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Kingston Gazette, May 14, 1811, p. 3

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Iwctipi Intelligence. J'/,;, V ^4. -Ycfhrd;.y fc|s Majt % .if- Cifii*fv«?ral >tcm s lehuive to the Confcrip- tn.'i. *'v • •»<* of ; !u*m ^o,Ouo eonferi^ts of bv put in motion and dillrIbittcil 1 l h n:utment; of old France, 1V>1- a: *{.* iS 1 1 in !:»' fiJiiMi- 1 i' tin,..)!!!., ivc. 1 nc oiuer 40,000 .ta' Lw luu.. uu ivici^c. i ulcauy and Rome sec to Tin. '..*! , -.0 : confi iVdrii.mt, &C. The otlie ,}j _K-,Oj conlcr.pt s, PR OCL A MATION Qf Jewi&C Bonaparre to llwr Inhabitants of VVeftphaUa, oa ceding his Kingdom to thus Empcroi ot Fiance. Inhabitants of me Jr efphal'trtn Territory, incor- fn-ntid lu'ilh the Fn^ch Empire, Poli'ie.i! eirenmftances Invnig determined me, to cede yon to his Majetly the Emperor of the French, I release you from the oath of 6 dv lit hearts nty von are under to me. Should your nave known how to appreciate my con- ilant ef.brN fav your baopmefs:, the fweeteft w * ft lec^mpeine I can receive for them, will be, to fee you be.-.r to his Majciiy the Emperor and to rVar.ce, the fame love, the fame de¬ votion, and the lame fidelity of which I have had fo irvny proof-, particularly in the crit¬ ical rue mi Mr era of the pa ft year. My moft ardwiiS wHbe* are, and ever will be, to iee yon enjoy, under your new mailer, as pencil a baup'nrfs as your chnra&cr and *U ■ • • « . il(V4 ".4 loaned] JEROME NAPOLEON. M a$l:L*$th March. From the aurora. LATE FROM PORTUGAL. We have received files of Portuguefe and Wafc Gazettes down to the early part of «FJ)« and fome private advices of the mill- wry -fpc*6: cf things in that country ; from Watch we collect the following particulars, Principally deiived from an officer of the fr't'fft army at Lifbon, at the period of the Wfcture of tfca William P;nn. the head quarters of the Bntifh army, Jjder Lord Wellington, on the 4th of March, was at Cartaxo, near Villa Franca, «> the Tagus, 26 miles N. E. from Lifbon, "Jj ilivihon, the centre coudfling of 2 s*>ooo «tect:ve Briuih troop*, and two brigades of *»'* 'u-ad-qu.-'.fters of MarnSal Beresford, on the f:r.;e day, was at Chumako, 40 miles 5311 v;.- t \i ',: „.»v., <•„■,*,, «,-ul .-.ir„ -It* \eU of the Tag1', li£: force conliiling of 57,000 men, piim r*v-i I Poitr.g.icfe, Willi fome icjuadrons gfl)r|ir«u jrw.'.hv and artilieiy. The . It of the army under Gen. Prum- mend had its head •quarters at Torres Vedras, 2l3 mi!ej d\.e no th of Lifbon, and about io miles from the fca, commanding the lower load b t#eea Lifbon and Levira; the force confiding of 6000 Bruifh and 2000 Portu- guef., with fome auxiliary Spaniards. The head-quartets of the French comman¬ der ifl chief was at this time and on the eth March at Santarem, 22 miles N. E. of the Britifli head-quarters. The reconnoitring parties of the ri^ht wing under Gen. Bercsfard, had occalionally croiTvd to the rigttt lide of the Tagns, and had raale fome dcmonllrations on that fule, the poftion of Gen. B_resford being twenty miles above the French head-quarters ; but on the morning of the 5th March, it was found that the French had retired from this pofiti n, having left on their out polh a num¬ ber of uniformed effigies, as a deception ;— the next day, the 6th March, the divifion of Cen. Bedford croffed the Tagns, and form¬ ed a juniiion with the right of the divifion of Gen. Welled-v at Galaija. The Vvhole army wa$ now in pnrfuit of the French, who had made very lapid forced marchesi Santarem from its extent may be fuppofed to have contained about 15,000 in¬ habitants, but it now exhibited a heap of ru¬ in*—only about 5 or 6 houfes weie left hab- i:aUe, the rell without exception, unroofed and gutted, nor was there a door or window to be feen, fome had been confumed by fire, and ihe ruins were ft ill fmoking on the 9th. One church only efcaptd, the others Coffered in the general wreck, nor was there a parti¬ cle of provifious nor any thing of any value to be found. At. the pofjt'on of Sa'Uarem the two great roads united, the lower leads to Leyuafrom which it is about 37 miles diftant, in a di¬ rection l'omethin-r weft of north ; this is the load to Coimbra, over which both armies had travelled as far as Leyira, afier the battle of Bufaco—Coin.bra is diftant from Santarem flbovii- 80 miics. Tht other or main road, called the upper *M, paft^by French depot of provihons Iftd hofpituh at Thomar, which wa^ on the ?^ate river, nearly 20 mibs N- of Santarem. tl.epofitiun of Cen, B,re;-foidwa, below thecoaflu-nee of the Zraur* wiih theTagus and confcqmi.tly nr.c ace 1 the left of the ♦"ruich; and commanded the upper road Which leadg through. |he ftrong mo'-ntam country towards G-uard.i and Almeida, and Cmdad Rodngo, whicli have already been diftmgutflied by the military oPer;.fi0ns of the iame armies. The rear guard of the French was over¬ taken and fome <l<ii miming tool: place, in which there were fome lives loft and prifon- ers taken on both iide.;; the Britifh light in¬ fantry are reported as having fullered very feverely, but. they compelled the French to fly. On the 7th the main body of the Britifh halted waiting for the divifion from Torres Vedras to join, and that day pufiied their advance on to Coldas. The French had retired in three columns from Thomar ; and the Britifh light troops came up with their rear guard, and fcveral levere conHicts took place. On the 8th, the whole army was in mo¬ tion, and it was then fuppofed that theFrench had occupied the ftrong pulition at the Font de Murcella, and that they meant to make a ftand there. A great number of prifoners were made, compofed principally of perfons exhaufted by fatigue, and apparently much emaciated from want of food, and feveral de- ferters alfo came in-to the Britifh. On the 9th, the Biitifhanny was forced to halt for want of provifious ; the French having deftroyed every thing of that defcrip- tion on the whole line of their march, and for feveral miles on every fide. The French had not reached Coimhra on the 9th. On the 10th a dragoon oft he guards, who brought difpatches to an officer at Santarem dated that the advance of the Britifh had come in contact the preceding day with one of the French divifions, about a ftage dif- tance from Thomar, on the Abrantes road ; he faid the French had been taken fo much by furprife, that they were feen leaping from the windows of the houfes in which they had gone to reft. The Britifh infantry were un¬ der orders for forced marches fince the pnr¬ fuit began, and it was not doubted at that time that the whole body of the French would be compelled to fight. The divifion of Gen. Hill was pufned for¬ ward with great celerity, to intercept the French in the paflage of the river. In the Britifh army, the fudden retreat of the French was attributed to the defertion of KeUti Burke from the Britim, as he was fuppofed to have carried a ftatement oi the reinforcements that had lately arrived from England* Among the prifoners taken by the Britifn in their puriuit, were fome de- ierters from their own army. expiration of feveral days. This unqucftiona- bly gave the French commander [Victor] opportunity to procure reinforcements ; and we mentioned on the 10th, that Sebaftiani had a confiderahlc body of light troops and cavalry, in ^he vicinity of Honda, about 30 or 40 miles diftant, and which could fall on the right of the expedition. Several accounts make it certain that the expedition had en¬ countered the French near Chiclana, (a few miles eift of the ifle on which Cadiz ftands) and that the objedt of the expedition had wholly failed. Mr. Greene, of this town, from Algezi- ras, which he left 43 days fince, informs of a report current there and credited, that a but- tie had taken place between the Englifh, Spanifh and Portuguefe troops,& the French btfierriag- Cadiz :—That of the combined force, the Engliih confided of 3,500, the others not dated ; the French amounting to 8 or 9000 ;—That the battle commenced the 1 ft March, and ended the 3d, by the pen¬ etration of the remains ot the allied army through their oppofers to Cadiz. It was faid at Algeziras, that on the ift and 2d of March, the Engliih led the attacks, and vere warmly fupported by the Spaniards, were on Friday paid at MefTrs. Chrif!other, Idle, Brothers £y Co%s counting-houle, in Prince's Street, the following rewaids, viz. the Captain, icol. ; Firft Mate, col. ; Sec¬ ond Mate, 40I. ; feamen, 20I. each ; boys, I el. each ; and 50I. to the- mother of the apprentice that was killed in the action. ------- Lond. p. From the salem gazette. Extract of a letter from Provi(hnrey dated at I 1 o*clock Wednefday evening. " There is not a doubt, but Mr. Jones, the federal candidatefor governor, will he elected by a large majority, and all the fenate, and a large majority of rhe members of the alTem- blv will be federal likewife—making Rhode- Ifiand what fhe has not been for thefe 20 yeais, a complete federal date. This yon may depend upon-------the federal gain in 13 towns fince Auguft, is 200—when there was a federal majority of 200 in the fta'.e." A melon has been cut within thefe few day. in the garden of Mr. Thomas Taylor, of Norton, near Stockton ; the circumfer¬ ence one way mealured 36 inches, and" the other 23. It weighed 16 pounds and half an ounce. It was the largeft that was ever but that on the 3d the Spaniards having been grown in that neighborhood, and fuppofed permitted to lead in the aflault, were difcom- to be the largeft in England.—Lord. p. Cited and put to route by the French artille- -----— ry, and in their flight threw the Britjfh lines into diforder; and that the Briufli finding themfelves furrounded, cut their way thro' to Cadiz, with the lofs of 1500 men, the 28th regiment from Gibraltar being entirely deftroyed.-------The French and Spanifii lofs had not been afcertained. The French lofs was eftimated at 5000 men. Mr. Greene A Dublin paper contain?? the following pa¬ ragraph ; Yefterday Mr. Kenney, returning to town fell down and broke his neck, buth.ip- pily rccived no further damage. A vefTel from India brings a report of t! ath of the king of Travencore, poifoued t he dby underftood that part of the Britifn troops proceeded from Gibraltar, and were joined by the other parts of the expedition at Al¬ geziras.—Our former accounts dated that the expedition was to be joined by troops from Algezira3, and the firing heard at Ca¬ diz the 2d March was conjectured to have been in the battle. d his prime minifter. —o-f-o Port of Qjjf.bf.c...April 27. Arrived—Thetis, Davis, from Liverpool, failed 15th March, to Tappan & Sewall, of Montreal, general cargo.—Hero, Stephen- fon, 30 days from London, to Mure & Jo!- liffc, ballad—Paficngers ten carpenters for Meffrs. Linthorne & [ollifte. FROM THE UNITED STATES MAR RIE D, c The army of Ge\i. fteresforo having a- bandoned trie left iu\e of the Tagu,s, great. numbers of people i\om that fide croffed over and fougln refuge in the ruins of Santarem. On j-afiing up the: Tagus after the evacu¬ ation of the lines by the Britifli army, the line cf defence is fccu without difficulty, and there is one deep hi gad entrenchment from the Tardus to Torres Vedras, and thence to the fea ; in the rear \>f which works the molt formidable are erected at every point. The operations thence to the 7th April, we have received no minutes of, further than that on that date the Britifh head-quarters were at Thomar on Uie Zezare ; the former depot of the Frenel, ; and that the French head-quarters was at Coimbra, near 60 milts apart. New Yop.k, April 23.—A letter from Norfolk, of the 17U1 inlt. fays, " A good deal of indignation had been excited againft a noted French privateer, which was fitting out here, whofe captain had threatened dep- icdations on American commerce, and had been guilty of many—and it had been alledg- ed that die was waiting for the St.Cuthberc. Our uneafip.efi on that head was removed the night before lnft, by fome pcrlon, (un¬ known) going on board of her and letting fire to her, when die was entirely deftroyed, though not without expofing other (hipping to imminent danger." At York, Mr. 'Robert Hetiderftm to Mils Elizaleth Hunter j both of that place. DIED, At Hope, niih <he i'ma^-pox, Mrs. Su- far.nah Hn'jullns, wife of Mr. James H. li\ £ngland, Henry nope, Elq. a native of Quebec, bom in 17J6, and died worth a million fterlir)c\ o Near Liverpool, John Jafpcr : having do- Vn a d»-«d f'.t .' vTw» disced if tlQWl S«*c N-.-!- throwing tiic Jmid legs with the dick which pad'eJ through them over His head, & while making off [topped to red himfelf by lodg¬ ing the carcafc on tlie balluftrade cf a bridge, when the p«*g dipping down the outfide of tgrThe N. York Evening Poft *< ft"»^' ?'f> fe ^f^ **mtij L-^- , . ° became a haltei torthetru.t, on toe inner fays three French privateers are re¬ fitting and victualling in that port for a cruize !] fide, and he was found in the morning thus hung, and dead. At CJnebec, Mrs. Catharine Wilf.m, aged , wife of Thomas Wiiion, Efq. ■ The following cold, cautious and hefi- tating paragraph, is all that the National Intelligencer has yet dared to utter refpecting the late news from France.—Com. Adrot. '* The verbal news from France, which will be found under the Philadelphia head in The 41 h regiment 0f infantry which had tnis PaPer» P^fents a gloomy appearance, but juft arrived from E|lrrland had ioined fren ^oes not a?Pear in ^uch a form as to enable ■ - us to alcertam its bearing with preciuon. A few days will probably afford information to enable us to indue conclufively on the fub- ■ Jo ' ]c<°t ; until that time, it would be prudent to iulpend our judgment." 37 Kingston, 13th May, iSti. Beresford*s divifion, and the 2d regiment had joined Lord Wellington's divifion. The following two paragraphs we copy lit¬ erally from the minute* of a Britifh officer— fi The appearance cf the French prifoners fufficiently fhew the fituation they muft have been in from want »>f prOvifions, quite ema¬ ciated, and broken down with hunger and NOTICE is hereby given, That a quantity of damaged FLOUli, PORK and PEASE, will he fold at PUB¬ LIC AUCTION, at the King's Stores be¬ low Mr. Carty/right's houfe, on Thurs¬ day the ic*.h inftantj at Ons o'clock P. M. JOHNDARLEY, Au8wmer. o atigue. " It was fnggefteij, that Maffena's garrie is to draw our force§ from Lifbon as far as poflible to enable Soult,who is coming from the neighborhood of Cadiz with a ftrong force to join Morttefir, order to take pofief- fion of the Province 0f Alentejo, and again bring the war as neat the capital a6 poflible." Such is the account of the advices to the 7 th of April, fi orn tlw armies. A veffel was to fail in thiee day8 after the Wm. Penn, float Lifbon for Philadelphia, which may perhaps bring later advices : the diftance of the head-quarters of fhe two armies, however, does not indicate anjr very fpeedy movement. ^ War Operations near Cadfe. Boston, April 27^—The public has been apprized that an expedition confiding of Englifh and Spaj,;fli troops, and two or three battallions of portugnefe, had failed from Cadiz for the avowed purpofe of at¬ tacking the rear of tjlC French line of inveft- ments, and compelling them to iaiie the ficge of that city. ;rhe Englifh part of the force, amounting to about 3000, weie land¬ ed about the 26th ot February, near Alge- ziias ; but the Spai)|ardi being unable then to land, were compelled to return to Cadiz, and did not join the Euglilb until after the We are authorifed to date that Mr. Pink- ney would not fail from England before the firft week in April. Mr. Fofter wastoiail Ap for the United States about the fame time. F 0 U N L\ N the public highway in rhe towofhip of Ofuabruch a* certain note of band ii icnr-d by jo 1; s M u x. E. The 0w, \e can have the fame,by proving property, pay in.r cods, and applying to the fubferiber in Ofuabruch. ASAHEL GEHALD" &th Mas-, 1S11. KINGSTON : Tuesday, Mat 14, 1811. A BREAST PIN FOUND, At the latcft London dates, (March 17) the bulletins of the King's health continued to be favourable, and fome of the prints fup¬ pofed to be particularly devoted to the in- terefts of hia Roval Hiffhnefs the Prince Re- gent, have prepared the public for the fpetdy refumption of the regal authority by his Ma- The Britifh officers m England who hold dations in the Britifn American colonies had been ordered to repair to their pofts; and fome changes of thofe officers were contem¬ plated. A powerful naval expedition, under an able officer [Saumares;] was on the point of failing from England for the Baltic ; a*.d the commercial relations between Great-Britain and the North, appeared to be ameliorating. Our readers will feel equally gratified with onrfelves on being informed, that the crew of the Cumberland, who fo gallantly beat off four French privateers, as dated in a former paper, have been ha.idf.rniely rewarded by the underwriters and owners of the jhin, and A FEW days fince, in Kintrllo.i, which the owner can obtain by defcribiug ..... • « it and paying for thla advcru..mcnt to the Printer. Apply May 1 -f FOR ML£ A? THIS OFFICE; Blank Bills cf Exchange, _____Half Pay Bills --------Bills of Lading, j-------Note Books, — Summonles for Court of Requed*,<c.'e. "ten'dollars reward." ABSCONDED from Leeds, on the ~ l 25th of Apia \n!i. Jo as BESTL&r,almt 28 years ofajc, itrtjfedin blut bmcjptm ciotl ninth a ft raw hat ; bn wife oa-va^ bhtch •>-, and two frail children, <u>Lb wtifc bar, ^••- zuith him, m ajhijf about twentypet long, --- toWW t9 ihefrfriier. He <»* Ujl &U> , ; m%nc/l Tsvin, and will prolubiy Jfy *>; Whoever '■■'■'H lt:jl" ' in j->> i*(j Turk or Niagara. , . i'jthffubfcriber^hct he mj h -^-j, : L- % '" ' hall r.;e'i'Jt ilx abuve itw,:r.L fca j *;------ v. -

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