiou haft an influence o'er the heart, And brine'ft the tend'reft juices there, Phon bri'ig'il thofe friends who're far apart, r up a pray For each to offer ud a prav'r. Thou'rt love's memento, fnenduVp's friend ; Thnu'rt virtue's nurfery, vice's foe ; Thou oft thofe cend'relt paiTions blend, 'Tis thou oicil'ti. the tend'rcll glow. But now the flars begin to appear Behold the fky how fpangledo'er ; The nightingale approaches near, Its note', liiil fwecter than before. low purfuits and giovelling aftions, and rai! es h to the contemplation of Hi m who fpal-> it into being, and at whofe nod it will Sgftft iink into chaos. Who can view the animat¬ ing, the all-cheering fun, and not behold a God ? Who can fee the planets revolve r1 b'auteous older and harmony, and not oft" ferve the linger of the Defty ? Who can br hold the wonderful ftrndhire of the huma* frame, and believe it the effect of chance - Who can obferve the tafte and delicacy dii' played in the varied clothing of the brut- creation------the beautiful plumage of th- feathered tribes—and the unrivalled hue15 which adotn fomeof the moil minute infects* without feeling his mind infenfibly drawfl forth in admiration of the Great Author - : great as he appears in the work of erf at ion,, he is much more fo in (hat of ledemp" tion. Stupendous thought ! That Being' at whofe almighty fiat the fun darted iiil refulgent rays, the moon unveiled he- peerlefs light, clothed in humanity s ftruggliim clerk of the market. der the penalty of five (hidings, bolides for¬ feiture of the fame, on view of one jnliice. 6. That no perfon (hall expofe nth for fale within the two floored lquares of the market houfe, but they may be expofed for fale in the intermediate (pace, upon boards or benches. 7. Whereas there is room for eight butch¬ er's (tails or benches in the market houfe ;— ftteh part of the fame as is not already occu¬ pied mail be afligr.ed by lot to the fevered butchers deiirouB of occupying the fame, and the occupier (hali immediately erect Sails or benches not exceeding ten feet long and (even feet wide, which (hall be uniform. 8. Whereas perfons from the country may require moveable benches or (tails—the lame (hall not exceed feven fet in length and three feet in breadth ; any perfon placing a moveable bench of greater dimenfions in the market houfe, and neglecting to remove the fame immediately after the market is over, (hall pay a fine of five millings, and the fn'd bench may be demolished by. order of the AN aflbrtment of Gentlemen's and Ladies' SADDLES, which are warranted to be well made and of a fuperior quality. also, n Harnefles, Bridles, and various other kinds of work in their line.^ Repairing done on (hort notice, and ev¬ ery favor cheerfully acknowledged. Kingston, April 15,1811. - grTbey have REMOVED to tbe hih' °r fljop two doors foidh of Walker's Hotel in, uu- J £__________-^---------------------------------. BAGG & HAGAR, AVE jufl received fioro London, and offer for faie, ac their x Hat Store & Faflory, No. 100 St. Paul Street, Montreal, next doorjoutbof Meffh, Bellows, Gates & Co. A General Aflbrtment of Gentlemen's fine Beaver Hats ; filk Water Proof, Leghorn and Willowdo.j Ladies and Children's beaver and ftraw BoNN£Ts,of che lateft fafhions and beft quality. Also, Military Folding Hats, elegantly trimmed ; Hat Trimmings, &c.&c. which were imported upon as good terms, and wil! be fold as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in the country. They have alfo a variety of Hats of their own make, which they are willing to warranc ro be at durable a? any ever offered for fale in Canada. Orders from the coontrv thankfully recced and ih.^iy attended to. -*** CASH faidfor FURS. Montreal, Nov. 20, IBIO. TO BE SOLD, , ha- ior ■"»--*» *^-**- -•«^-. y .-- *^--. J penurious mifery, expoi" fatinue, he went abouf The ninht-fall's come, the dew defcend?, ";,)". fw.t (tKV<*h«rrmmg) *v» m«id. ]mvet 1 he moral lliews all joys muft end, That nought that's made can always live. We've feen the clouds obfeure the day ; We've feen thofe clouds again difpers'd ; "We've feen the fun's Iatt fctting ray ; We've heard a vocal fong rehears'd. We've feen fair Cynthia mount her car; We've feen her rife and mine ; We've feen the iky befpangled o'er • We've fetn the day decline": ■ /And now retracing back our way, We'll talk ihofe beauties o'er ; They'll teach us life's a tranfient day, Now gleams, and now's no more. STREPHON. in the womb of a virgin ; patting throng!1 life not with pomp and fplendor, in luxUrt and eafe—but with ed to hardships and tatig doing good ! Here is a glorious example: a powerful inducement to fweetf?n the cup of grief, to take the bitter bread of mifery from the trembling hand, and tranfmit thf benign rayS of benevolence into the hut of chterlefa poverty. 9. Every perfon felling by falfe weights, fhall pay a fine of twenty millings, and the faid weights mall be dellroved. 10. All perfosiR felling-provifions or other articles by weight in the market, fhall pro¬ vide themfelvcs with good fcales & weights, regularly [lamped (within three months from this date, after which if any perfon (hail there weigh with fteclyafda or weights not n . v.?V « ,- - / ^ •• k\v»gl|(ti UOt (limped) fiich perfon ihall pay a fine of te buiinef?, one fuperfifte and two comnion b»lis, and four hundred aci«s of LAND, with about <#>:•«• improved. On the prern'-ies, near th» m»i » » 5°* Dwelling-hou^, with three rooms and a kitchen oa che lower floor; and a convenient houfe nearly adj»»r»- ,d bo'fe-fncJ......»c" ing, for a mi'ler ; aifo a ftable at lp!-uing ro ihe eltate pf the late »~--- - ■ _ TiNE;Elq deccafed. ThefituauoniSfo^ll^n 1 ha that a further deienpoon is deemed unnccflaiy. • Thoic who mary wilb to eurchafe will pV& J° aP" ply CO Thomas Darland, Efq. Ado»pl»»fto*i»- CORNELIUS VAN ALS.11NE, iVxwitors, GEORGE W. MEYRBS, 5- Atf.il 16, 1S1I. 30 SHERIFF'S SALE." oiijt-kiifi s SALE. k'f THE ftagc waggon that ran between Kichmond and Hampton, in Virginia, was driven, force time fince, by a furly, rude fellow. ^ A gentleman who had taken a fetter at fliillingrs. "n Midi DIVERSITY. MORAL. THE force of habit, and the extreme danger of fixing any bad habit, particularly th it of drunkennefs, may be aptly illuftrated by moializin g the following piece of natural h/ltory : " On the coaft of Norway is« a dreadful whirlpool, called by the natives Maelllroom, which fignifies the navel of the fea. The body of the waters which form this whirl¬ pool is extended in a circle above thirteen miles in circumference. In the niidft of this ftands a rock againft which the tide, in its ebb, is dafhed with inconceivable fury • when it inftantly fwallows up all things which come within the fphere of its violence. " No lkiil in the mariner, nor ftrength of rowing, can work an efcape. rJ"he failor at the helm finds the fhip at firft go in a rent oppofite to his intentions ;- iiis veilel's motion, though flow in the beginning, becomes every mo- mem more rapid ; it goes round in Circles, ftili narrower and nar- rowee till at m it is dafhed a- gamft the rock and entirely dif- appcarV place in it, being engaged writing a the ufual time of letting out, requefted a few minutes delay, but in vain. Mr. Whip was inexorable ; he infilled on fetting off, adding by way of reproach, he was fure no gentle¬ man would afk him to Hay a moment. So - the gentleman was obliged to leave his let¬ ter unfini/hed, and the driver fet off at full fpeed. When they had run about half a mile, the waggoner's hat falling off, he /top¬ ped to pick it up. The gentleman feizfd the reins and drove away, leaving Surlyboots behind, who humbly requefted the new waff- goner to ftop. This was refufed, with a ineer, and a remaik, that no gentleman would aik him to ftay a moment. Brother Whip was then without remedy, and obliged to trudge on foot to Hampton, a comfortable walk of neaily twelve miles. The Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College, Dublin, was remarkably fond of ham. He frequently afferted that he thought men ought to adhere to the principles in which they were educated, and abide by the cuf- toms which belonged to the creed of theiY fathers. His worihip being once at a tabic1 where a hoi ham was brought into the room,' the; flavor feemed to delight him ; but before' he'coul J make an incifion, one of the compa-" ny requefted he'would anfwerthe followhU qtteftwB*—IfjoB Sir, had been educated1 a Jew, how would you have acted, if, when1 you were very hungry, foCh a ham as this* nad been placed before you ?__« Sir * he- replied, « I would have pulled off my haV made a low bow, and faid with A grippal almojl thou perfuadeft me to be a Chnjlian." J1. Whereas it is expedient to appoint Come perfon to fee the aforcfaid rules and regulations, or any other that may be here¬ after made relative to the market carried into effect : James Adams> of tlie town of Kingf¬ ton, is hereby appointed clerk of the market. 12. It fhall be the duty of the clerk of the market to attend to and enforce the exe¬ cution of all regulations which rcfpecl the market, under the penalty of twenty mil¬ lings for every wilful neglect. 13. He fiiall keep a lift of the perfons oc¬ cupying fixed or moveable Halls or benches, which he mail be ready to render to the magistrates whenever they may demand h. 14. When the market houfe requires re¬ pair, or mould any perfon damage the fame, he ihall immediately make it known to the magiftrates, or fome one of them. 15. He fhall fee that butchers and others occupying the market houfe, do leave no filth therein, and keep the fame clean. . 16. He fiiall from time to time examine and fee that all weights and mcafur<es made nk of in the market place are ju(t. 17. The clerk of the market fhall be al¬ lowed the following fees : By every butcher occupying a fixed bench or flail, to be paid quarterly and in advance, twelve {hillings per annum j By every perfon keeping a moveable bench or ftall for felling butcher's meat, twelve fh:'l- lings per annum, or nine pence each market day, at the option of fuch perfon. From every perfon occupying a place for felling fifli, fix pence per day. '. And the cfeik mail fix a table of che above fees in fome confpicuous place in the maiket houfe. •and Diftric't, to wit : }£ r vtrtf/e of of Fi o " Writ to wit : 3 of Fieri l^Q\^ •# fuedout of his Majejty's Court of King's Bench at thefnit of Bryan Crawford, of th tonunlll of Rich mo, d, Efquire, againjl the lands and tenements of Doc, ok ft/^ of the fap|U oj I redenckjburgh, yeoman, to me d'trethd ; / havefized and taken in execution, as belong to the faid Dotlor Prindle, the eqft half 0f'Z No. 3 in the feetmd conre/fon of the tonvnfljip „/ Frederickfourgh, containing by admeafurmti om hundred acres, be the fame more or jerf I ao hereby give notice, that the above mentioLi Monday the zzd day of 'July next,at the hour (J ten c}clock inrheforenoon—at which time and place ihc conditions of fale ivill be made known CEARJLJE& S7l/sj'RT, Sheriff. ' And the ab oibc a every perfon w perfons having claim* m ove dejenbed lot of land, by mortmvc or y mortgage' or to gn th r right or incumbrance, are hereby advertifd he notice to the faid Jher'iff, at his office in the town of Kingston,previous to thefak thereof. Sheriff's Of/ice, \yh Nov. 1810. 8// ' FOR SALE • A FARM conliftingof 258 acres, be »' ir.g Xj()t No. 6, in the ill conceffiun in Pittsburgh, fituate 6 miles from KinguoQ —10 or 12 acres under improvement, witq a good log houfe on the fame, and a good Marm affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.—For particulars apply to Laugh- WS M'Intyre, fhip carpenter, Pitt/burgh. February 12, \ 8 1 1. 1 ° 1 o £3 2Itf m B y oruer ofihe Magiflrates In SeJIom nffnn- x. Lcflecs of the Crown and Cleroy Refeirves, and thofe who have Licraftifl of occupation in the Midland Bifl- bled, at the town of Kingston, in the dfiricl, 1 ph May, 1 8 J i. nsnfltm- nM9 are recpieiied to pay the arrears' cf rent mUmd due by them rcfpech'vely, to the fnbfcnber, ALLAN MAC LEAN, Clerk of the Peace for the Midland di/lriel. who is legally authoi ifed to receive the fame and grant receipts, Ciiari.es Stuart, Sheriff. cur- obfcrved, that he di<l not like to fpeak HI oft" a ftranger, but he believed the man vras itf» Slitorney. An elegy upon a lady who had been twice- wW and had left thirteen children^ man Infh paper, begins thus-------'* Adieu ^ sweet Maid." A gentleman of Leeds, in his defcriptiotrn 0? IMS eloped wife, fays, « mc |ia3 a tooglftK Lou. p. MASONINQ. Sheriff*s OJtcti 2d March, IS 11. H The fubferiber in- Writing and Wrap- forms the inhabitants of Kingston and its Pingl^Pcr &» &k Tit this Office. ts viciniiy, that he intend; carryiuo- 0n the MASONING BUSINESS', fuch as bricfc iaymg, (lone work and plaltering : 1^ will be ready 10 perform any bufinefs in hk line t Ihovt not.ee, and in a workman-like man. a . -r.w "u^ iayo, which cut'} like a razor." ner. Fifi MOSES DRAKE. | 1 door South ofWallers Hotel. \ Pt rfiTF U /\Mi) published Bv CHAKLES KLNDALL. 1 By whom S'ubf vipiions and Advtrtifrm;*!* this Paper rvdl be received, and 0*ders / for Printing promptly performed. -

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