?oima<-l the Continent -if (lie acknowl¬ edged and abided by ai«y principle <•! the 5 :\v of nation*, Amciica nripht jullly com¬ plain of us if We refufed to he bound by thofe ' w.; :—Bui ibe has let them all at defiance — The hnc openly proclaimed her contempt of rJicm— flic has fet up the Cook Napoleon .'•ainli all ibofe principles of good faith and V»!ln e by Which the affairs ot nations were 'jotmerry r- onlated, and me mttft cxpccl that wejhatl nu-c-t her with the lame weapons with v\hich (lie attacks us—She fays, "Eng¬ land mull haw- no ii orcourfc with any part <.f the continent."—We moll reply " no inker power mall have any intcrcourlc with Ijie comment."—Fhe &a is ours, and \vc muft maintain the doctrine—thot n-» nation, T'o fl< c%'t:o eock-bo?>' ihall (all upon it with¬ out our pamidioru America declared, that Jvnt/land iriull nm prclume to declare a port in a ll.iie of blockade, unicfs Hie can keep a lot*Ctf act wall) befote that pc?rt. England rroiil reply, we wiil not andefcend to mince and carve out and dwindle down our lyflem oi blockade. We will not talk of this port rind that port. There is out one navy in i!.« world-theBrkiJhnavv. The whole con* W at tii.ent we con tider but as one port, and fo Jung as Bonaparte perfiila in hi. prtfent fyf- ttcii, we warn all powers that (he continent i> iu a ilaie ot blockade, and tlvy mull not jnciunie to trade with it without our have. This i* the doctrine which we nuifl enforce, ; ltd the loonc we do it the better. In tiling the language the docs uiV, America males lierfeli a party with France a»-d yielding to America is nothing more nor lefe than yield* Wig to France. Fhll, fhe fa\>, a eept the French definition of blockade ; in other words, render vour naval luprnority of DO t;te. Next ihe threatens us with net waiting ih'cc" months before {he renew > the nun-in- tefci»' rfe ael—r^ltf Mr* Smu&'s Lifter to A/r. J'h'hhy, a\tfed Oct. 19, IttiC.J She h%< tried lite rxpeiimcut of non-mtcrcourle bej iir, and Was the only fufferer by it.— '1 ir; J.y, Yhc "declares, that our rtlinquifhing Hixr p*jm*ipie nj blockade will not content he . We moll put a flop to the vexations ■to which her fcameu areespofed ; that is we mull hblb.ic from Searching her "nips and la- kuig out o-si' feair.cn when we find them th-.-n-. Fourthly, ive nvuft atone for th; af¬ fair "t the Cheiapeaks ; in other words, A- mersea having Inveigled our {bamen away, } aving refufed to give mem up, and faid they were 1 ot on hoard the Chefapeakc, when we knew the) were, we mint aifc pardon and a- tiiAc fur having taken thevn r.wav bv force. To the terms now demanded by Amcuca, we cannot yield with honor. Sne fcems tc have tna,*e Herfelf a party uini France, and her la*c conduct wih relpecl to Loniilana and the I 1m» ij:i<, aflbids us a ftrong fnfpicion that there is a fecret undcrllanding between then). We conclude thefenbfervationsby faying, tint we have one coofolatory profped of u- iT.nimity at home. Ameiica compiams of having betn ill-treated by all parties, but 1 huliy by ih;it party which made fuch bitter chaises aj;ainll the prtfent minfilers, 01 be¬ ing always inmieuccd by a hollile diipofition towards the United States. oer brig. gen. Ladii/.abei,having opened i'ne communication with the Ilia de Leon, I re¬ ceived general la Penas's directions to mi»ve down from the pofition of Barrofa, to that of the Torre d.e Beimefa, about halfway to tiie Sauti Pei\i river, in order to feeure the communication "acrofs the river, over which a bridge had bet-n lately edabliflied. This latter no lit ion occupies a narrow woody ridge, the right on the fea clifF, the left fq|U fng down to the Almanza creek on the edge of the marlh. A hard fandy beach gives an tafv communication between the welWn points of thefe t\Vo pofitions. My divilion haited on the caflcrn flope of the Barrofa height* was matched about 12 o'clock thro' the wood towards the Bcrmtfa, (cavahv patroles having pre»idufly been f'nc towards Chiclana, withpQt meeting with Uic enemy.) On the march 1 received noifce that ihe enemy had appeared in f rce on the plain, and Waa advancing towards ihe'heights of Barrofa. . As 1 considered that pofition as ihe key of that of Santi Petri, i immediately ccn- ful charge againll a fquadron of French Dra- .termarched in order to {upffort the troops goons, which was entirely routed. lui'ea,ar.d fecraed Inclined to fo-m : r. new and more advanced poficion of our artillery quickly difperfed them. The exhaufled (late of the troops maae pnrfuitlmpomble. A pcfuion was taken on the eaflern fide of the hill ; and wc were ftrengihened on our right by the return ot the two Spanifh battalions that had been at- tached before to my divifion, but winch I had left on the hill, and which had been or¬ dered to retire. Thefe battalions (Walloon Guards and Oiiid&d Real) made every effort to come back in time when it was known we were engaged. I undcrfland alfo, from Gem Whitting- ham, that with three fquadrons of cavaliy he kept m check a corps of infantry and cavalry that attempted to turn the Barrofa height by the fca. One fquadron of the 2d HufTars, King's German Legion, under Capt.Bufchc, and dirc&ed by Lt.Col. Ponfonby (both had been attached to the Spanifh Cavalry) joined in tin.e to make a brilliant and molt fuccefi- Foreign Intelligence. —000 §000— London Gazette Extraordinary. Downing Street, March 25, 1811. DISPATCH ES of which the following are copies, were lait night received il ihe Earl oi Liverpool's office, addreffed to his lord- ili.p by Kent geu. Graham, dated Ida de Leon, 6th and 10th of March., 1811. IJIa de Leon* March 6, IS i £. My Lord—Captain Hope, my firll aid- t e-camp, will have the honor of delivering this dilpatch, to inform your lord/hip of the glorious iiTne of an aclion fought yclleiday* by tiie divilion under my command, againfl the army commanded by Marfhal VicTeor, compofed of the two divilions Ruiin and La¬ val. The circumflances were fuch as compelled ire 10 attack tin's very fupcrior force. In order as well to explain to your lord (hip the cucumftances of peculiar dlfadvantage under wloth the action was begun, as tojullify my- feif fiora the imputation of raflinefs in the attempt, I muu Hate 10 your lordfnip that the ah red army, after a night march of 16 hutm b*om the camp litear Veger, arrived in the morning of the 5th, on the low ridge of Bnnola, about 4 miles to the fouthwaid of the mouth of the Santi Petri river. This her^ht extendi; inwards about a mile and a hail, Continuing on the north the exteniivc 1-ta-thy plain of Chiclana. A great pine for R Jkift* the plain, and circles round the i.ei^nt at fome didauce, terminating down to t> nti Pcr.i—tlu- intermediate fpace between t'.e north fide of the height and the furcft Lung uneven and broken. rv. well tonducTcd and fucccf ful attack o.. tl 0 r< ji of the enemy's line near Sanii Pe¬ tri^ by the vd.guaid of the Spanifh army un- left for its defence, and the alacrity Wiitii which i?'c manceuvre was executed ferved as a favorable omen. It was however impi 3i- bie in fuch 'intricate add difficult ground to preferve order in the columns, and thcteri?v- cr was time fo reflore it entirely. But before we could get ourfelves quite difentangled than tiie wood, the troops on the Baifofa hill were uefl returning from it, while the enemy's lefi wing was rapidly at cending. At. the fame time his right wng flood Oil the pi .in, on the edge of the wood, within cannon foot. A rttreat in the [zee of fuch an enemy, already within reach of the eafy communication by the fea beach, mull have invo-ved the whole Allied Amy in all the danger of being attacked duri.g the unavoidable confufion of the different corps arriving on the narrow ridge "of Bcr- n.cla nearly at the fame time. Tiufling to the known heroifrn of Britifh troops, rcgaidlcfs of the numbers and pofition of their enemy, an immediate attack was de¬ termined on. Major Duncan foon opened a powerful battery of io guns in the centre. Brigadier Geu. Dilkes, with the brigade of Guard*, Lieut. Col. Browne's (of the 28th) jlauk battalion, Lieut. Col. Norcott's two companies of the 2d Rifle corps, and Major Aehefon with a part of the 67th foot (fepa- rated from the regiment in the wood) form¬ ed on 1 he right. Colonel Wheal ley's brigade, with thrttc companies of the Coldibeam Guards under Lieut. Col. J.ickion, (feparated likewifc fr.jm his battalion in the wood) and Lieut. Col. Barnard's flank battalion formed on the left. As foon as the infantry was thus hazily got together, the guns advanced to a more favorable pofition, and kept up a raoft def* truitlive fire. The right wing proceeded to the attack of Gen. Rutin's divifion on the hill, while JJeut. Col. Barnard's battalion, and Lieut. Col. Buihe's detachment of ihe 2Cth Portu¬ guese were warmly engaged with the enemy's braiilcurs on our left. Gen. Laval's divifion, notwfthftanding the havoc made by Major Duncan's battery, con- tinned to advance in very impoling rnaffes, opening his lire of mufquetry, and was only checked by that of the left wing. The left wing now advanced firing ; a moft deter¬ mined charge by the three companies of guards, and the 87th regiment, fupported by all the remainder of the wing, decided the defeat of Geu. Laval's divifion. The eagle of the 8th regiment of light infantry, which fuff.rcd immcnfcly, and a howitzer, regarded this charge, and remain¬ ed in poffeffion of Maj. Gough of the 87th regiment. Thefe attacks were jealcufly flip- ported by Col. Belfon with the 13th regi¬ ment, and Lieut. Col. ProVoft with a part of the 67th. A referve formed beyond the narrow val¬ ley, acrofs which ihe enemy were clofely pur- Aied, next fhared Jit fame fate, and was rout¬ ed by the fame means. Meauwhiie the lijflit wins- was not lefs fucceLful ; the enemy, confident of fuccefs, met Gen. Dilkes on the afcent of the hill, and the contell was fanguinary ; but the un¬ daunted perfeverance of the Brigade of Guards, of Lieut Col. Browne s battalion, and of Lieut. Col. Norcott's and Major Achefon's detachment, overcame every ob- fiaclc, and Gen. Rutin's divifion was driven fi«»m the heights in confufion, leaving two pieces of cam.on. No expreCions of mine cduld do jufiice to the conduct of ihe troops throughout. Noth¬ ing leL than the alrnoft unparalleled exer¬ tions of every officer, the invincible bravery ol every fuldicr, and lh- moft determined dtf* Vi:tii>n to the honor of his Majeily's arms i(» all, could have achieved this briliaut fucccfti againfl fuch a formidable enemy, fo poiled. In lefs than an hour and a half from th- commencement of the aftion, the enemy wa» in full retreat. The retiring div;fiou3 infill An eagle, 6 pieces of cannon, the General of divifion, Rutin, and the general of brigade, RoulTeau, wounded and taken ; the chief of tiie ilaff, Gtn. Bcllegrade, and aid-de-camp of Marlhal Vidor, and the cohmel of the cUh regiment, with many other officers kill¬ ed, and feveral wounded and taker, prifoneis ; the field covered with the dead bodies and arms of the enemy, attell that my ccntidence in I his divifion was nobly repaid. where all have [o difiinguiihrd themfelves, it is fcarcely p(j.(T»bie to difcriminare any as the moll deferving of praife. Your lordlhip will, however, obferve how glorioufly the brigade of Guards, under BrtV-Gen. Dilkes, with the commanders of the battalions Lr* Col. the hon. C. Onflow and Lt. Col. Se¬ bright (wounded) as well as the three fepa- raied companies under Lieut. Col. Jackfon, Maintained the high character of his Majeily's houfchold troops. Lt. Cob Browne, with his flank battalion, Lt. Col. Norcott, and Major Achcfon, deferve equal praife. And I mufl equally recommend to youV lwidfhip's notice, Col Wheatley, with Col. Belfon, Lt. Col. Prevoftand Major Gough, and the officers of the refpe&ive corps com- poling hia brigade. The animated charges of the 87th regi¬ ment were moft confpicuous ; Lt. Colonel Bernard (twice wounded) and the officers of 'liis Hank bastafion executed the duty of fki:- miiliing in advance with the enemy in a maf- terly manner, and were ably fecotded by Lt. Colonel Bufne, of the xoih Portuguefe, who, likewife twice wounded, fell into the enemy's hands, but was afterwards refcued. The detachment of this Portuguefe regiment behaved admirably throughout the whole af¬ fair. I owe roo much to Major Duncan, and the officers and corps of the Royal Anilieiy, not to mention them in terms of higheft ap¬ probation ; never was artillery better ferved. The alfillance I ieceivedfrom the unwea¬ ried exertions of Lt. Col. Macdcnald, and the officers 6f the Adjutant general's depart¬ ment, of Lt. Col. tbe ho.n. G. Cathcart,and the officers of the quarter-mailer gen's de¬ partment, of Capt. Buch and Capt. Nicho¬ las, and the officers of the royal engineers, of Capt. Hope- and the officers of my perfonal flafi (ell animating by their example) wiil ever be moil gratefully remembered. Our lofb has beert very fevere ; as foon as it can be afcertaincd by the proper return, I fh;dl have the honor of transmitting it. But much as it i& to be lamented) 1 trull it will be con¬ sidered as a r.tccfTdry lacrifice, for the fafcty of the whole allied army. Having remained fome hours on the Bar¬ rofa heights without being able to procure a- ny fupplies for the exhaufled troops, the CommiiTariat rhuies having been difperfed on the enemy's nrll attack of the hill, I left Major Rofs with the detachments of the 3d battalion of the 95th, and withdrew the reft of the divifion, which eroded the Santi Petri river caily the next morning. I cannot conclude this difpatch without earneffly recommending to hfa Majefly's gra¬ cious notice for promotion, Brevet Lt. Col. Browne, Major of the 28th foot, Brevet Lt. Col. Norcott, Major of the 9Jftb, Major Duncan, Royal Artillery, Major Gkuigh* of the 07th, Major the hon. E. Alclufon, of the 67th, and Capt. Buch, of the Royal En¬ gineers, all in the: command of corps or de¬ tachments on this memorable ferviee ; And 1 coiiiidcntly tmft that the bearer (;f thib dif- patch, Captain Hope, (to whom I refer your lordlhip for further details) ,vil) be promoted on being permitted to lay'the Eagle at his Majefly's feet. I have the honor to be, &c. THOMAS GRAHAM, Lieut* Gvn. P. 3. I beg le;.vC to ajd, that two Sp-i- ofiiceis, Captains Miiaida and Nfiu-^k- ton, attached to my Raff, behaved with the ctrnufl intrepidity, % G. id\ tfla dc Leonf March tOy^Sjj My Lord—-1 have ihe honor toUanfoj, to your lord/hip ihe retuin of the killed ar.d wounded in the ailion of the 5th inft, anjj have the fatisfatflion to add that the wounds in general are doing well. By the beft account that can be recolleft. eu from the wounded French officcra, the enemy bad about 8oco men engaged. Their lofs, by reports from Chiclana, in killed wounded and prifonere, is fuppofed to amount to 3000 ; I have no doubt of its being great, 1 tranfmit too a return of the ordnance in our poffeffion, and alfo the moft accurate note that can be obtained of prif aiers, moft of whom are wounded. They are fo difper. fed in different hofpitals, that an exaft return has not yet been obtained. I have the honor to be, Sec. TH : GRAHAM, Lt Gm. P. S. Detachments of cavalry and ii.fant. ry have been lately employed in carrying off the wounded, and burying the dead, till the evening of the 8th iuft. by which time all the enemy's wounded that could be found am>ng the brufhwood 3nd heath, were bf ought in. ■ Return of the nature and number of pieces of ordnance taken in the a&ion of Barro¬ fa, on the 5th of March, 1811. ( Two 7 inch howitzers, 3 heavy 8 ponnd- ers, one 4 pounder, with their am munition waggons, and a proportion of hoifes. j, D. DUNCAN, J Major Royal Artillery. Return of prifoners of war taken in the a&on of Barrofa, on the 5th of March. 1811. Twogeneial officers, 1 field officer, 9 cap¬ tains, 8 fub*ltcrns, 420 rank arid file. N. B. The General of Brigade, Roffcau, and two Captains fince dead of their rounds. JOHN MACDONALD, Dep. Adj. Gen, [Here fdlowsalift of the1 killed and wounded, making, we lament to fay> 0 total of 1243 2 FRENCH FJITN. Our readers will iccolleft an article io our late Liibon account?, wherein it was dated, that a Theatre had been ellablifted at San- tarcm,the head-quarters of Maffcna ; ard that at an entertainment prepared by the French commander in chief, cards of in vital ion were fent to loid Wellington, and the efficer* ot his army ; the following is laid to be the ai> fwer to thefe cards : * The t fficrrs of the fcntift any.y Yny,i^ prefeiice, be*g leave to obferve, w th th-^t frank no! 9 which diftared your polite inv:ti tion 10 partake of the amuf.mer.ts of your theatre-------that whilll French faith, and Jrtnch hofpitaliry continue to be violatedf0 the captivity of the Royal Family of Spain thty iliould not conf;dtr thcmfelvesfecurem trufling to affurances !efs facred, and confe* qutntly ieffi difficult to be overcome," --------- {Lon.pap. FRENCH PRESS, Pa pis, Feb. 3 —Yeftcrday his imperial and royal majefty iffued a decree relative to tiie ftjpprefied printers ; of which the fo). lowing arc the regulations : The printers retained in Paris are bound to purchafe tiie preffes of the fuppreffed printers ; they (hall pay for them according to the valuation which Ilia!I b: fet upon them within one year, arid by four inilalmentj. Each ol the retained printers fliaU pay one fixiietii of the total price of this purchafe. Immediately after the publication of this decree, fcals [hall be affixed on the types be- longing to the fuppreiTed printers They uw.y fell them, if tlrry pleafe, pro- vided tlicy ;ire fold only to licenfed printers and type founders. An indemnification null be paid to the fuppreffed printers by th >fe who are retained. This indemnification is fixed at the* rate of 4000 francs to every fupprerfed Printer. It fhall foim one general fund, which fhall be divided among the lupprtfied Piint- ers, in propoition to the extent and hufiocft of their printing eftabliflimtnt duly afccrlain- ed. For this purpofe the furpprcfTed Printer$ /liiill be divided into claffcs. Th's divifuin ir.to clalTes (hall be made, and the indemnification fi ted by a commif- fiou. Each of the 60 retained Printers (hall pay a hxticth of t!c fun. total lived fur thi indemnification due to the fuppreffed Print¬ ers. Every creditor cf the fuppreffed Printers may objeft to ihe amount of the purchafe- mnnry for the prefervation of hifl lights. The Commilfiou fhall r on fid cf the b"- fptrflor of the Inipciird Pufs who ftall prclide—of an Auditor of the Council tf Slate, of two Infpeclors of Book**, and l«'U Li*; en fed Pnn:crs. Auuilier Dciice of the fame date e'der*, lint Puntera1 LiVvncta ih»\] be delivered|o them on [ a.chmeut hv (lie Dinflor Cent¬ ral of the Pu-i . Tltc \-uVcuf iffuingllufc !wVf-r-.3 is fiv d if 50 friwiCfiffff J^W%*^ ^5 hkUK I v. the eUur citicj Ol the E«pll*