* - s "V\T #\~ -s Y ,* fl|V" » ~-*p ff» "fl> -a .VV" Ati .»t* A* P O E T R Y. FROM THE BOX* SPRING. HARK ! 'twas the murmMng of yon gurgling rill, S^nvx'd with the freeze as defending yon hilly 'Twas the voice of Iweec mufic that iteals from the grov.-, The greeting of birds snd the echoes at love, Thjt fcrftgave me notice a Goddefs «ras near, T* txp' I from his throne the tyrant o1 the year ; To g:ve place to the Z-phyrs and Graces to reign. To new-deck the fields and enliven the plain. With eyes fili'd with pleasure I gazM on the fcene, for Flop a already had iripp'd o'er the green , Had fl.cw'd from \>cr baiket the flowVs of May, 1 As ibt fped o%ei the hills and thrV vallies away, ( All N-itareiVera'd pleas'd, tor ihc I'mii'd and look'd -And Cer e h.j fcfcsjeftic, too glides o'er the n 'Id, To defcry what in future her h^r efts would yield ; ;>*' f >kt 's her mien and majeitic's her air, $hp. gives bi th to new h^pes, and death to defpairv la the rcat mo.es a Gxidi-f* with fuch briiiiancr and grace, So majrftic's hei form, wi.h fu<"h charms in her face., So tacfefl vAI her robe as ir wav'd in 'he breez*, H r depoitmcnt (o gentle, fo weli form'd to pleafe, That no one could doubt her delcent from above, That her emnd was Spring, & ts charms C improve t With the riirt of all pleafur-s, tt4e pJcafarfiS of love* * And now I look round me Vm Joft in furprife, To fee Nature fo chang%d, and new beaut.ei arife— When I walk in the fields a carpet of green She extends all around me to enliven the fcene ; The tiees too in liv'ry are drefs'd out (o gay, Th-* r foliage fo pleafe me as onward I ftray, Tuat with emotions moft pleating I exclaim to myfelf Is ihe*e one who's fo fordid, or fa wrapt in pelf, As nor to enjoy the beauties of Spring, I pity the wretch, whether peafant or king ; A winter eternal mull reign in his bread, With friendihip nor love can he ever be bleft : The d^rknefs of night muft envelope his mind, Nor happinefs, peace, nor content will he find, STREPHON. bciicving the calamity to be a di¬ rect visitation of fome vengeful de¬ ity, and not choofing to furvive the lots of their property, precipi¬ tated thcrnfelves into the flames. At the date of thefe letters the con¬ flagration had continued with un- abatinff ficrcenefs for five weeks, and from the vaft area in which the body of fire lay, together with the contiguity of other forefts, the deitruction of half the kingdom appeared inevitable.—N+ T. p. LATE OMISSIONS. r.. From a L ondon paper of Jan. 7. An inqueft was held on Friday fc'nnfgbt, i-i GbfbertQn fen, Lincolnlhire, on the body 01 Matthew Slator,. a laboring man, whofe death vras occasioned by partaking of fome c?:ke on the preceding VVcdnc-fday, at the ii'.-uk- or a ihepherd named Vellum, in which a quantity of mercury had been accidentally mved. The cirenmitances connected with ttii* event are particularly diilrefling. It ap¬ peared in evidence before the coroner, th.tt fome mercmy was brought to the fliepherd'a houie at Michaelmas to mix with feed wheat, and that a coiifiderafole part of thepoifon re- in?,ined,\vbieh Vellum was defired todelboy. rhis caution was unfortunately not attended 6 : i-rid a:>oul a month iince the lheplierd's \y\t^y in order to deftroy vermin, put a hand¬ ful of mercury, and the like portion of flour, On a plate n\ the dairy, without mentioning the circumftance to any one. On Sunday her mother and lifter, who were engaged in cleaning the dairy, fuppofing that the plate contained flour only, emptied its contents in¬ to a puncheon of flour. On Wednelday iome neighbors, about eight in number,were invited by Vellum and his wife to fpend a Ciniftmas evening with them ; and feveral cakes were made for the occafion, of which th.- party prefent partook. Soon after, they were all kized with violent pains and fick- iicfs, and on inquiry into the probable caufc> the circumrtances above related were explain¬ ed. Fortunately one of the party had tfrength left to inform a neighbor of thei iituation, who went to procure medical aid J^jJ as the diftance was 4 miles, the night e tivmely da-k, and the roads bad, it was m night before an apothecary from Gofbcr aiT-ved. He found the poor people in r u:iV. i-n the molt forlorn and miferahle ; tfeer file nor candle at hand, at lead } mile from any lioufe. Slator had expi hour before the apothecary arrived, f others were ltretched en the floor ne lifclets Rate, In the courfe of a fe howevei, he had the fatisfadion f bri-g them about as to entertain their recovery ; and they all, mother of the ftiepherd, are now to be out of danger. Vellum been a iuff.rer by hiSDegUgerte time previous two of his pigs quence of feme of the mercur accidentally mixed with their To prevent Crov.-s from pntHtig up Corn. Take train oil, brhrjlonc^ end gun« powder^ pound the t-ii'i latter articles fine, mist them well, &m I dip into them linen rags, which may be fufpended by a thread from polei about Jix feet high at ten rods drj] ance from each other, quite over ymi r corn fields. The crows will not conv? near them. This method is j aid tc I >e much p rati fed in England, and w Uh the defired eft eft. To deuroy £ «ple Tree Worms. Make a fir) ng foapfals^ break the veft of fs&Nift 5 and pour thefe fidV quite hot upon them ; or force it into the nefi ivitiy a common fquiri gun. Another.- into J"pints of turpentine, c end of a pole, and with U tear the \c forms9 nejl in pioces. Dip a ra\ f I fieri it to ih rr ■ o A late N'or th. Carolina paper contains an advertifemer.t ()f a runaway Have, figned by Robert KcS-n egay, who Rates that he is le¬ gally outlaw* fd, and often one hundred dol¬ lars reward t t> a,vy period who will KILL him, or (i'f':\ dollars for delivering: him to his It ■ * nail er or 1 o'dging him in jail ! ! chamr fallen and t 1 VENTRILOQUISM. Thefotim /itly anecdote of a famous Ventrihnu'ili is given in ihe Encyclopedia. v 3UIS BRABANT,valet de ;re to Francis the Firft, had deiperutely in love v/ith a rich eautiiui htiireis ; but was re- jecle^ [ \yy t]ie parents as an unfuita- UiC * natch for their daughter, on accc >unt of the lownefs of his cir- Cl}v .]fiances.—The young lady's *af ner dying, he made a vifit to the VvJ dow, who was totally ignorant of • ' - - y b o i (late that the was, through from India foreft of Ime-bdar the negligence of fo me woodcut¬ ter-., who had kind jecj a firc at the root of feveral Mr y trees, in a Hate or coniligration ii i t] of June/ The tc refl was 65Vute in length, and 5 3 in brcadth ^ fuch was t,ic»c,wer of the flumes, ataed by the te gh wind, that maff! ■:■ of burning - lVOod weighi0„ half a ton, were carried through the villages ntbe^ f my -•.v(-n- dettroyed. Manv of ti j--r. ...Kile <il!U KloJ.iir,),.. his fmgular talent. Suddenly, n his firft appearance, in open day n her own houfc, and in the pre¬ tence of feveral perfons who were with her, ilie heard herfelf accoft- ed, in a voice perfectly refembling that of her hufband, and which feemed to proceed from above, exclaiming,^"Give my daughter in marriage to Louis Brabant: He is a man of great fortune and an ex¬ cellent character. I now endure •the inexpreflible torments of pur¬ gatory, for having refufed her to him. If you obey this admonition, I fhall foon be delivered from this place of torment. You will at the fame time provide a worthy huf¬ band for your daughter, and pro¬ cure cverlafting repofe to the foul of your hufband/* 4 The widow could not for a mo¬ ment refill this dread fummons, which had not the moft diftant ap¬ pearance of coming from Louis Brabant ; whofe countenance ex¬ hibited no viiible change, k whofe Hds were clofe and motionlefs dur- ing the delivery of it. Accordingly fhe confented to receive him im¬ mediately for her fon-in-law. Lou¬ ie early part is's finances-, however, were low ; r i X- .id- ■ ton ifit- nei- lalf a .red an I md the arlyin a w hours, o far to hopes of except the confidered had before e ; as a fhort died in confe- y having been food. haunted by remorfe of confeience on account of the manner in which he had acquired it. Having contrafted an intimate acquaintance with this man, he, one day while the^ were fitting together in the ufurer's little back parlour, artfully turned the con¬ versation on religious fubjects, on demons and fpeclres, the pains of purgatory, and the torments of hell. During an interval of filence between them, a voice was heard, which to the aftoniQied banker feemed to be that of his deceafed father, complaining as in the for¬ mer cafe, of his dreadful fituation in purgatory, and calling upon him to deliver him inftantly from thence, by putting into the hands of Louis Brabant, a large fum for the redemption of chriftians then in ilavery with the Turks ; threat¬ ening- him at the fame time with eternal damnation if he did not take this method likewife to expi¬ ate his own fins. The reader will ■ naturally luppofe that Louis Bra¬ bant affected a due decree of afton- ifhment on the occafion ; and fur¬ ther to promote the deception ac¬ knowledged that he had devoted himfelf to the profecution of the charitable delign imputed to him by the ghofh The fafpicious, wary banker made a fecond appointment with the gholFs delegate for the next day 5 and, to render any de- fign of impofing upon him utterly abortive, took him into the open fields where no houfe, tree, or bufh was to be feen. This caufed the Ventriloquifl to exert all his arts. But wherever the banker conduct¬ ed him, at every flep his ears were affailed on all fides with the groans and complaints not only of his fa¬ ther, but of all his deceased refa- tions, imploring him for the love of God, and in the name of every faint in the calendar, to have mer¬ cy on his own foul and theirs, by effectually fecondingthe intentions of his worthy companion. Cornu could no longer relift the voice of Heaven, and accordingly carried his gueft home with him and paid him down 10,000 crowns ; with which the honeft Ventriloquifl re¬ turned to Paris and married his miftrefs. But the poor ufurer, when the iuipofiuon was difcover- ed, was fo much affected by the lofs of his lnoney and the railleries of his neighbors, that he took to- his bed and died/' nd the formalities attending the marriage contract rendered it ne- for fom ceifrry ihow oi riches, and not togivethe gholt the liedirecl. He according¬ ly went to work upon a frefh fub- jecl, one Cornu, an old rich ban¬ ker atLyons,who had accumulated immenfe wealth by uiury and ex¬ tortion, and who was known to W Such an art as that of which Louis Bra¬ bant was poffefied (and not he alone, for fev¬ eral others h?ve been matters of the fame) ought to be ui'iverfally known ; but it is a happy eirc»inftaiiG€ l^at ^° f£W are aDle to practice it. Many would, like Brabant, make it fubfevvient to ftllifh viev/s, and in¬ jure others to gratify themfclves. SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Difb'tf, \ D? virtue of a Writ to wit : i of Fieri Facias, if- fued out of his Mqjefif* Court of King's Bench, at the foil of\B?yjn Cra^cford. ofthe towtfhip of Richmond, ^/;/«->>'» Ogakfi the lands and tenements of 'JO§cron Pkindlf, of the Unmjbip of Frederick/lntrgVt $x*mwy to me dlreBtd ; I havefei-zed anata^en in execution'-r as belonging to the faid Dotl™■"Prindle, the eajl half of tot No. 3 in the fecund concefjhn ofthe iozim/hip of Fredericljlurglh C&ttt&insng by admt>afitrctir.::i One hundred aeV'h hs the fame mors or lefs. I do hereby gh& *?&& that the above mentioned lot of iatidy with the appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will b- fold and adjudged to the high-f bidder, at try otj-^ '« tht to<:un of Kingston, on Monday the il** ^y of July next, at the hour tf ten o'clocl- i^heforenoon—at ivhich time raid place tie conditions offals noil' be made known. CI/JULES STUART, Sheriff. /In I hieiyferfon or pi fans Living claims on the above dsfcr/h'd let of land, by mortgage or other right cr Wumbranee, are hereby advcrlifd to give notice P> the faidJheriff, at his office in thetonun of k'i-g*too,previous to thef.de thereof. Sheriff'] Oji&i ly.hNov. 1810. $tj ROMEO WADSWORTH, I Has received by the late arrivals from London ' and Liverpool, a frefh fupply of : Drugs & Medicint*; Which he offers for fale on better tern., than they ever have been fold in thia country, simorg which are the foUtwing ait'uUs; z Tons AHum jo? Jb. Antimony crude Arnatto Aloes Aquafortis Nitte Fortis Gum Camphor Caritharidcs Caifia Cloves 3 Tons Copperas 200 lb. Crem Tartar 30CO lb. Flor Sulphur 5° " 1 o - 300 - 100 - 100 • 400 - 200 • 300 - 50 - 50 - 100 .. 75 - 50 - 40 - 15 - 30 _ 60 - 2& - 30 ^ 20 - Flor Chamomile Fol Digitalis Gum Ammoniac Gum Arabic Gum Afl'jfcctida Gum Benzoin i Gum Elemi Gum Galbanum Gum Guaicum - GottGamb. Gum Juniper Gum Seed Lac Gum {hell Lac '5 - 112 - 50 - 5 - 2CO - ISO - 100 - 50 - 200 - 100 - 112 - ICO - 75 - 30 lb. Gum Myrrh Gum Scammont, [ Aleppo Jl Gum Thus GumTragacanth Mace 1 Magnefia , Manna A Nutmegi Opiuhn Peruvian Bay Jalap j PowderM Rhubarb Sago in grain do. in powder 3 Tons Glauber Salts 75 lb. Spermaceti! 60 - Tartar Emetic 25 - Soluhil 30 - Vitriol 56 - Tapioca 30 - Vermacilla 300 - Vitriol Roman 56 - do. Alb. 3000 - Salt Petre 300 - Pearl Barley " Gum Mallic PATENT MEDICINES. Anderfon's Pills Balfam of Honey Ba!fam or" Gilead Batcnun'a Drops i>oitock*s Elixir B Aden's Idue Plaifter Britfh Oil Cephalic Snuff Cm Plainer Court tricking Plaifter 'DatTy-sEl x.r Dtlny'i Carminative liari's Remeoy fiw the Hooping CoMgh Ellence Coltsforit Do. Pepfierroint Do. P nnyroyal Effcaiial fait of Lemon D.'» do. Vinegar COLORS. Bloc, Bl:>ck White Chalk - RcJ OO. Carmine Flake White Frankfort Black Indian Red Glaties Magnefia Godfrey's Coidial Gowland'a Lotion Hooper's Pills James* Analeptic Pills do- FeverPowdcr Jefuit's Drops L'quid true Blue do. Nat.kten Dye LoiengcsTolu Magnefia Lozengei Ormlkak Mtduine Rcrtued Liquorice f Stteis's Opodeldoc Stoughton's Elixir Tinft. Bark, Huxhem's Turlington's Balfaro Eflcnce oi MolUid Indian Ink Ivory Black Lamp Black Elf. Anchovies (Quince faucc Sauce Royal *C.tv j'vnr Litluige Yeliuw Ochre PtufliaiJ Blue, No. li»: Role Pmk. Pumice Stont R.ittcn uo. SpjnHh Brown Vci million Spanifli White SAUCES. Cherokee Sauce India Soy Mulhroom Ketchup SUNDRIES. and Apothecary fcales weights Camel-hair Pencils Gallypota in forts Gold leaf Ivory Syringes Lozenges Peppermint Pewter fytinget Teeth Brufhca Vial Corks Bottle do. Wafers, fuperfine Wax> fealing l*upe?6nc -do. for Wine PatentCom p. Mortars White lea;hcr Skins Pewter Ounce Mcalures .Windier foa-p A L S 0, loo Kegs White lead. Chocolate ground Spermacciti C3f|d)et 150 do. Spanlfh brown do. do. Oil 50 Oreen do, Cafk Raifins 50 Yellow j 50 Black Box do. 200 bi xes Window Glafs Figs, Olive Oil afT^rted, 6X8, 7X9, Currants, Almonds 8X10, 7{X8{. Wr^>f>ing & Writing A general affortBient of per sfiorted rtiop fuinitore, vials af. Mefs Zz Prime Pork forced, a variety of fur- Piug & Pigtail Tobacco gcon'i ir.itruine.-its. Pepper, Allfpice Coffee, Loaf fugar TEAS. Together with a Generi AfTorcm. of DvestAff, Press Papers, Ten- *, ter Hooks, &c. &c. &c. 1 ACKS ON HAND, Gunpowder, Hy fon, Young Hyfon9 HyfVn ikin, Hyfon Chulan, Souchong, ^ *^* Commission Business traitfa& on the ufual terms, and Cafli advanced on an kind ofProdute and other property left wit him. Montreal, Sept. 15, 1810. * / I* BAGG 'd HAGAR, H AVE juft received from London, and offer for fale, at their Hat Store & Factory, No. j 00 St. Paul Street^ Montreal, next, doorfouibof Afeffrs. Bellow;, Gates & Co. A General Alforrment oi Gentlemen's fine Beaver Hats j frlk Water Proof, Leghorn and Willowdo.; Ladies and Childrenfs beaver and flfraw Bonnets,of the latcft falhions and beft quality. Alio, Military Icuaiug Hau> elcgantlj trimmed j Hat Trimmings, i &C.&C. which wer« imported upon as good terms, and wui be fold as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in the country. They have alfo a variety of Hats of their own male?, ivhich they ife willing to warrant to be a* durable us any ever offered for fale in Canada. Ok of.R3 from the cruntrv thinkfully rccr ftiidly attended to. %* CASH f aid for FURS Montr zal, Nov. 20, 1810. 10 ivfd ani URS. orf i»P Writing and Wrap¬ ping Paper for fak at this Office. 't ._: _' P I' I N T F O -\ N l» )' tj H !.|s'Hrn Bv CHARLES KENT1)ALL. By whom Siibfrriplious antAdverlifmtfs fir this Paper tvM be received, and Orders for Printing promptly perftimeil.