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Kingston Gazette, May 28, 1811, p. 3

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|1mmY avidity %tdf plunder wa* fucli, tint in #nc place l lie Royal Dragoons furprifed a pnrty of them digging the dead nut of their •nn'cs in n church m fearch of plunder. Ccn. SlaAr* who commands our cavalry, haigtcaily diilmguiihed himfelf, he did not foi three d-ys during the purfnit quit his horfc. alio WM alwoll always clofc upon the foemv. The Royal) and 16th Light Dra¬ goons Utvfi acquired great reputation and (osior by tIicix- gullant behavior on all occa- fioufc Th? h>fs of the enemy mull have been Inntcnlt'i as the roads, were literally (hewed ^•ith dead, and parties of them 50 to icoo each are daily brought in as prifoucrs. We ftill hope- to hear of a much greater defiruc- tion of the enemy. Oporto, March 26 —On the 20th bft. tear Foihocco'/.a, we made ioco prifoners ; A crreat deal of baggage fell i;;to our hands. On the 21 (I WC alio took a confiderable number. The enemy has only 2,500 caval¬ ry left. It is faid that in the whole upwards of 6coo priloners have been taken. A fol- dia of the 6:h Cacadores fays they had a fe- tctt ?r :-n;»iha: tfets Pucnte deFalhir,in which an i'.i"'t*ih M^ior was killed. fcTrm London MptS to the i6.'/j ultimo, *t:elvcd at x/eiif Tori. Pffpawhw have been received at the office of Maiqui.«-VvYiU'fley from Mr. Stuarr, his Mijrlly's Minister at Lifoon, dated the 23d of March. They ihte the army of Genei al Maifcna continued to retreat towards the frontier, Lir.fi Utat every march was facilitated by ihc abandoument of wounded, the deft ruc¬ tion of baggage, and whatever could encum¬ ber ikcir movement. The enemy attempted, dttriig ihe 18th and iyih, to make a Hand 10 the Sierra de Moif. , but thev were driv¬ en from that pofition with the 1 -fs of 600 prifoners on the 19th. On the 21ft they reached Ga!iza. The Biitffh head-quarters Were at Pombeiroon the 18th, and at Arga- til on the 2Cih. The cavaliy and light corps continued in fight of the French rear¬ guard, and the movement of the Allied Army along thtr-ficirts of the Edicha, which flank the pofition in the valley of the Mon- dego, promiicd new impediments to their retreat. li^dt.joz ana C?.mpo Mf-jor had fallen Into the bands of the enetr;y. Maiflia! tSoult had iubfvquently moved in the direction of Seville with pent f-i 111* force* Genera! Evrvifoid rcichejl Portalcg-ie on tfct 20lh. t Tb* f uhuving cxtr.nSl of a letter from an ofiki-r Itt :Uc nnny of Lord Wellington, con¬ tains fome vaTtiabk i:.formation : H L01l%(lQy MilVih 16, i ft I I. 14 Since 1 hill had the pleafurc of adduc¬ ing yoUg we have porfued the French this length at thi.' point of the bayonet. From the map you will perceive that we are now farther up the country than ever, and a- they fcem determined to purfne their retreat thro' Spain, 1 have no doubt but that by the time vou receive this, there will not be a fingle frenchman in Portugal. Every effort has been made to bring them to a general en¬ gagement, which as yei has proved in effect U- al. There itill remains a probability that they will be forced to it. One thing is cer¬ tain, that want of prcvihons has brought 4- bout this great and wonderful change on the fece of affairs. They have fuffered a good dea1 on the retreat, and we have taken an im¬ munity of prifoners, befide* 17 cannon which they lv*d concealed, having no way of car¬ rying ih-ni ofT. On the other hand, thty hsve^oone all the mifchief in their power, mo»e perhaps than thib country will be able vffiofi only ; they were fnpportcd by tfa 3<3 and 6rh divilion^ and on the right of the Mimdego by the Militia ; the relt of tri^ ar¬ my was halted until the provilions coulo^ be brought up. " The purfuing corps harraflVd the *M- my's rear, continuing to take prifoners, *c. The enemy's left retreated by Couvca, tbf& the mountains, upon Giuvda ; the rert^*** del upon Celeiico. More troops have /*»ce been moved to Guarda, which they occupy in ftrength. The Britifh advanced gnar'l is at Alverca, and in front of Celerieo and Gu¬ ards ; the 3d divifion occupying Porco, Mi- feiclla, and Pi ados. The allied army vvas to be colleited at Celerico on the 28th. Bidlafleros furprifed Gen. Remon's c-n'ps at Pahna on the xotli, and difperfed ir, l*k- in^ 500 prifoners. He has ilnce retired to Valverde, expecting to be joined by General Zayas from Cadiz with 6000 men, of whom 400 were cavalry. " From the North of Spain it is repotted that the imperial guard has been ordered to France. * " A Poflfcript relates a gallant acurm fougkt by a detachment of cavalry undei It. PeiiTc of the 10th light dragoons,-and Ifcut. Foller of the royals, with a body of French Dragoons, of whom feveral were killed, ind aii officer and 37 taken. ' " It adds, " the enemy have withdrawn from Pinhel acroia the Coa." JOUH I'POril/KGHAM cjf Co. No. 6$ St. Paul Street} MortntRAt, HAVE received per the T/jeii., a general and complete aflbrtment of HARDWARE GOODS, in the different branches of Cutler v, Sad¬ dlery and Cabinet Wares. Alfo—A quantity of Nails—Till* plate & Wire—Shot & Lead—Sheet Ir->n— Anvils & Vices—Steel—6hovtds& Spade*- • F' yingpgns-—Sadirons—BrafsKetil^n—Glafs —Cart & Waggon Boxes—improved Mi;l& Croflcnt Saws—Sickles and Scythes. A icw Money Che(b—large and fmall Scale-beams & Weights— WatchGlaff- es—C'ock /aces & Furniture—a few pieces Hait Seating for Chair Bottoms—and a few dozen herring' »-•; Twiut. AL 41 Foreign Office, April 1?. " Difpatche3 have been received by ihe Marquis Wellefley from Mr. Steward his Majeily's Miniltcr at Lilbon, dated 30th March, dating that SirWuv Beresford, hav¬ ing united the whole of his force at Portide- gre, on the 23d March, had advanced on the 24th, and attacked the enemy with his cav-. aliy on the 25th. The enemy were com¬ pelled to abandon Campo Major, with the loia of 600 killed and wounded, and the whole of tbeir force* on this fide of the Gua- diana were purfued to Badajoz. On the 26th the head c;uaiters of Marfhal Beresford were at Elvas, and a fmall Spauifh corps . moved towards Albuquerque. The enemy Indwiihdiawn their whole force, except a weak picquet, to the other fide of the Gua- diana.—The corps under Marquis Soult had halted in the neighborhood of the Lierina. M General Ballalleros returned to Gibbra- Icon, a town near Ayamente, on the 29th of March, where his force has betn increal,-d by the amount of 6,000 men under General Zcv^as from Cadi/.. Marfhal Eeflirres arri¬ ved at Zamor on the 5th March, with 7,0000 nun. The corps of Gen. Silviera coofcquenlt- ]y moved on to Mon Corvo on the 14th.'** GALLANT ACTION. QvBttECj Mny 9.—Captain Hodgfon, of the brig Fortune, who arrived here yefterday fruin London, was attacked t>n the 13M1 of April, in about 530 N; lat. and 200 W. Ion. by a Ficnch privateer of 16 guns, and about 120 men, which he mofl gallantly contended with for an hour and twenty minutes, and fi¬ nally beat off. During this time his Colors were twice (hot away, and then nailed to the mart. The enemy made three attempts to board, and were each time rcoulfed ;—the boarders being killed in the chains or fhrouds. or precipitated into the fea, where they were drowned. The Fortune having futtained confiderable damage in her rigging and fparr, and as her crew were decreafing fill, would probably have been captured, had ihe not fortunately (hot away the enemy's fore-too- maft, at which time llie Fortune's crew $*av« three cheers, and the privateer iheercd off.— Capt. H. gave her a pairing- bioadfide>wliich was not returned, and then »ay bv, ami began to repair the damage, and to clear the (hip for a renewal of the aft ion, in caie the enemy Ihould think proper to renew it. Bi;t in two hours ofietwarae the privateer dlfappeared to leeward, and Capt. H. proceeded on his voy¬ age. He fpeaks in the higheft terms of the bravery of his crew, and of the great afli!t- ance he received from his pallcngers during the action. The lofs unfortunately fulhinc.i by the Fortune in this action is as follows ; John Wilfon, John Dickfon,EnghMi feamen, killed ; and Anthony Oliver, a foreigner, al- fo killed. Mr. Alexander Grclgy of this city, a paflenp-er, wounded in the knee ; Mr. Samu/erfotiy alfo a paffenger, wounded in the arm,"and three men (lightly wounded. The Fortune mounts 8 guns and 2 fwivels, and the Dumber of perfons on board, includ¬ ing her officers, 3 paffengeis and 3 boys, a- _...., _...... mounted to 19. ^ ^ ShiiioL*lJtin,lkn-kbfs Bindings, flfiu TKe privateer loft in killed and drojvned Hoft cry, doves Buckram between 20 and 30 in boarding, but the num- jgjJJ " ~ her killed on board of her by (hot from the Fortune, could notbeafecrtained. aJ l3 TAI'PAIn &SEWALL, Nf>. 6; ST. PAUL STREET. MONTREAL* . HAVE received by the Thetis, an «- teiuive and choice Aflbrtment of English & India Goods, Selected particularly for the Canada Market by-a Partner in England. Calicoes to. lt%anuPi-'iUts Sezvhg Sills, Tusifls Wiiuljhr, Pav'llion, Cotton Seimrfgi iVtllinglin and uthsr Broad Chths of every fujhtnnjlle Cords drf.rljnion jfcancts, Ntwkrcr.s Huntgrt Cloths, Kerfeys Grxiulurels, J'dvzts K»'j\ymeres, Plains Thirhfttts, lr.-lvc!*?tis Flannels, Dometts, Tabby Curds, D'nmtks Point andRop Blarlets Satiiietts, Vefterldts Sivanjd-.ivns, Coatings Cotton Hollands Carpeting Cotton Shirtings IVIAu U Irovin Linens GathbricJss, Hair Cords ParafJs c5* UmbrdUis Black and colour d Tajftls9 Fringes Cam'tricl-s Tapes, Bobbins TilS KINGSTON : Tuesday, May 28, 1811. It is faid that in confequence of the meaf* ures adopted by the American government, minilers propofe to iflhc an Order in Coun¬ cil, ttire&ing that no merchandise* »h^ pro¬ duce or property of the United States, or her ciri'ZLUb, fliall be imported into U. Brit, ain or Ireland, in American bottoms ; and that "JDritilh (hipping only fltfdl be employed in our corrTmerce with the Uniicd States. [Loudon Statefman. • IMPORTANT. Government have rrceived the highly grat¬ ifying intelligence of ihe captureand deftrutc- tion of the whole of the rear-guard of th\e .French army under the commav.d of Marfhiul Ney, who is hhnfelf among the prifoners.-=_ „,...,......... _....... ----- The aaion which ttrminaied in thisgloriouw. .that a very intelligent paffenger confirms the achievement took place on the 31ft ult. an,d contents of this letter ; and adds that Mr. We have jult feen a letter, dated in Lon¬ don, April ijth, which Hater,, that the Prince Regent had determined not to fend Mr. Poller to the United States ; and that the Britifh Council were about to iiTue or¬ ders prohibiting American produce in any other than Britilh veflels. We underRa-id was fo-jght by the Britifh and Portuguese troops under the command of Marfhal Berefe. for J. The Frtnch'rear-guard, under Neys originally confillcd of 1.5,000 men, but, b>y previous captures and (kirmifhe.s had bee«n reduced to 8000, being the number ta^eno* thcgloriou3 3ift.of March. . - Marfhal Beresfbrd had do-operated -in ft ; raafterly a manner with Lord WeHmgton. 8. army, that Ney found it impoffiblc. any ]onft. er to continue his repeat, and was thereto^ cut off frcim the main body Pinkney had excited much difguft in Lon¬ don by refilling to attend the firft levee held by the Prince as Regent of the empire. Mr. Pinkney was the only foreign minifler, then in London, who was not prefent on that oc- cafion.—iV". T. Spectator. On the 8th of April the Prince Regent fent.a requeil to both houfesof Parliament, that relief (hould be afforded to the dittreiT- ed people of Portugal. One hundred thou¬ sand pound* was'granted by the unanimous t on rrom wic iuaiu wwv.;. w^ r « a. j The above intelligence was brought & vote of both Houlcs. Guemfey by a merchant veffel, and tranf ..... - - mitted from thence to government by admi¬ ral the.Pt ince de Bouillon, the Britilh naval commander on the Guemfey ttation xr N <o to .epair h the courfe of a century. Santa- Q—J^^, ^ the correanefs of the Ml and Coimbra arc the only towns which ^^SS in the government de. tk>- have not burnt to, the ground^ Every ^^^^^ J Oporto to d« village affords moft d.ftreffiug fpeftades of th-ir murderous difpof.tions. In one houie I few an old man with his head fevered from his body, and his fingers, &c cut off; in the next room, his wife, an old woman, ay cru¬ elly murdered, and a boy, her grandion, ly¬ ing belide her with his throat cut. The For- luguefe art lo exafocratrd that they on the ether hand, murder all the Frenchmen who fall into their hands." , The Eagles taken from the French, wh.ch wc believe are eight in number, .t is fa.d.are tobe placed in fome diftinguiihed place of divine worihip. Thcfc trophies are formed Of filk, exaaiy like the banners Uled by our cavalry, with appropriate regimental inlcup- tionsTn each, in letters of gold The tops of the ftaves are furrounded with the hgure of an Eagle, in cat! brafs, about 6 inches m height. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Pifp/tches have arrived fro«j Lord Wcl fcgu£ dated Gonvta, 27th March, .8 • •• The enemy retreating w«th great cele.i ty taiSf Lord W&g««S»rf tLpurfoit with the cavalry and the hghtdi- partments. The vicinity of Oporto to the fcene of a£lion is an additional corroboration of the ftatement. Lvmington, April [i,—-Sailed the A- melia f\ igate, for Quebec, and the Lightning (loop of war, for the Brazils, with about 59 vcffcls undtr convoy. - Liverpool, April 17.—Thelnduftryar^ rived here laft night in 13 days from Oporto. The captain informs USd that the report upon 'Change was, that inctflant fkirmifhes had taken place between the advance of LorJ Wellington and the rear guard of the French army, and that thefe attacks had proved th* molt deitruftive to the enemy ; Rooo French prifoneis had then been marched into Coiol bra. MaflVna, at the head of 2000 cavalry^ was all that remained of the French army. A large body uf the Guerilla had been hov. ering on the frontiers for fome lime back^ and the opinion was, that the retreat of tU* French would be entirely cut off. The Poti tnguefc had dellroyed all the provifions in th» line of retreat of the Fiench, which was the reafon afRgned for the cruelty exercifed bj the French towards the inhabitants. -DeftrtiLlive Fire in ihe Weft Indies. Capt. Nelfon, arrived at New York from Falmouth, Jamaica, informs that on the 2 lit of April", loo'clock in the evening, running down clofe in with the land, he faw the town of MontCgp Bay on fire ; it continued burn¬ ing all that night, and until the evening of the next day. Captain N. touched at the Havanna, where he faw Capt. Riley, who in¬ formed him that he touched at Jamaica, and was at the fire on the 22d of April, and that the town of Montego Bay was entirely de¬ llroyed. ----------■ Accounts from Turkey ftate the determi¬ nation of the Porte to continue the war. SUCH perfons as maybe chfpoi- ed to contract for building a BRIDGE over the Little Cataraqui River, on the Second Conceiuon Road, are requeued to fend their propofals in writing to the fob- °n ^'rICHAKDCARTWRIGHT. Kingston, May 21, l3i I. B FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, LANK DEEDS & Memorials, -------Bills of Exchange, - Half Pay Bills, . Bills of Lading, - N"te Books umroorics for Court of Rcqueftsl&c. - S ww, a large af- Bandannas, Leing fvrtment Ronmlls and other Silk Modes, Satins, Gauges Handkerchiefs By the Brothers from Liverpool, additions are expe&ed ; and by the Hops9 now in the JRiver from Loudon, with other articles— 22 Sales, Long Cloths, Salem- pores, blue & white Baftas- and MamcoJ;es. ' C3*AI1 which arc for fule by package or Jtftmti sal, 3!lay 6th, l8l:J. 36 S RERI FPa SALE, Midland l)\Jl\£i, ] O V «Tit« 1 I a Writ of *fei J ij Pit" Farias, iTued out of his Mtffcft)1* Con i ^f King's Betic!r, at tl»e fuit of J unci Rubins, of the town of Kingllon, Efqoire, agaisft the lands and ten¬ ements ol Amos Anfley, of the townfhip *.f Kingllon, yeoman, to rne dircdled ; 1 have fuzed and taken in execution, a; belonging to the faid Amos Anfley, the north half of lot No. 1 j in tlie ferorul coneefiion of the town* ihip of Kingfton, containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres, be the tame more or lefs ; together with al>g houfe & framed bam thereon ereclcd. i do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and adjudged to the highelt bidder, at my office in the town of Kingllon, onTu-jfday the third day of M?rch next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of (sic will be mude known. CHARLES STUART, 5&r$C - A:;d "very [krfon or perfons having c!..ims on the ab<*ve de;-:-ibed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other rtgltf Of incumbrance, a'ehrxr- by advertifed to gh'C notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the rownof Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the f;;Ie thereof. Shirk's Officex 2d March, 1811. 28 SHERIFF'S SALE. idlavJ DiflriB,'} DY virtue of a Writ of viz« 3 ^~^ Fieri Facias ,i(Tued out of his Majcfty's Court of King's -Bench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of King Ron. merchant, againft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,late of &latyfb<ii?gh,yeoman, to me directed; 1 liave feized mk! taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid .Samuel Rufe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firft ebnetf- lion of thetownlliip of Maryiburgh, wefl of the rock, containing by admeafuremrut oi.c hundred seres, be tm* fcme more or ids. I do heieby give n nice, that th-- aboverwenf tioned lot of land, with the appurtenance* thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the higheft bidder, at my 1 ffice in -. S town of Kingllon, 011 Tuefduv the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock ..* the forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made kxown. CHARLES STtTARTjJ&y^; And every perfon rtt perfons having* la i«S ^n the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, ?re h ■ e- by advertifed to give notice to the fa^dShei n, at his nffice in the town oi Kingllon, previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff's OJLl, zd Ma^ibt rSll. ^3 M

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